Virtue Players: A Open RP Topic.




ooc: This is a open topic to Role Play in for Virtule players, have fun, play you character, then go in game and team up! IF their is a desire i'll do other server RPS.

Prometheus park, a on the stone platform where a hero stands over the city Neko purrs lieing on her back. Her Blue Steel esk uniform folded neatly beside her as she sun bathes nude, The combination of her thick tiger fur and the always on all concealing Dark Embraceing field of negative energy protecting her from any indecency laws. Purring the cat girl listens to the quiet water her eyes closed in relaxation.*

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



(( *wonders how one can sunbathe with a constant negative energy cloud surrounding them* ))



ooc: Easy, not to say it does any good, but a cat can pretend shes actually feeling the warm sun on her fur instead of the numbing darkness can't she?

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



(( *knows she's a cat, she likes the warmth, and it's SPF 100... can't go wrong there!* ))



(( Not to continue putting OOC comments into your RP thread... but is Neko a popular cat-girl name? I see it alot but I guess I just don't know the origin or something... my guess is anime, though only one I know was Nuku I think ))



ooc: neko is Cat is japanese

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



learn something everyday...



Quote - "IC:
Prometheus park, a on the stone platform where a hero stands over the city Neko purrs lieing on her back. Her Blue Steel esk uniform folded neatly beside her as she sun bathes nude, The combination of her thick tiger fur and the always on all concealing Dark Embraceing field of negative energy protecting her from any indecency laws. Purring the cat girl listens to the quiet water her eyes closed in relaxation.*

IC: Slowly, the sound of approaching footsteps penetrates her languid thoughts. They grow louder and louder until the impression of someone slamming a gong hammer into her eardrum flits across her mind. Then, just as she thinks she is about to be flattened by a 6400kg foot, they stop, and even through her dark negative energy field she can see a shadow loom over her. The happy chirping of the birds has ceased, as well as the rustle of the leaves in the warm breeze of the afternoon. Neko prepares herself for imminent combat. Then...
"Hi! I'm Lobe. Do you have any orange juice?"



Leaping to a swuat or one would presume by her hight, her figure hard to see in the oppressive gloom, her tiger striped orage fured arm peirces the gloom and grabs her tactical belt sliping it on inside the darkness. Opening a compartment she draws a couple pills and speaks with a saddened voice as she extends the pills in hand to Lobe.

"Best i got is some Orange Vitiment C Pills, sorry. Let me guess Earth Powers? Or Super Strength, defintily some heavy element."

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Lobe cringes (which looks really silly on a 13 foot, 6400kg man) and says, "Yech! vitamin C makes my mouth scrunch up. Thank you anyways nice lady."

Then, Scratching his head in perplection, "That's a good guess. But what is the question? Lobe not good at word games." His face falls into a pout, then instantly brightens as he puts his hand high into the air, waving it urgently and bouncing on his feet. The cloud of darkness surrounding Neko quickly re-envelops her as the wind created by the passage of his hand dissipates.



"You might want to be careful with that. You never know who might be watching," a male voice intoned flatly. Floating slowly across the grass, clad in loose black slacks and a baggy, worn black t-shirt with a grey spiral logo, the young, lanky, ashen man curled his lips into a smirk as he straightened his tan ponytail and pushed the bridge of his glasses up his nose.

"Nice day, huh?"



'That depends on your perception....'
A lithe form of an petite asian female de-cloaks from a similar smoky cloud. Her skintight, blue - purple suit, leaves little to the imagination, but her stance belies death at any attempts. She adjusts her duster to angle the sun out of her eyes.
Looking through her purple sunglasses and nodding at Neko, ' I am Deth Aszicen, it seems our powers emanate from the same realm.' She stands gracefully looking around at each, her blue-violet smoky eyes studying each intently.
'A better day is kicking CoT rear hands on in Perez Park. Much more satisfying, I think'
She grins menacingly. The beautiful smile as deadly as venom



"I disagree, m'lady," a voice speaks from the surrounding air. "Circle of Thorns don't seem to have much of a 'rear' under those robes. Well, one to kick anyway. I find it's best to call those Life Mages 'Crazed Monks in desperate need of Rogaine' until they explode from anger."

