Magic Wand & Wizard Staff Ranged Powersets
I'd be interested in commenting if I could read your suggestion, but the colored text makes it almost impossible.
Its not quite as eye gouging if you switch over to the but the red on blue is brutal.
Whats wrong with an all white post? Workaround: Drag your mouse through the post selecting all the text.
The colored text was made for organizational purposes because it is a large post. I wanted to highlight different sections. I could read it no problem. But to eleviate off topic color discussion i just decided to change it. *POOF* my text is now all white.
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In general
- I like the consistency of the wand always being drawn. Having to redraw AR is part of the reason I don't play it very often.
-I would probably use English for the power names. I would do this because of how popular Harry Potter is. I know the Harry Potter characters aren't the only ones to use wands or pseuolatin, but it was the first thing to spring to mind. So for example, I might change "Ventuus Expulsum" to "Spirit Wind" or "Luminarium Exertus" to "Bring Forth the Light."
-Regarding "Invocatio De Potentia (Special buff)," I would never pick this out of the set. When I play, I want to know exactly what a power is going to do at any given time and be able to play with IO slotting enhance different aspects of it. How would you deal with slotting for this power, by the by? While I'm thinking about it, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the set, buffing ones allies. I'd probably move something like this to a secondary set.
-Intesentorqueo Acerbitas strikes me as overpowered being a toggle and inflicting high DoT. I would never turn it off. Ever. I would crowd the heck out of whatever my target was and blast the snot out of them while they suffered DoT. It would be... I'd have to compare it to scourge, almost. And with scourge, we'd pass straight into silly.
-Other than that, it doesn't strike me as a bad set. It's got the expected snipe, mid-range blasts, a targeted-AOE, cones, and a nuke.
-Good heavens, why would anyone take another secondary, ever? It's got two holds, a heal, a +regen, enemy debuffs, an immobilize, and pet dragons. I'd say it needs some rebalancing.
I like the overall concept of wand using and many of the specifics of this suggestion.
There are some fairly 'magical' looking weapon for customization, including the Dark Nictus sword and the Rularuu weapons. I'd also argue that the Talorsian weapons look fairly magical.
I mean, other than 'glowing' and/or 'rune-covered', what would make a weapon look magical to you?
As to the actual power sets proposed...
I don't think it is likely we'll see mixed-damage sets quite like that. I can't think of any non-EAT set offhand that deals more than one damage type other than S/L, and I suspect that's intentional.
You might be able to get away with having a set that was, say, entirely Energy but had one power that was Fire/Energy or somesuch.
Intesentorqueo Acerbitas is very different from any existing in-game powers and I suspect it would require a prohibitive amount of work to create (especially with prompts).
The secondary set is probably too mixed, and requires some things that would be at best difficult to simulate in-game (eg, 'reverse repel').
It's been said before, but it's unlikely we'll get a power set that relies so heavily on a single origin. I think even a 'staff blast' set with generic names for the attacks would be a stretch, and that could pretty easily be Magic, Mutant, or Tech (and could probably even work for Sci or Natural)... and the existence of Bane spiders may preclude introducing another, similar set.
Good heavens, why would anyone take another secondary, ever? It's got two holds, a heal, a +regen, enemy debuffs, an immobilize, and pet dragons.
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It's actually not that far off of Dark or Storm, but I do agree it's pretty complex. As written, the power strengths would probably end up being pretty weak to compensate for the versatility, which to me is a good argument for tightening up the theme a bit.

Alright. I have a few comments about your powersets.
First off: Some people are likely to dislike the set having a wand-waving animation, which means that it's pretty much tied to characters with the Magic origin. I don't have a problem with that, seeing Assault Rifle, Devices, Traps and MM: Robotics.
Secondly, a magic-themed set would be the perfect way to introduce what I've been considering for quite some time: An attack set with different damage types (Fire, Energy, Negative, etc.) scattered throughout. The upside? Never being completely shut down against a foe with a singular, high Damage Resist anagianst a particular damage type. The downsides that keep this balanced? Not being able to stack a lot of the same secondary effect (-ToHit, -Def, etc.), nor able to fully capitolize on a foe with a particular damage type weakness, such as zombies against fire, etc.
Thirdly, I don't think that Attract, as an opposite of Repel, is really currently feasible. It's been discussed in greater detail before, but I have a suggestion. Simply change it to a Hold stacked with TP Foe?
<QR> Could you clarify what AT(s) you where hoping this would be a primary and secondary for?
As a primary and a secondary it would only seem to fit (in that order) corruptors with perhaps the inverse for defenders. Just want to make sure thats what you where thinking.
Edit: Nevermind

My main concern is that it's so conceptually limiting. Yeah, it can be altered some with having the wand being able to be (as part of weapon customization,) say, an athame, crsytal of some sort, etc, but... you're not just limiting this to a Magic origin, but a Magic user who would use wands, as opposed to spells, books, scrolls, or just "innate" magic.
Eh. I get what you're trying to do, don't get me wrong. I just think people might feel *too* limited by it. (After a quick skim, that's really the only concern.) While, as BBQ points out, there are similar sets (AR/BS/DB/WM,) they're only weapon-limited, not really weapon-and-origin.
If it were handled like an epic of some sort, unlocked via a task force or some such, I think it'd be easier to get away with.
Guys I am very happy about all of this feedback, even though it feels mostly negative. I do however have many responses to your arguments.
Textilian, in regards to
-Regarding "Invocatio De Potentia (Special buff)," I would never pick this out of the set. When I play, I want to know exactl y what a power is going to do at any given time and be able to play with IO slotting enhance different aspects of it. How would you deal with slotting for this power, by the by? While I'm thinking about it, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the set, buffing ones allies. I'd probably move something like this to a secondary set.
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This Power is not a support power for "buffing ones allies". It is a self buff, just like Aim in the blaster primary sets, Archery, Electrical, Energy, Fire, and Ice. Or like Amplify in the Sonic Blaster set. SELF BUFF, with the only difference that you only get one buff instead of (+Dam, +Acc), but it will be stronger and last longer than the former. Lasting longer will come into play to help plan what insp u will need. Think of it as a Mystic Fortune buff for yourself.
-Good heavens, why would anyone take another secondary, ever? It's got two holds, a heal, a +regen, enemy debuffs, an immobilize, and pet dragons. I'd say it needs some rebalancing.
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As for the rebalancing, that all depends on your numbers, & since the primary set is pretty much all offensive with no holds or buffs. Then the secondary has compensated to being support. My Trick Arrow set has very similar powers, only I removed a couple of the -resistance debuffs and replaced them with a heal and a regen. Because everyone is always saying TA should have a heal. Not to mention, these are only ideas. It would be up to the devs to decide how to balance it.
To Jack_NoMind, in regards to:
There are some fairly 'magical' looking weapon for customization, including the Dark Nictus sword and the Rularuu weapons. I'd also argue that the Talorsian weapons look fairly magical.
I mean, other than 'glowing' and/or 'rune-covered', what would make a weapon look magical to you?
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Talsorian weapons look like Tech weapons in my opinion. See above where I wrote "I'm not talking about taking a normal sword and calling it a "magical sword" obviously." And as for the Rularuu weapons I agree they "look" fairly magical, but they still do the same exact thing as the other versions of the swords/bow. I said I want a magic weapon, not a magical looking weapon. That means anything a wizard or witch would use. Wands, spellbooks, runes, etc. And since when could we actually use that Nictus Sword? Isnt that for MA Custom Critters only? And that still does not take into account of the 6 melee weapon sets vs. the 2 range sets. We need another ranged weapon set!
Intesentorqueo Acerbitas is very different, but Dual Blades introduced a new aspect to melee that was different than anything they have done with another power.So did the Kheldian powers when you transform to a Nova or Dwarf. You talk like something different is a bad thing. I think it would be great. And it doesnt seem very outrageous to me. You just apply the toggle effect to a DoT blast formula, and make the animation continuous. As for the prompt, we have a prompt when we are about to exit a mission, you just take that formula and modify it to have a Targeted AoE formula. This seems complex but they use aspects that are already in game. They have just never been used together.
I also disagree about a mixed power set being bad; it would be great to see something different and interesting introduced into the game. This would take something from every type, and roll it into one. It would be like a team balancing powerset. Say you had a 7 man team, but you would like a little extra damage, as well as a little more -regen, for a task force maybe. It would be a good way of getting a boost to everything. And it would not be too powerful because I just took ideas from my TA and Dark and Storm, and just mixed and matched.
BBQ_Pork, I completely agree with you about the Assault Rifle set, and devices. They highly rely on tech or natural origin. Not to mention Peacebringers are Natural ONLY, and Warshades are also single origin based. And I don't play villains much but I would assume the same for people with the Widows and Spiders. And if people wanted to cause a big enough stink about the whole "limited origin" stuff I am hearing, then I suppose you could throw in a tech wand. Not to mention that it could be debated, magical abilities would be "natural" to someone like a Shaman, so he could take a bone wand and a natural origin. So it is not as conceptually limiting as you think if you get creative with it, regardless, so what there are already conceptually limiting powers out there. This set will just add creative balance to the "conceptually limiting" powersets we already have. Not to mention there are many different types of magicians and wizards. There are your Merlin/Gandalf type wizards. Harry Potter type wizards. As well as Necromancers, Shamans, Stage Magicians, and your modern day witches and wizards that could just wear normal clothes. Maybe your concept isnt even a wizard at all, it could be a normal little kid who found a wizards wand. There are many possibilities.
It would not have to fit in order (Primary/Secondary) I was just thinking in reference to a Blaster or Corruptor, primary for a blaster could be secondary for a defender and vice versa for the secondary set. The same goes to what would properly apply to villain sets. In that aspect it is no different than Tankers, Scrappers, and Brutes all having Dual Blades. Or for that matter it is no different than Corruptors and Blasters having Fire Blast, or Defenders having Electric or Energy Blast. It would be up to the devs to decide who gets what.
And as for everyones positive comments, thank you very much. I agree this could be very cool. But like I said it is just an idea/suggestion. Doesn't mean everything would have to work out EXACTLY the way I outlined it. I for one, would be very happy to see even half of this used. My main Concept at hand here is a magic wand & wizard staff weapon. I want a new ranged weapon set!
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You talk like something different is a bad thing.
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No. I talk like it's a difficult thing. Which it is.
And it would not be too powerful because I just took ideas from my TA and Dark and Storm, and just mixed and matched.
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"Mix and match from three sets" isn't a good argument for "not too powerful." Those three sets are not only very different from one another, but the most borderline of the existing Defender primaries. In fact, the rest of your description for it,
This would take something from every type, and roll it into one. It would be like a team balancing powerset. Say you had a 7 man team, but you would like a little extra damage, as well as a little more -regen, for a task force maybe.
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makes it sound even more unbalancing. Specialization being in so many sets isn't an 'oversight' or something that needs fixing -- it's an integral part of how sets are balanced. Cold is a powerful set, but it lacks a heal. Dark is a powerful set, but all of its effects -- even the heal -- are targeted (as opposed to, say, radiation) and mostly cost a lot of endurance.

If you want 'a little extra damage and some -Regen' you get a Controller, Corruptor or Defender. Those Blast sets and damaging Controls are there for a reason, you know?
Otherwise, I strongly dislike the Harry Potter style ability naming and conceptual stress on what people would perceive as Hermetic Magic. I see what you're trying to do, I just don't like it. It's, as has been said, conceptually limiting. AR is, too, to some extent, but with options like the Tommy Gun and Nemesis Rifle it still manages to cover a very wide area with regard to guns.
More relevantly, a rifle with built-in flamethrower is a concept you can 'get'. Hitting someone with a club/axe/sword/oversized Japanese knife is something easily gotten. Manipulating Fire, Earth, Ice etc. is easily gotten. Magic, wand or not, is a wide area with many possible definitions.
To demonstrate: This idea breaks apart the moment I ask whether these are one-handed wands as those of stage magicians and in the Harry Potter stuff or two-handed staves as found on Gandalf or Tim. Either would require its own kind of animation -- and I doubt they're willing to set up two alternate animation sets as that would set a bad precedent.
Winston Churchill
two-handed staves as found on Gandalf or Tim. .
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.... oooooh. Idea that could be most interesting, especially if given slightly freer rein as an "epic."
Staff-using, magic-based epic - combining range, buff/debuff, and staff based *melee.*
Probably be a nightmare to come up with/balance/etc but it could be fun as well.
My main concern is that it's so conceptually limiting. Yeah, it can be altered some with having the wand being able to be (as part of weapon customization,) say, an athame, crsytal of some sort, etc, but... you're not just limiting this to a Magic origin, but a Magic user who would use wands, as opposed to spells, books, scrolls, or just "innate" magic.
Eh. I get what you're trying to do, don't get me wrong. I just think people might feel *too* limited by it. (After a quick skim, that's really the only concern.) While, as BBQ points out, there are similar sets (AR/BS/DB/WM,) they're only weapon-limited, not really weapon-and-origin.
If it were handled like an epic of some sort, unlocked via a task force or some such, I think it'd be easier to get away with.
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Epic is an interesting idea. Think of the possibilities! An expansion of the Ouroborous story, or the Midnighters, why they don't get along, maybe more with the Shard and all of the alternate realities out there...
Plus I adore a good task or strike force.
-I would probably use English for the power names. I would do this because of how popular Harry Potter is. I know the Harry Potter characters aren't the only ones to use wands or pseuolatin, but it was the first thing to spring to mind.
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I think the latin adds flavor to the set. Of course I am probably being swayed by the fact that I'm feverishly working my way through the insanely addictive Dresden Files books, and he uses pseudo-Latin for his magic too. (The character also readily admits it isn't real Latin, and has an amusing but internally consistent explanation for it.)
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I like the Dresden Files.
I just have this horrible vision of CoH v. J. K. Rowlings. Also, having thought about it, I think the pseudolatin names limit the concept more than it needs to. There are other languages I think of as appropriately magical. I think it's better to give the powers descriptive English names, and then leave it to the players to set up chat binds to accompny the powers for additional flavor.
With different wand models, it seems like it could be more than just a magic wand. It could be a wand of science, of mastery of physics. And it seems like that wouldn't use pseudolatin.
I can't tell if I'm rambling or not. Someone please send coffee, just pour it into the Universal Speed Boost (USB) port there...
Those are some pretty good arguements. I can see your point on using psuedo-latin. So I guess english names would suffice.
But I stand my ground on the mixed powersets. Balance is what you make of the sets. Like my concept for the Toggle Blast; this is an amazing idea. If I hadn't thought of it myself I would be on some other guys thread praising him. So now that I have blown my own horn on that one; the power would still have its limits. You would not be able to use it all of the time, because it would drain your endurance while using it, also while it is on it would disable all of your other abilities like rest, so you wouldnt be able to turn it on, hit rest, and keep your end up.
And if you wanted to get really anal about it, you could have a few magic wands a tech staff (Like the nemisis staff) and some other stuff. Both wand lengths would be one-handed. Think of blackwand vs. the Nemesis Staff, the Nem Staff is much longer, but it is still only a one handed weapon.
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Do you *really* want to set up a powerset where people can argue the length of their staff?
"argue the length of their staff" WHAT?!? What is there to argue about?
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If we're going down that road, it's a powerset centered around playing with one's rod.
Thought of something about the dragons. They'd require a new skeleton, right?
Well I really feel like you guys are just posting negative stuff on here to be griefers...lets not become hippocrits shall we. There are already weapons with inuendo in the game. what about "My sword is bigger than your sword" or "be careful with that outfit, you might make my gun go off". Don't try to give me the red-herring and make this powerset debate about something else.
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yes the dragons would require a new skeleton, how is that any different than other things that have been put in the game that require a new skeleton. It wasn't a big deal then, and it is not a big deal now.
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Well I really feel like you guys are just posting negative stuff on here to be griefers...lets not become hippocrits shall we. There are already weapons with inuendo in the game. what about "My sword is bigger than your sword" or "be careful with that outfit, you might make my gun go off". Don't try to give me the red-herring and make this powerset debate about something else.
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Serious comments posted earlier.
That /hadtosayit = kidding around/being a smartalec/not an actual concern.
When I read this thread, I don't see any "learn to search" or "no" or "learn to spell" or any posts like that. Just thoughtful responses, testing out the original idea, suggesting ways it might change or be unlocked or be made better. That's the whole point. Of course you don't have to agree with everything, but what you seem to view as negative I would view as an attempt to refine your idea, help, with a few playful asides here and there.
I'd also view the playful asides as a sign of acceptance.
Besides, it doesn't matter what size the rod is, it's about what you do with it (power choices).
After buying the Super Booster II: Magic Pack. All I can say is "MORE!".
I really like everything you did with the pack, the fortune buffs are cool, the costumes are sweet, so I am all around happy with the booster but I want to see a magic theme powerset. I have outlined my opinion with arguments that support it.
1. Melee characters have much more options than ranged characters for weapon customization.
Don't get me wrong, I really like melee weapon customization, but blasters/ranged heroes just dont have as many weapon options. Tanks have The Battle Ax, and War Mace. Scrappers have Broadswords, Katanas, Dual Blades, & Claws. So there are 6 weapons for melee heroes. Blasters only have the Assault Rifle and the Bow, 2 weapons. So there are 3 times as many weapon sets for melee heroes, not to mention the lack of customization options for the bow and rifle. Blasters need another weapon based powerset!
