Buying More Story Arc Slots
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.
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great suggestion
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.
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Um, no. If they want to micro transaction fluff, like costume pieces, no big deal. When they start to do integral stuff like mission slots, I'm gone. I pay a monthly fee already.
Better idea: just give everyone more mission slots, period.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
More mission slots were mentioned by Posi in one of his anniversary promotional interviews (I forget which one) as a likely paid for thing, in the way that extra character slots are.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.
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Um, no. If they want to micro transaction fluff, like costume pieces, no big deal. When they start to do integral stuff like mission slots, I'm gone. I pay a monthly fee already.
Better idea: just give everyone more mission slots, period.
[/ QUOTE ]Since when are extra mission slots integral? They are no more integral than extra character slots. Guess what? You already have to pay to get more of those. Shall I help you pack?
When this was suggested before I had to say I wouldn't support it. I still wouldn't support it, because I view the MA as a feature, a pretty big one at that, whereas I view the costume packs as fluff. Others may feel differently, but the idea of purchasing more slots just doesn't sit well with me.
I'd be interested in seeing more arc slots earned in-game, but I'm not sure how I think it would be implimented. I wouldn't want it tied to ratings, the actions of other players. Maybe once you've played a certain number of arcs and rated them? Or a MA trial? Still pondering.
Perhaps as an additional Veteran's Award, maybe 1 story slot / 6 months, or like with one additional character slot, 1 story slot / 12 months.
I don't like the idea of MA slots being veteran awards for the same reason I don't like the idea of them being purchasable. As a game feature, I think it should be available to everyone from the get-go, without waiting and without spending real money. This is also why I wouldn't mind seeing additional slots tied to an in-game accomplishment, preferably something thematic.
I don't like the idea of MA slots being veteran awards for the same reason I don't like the idea of them being purchasable. As a game feature, I think it should be available to everyone from the get-go, without waiting and without spending real money. This is also why I wouldn't mind seeing additional slots tied to an in-game accomplishment, preferably something thematic.
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I just don't get this. The reason why character slots are limited in the first place is because of database space. You can buy more slots, but in effect you are paying for the space those characters take up. The devs were kind enough though to give veterans an extra slot a year for free. There is no reason why MA missions slots can't be the same way.
I say go for it.
~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.
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Um, no. If they want to micro transaction fluff, like costume pieces, no big deal. When they start to do integral stuff like mission slots, I'm gone. I pay a monthly fee already.
Better idea: just give everyone more mission slots, period.
[/ QUOTE ]Since when are extra mission slots integral? They are no more integral than extra character slots. Guess what? You already have to pay to get more of those. Shall I help you pack?
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I have a number of servers to choose from for alts, so no, your comparison is invalid. I don't need to purchase extra character slots, nor would I. If they limited me to one server and said I could only create 3 toons - that would be a valid comparison.
The devs have made MA an integral part of the game, so I completely disagree with your opinion.
I'll do my own packing, if necessary, thanks for the offer.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
well from Posi's "abusing the MA" post, I doubt very seriously that it will ever be possible to buy more slots as it would negate the new ban policy
Leader/Founder of Order Sixty-Six Guardian Server
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.
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<._.> Seriously though - DO WANT!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
well from Posi's "abusing the MA" post, I doubt very seriously that it will ever be possible to buy more slots as it would negate the new ban policy
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Not really. The new slot just gets locked and they would have essentially payed more money to achieve what they did now. A win-win.
well from Posi's "abusing the MA" post, I doubt very seriously that it will ever be possible to buy more slots as it would negate the new ban policy
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Not really. The new slot just gets locked and they would have essentially payed more money to achieve what they did now. A win-win.
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posi said "3 strikes and your out". if you can buy more slots that means you can have as many stikes as you have money to burn. so I still dont see more slots as a purchasable option, ever.
Leader/Founder of Order Sixty-Six Guardian Server
I would be willing to pay the same prices we currently pay to add more toons to a server, to purchase more story arc slots per account. I created an 11 mission story arc that I am extremely proud of, but it used up all 3 of my published story allotment slots. I have one arc left on my 2nd account, but have several different stories vying for the one slot. Perhaps this idea has been mentioned already, if so, please let me know where to read up on it. Thanks.