A grinning fool materializes next to the group that has formed.

"By the way, nice hat, Lady Aszicen," he says as he tips his own.

Reaching up he suddenly teleports a carton (with a familiar logo on the front) and tosses it to Lope.

"Here's that OJ you were asking for, Lope. Still cold, by my guess. How is everyone this fine morning?" He chuckles for a moment and looks down, hiding his face under his hat. Looking back up, he pulls his sunglasses down, winks at the two woman, grins at Lope and the newly arrived wizzard, and bows sweeping his leg and arm out.

"Forgive me. An old habit of remaining anonymous left me with no introduction. Plus I assume everyone just knows who I am! I am The Sly Fox, but you can call me your "lucky day!" Pleased to meet you all."



'Perhaps, your perception is correct Sly Fox - San. They seem to be lacking under their robes' The double entendre winks in a mischevious blue glint from her eyes.
'However, 'tis fun all the same to be ridding the world of their ilk. The masters does not like their visits and their interruptions of their philosophical discussions of Universe importance that mere mortals cannot comprehend.'
Her eyes return the the smoky dual identity.



Sly chuckles...

"Forgive me, m'lady. You'll have to use smaller words. I am a known simpleton..." he shrugs, but his display of modesty dissolves in a sly grin.

"However, speaking as a 'mere mortal,' I am intrigued by whatever entities one such as yourself should refer to as 'masters.' Your bearing and, ahem... quite striking (and may I say) alluring appearance suggests meeting such beings as that would be quite the auspicious occasion."

Sly returns her gaze. "At least not everyone is cursed by the Circle's aforementioned, 'shortcomings?'"

A quick wink is all he uses to finish his playful rebuttal. But he breaks the banter for a bit to look around. "Where did out former acquaintances go? I was going to get a saucer of milk for Miss Neko..."



As the others talked Neko poped the vitamens in her mouth as she sliped on her uniform. Uncontrolable she purred at the mention of milk.

ooc: i work this week wed-fri 10-7 PST (including commute)

"Just geting my uniform on is all. I may be a cat but im also a woman and a cop..."

Sly was sure she stared at him for a moment.

"And while my dark shroud my may obscure my form and my fur anythign else standing nude in a croud is uncomfortable."

She grunted obviously in great pain as her dark cloud was sucked into her for revealing a familiar uniform, Blue Steel, sanes helmet, glasses, and boots and the exposed skin showed tiger fur, a felien face and neko ears, if she had a tail it was hidden. And her shivering form showed she was in great discomfort

"Neko Law, or Lady Xena either is fine, my friends just call me Neko LLX, nyow!"

She threw up her arms as the dark could coudl be contained no longer and burst free. From the darkness she panted hevily as she fell to her knees.

ooc: You can have NPC badguy come in and cause trouble, but rember XP wont cary over, nor debt :P

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Sly gets a concerned look on his face. He motions with is hands and teleports a carton of milk in one, a glass in the other. Pouring a glass he reaches his hand into the darkness, where it's taken from his grasp.

"Are you alright, Neko Law? Revealing yourself wasn't so painful to me," he says with a wry grin, "I'm surprised it seemed to cause you so much discomfort. And... ahem... my past with officers of the law is exactly that, the past... although I'm sure one or two beat cops would like to ask me a few questions if they saw me out of my current-" He strikes an extremely cliche heroic pose "-dashing attire. Why,-- oh dear..."

Sly is looking off in the distance, it seems a bunch of Hellions and a Damned are surrounding an older gentleman... something must be up to see a leader of that stature outside with his "boys" in Atlas...

"Better finish that milk quick, Neko Law." With a flash Sly teleports off to the thugs location.



Quickly swallowing the milk she lets out a content pu as she places the glass at her feet in the darkness.

"Well you see my body geneates so much nugative energy it's painful to hold it in."

But she was already persuing Sky dark energy exploding out around her feet turnign anyone foolish enough to attack her to have to tand in the negativ energy field as she pummels the lights out of them.

The Damned was the first to react and cal his men to action, pullets flew through the air toward the heros all, active or not they were targets now. As for sly the Damned had a ball of fire ready for that punk.

