It is once again time for the news. It is how we all get most of our day to day information, after all. Focused intently on a glowing screen, we often cluck our tongues and shake our heads at the tragedies that we see on this media program day in and day out unfold. However, its a tad comforting, isnt it that all the horrors in the world are going on and you are still safe and secure at home, or in the bar, or even at work. (slacker!).
Regardless, thats the time it is and a typically attractive female thanks the anchors who just handed the show off to her and begins her own breaking story
was shocked today when they learned that The Sly Fox, well loved Hero of the City here, chose to actively hold a press conference to address the recent allegations. Is The Savage Fox related to him in anyway? Was he at all involved on the attack of the New Porter building that left it in crumbles? Is The Nemesis Council truly a force in the Isles that we should all fear? Hopefully we will find out these answers today.
The young reporter in the pink power suit reaches a hand up to her ear in the traditional oh my I have BREAKING news gesture and continues.
I have just been informed now, Bob, that The Sly Fox is making his way to the podium he should beThere he is!
The camera jarringly spins from the reporter in an impressive display of live TV. Zooming in over the heads of the gathered assembly, we see that the city halls traditional backdrop behind the Podium has been replaced with the logo of Fox Enterprises the outline of a Fox head, read, over a white circle.
Behind the podium, a fairly familiar countenance smiles winningly at the camera. Dressed in tight fitting but well tapered robes, and a cape the flows from his shoulders like red silk, the man adjusts his wide brimmed hat, and looks directly at the camera you could, in fact, be looking through. His teeth are bright white, his eyes deep blue, and his expression is one of great humility, touched by a penchant for flashiness.
Sylvester Frank Trotter, a.k.a. The Sly Fox, raises his hands for silence. Flashbulbs from photo cameras continue to go off around him. The lights are bright and flaring. The man couldnt look more at home
Citizens of Paragon, its great to see you, as always. I would have called this conference sooner, but youll have to forgive me. They seemed to have misplaced my luggage and when the Homeland Security representative you have to get through it 8 feet tall and made of granite, you have to take your time, He says, making the traditional hand quotes.
The effect is instant, the entire Press Core chuckles. Yup, thats the Fox they all know and love. Perhaps there might be one man who isnt laughing but well come back to him later. The affable hero continues, putting on his serious face.
Im sure you all know why Im here tonight. One Savage Fox. The name brings mumblings among the gathered assembly, and Sly raises his white gloved hand for silence again. Now now, with all the villains running about lately, especially with Lord Recluses raid of the Zig, its not very sporting to give one name any added media time. The man's smile calms the crowd, and reminds them hes on their side. However, this individual seems to have taken it into his head to make you all doubt me.
At this a general outcry is made and reporters and observers alike attempt to reaffirm their faith in their favorite mage, but Sly only raises his hands again, No, listen. I know its true. We live in troubled times. A betrayer to our fair city would leave us with dire consequences. That being said, let me assure you that this Savage Fox of The Nemesis Council is a phony. A lie. A cheap imitation. Why, he uses his FISTS to get the job done! A slight chuckle here has the audience joining in all too eagerly.
It might be interesting to the watchful eye that the Sly Fox seems to glow with uncanny light its probably just his magus way and yet anyone who looks on the man now, be it one in his physical proximity, or even a TV viewer such as yourself might, in fact, be compelled to trust him with their lives.
There is still perhaps one man in the throng who does not share this view and wears a certain amulet to guard against it. But again, more on him later.
I assure you, Longbow, MAGI, and myself are working diligently to uncover this imposters true identity. And, friends, the red robed blood mage takes this moment to place both hands firmly on the podium and seems to look EVERYONE in the eye, despite the harsh glare of lights. Finally, he is at the camera again, his masked face under the hat barely noticeable when combined with that penetrating blue eyed stare. I ask you, do you really believe I could ever be associated with an organization bent on super powered supremacy? Im human, just like you. The Nemesis Council is seeking to establish control over all of you. Oh they claim to fight for all supers rights, but when it comes down to it, they call humans mundane. Mundane! I ask you when have I ever been mundane? A warm chuckle is enjoyed after this remark by the group.
Therefore, rest assured the situation is well in hand. I will deal with this Savage Fox personally. And The Nemesis Council as well. While I have no fears in regards to either I take it as a serious issue. If you or anyone you know has any information regarding this impostor, or this Council he serves, call the number at the bottom of your screen.
At this moment a number does, in fact, flash.
Now, if there are no questions at this time, I leave you with-
Mr. Trotter. A voice says from the back of the crowd. Lights go up on the assembled, and the camera pans away from Sly Foxs slightly bemused and what appears to be slight surprised expression. A dark haired man is seen, wearing the typical Press ID. He continues before anyone gives him a replay.
