Virtue Players: A Open RP Topic.




((OOC: Gotta say that this IS a blast, and I must admit it's also my FIRST RP thread... hope I'm doin' ok...
And if you're on Virtue, Contact, I'll def look you up!! slightly IC:Just hope you don't open up my mind for all the ladies to see! ))



"Wow Miss Deth Lady, you guys move fast!" Lobe says in admiration. "One second I'm drinking my orange juice and you guys are there, then I finish, and 'POOF' you're gone." He shakes his head in bedazzlement. "Sorry mister!" He yells as the destroyed hood of a car recedes below them following another half-kilometer leap.

Aside from the landings, which Lobe seems to do straight legged, the mode of transport felt exhilerating to Deth. It certainly was a new experience and wasn't that in the book of things she should be doing aside from looking at the lighter side of things? "Hang a left Lobe," she says, seeing the block coming up down which their impromptu team is.

"Yes mam!" he cries through the whistle of the air passing at 600kph.

"There! There they are Lobe," Deth points out the group of heroes and the single but deadly Shocker just as the Shocker takes Ivory's special ammo to the head. "Hmpf, I see we're too late, they didn't save any for us."

Having been alerted by the increasing tremors of Lobe's landings, the heroes watch as the 13 foot strongman lands a final time and gently sets Deth on the cracked sidewalk. "What'd we miss?" he asks exitedly, actually hopping on the spot.



Sly clutches his head as he sits up from his sprawled position on the cement.

"Please... stop... hopping... Lobe... my head..."

He looks over and notices Deth.

"Ugh, you missed... ummm... nothing much. I was just resting after a really terrific battle. You should have seen me Lady Deth. Sorry I left you before but I knew the dear Neko here was in trouble, so I had to rush to her aid and put myself in harms way to protect her, and all that."

Sly glances at Neko quickly, almost to see if she is "paying attention" to what he is saying. He can't be certain, but to his grief she seems to be trying not laugh through all that dark mist...

"So anyway, M'Lady Deth, I heard Lobe coming 'bout a mile away. Have fun with your 'ride?'"

He trys to wink, but only manages a half wink with a wince. Recovering quickly he flashes a smile.

"Miss me?"

All of a sudden Sly seems to recall the new faces as well as the old around.

"Oh yes, pleased to meet you all, I'm The Sly Fox, yadda yadda yadda..."

He turns back to Deth and grins again.




Contact briefly turned away from the final moments of the battle. Ivory had his shot, Neko was safe, and no other apparently hostile entities were within his range except...

Something pulled at him, something not entirely human. As quickly as it came it was gone and a quick visual scan of the area found nothing. "Its just stress," he reassured himself mentally, looking up to reapraise the situation.

Relativly confident that all nearby were more-or-less on the same side, Contact took a few steps closer into conversation distance. He brushed a bit of dirt off the front of his pale blue, logo covered flack jacket feigning primping while he composed himself for a second.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sly Fox," Contact extended his leather gloved hand to give a firm handshake, "Contact, First Strike Security, Inc," he smiled easily, reaching up with his other hand to adjust his expensive looking sunglasses.

"I haven't yet had the pleasure," he said turning to the other two new arrivals with a smile, regarding them behind the dark shade of his glasses and awaiting introductions.



Slate held his breath as the telepath seemed to look in his direction, but he turned away again and began talking to the group. Slate sighed in relief. Sitting up he began pulling the arrows from his body, wincing with each one. His gray t-shirt and cargo pants were stained, but they usually were after a fight. After he had gotten them all he sat back and closed his eyes, willing the alien parts of his brain to quiet down. Once he felt better he picked up his red glasses, straightening the bent earpieces as best he could, and slipped them on. It was then that he noticed a Circle of Thorns monk watching the group of heroes from the top of a building. Looking around he noticed several other monks simply watching the group, but not moving to attack.
"Wonder if those guys have something they want." Slate wondered.



Ivory finally pulled himself from the ground, opening the bolt action portion of his weapon, a large brass casing fell steaming to the ground with a lound clang. A few clicks of his watch and his suit slowly began to flatten out the wrinkles accumulated from the battle and short bolts of electricity corruscated over portions where dirt and dust had blemished the fine suit.