Damned: You coned my men out of a idol of power!

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Lobe, having recovered from the sudden appearance of multiple costumed figures and their flurry of conversation, leaps into the middle of the fray. Immediately assaulted by multiple enemies, he completely ignores them as he walks up to the battling Sly Fox. With 2 villains literally hanging off of his arms, Lobe taps Sly Fox on the shoulder.

"Umm... Excuse me mister Fox. But this has pulp in it and I don't like pulp. Thank you though."



Ok... This is nice to know about. Ill be in the Virtue server eather today or tomorrow. I have RPed about 6 years now and im still loving it. I'll try to make a good char with great history and so on, to this server. Dont know what named heroe yet so ill just post the name in here so that you other RPers can use telepathy to contact me



Having been idly paying attention to the conversation between the Sly Fox and the others, the pale man rolled his eyes as the bullets seemingly flew through him. "Oh, please..." he sighed as he hovered in the direction of the Hellions. "I suppose there's no way you'd just leave the old man alone and leave peacefully? I'd prefer not to waste my energy conjuring apparations of your greatest terrors."



A great deal of splashing and thrashing about can be heard from the lake as Kwahu emerges from the water. Between his teeth he's holding on firmly to a silvery fish, still twitching. He appears to be a young man hardly any older than nineteen, muscular but still showing the slenderness of youth. His tanned skin and clearly Native American features clash harshly with impossibly red hair, but he seems very sure of himself as he pulls on his deerskin jacket and fringed hide leggings. He is dripping wet and shakes his shoulder-length hair out violently, as a dog might. Approaching the collected group he looks irritated and pulls the fish from his mouth, gesturing angrily.

"Hey! This is my rock, beat it!"

Sitting down cross-legged on the flat surface of the ledge he begins to gut the fish messily with his clawed hands.



Bats and bullets thundered against the oppressive cloud to no effect, their punch absorbed by the negative energy, 3 heros were now directly uppon them. Up the block some more hellions were mugging a old Lady and the Damned called them over adding an additional 3 body to the villians side. Deep in the dark field Neko growled reflexivly as she channeled dark energy into her fists and unloaded on the nearest thug. The Wounds were piling quick byt the Damned was staying focued on the con man the Fox

ooc: Dear lord Compusa really fumbeled the ball at this rate i may not get in until may!

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



"Hey, superfreaks," someone shouted over the din of the battle. Standing on the sidewalk with hands on his hips stood a man decked out in what appeared to be some sort of military combat armor. "Looks like you 'superheroes' got your hands full here," he added, with an obvious emphasis of sarcasm on the word 'superheroes''. Want me to show you how it's done?"

Without waiting for an answer the armored man reached over his shoulder and unslung a fearsome-looking weapon, aimed it at the Damned and his pack of hoodlums, and pulled the trigger. "Catch!" he said as a baseball-sized projectile burst from one of the lower barrels of the gun, leaving a trail of smoke behind before impacting in the middle of the Hellions.

BOOM! The grenade exploded on contact and sent the gang members sprawling. The Hellions were down but not out as they slowly got back to their feet, shaking their heads and looking around to locate what new threat had joined the battle against them. "You missed", said the man in the combat suit, frowning. "That's not gonna look good on your stats pal--oof!"

THWAP! One of the Hellions from the second group had snuck up on the armored man and smacked him across the back with a sledge hammer, sending him flying. "That's gonna cost ya, creampuff, " he said, getting quickly back to his feet but wavering a little. He aimed his weapon at his attacker and pulled the trigger...

OOC: this is gonna be fun.



Being a cop Neko was well versed in how to operate firearms and as the shot hit the ground she took a moment to offer advice.

"You needa 22 degree vertical angle increase for the best trejectory arc, furthermore either find a parner to watch you back or dedicate a fraction of MEYOWCH!..." taking a fire blast through the dark field neko was back fliped onto her rear. Growling she got back to her feet as she charged the Damned with her flury of dark fists. Things were escalating fast as the battle ratched up and a mortifcation and 2 cadavewrs shambled into rage as a pair of Hellion fell to the ground.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM