419 -
I'm not sure I'd bother rating anything if I had multiple categories. It's not a bad suggestion in and of itself, but do you think people would use it?
I agree the current system isn't hacking it, but I'd rather have a "Recommended" option in tangent with the stars. For example, I play the Super Amazing Task Force and think it's peachy keen, I can then click on the creator's name and see not only what else the player has created, but what the player recommends himself.
I've seen the suggestion for comments, not here but in other 'fix the rating system' threads, but I know I wouldn't bother wading through reviews.
I also think badges for ratings needs to be removed. -
Updatiest roster for 5/8/09 7 pm PST:
May 8, 2009 Roster:
1. Countess Clink Clank, level 34 defender (@Textilian)
2. Knight Chill, level 50 blaster
3. Arbiter Morrison, tba (to be awesome)
4. The ever elusive Savannah Nightwolf, tba (to be awesome)
5. Scorching Hot, level 34 blaster (@Siolfir)
6. Celtic Thermal, level 50 controller
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. @Casual Player
Looks like we'll be sk'ing up to 50 again. Some day, the Countess will be level 50 and no longer need a sidekick. -
In general
- I like the consistency of the wand always being drawn. Having to redraw AR is part of the reason I don't play it very often.
-I would probably use English for the power names. I would do this because of how popular Harry Potter is. I know the Harry Potter characters aren't the only ones to use wands or pseuolatin, but it was the first thing to spring to mind. So for example, I might change "Ventuus Expulsum" to "Spirit Wind" or "Luminarium Exertus" to "Bring Forth the Light."
-Regarding "Invocatio De Potentia (Special buff)," I would never pick this out of the set. When I play, I want to know exactly what a power is going to do at any given time and be able to play with IO slotting enhance different aspects of it. How would you deal with slotting for this power, by the by? While I'm thinking about it, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the set, buffing ones allies. I'd probably move something like this to a secondary set.
-Intesentorqueo Acerbitas strikes me as overpowered being a toggle and inflicting high DoT. I would never turn it off. Ever. I would crowd the heck out of whatever my target was and blast the snot out of them while they suffered DoT. It would be... I'd have to compare it to scourge, almost. And with scourge, we'd pass straight into silly.
-Other than that, it doesn't strike me as a bad set. It's got the expected snipe, mid-range blasts, a targeted-AOE, cones, and a nuke.
-Good heavens, why would anyone take another secondary, ever? It's got two holds, a heal, a +regen, enemy debuffs, an immobilize, and pet dragons. I'd say it needs some rebalancing.
I like the overall concept of wand using and many of the specifics of this suggestion. -
I'd be interested in commenting if I could read your suggestion, but the colored text makes it almost impossible.
Just let me know when your arc is ready to play again. We'll get to everything eventually.
I've been too grumpy to comment in S&I for the last few days, but I thought I'd pop in and say I keep reading the suggestion as a "Rachelthulu Raid." It's so confusing.
I also wouldn't mind seeing more done with the shard mythos, in general. -
I don't like the idea of MA slots being veteran awards for the same reason I don't like the idea of them being purchasable. As a game feature, I think it should be available to everyone from the get-go, without waiting and without spending real money. This is also why I wouldn't mind seeing additional slots tied to an in-game accomplishment, preferably something thematic.
I do not support allowing rating only if one finishes an arc. If I'm scrunching up my nose within the first mission and going "Ick," I want to be able to quit and rate it. I don't think it's my responsibility as a player to suffer through an unfun experience in order to provide feedback, of which rating is a type. "So bad I didn't want to complete it" seems like a fine reason to one-star something. -
When this was suggested before I had to say I wouldn't support it. I still wouldn't support it, because I view the MA as a feature, a pretty big one at that, whereas I view the costume packs as fluff. Others may feel differently, but the idea of purchasing more slots just doesn't sit well with me.
I'd be interested in seeing more arc slots earned in-game, but I'm not sure how I think it would be implimented. I wouldn't want it tied to ratings, the actions of other players. Maybe once you've played a certain number of arcs and rated them? Or a MA trial? Still pondering. -
That reminds me:
May 8, 2009 Roster:
1. Countess Clink Clank, level 34 defender (@Textilian)
2. Knight Chill, for posting in the thread
3. Arbiter Morrison, tba (to be awesome)
4. The ever elusive Savannah Nightwolf
5. Scorching Hot (@Siolfir)
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. @Casual Player
8. -
Dear Guardian:
I invite you to join me Friday evening at 7 pm PST (10 pm EST) as we try out different AE arcs. So far I've selected missions from the Guardian MA thread, but am interested in expanding to user recommendations and the occasional roll of the dice. This event runs for 1.5 hours or more. We'll meet in Kings Row, and see what there is to offer.
From time to time, we'll take the tour redside.
This week, on May 8, we'll be running blueside:
-Knight Chill's one-shot lizard arc
-Kheldarn recommends: Arc 75797
-The Vahzilok Cure, #2782
And potentially more, depending on time.
All are welcome. You don't have to stay for every arc. You can join late if we have the space. Priority will be given to those who sign up in this thread, on a weekly basis. Otherwise, I'll advertise in the Guardian channel and in broadcast.
This will be a reoccurring event, although I can't promise it will be weekly.
Hugs and kisses,
Textilian -
Texltillian- @Textiallian
[/ QUOTE ]
Textilian- @Textilian (live), @Sins and Needles (test)
Corrected for spelling and for accurate test global, unless there really is someone else in the team with similar information, in which case I blame them for all of the lizard comments. -
When you say "voice," do you mean the noises your character makes when jumping or taunting?
I like the new format for the events announcements. I find it to be more clear and more informative.
... not an english text.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll never be a Formal English Text. I'll always be a Colloquial English Text.
*sniffle* -
But what if we on Infinity fled to Protector?
I think leading a team is its own reward and does not need a badge. Nor do I think soloing needs a badge. To me, both suggestions seem like badges for the sake of badges.
I suppose the other thing is, how does one measure leading a team? I've been on some real stinkers of teams. I've also been on some dynamite teams. And I've lead more teams than I've joined. Would we include AE missions for those badges? What about farms? What I'm getting at, 'leading' is subjective; I think it's possible to quantify time spent holding the star, but not actual leadership. If I'm on a team, I want the person with the star to want to lead a team, not just to earn the badge. -
Tarantula Mistress Bikini Contest!
Black Scorpion in a speedo!
It will be a summer event of horror!
I enjoy the seasonal events we have, and wouldn't mind another.
I'd like a waterslide. Oh, and for the event to feature one, too. -
If we challenge for quilting, I know we can take them all. Hell, I can do it, the rest of you just fill for me.
This wouldn't sit well with me, mainly because I view the Mission Architect as a game feature, not just fluff like the costume packs. Heck, the first new boxed edition in a couple of years is called "Architect Edition."
what does it matter to you how someone else plays their game? you are not being forced into doing anything in the game. you have multiple options how to play your toons. seriously we don't need another " AE is the Devil" thread. this is the FoTM. it will die down. go play the game the way you want and stop trying to tell people how to play.
[/ QUOTE ]
It doesn't matter what an individual does as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of over individuals. Since architect is removing a vast majority of the population of players into farms, increasing the price of salvage and will lead to people quitting the game further reducing the population of the game, then as a whole, architect is effecting other players.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rights? Really? You think you have rights in the game? And other people are infringing upon them? -
did youy forget to take your meds munki?jk. actaully this thread was fun and im not the only one who participated in it. he didn't get under my skin so there's no harm on my side.
[/ QUOTE ] Yeah I was making more of a general statement. You weren't bad in this thread. I should have been more clear in my post or you should be able to read my mind. Either way works for me
[/ QUOTE ]
I do not support any suggestion we be able to read other posters' minds because I believe it would lead to deep embarrassment for all parties involved. -
I do not support this suggestion, nor I have ever. The OP has not made a compelling argument as to why servers should be merged. Others have made compelling arguments as to why servers should not be merged.
In the past, proponents of server merges have argued merges are needed because they, the proponents, have been unable to find teams. There are less extreme ways to find teams. Some suggestions include:
-Form your own teams either in game or via board sign-up. I, personally, have had great success with board sign-ups. And eventually, many of the players who have signed up have become friends who play at the same time as I do.
-Transfer to a more populated server. You can do this by paying for character transfers or rolling an alt.
-Join your servers' badge or team channels. It's a good way to get tuned in to what's going on and again, populate your friends list with like-scheduled people.
If you have tried all of these things and are unable to form a team, I'd venture the same factors which are preventing you from gaining a team on one server would prevent you from gaining a team on even a merged server.
In the end, I'm against anything which will inconvenience hundreds, if not thousands, of players for the sake of one player.