Steve Montgomery, Perez Park Press. I have a question. I wonder perhaps if you would care to address the fact that The Savage Fox has been seen recruiting for The Nemesis Council in the Isles, and that he always seems to make public appearances there when you are away. Furthermore, MAGI has claimed that on his own raids of Paragon, his magical essence signature matches yours exactly. Care to comment on this?
The brief silence might seem to last a century, and Sly Foxs face is entirely blank. Is there doubt in the audience why does one of their own accuse their beloved hero so strongly?
The silence, in fact, only lasts a second, before the Blood Mage grins and shakes his head, chuckling extremely warmly, Ah Mr. Montgomery. I, of course, know all about MAGIs findings. You forgot to mention, perhaps, that one of their top Seers also stated that such an essence could easily be mimicked? Furthermore, do you really think Id give up a week or three in Italy, or France, to REALLY be running around the Rogue Isles cavorting in filth with the escaped convicts that habit the area now? I dont think so after all, where would my image be then? He flashes his smile warmly and the entire public, those at home and those surrounding the warded man, burst out laughing. The mage raises his hands, grinning all the while.
Rest assurd, I understand your concerns for such allegations. As Ive said, they are all being addressed. However I ask you get your facts straight, Mr. Montgomery, before you make such wild remarks. This isnt Jerry Springer, after all. Another laugh, and the man with the hidden amulet quietly leaves, obviously defeated.
The Sly Fox smiles at the camera once again, as the laughter dies down, As I was saying, friends, I leave you with the hope that one day there will be an end to suspicion an end to prejudice. One day there will be no war, and we can all sleep securely in out beds, thankful that those in power watch over us all, and protect us to no end. I leave you with this hope. In our lifetime, peace will be achieved.
The entire core then jumps up yelling questions they hope the mage might answer now, but they are, of course, all trivial celebrity questions. Amidst the cheers and calls The Sly Fox, Hero of the City, waves to everyone, and steps from the podium flanked by his security detail.
And that, as we can see, is Mr. Charming. The Sly Fox. I sure would like to get HIS number, wouldnt you Lisa? The reporter jests into the camera as the feed switches back to the anchor room but we leave this viewpoint for now, as it is not as interesting as some others.
What might be interesting is the fact that Sly, when unseen and getting into his limo, makes a certain call within his head. What might be interesting is that the man with the amulet, getting into his own car angrily, now has two men shadowing him. Two men, in fact, who seem made of shadow, with glowing red eyes. What might be even MORE interesting, in fact, is that the last closing words of Slys speech could honestly be taken many different ways.
Imperator, The blood mage thinks in his brain to his leader, ripping his hat off and tossing it in the far corner of the limo, The plan went superbly. They were, of course, entirely all fooled and reassured. Then again, they are only Mundanes, after all
The Archmage then peels his red mask off, his red-blond hair ruffled by this, which he fixes slightly in a mirror set up in the limo. The red fishhook tattoo under his right eye seems to glow slightly. He takes out a small PDA, with a scorpion on the back as a decal, and continues his report to his master, after a few questions from the man.
No, Imperator, merely a slight unavoidable annoyance. Do not worry, Mr. Montgomery will be handled.
With a small smile on his face, Sylvester Trotter, man of MANY Aliases, leans back to discuss other matters that involve the Senate of the The Council, as the limo drives along to a secret location, where it can later be smuggled onto a ferry
Peace might be achieved after all through many different means
(( The Nemesis Council is a heavy RP Villain Group looking for recruits. I, player of the Sly Fox, have been a LONG time community member here, and I love this Roleplaying community more than any I have ever been a part of. Its why I keep coming back. If you wish to know more about the Council, you may contact me in game on my villain nom de plume, Savage Fox. Or, for even MORE information, check out our website HERE . You can even post an application and I or another Senator of The Council will get to you.
We are a wonderful group, devoted to fun, maturity, respect of each other, and the certain glee that comes from playing the bad guy. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you who might be looking for a good RP-based Villain Group. Not only are we one of the best, in my humble opinion, but The Nemesis Council has existed since City of Heroes FIRST came out and we have finally come into our own. It is, in fact, one of the longest existing Villain Groups out there
If you dont think your character wishes to join, there are still possibilities for RP as well. We are open to almost anything. Give me a holler, be it IC or OOC. Well be waiting
Other contacts in game include: Dark Queen of Decay, Perfect Ariel, Dr. Nemesis (yes, himself!) ))
It is once again time for the news. It is how we all get most of our day to day information, after all. Focused intently on a glowing screen, we often cluck our tongues and shake our heads at the tragedies that we see on this media program day in and day out unfold. However, its a tad comforting, isnt it that all the horrors in the world are going on and you are still safe and secure at home, or in the bar, or even at work. (slacker!).