Instinctually he walked to the headless corpse of a Shocker and went to the right hand pocket of its jeans. His suspicions unfulfilled, he found no evidence of a plot.

Looking around he caught the eyes of the other heroes, all registered with the proper authorities he accessed there medicom trancievers to learn bring up their profiles as stored by Freedom Corps and City Hall. Mostly low profile upstarts but he became nervous when he reached the tower mountain of a man.

Lobe was rated a Security Risk level 13 Heroe by Freedom Corps. 2 more Risk levels meant he did more harm around the city then good. Unintentional property damage incidents and claims scrolled his portfolio for pages, his picture looking much more like a carton of Orange Juice then the lumbering hulk before him.

As he was about to say something, multiple target warnings flashed like christmas lights on the HUD inside his glasses. Unidentified targets on the roof and there were plenty of them.

He knew the wohle group was at the mercy of whoever was up there. Few sudden moves would save the group from a long range attack from the top of the nearby mid towers.

He aproached the group and spoke into his tie. "Cynergetic Enterprises, call line priority 1421 Isaac Varmory."

He paused while the group stared at him, he was hoping someone else had noticed the predicament. What he was about to do was banking on his hope that those who were watchign them couldnt hear him.

"Ivory 1421, I need a Cy model at my location. Multiple unidentified persons on rooftops not registering with local police or military. Hostility unknown." he paused for a moment, looking at the faces of the heroes in front of him. He didn't know these people but he was afraid of even a single loss. A awful lot of statues were going up recently. He instantly thought of the Cywhite Version model CY droid he had partnered with a week ago. Strong, capable, flight equipped and loaded with Cynergetic's latest in energy based weapons. If hewas going to have a toaster covering his ***, he wanted it to be Cywhite.

He continued, with a smirk, "Send Cywhite if you can, make sure his plasma banks are loaded to capacity." Another pause, "thank you..."

Ivory pulled a small ball from his pocket, gleaming in the ambient light, it was covered in glass grids all around.

"Bo, don't let your gaurd down just yet."



(ooc - Great fun, I'm just sad I got into the thread so late. Look me up in the game sometime...either Cyberjack or Shadowen. And just out of curiosity would you guys mind if I brought Shadow into the thread or do you all have some vague rule about not doing two chars? Just wondering cause I don't want to break the flow.

Anyway, I'd continue the story now, but it's 5am here and my brain is on terminal shutdown after running my first mission to boomtown solo.)



"Oops! Sorry Mr. Fox. Do you have a headache?" Lobe looks crestfallen. Then, as Contact introduces himself to Sly Fox and turns to him and Deth, his face takes on a caste of awe, "Oh boy! What a suit! Look'it all the pretty badges. I bet you're the top scout in your troupe?"

Deth successfully stifles an unladylike guffaw at the look that passes over Contact's face. To give him credit though, he hardly misses a beat before extending his hand to Lobe, "As I said, I am Contact. And you are....?" He asks, looking at the reinforced jeans and combat boots, then the umpteenth X sized t-shirt, which, if he wasn't mistaken, had a giant L drawn on it by a black jiffy marker.

"Oh.... I'm Lobe and I am part of Crown Council, from Vancouver, BC. It's in Canada, yup. Nice to meet you," and he shakes Contact's hand, wrist, and forearm. Before letting go he leans down so his face is inches from Contact's right ear, "I think you should have introduced yourself to the Lady first though, it's more chival... chiverrl... chivelll... - it's nicer," he whispers and finally releases his grip while moving back to give Deth space.



Sly breaks from his look towards Deth to absent mindedly shake Contact's hand. He grins as Lobe introduces himself, and then sweeps his arm out to introduce Deth (once Lobe had released the Gentleman and stepped out of the way.)

"This is our lady Deth Aszicen, Neko you already have seen in action, of course... ahem... fighting... alongside... myself... ha ha..."

Sly then notices Ivory suddenly look very tense, and begin mumbling into his chest. When he follows the white man's glances, he sees familiar robed silhouettes... LOTS of them...

Sly quickly looks down pretending he saw nothing, catches Deth's eye, and raises his eyebrows. When he is sure she has looked up and seen their "peeping toms," he lifts the figurine partially out of his pocket.

"Think they want this?" He says out of the corner of his mouth....

Suddenly Lobe is jumping up and down again. "Ooo! You got one too!! Just like the nice old baggy man had! But yours is bigger! Same red eyes though, same red eyes!"

This outburst stopped Sly in mid-thought, and he slowly looked up at the leaping Giant.

"Lobe..." Sly glanced around for confirmation from another what he had just heard... "What are you talking about...?"



The Sly Fox's abrupt change in mood takes Lobe by surprise. He stops hopping and, simultaneously staring at the ground, dragging a foot around in a circle(incidentally tearing up the sidewalk) and wringing his hands behind his back, explains, "Well, you guys left and an old man with a shopping cart walked up to one of the eternally sleeping bad guys. The bad guy was sleeping on top of a ribbon and the man, boy did he smell, was trying to pick it up." Lobe looks up to see the majority of those present staring at him expectantly. Quickly averting his gaze he continues, "Well, I helped free the ribbon and it was connected to a nice medal, which was gold and silver and had red rocks in it. The red rocks looked like eyes because they were in a really angry looking face with horns." Finished, he looks back up at the group.

The silence lengthens, then Sly Fox prompts Lobe, "And?"

Lobe, confused, replies, "And what?"

Sly Fox sighs, "What did you do with the medal?" then he thinks to himself, This is like pulling teeth from a chicken!

"Oh, I didn't do anything with it. The old man found it, lucky guy. It sure was pretty." Lobe, nervous on top of confused, answers.

Because the group was, for the most part, watching Lobe, they saw very clearly the thrown weapon of one of the Circle of Thorns' goons hit Lobe in the temple, then flatten and fall to the ground. They also saw Lobe, completely oblivious to the attack, scratch at some perceived itch on his left knee.



(before the attack)
Contact laughed at the merit badge comment and grasped Lobe's massive fist with his other hand to give it a firm shake, "These are hardly badges, friend. They are advertisements... I am paid to wear them since, everytime I am in the news or on television, so are all of these logos." He smiles pleasently up at the massive man.

"As for the order of introductions, I appologize if I've offended anyone, it was of course unintentional."
(During the attack)

Contact blinked when he saw the dagger hit Lobe, not because it was flattened but because he had no idea that they were in danger. Typically he was alerted when hostile minds approached. Looking up to the rooftop where the attack originated from he understood why they had been able to sneak up on him.

"Thorns... I hate Thorns. Damnable spells play havok with my perceptions," Contact complained, turning towards the rooftop.

"Come on down from there now, or you'll get your dresses dirty," he called out to them, motioning them down with his hand. The Thorns remained silent as always, standing to get a clearer shot at the group of heroes.

"Have it your way then," Contact said, stretching his hand out towards them. Giving them the slightest nudge of kinetic power, he increased the force of their movement while they stood up. The front few guards went sprawling over the edge of the building, screaming until they thudded onto the pavement below.

"That should get their attention," he said to no one in particular, preparing to deal with the incoming barage of projectiles.



((ooc: I have no problem with playin multiple characters (in fact I'm about to do that now), they key rule is to never make any decisions for someone else's character. Short replies in teh story are fine to keep your portion moving, but don't ever force them to make a decision.


Ivory heard the soft crack of the city's force fields being violated and knew it was time to make his move. Cywhite, if he was lucky, would be here any second to help with the situation and Ivory had to be ready. He wasn't sure, but he had a feeling of what was going to be asked of him.

The image of Cywhite Ver. 1's sophisticated targetting system came up on the left eyepiece of Ivory's glasses followed by the sharp electronic voice he came to know well, "Isaac, your targets are Circle of Thorns members. I cannot establis a targetting route to all of them, please provide target acquisition assistance."

"Predictable as always." he thought as he released the ball in his hands which was quick to emit a high pitched hum and then rocket into the sky. Small red beams of light shot from it in every direction painting the city in its glow, in a flash the beams focused upwards, bright electronic bullseyes on each of their ends.

"Targets acquired, schedualing removal. Have a nice day Isaac." came over his communications.

Ivory finally looked up to the sky to see streams of blue plasma fly through the air like a sideways rain, peppering the building tops with accuracy inhuman. Corpses and wounded began to fall from the building tops like a biblical omen. When the skies cleared and the streets fell silent, a gleaming white mass of ceramic plating and exposed, glowing wires landed in the street in much the same way a meteor might crash sending pavement and dirt underneath to the side all around it's epicenter, a small crater steaming in the middle of the road.

Ivory whispered seemingly o himself, a question directed at the inhuman instrument before them all, "Jesus Christ kid, did you leave any alive for questioning?"



As the dust cleared the rest of the gang found Sly had forgotten his immediate interest in Lobe once the sky had exploded. Instead, he had spun Deth out of the path of the falling "computerized meteorite" into a graceful dip. He grinned down at here.

"You seem to handle Lobe best, can you get more out of what happened with that old man and where he might of gone? Pwetty Pwease, for me?" Sly winked.



After reliazing everyone had left him when he was in park restroom, Kyle was a little peeved. Anyways, he started off to Steel Canyon. He crouched and concentrated on a single object and blue flames shot out from below him and he shot up like a rocket.

He had been leaping a while till he remembered this town had a monorail. "Just like Disneyland...." he grumbled. Foaming at the moath, he made his way to monorial. He stepped on board. "I'm gonna hurt them so much when I get there."

He was walking around till he found the commotion. Once again he was confused. He noticed 3 more heroes, "More people I don't know." He had not noticed the explosion when he pulled out his rifle and loaded a grenade. Once again, he was pissed. "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh!" he roared, "Why didn't you guys tell me had left! One mininute I go to the bathroom and then u guys bail! Wait, I should yell at people with superpowers. Eeek...."



Thanking Lobe for the ride, she stood looking around, surveying the scene, she sees Sly Fox on the ground. Somewhat injured, she starts to move to assist him when her mind is invaded by her masters.
'So, our enemies have invaded as we thought they would. We must be wary of them. Deth Aszicen, keep watch on them, keep investigating until you discover the source of their ultimate power. The rock called Lobe ran into one of their higher Death Mages in disguise. The medal was an artifact that they are distributing to try and gain control of more subjects. The idol is a mystery to us and you must locate the source and reason for its existence. The fact that the Dark sisters have come as well is troubling. Keep watch on them as well and prevent too many more of their kind being created as it will be trouble for our plans.'
'Yes Masters'
'Return to your world, now. And remember to look up' She heard their chuckle in her mind and puzzlement lounged in her mind as she 'awoke'
She looked up and about that time heard the explosion and felt herself being swept into a low dip. She looked up into the SlyFox's eyes, peering at him quizzically.
'Although, I thank you for the dance, it would seem that this is not the time. Also, the tango is not my dance, I prefer a Rave.
I do not think it would not do anygood to interrogate Lobe. The person that took the medal is long gone and has probably altered form by now. However, he was a Death Mage and it seems that was highly important. The idol is even more so and should be investigated thoroughly.'
'You also look a bit ragged. Here.' She snaps her fingers and a little package appears. In a blink of an eye, she opens the package and slaps it against his cheek, he feels the warmth and healing flowing through him although the sting of the slap resounds a bit more.
Although she catches the shock in the corner of her eye, she is studying the rooftop for any activity watching for the sign or any movement. As she steps away, she pats his cheek and gives him a wink.
'Can anyone see anything up there or shall I go investigate?' She is bounding from foot to foot in anticipation.



Cyberjack steps over one of the Circle's charred smoking corpses without sparing it a second glance, turning to be confronted by the massive lats of the giant Lobe, he tilts his head back to look up at the ponderous hero as he side steps...then side steps move around Lobe to face the growing group of heroes who had come to his aid.

"You're assistance is appreciated, it was timely," Cyberjack states with utter passivity. Before he could go on he is confronted with the outstretched right hand of Contact, who has a grin on his face. Involuntary synapses connect causing the cybernetic right arm to twitch momentarily as if it would raise itself to accept the familiar greeting. Almost sheepishly, the part cyborg steadies his arm at his side, being aware of the discomfort most people had in touching the smooth metal apendage.

Speaking before the moment could get any more awkward, Cyberjack says, "As I was saying, your assistance is appreciated, but I must be going. My contact has informed me that the Circle is moving here. SERAPH believes that a civilian, a Rebecca Morningstar, is in danger. I am to protect her...."

Suddenly at that moment.... "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh!"

Cyberjack spins, his arm snapping up to lock on to the man streaking towards the group at high velocity. Almost instantly processes run trying to ascertain the identity of the new arrival and to decide if he was a threat to be disposed of.....



Character name: Violet Drone
Play times: Anytime i can get on really.



Wiping debris from his chest Lobe stares at the somewhat spherical object that lays embedded in Steel Canyon's finest asphalt, "Geez, that must be a huge bat!" He then looks in the direction of the oncoming Kyle and not knowing who it is or their intent, sets himself in the flight path to block his new found friends from harm.



Sly rubs his cheek and looks on at Deth in bemusement.
"Uh... well I can't see much from here I guess..." He quickly regains his cocky air. "But how can I with such beauty in my field of vision!" He manages a chuckle, even if feeling quite out of sorts... "However, judging by the bodies I'd say-GREAT SORCERER'S GHOST!"

Sly has been cut short by what looks to be a ticked off Helsing screaming towards them...
Now, being one to never teleport an ally without a request first (He'd gotten into too much trouble over THAT in the past), Sly realizes at the moment that sometimes this doesn't always work to the advantage of absent "colleagues in the can." However, before he can say anything, all the heroes tense, Cyborg raises his arm, and Lobe steps into Helsing's path...

...although now he's saying something about not yelling and rushing up to superpowers, Helsing can't seem to slow down. With a final "Eeek..." he thumps into Lobe and falls back.

"Guess I'm not the only accident prone one here!"

Deth Aszicen raises her eyebrow at him, and Sly quickly coughs. "I mean, not that I was accident prone lately, I'm just speaking in generalities, is all... ahem"

Sly turns almost as red as his mask when he hears a purring chuckle from the direction of the Dark cloud that is Neko.

He suddenly wonders what is wrong with him today, he's not his usual confident and charismatic self... glancing over at Deth he thinks
She just seems to set me out of whack...

With a sigh and a shake if his head, Fox walks over and helps Kyle to his feet...



Aahhhhhahah yes Rp here I love it
NOw we all know there is a Huge need for a Real RP server..



Seeing the collision with Lobe and guessing that it is like a race car running into a mountain, she moves around Lobe to survey the damage. As she makes the hike around Lobe, she smiles at the bemused look on SlyFox-san's face. 'I love that,' she thinks to herself.
She gets around to Helsing and sees that he seems ok, but she bends over to peer at him, inspecting for damage. Not seeing anything, she offers him her hand.
' I don't remember meeting you but I am Deth Aszicen, my friends call me Deth without an A.' Cocking her head at SlyFox. 'However, if Slyfox-san is not careful, I may add it. You must be Helsing. I have heard of you, although, I have heard more about SlyFox, mainly from his own lips. The mountainous collision you had here was with my little friend Lobe.' She pats Lobe on the knee. ' The sexy Dark cloud is Neko. Cyberjack, Ivory and Contact are there as well. Other names I misrembered and must apologize to them'



When the Thorn monks finally attacked, Slate started forward to help. He stopped short, however, as beams of energy seemed to tear open the sky. The monks were instantly incinerated.

With a low whistle Slate stepped back, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. That little display of power was enough to convince him that he was decidedly out of his league. He noticed some suspicious looking thugs wandering into a nearby alley way and followed.

'Still,' he thought to himself, 'probably wouldn't hurt to swing by this Morningstar's place, just to see what's going on. Heck, maybe these punks know where she is.' Slate smiled as he walked into the alley, looking forward to "asking" the thugs a few questions.



New faces, the rushing displacement of air, explosions, falling bodies and Robotic meteorites. Ivory only cared about one as he purposely walked up to the smoldering crater in the street, dragging his rifle along the ground by the barrel in a seemingly careless fashion.

"Toaster, what's your problem? You aren't outfitted for that kind of energy build up and release! I would know, I designed your firing mechenisms!" Ivory sounded like a man who had just come home to see his next door neighbor had performed auto work on his car without permission.

A deep almost amused sounding voice came from the crater as the gleaming white Robot stepped from the smoke and steam, "Ease of replacement and upgrading of new parts, it's part of my design to keep me current."

For the frist time the impressive piece of machineary came into view, a massive network of armor plating and cicuitry cut to perfection, the machines every move reflected on his armor with plates shifting and pulsing like muscles. There was little doubt that what was standing before them was in some way living.

It spoke again, "I can overload my plasma banks now for a greater discharge over a small amount of time." The machine cocked it's head to the side mockingly, "The support request I recieved didn't say anything about leaving survivors."

Ivory let out a heavy sigh and, disgusted, tore another hole into limbo. Stepping through he said, "Listen Cuisinart, intrduce yourself to the group. You're working with them until I get back."

The impressive work of art turned to the larger portion of heroes and struck a salute so precise it belonged in pictures.

"Greetings. I am Cywhite Version 1 Intuitive Combat Routine a Cynergetic Enterprise, Inc. sponsered technology class hero." Cywhite said out load in a confident generated voice. His gaze, masked by the sleek helmet, featureless aside from two wings jutting back from the sides, met the image of Contact. "My name recognition contract with Cynergetic requires I be the only Cynergetic sponsored hero on a task force. As I have been assigned to you in my best ability your cotnract has been edited to reflect the following. All likeness and representation of Cynergetic Enterprise Inc. should be adaquately covered or removed when in the working presence of Cywhite Version 1 Intuitive Combat Routine. Upon departure of company, all likeness and representation must resume in a timely fashion." if there were a need to breath, Cywhite would have done it by now. "I am pleased to be at your service. The rest of you are not registered heroes with Cynergetic. Please state your names and primary abilities for catalog."

Everyone knew now that although obstacles pressed in front of them may be little match for their streangth, allies forced in league with them may be too much to bare.

Ivory began to walk away from the scene under the black and white, cold glassy construction of Limbo. Ivory hated walking.



::Neko really didnt have much to say, it had been covered eloquently by the others but as Cywhite adressed them she cleared her throat.::

"Neko's Law, or Lady Xena, i'm in the PCPD files, my body generates excessive Negative energy, thus the coloud, energy can then useto enhance my punches and kicks."

Reaching out her hand she stroked Sly's jaw

"We really need to organize better, we can go around inadvertant mauling alies, can we. Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl?"

Neko Blinked, what was that about


She shook her head violently

"Rowl, neyow!"

But her sudden loos of voice would remain unexplained at the moment as suddenly those drawing upon energy for their powers such as Cyberjack Frost Cannons, Cywhites attack systems, and even Neko's dark energy generation seemd to shut off. Exposing neko's uniformed form, she blinked in total confusion as to why she found no power to draw upon and her thoughts already harder and harder to organzie in a human fasion.

In the distance the cause was hidden, a Madness Mage was worming his way into the heroes minds, shutting of one by one, starting with neko, their human thought processes, which left neko with only a active cat brain. While a Energy Mage was siphoning power from all the energy bassed heroes.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Lobe gawked at the oversized, metal baseball turned living machine then scratched his head, "What did he say?" he asked no-one in particular. Not receiving an answer he looked around at the group and noticed, uncharacteristically, that some of them were going through great discomfort. Seeing both Neko and Deth in distress he, following his rule of thumb - ladies first, asked, "Lady Neko, Lady Deth. Are you alright? You don't look so good. Maybe you'd like some cough syrup? My sis always gave me cough syrup when I wasn't feeling well and it would make me feel better."

When the Madness Mage got to Lobe he discovered a horrifying secret. Either Lobe was only a step above instinct, which the Mage's intelligence dampening useless, or Lobe had an ironically tough mind. The end result was he couldn't affect him, at least not noticeably. "It doesn't matter. He is too dumb to save his friends without guiddance," the Mage muttered under his breath and moved on to the next target.