Regardless, thats the time it is and a typically attractive female thanks the anchors who just handed the show off to her and begins her own breaking story
was shocked today when they learned that The Sly Fox, well loved Hero of the City here, chose to actively hold a press conference to address the recent allegations. Is The Savage Fox related to him in anyway? Was he at all involved on the attack of the New Porter building that left it in crumbles? Is The Nemesis Council truly a force in the Isles that we should all fear? Hopefully we will find out these answers today.
The young reporter in the pink power suit reaches a hand up to her ear in the traditional oh my I have BREAKING news gesture and continues.
I have just been informed now, Bob, that The Sly Fox is making his way to the podium he should beThere he is!
The camera jarringly spins from the reporter in an impressive display of live TV. Zooming in over the heads of the gathered assembly, we see that the city halls traditional backdrop behind the Podium has been replaced with the logo of Fox Enterprises the outline of a Fox head, read, over a white circle.
Behind the podium, a fairly familiar countenance smiles winningly at the camera. Dressed in tight fitting but well tapered robes, and a cape the flows from his shoulders like red silk, the man adjusts his wide brimmed hat, and looks directly at the camera you could, in fact, be looking through. His teeth are bright white, his eyes deep blue, and his expression is one of great humility, touched by a penchant for flashiness.
Sylvester Frank Trotter, a.k.a. The Sly Fox, raises his hands for silence. Flashbulbs from photo cameras continue to go off around him. The lights are bright and flaring. The man couldnt look more at home
Citizens of Paragon, its great to see you, as always. I would have called this conference sooner, but youll have to forgive me. They seemed to have misplaced my luggage and when the Homeland Security representative you have to get through it 8 feet tall and made of granite, you have to take your time, He says, making the traditional hand quotes.
The effect is instant, the entire Press Core chuckles. Yup, thats the Fox they all know and love. Perhaps there might be one man who isnt laughing but well come back to him later. The affable hero continues, putting on his serious face.
Im sure you all know why Im here tonight. One Savage Fox. The name brings mumblings among the gathered assembly, and Sly raises his white gloved hand for silence again. Now now, with all the villains running about lately, especially with Lord Recluses raid of the Zig, its not very sporting to give one name any added media time. The man's smile calms the crowd, and reminds them hes on their side. However, this individual seems to have taken it into his head to make you all doubt me.
At this a general outcry is made and reporters and observers alike attempt to reaffirm their faith in their favorite mage, but Sly only raises his hands again, No, listen. I know its true. We live in troubled times. A betrayer to our fair city would leave us with dire consequences. That being said, let me assure you that this Savage Fox of The Nemesis Council is a phony. A lie. A cheap imitation. Why, he uses his FISTS to get the job done! A slight chuckle here has the audience joining in all too eagerly.
It might be interesting to the watchful eye that the Sly Fox seems to glow with uncanny light its probably just his magus way and yet anyone who looks on the man now, be it one in his physical proximity, or even a TV viewer such as yourself might, in fact, be compelled to trust him with their lives.
There is still perhaps one man in the throng who does not share this view and wears a certain amulet to guard against it. But again, more on him later.
I assure you, Longbow, MAGI, and myself are working diligently to uncover this imposters true identity. And, friends, the red robed blood mage takes this moment to place both hands firmly on the podium and seems to look EVERYONE in the eye, despite the harsh glare of lights. Finally, he is at the camera again, his masked face under the hat barely noticeable when combined with that penetrating blue eyed stare. I ask you, do you really believe I could ever be associated with an organization bent on super powered supremacy? Im human, just like you. The Nemesis Council is seeking to establish control over all of you. Oh they claim to fight for all supers rights, but when it comes down to it, they call humans mundane. Mundane! I ask you when have I ever been mundane? A warm chuckle is enjoyed after this remark by the group.
Therefore, rest assured the situation is well in hand. I will deal with this Savage Fox personally. And The Nemesis Council as well. While I have no fears in regards to either I take it as a serious issue. If you or anyone you know has any information regarding this impostor, or this Council he serves, call the number at the bottom of your screen.
At this moment a number does, in fact, flash.
Now, if there are no questions at this time, I leave you with-
Mr. Trotter. A voice says from the back of the crowd. Lights go up on the assembled, and the camera pans away from Sly Foxs slightly bemused and what appears to be slight surprised expression. A dark haired man is seen, wearing the typical Press ID. He continues before anyone gives him a replay.
Steve Montgomery, Perez Park Press. I have a question. I wonder perhaps if you would care to address the fact that The Savage Fox has been seen recruiting for The Nemesis Council in the Isles, and that he always seems to make public appearances there when you are away. Furthermore, MAGI has claimed that on his own raids of Paragon, his magical essence signature matches yours exactly. Care to comment on this?
The brief silence might seem to last a century, and Sly Foxs face is entirely blank. Is there doubt in the audience why does one of their own accuse their beloved hero so strongly?
The silence, in fact, only lasts a second, before the Blood Mage grins and shakes his head, chuckling extremely warmly, Ah Mr. Montgomery. I, of course, know all about MAGIs findings. You forgot to mention, perhaps, that one of their top Seers also stated that such an essence could easily be mimicked? Furthermore, do you really think Id give up a week or three in Italy, or France, to REALLY be running around the Rogue Isles cavorting in filth with the escaped convicts that habit the area now? I dont think so after all, where would my image be then? He flashes his smile warmly and the entire public, those at home and those surrounding the warded man, burst out laughing. The mage raises his hands, grinning all the while.
Rest assurd, I understand your concerns for such allegations. As Ive said, they are all being addressed. However I ask you get your facts straight, Mr. Montgomery, before you make such wild remarks. This isnt Jerry Springer, after all. Another laugh, and the man with the hidden amulet quietly leaves, obviously defeated.
The Sly Fox smiles at the camera once again, as the laughter dies down, As I was saying, friends, I leave you with the hope that one day there will be an end to suspicion an end to prejudice. One day there will be no war, and we can all sleep securely in out beds, thankful that those in power watch over us all, and protect us to no end. I leave you with this hope. In our lifetime, peace will be achieved.
The entire core then jumps up yelling questions they hope the mage might answer now, but they are, of course, all trivial celebrity questions. Amidst the cheers and calls The Sly Fox, Hero of the City, waves to everyone, and steps from the podium flanked by his security detail.
And that, as we can see, is Mr. Charming. The Sly Fox. I sure would like to get HIS number, wouldnt you Lisa? The reporter jests into the camera as the feed switches back to the anchor room but we leave this viewpoint for now, as it is not as interesting as some others.
What might be interesting is the fact that Sly, when unseen and getting into his limo, makes a certain call within his head. What might be interesting is that the man with the amulet, getting into his own car angrily, now has two men shadowing him. Two men, in fact, who seem made of shadow, with glowing red eyes. What might be even MORE interesting, in fact, is that the last closing words of Slys speech could honestly be taken many different ways.
Imperator, The blood mage thinks in his brain to his leader, ripping his hat off and tossing it in the far corner of the limo, The plan went superbly. They were, of course, entirely all fooled and reassured. Then again, they are only Mundanes, after all
The Archmage then peels his red mask off, his red-blond hair ruffled by this, which he fixes slightly in a mirror set up in the limo. The red fishhook tattoo under his right eye seems to glow slightly. He takes out a small PDA, with a scorpion on the back as a decal, and continues his report to his master, after a few questions from the man.
No, Imperator, merely a slight unavoidable annoyance. Do not worry, Mr. Montgomery will be handled.
With a small smile on his face, Sylvester Trotter, man of MANY Aliases, leans back to discuss other matters that involve the Senate of the The Council, as the limo drives along to a secret location, where it can later be smuggled onto a ferry
Peace might be achieved after all through many different means
(( The Nemesis Council is a heavy RP Villain Group looking for recruits. I, player of the Sly Fox, have been a LONG time community member here, and I love this Roleplaying community more than any I have ever been a part of. Its why I keep coming back. If you wish to know more about the Council, you may contact me in game on my villain nom de plume, Savage Fox. Or, for even MORE information, check out our website HERE . You can even post an application and I or another Senator of The Council will get to you.
We are a wonderful group, devoted to fun, maturity, respect of each other, and the certain glee that comes from playing the bad guy. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you who might be looking for a good RP-based Villain Group. Not only are we one of the best, in my humble opinion, but The Nemesis Council has existed since City of Heroes FIRST came out and we have finally come into our own. It is, in fact, one of the longest existing Villain Groups out there
If you dont think your character wishes to join, there are still possibilities for RP as well. We are open to almost anything. Give me a holler, be it IC or OOC. Well be waiting
Other contacts in game include: Dark Queen of Decay, Perfect Ariel, Dr. Nemesis (yes, himself!) ))