2. Magic Origin weapons are a minority in comparison to Technology and Natural weapons.
In all honesty...magical weapons are nonexistent. I'm not talking about taking a normal sword and calling it a "magical sword" obviously. All of the weapons in the game are either some type of gun, or a natural weapon like a sword, mace, or shovel. There are 2 different options for pipe wrenches. I very rarely see a player even using one of those wrenches. There are 117 weapons for hero powers that are based on technology or natural weapons. See here: Weapons on ParagonWiki
The only magic themed weapon available is the Temp Power/Veteran Reward Blackwand. This is a great power when you are level 1, but in higher levels it grows weak. Magic themed weapons are strongly lacking in comparison to technology and natural weapons.
It is with these two strong points that I suggest a ranged Primary and Secondary Powerset. The powerset would have a variety of different types of powers to reflect the ability to conjur/evoke different spells like earth, air, fire, water, light, dark, energy, electricity, cold, etc. And the names could be altered from Latin for a touch of that magic abracadabra flare. Here are some ideas I concocted.
Primary Set: This would include offensive powers obviously, blasts and a power up.
Ventuus Expulsum (Wind burst): Ranged (Cone), Minor Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
*Animation note: Character points wand at target and clear blast distorts the air (like glass) to hit the target knocking him back.*
Livetiistriktem (Lightning Strike): Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, Foe Knockback, Self +Endurance
*Animation note: Character raises one hand toward the sky and points his wand at target. Lightning comes down from the sky like "CC Emote Lightning" then strikes the target.*
Incendia Conicalus (Fire blast): Ranged(Cone), Moderate Damage over Time(Fire)
*Animation note: Character swings wand horizontally back and forth while multiple flares shoot out in a cone towards the targets.*
Atrum Cusedictio (Dark blast): Sniper, Extreme Damage(Negative), Foe: -To Hit
*Animation note: Character reaches back and then extends hand forward with force pointing his wand at the target (as if to throw something) throughout the animation a dark orb grows at the end of the wand then decimates as a stream of dark energy shoots out of the wand*
Luminarium Exertus (light blast): Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage (Energy), Foe: -To Hit
*Animation note: Character points wand and a bright light emits from it. Similar to Kheldian energy. Though with a warmer bright yellowish tint instead of light blue.
Terra Penetra (earth blast): Targeted AoE, High Damage (Lethal), Foe Knockdown
*Animation note: Character points wand at the ground near him/herself, causing a cracking line to form heading toward the target. When it reaches the target a cloud of dust/dirt raises up while pieces of sharp rock shoot out of the ground and stab enemies within the area of effect. *
Invocatio De Potentia (Special buff): Self Special +Damage +Accuracy +Recharge +Recovery
This buff would be similar to how other blasters have Aim. Though unlike Aim, it would cause random effects the same way the Mystic Fortune has random effects. (So instead of buffs +Damage +To hit, it would have a set of 3 or 4 random buffs and would grant one of them.) The effect would be stronger and last longer than buffs like Aim, but on the downside it would be interruptible and have a longer recharge, so you would have to use it before battle. Buffs could include but are not limited to +Damage +Accuracy +Recharge and +Recovery.(Take some liberty here, what would be cool? Maybe also some +Movement Speed, or Invisibility, there could be a number of possibilities here)
*Animation note: The character would extend his arms out at the side, and let his head back, standing in an open submissive kind of pose. And an aura would draw into him from all around as if he were absorbing energy. The type of aura would vary depending on the buff that is rolled. Auras should be unique, magical, and last for the duration of the buff.*
Intesentorqueo Acerbitas (magic blast): Toggle, Ranged, High Damage over Time (Lethal),
This attack would toggle on/off, and have a somewhat special type of range. It would be a single target power, you would not be able to use any other powers while this power is on (like rest but you would not be immobilized). The range on a normal Toggle is like 15 ft. around self for example (unless slotted with range enhancements). The range on this would be around target like 50 ft. or the length of a typical ranged blast but less than a sniper range. You must be within range to activate this power, and if you move close to the range edge you will be prompted with a warning until you are in a closer range again.
*Animation note: Character points wand and waves it in a tight circular motion. The blast would use a reddish clear distortion look (glasslike similar to Ventuus Expulsum but with a red tint) but it should have a spiraling pattern as if it were twisting and turning. The character would continue to hold this pointing/waving motion as long as the power is on.*
Valdeagon Esplotuus (Magical Blast): Point Blank Area of Effect, Minor Damage over Time(Energy), Extreme Damage(Energy), Self Recovery
*Animation note: Character raises wand in the air holding it up with both hands as he draws energy from his environment and his surrounding enemies hurting them, thus growing a large sphere of energy above his wand, then quickly slashes his hands down toward his sides while the energy drops down around him and violently expels out to blast all surrounding enemies. Energy should be clear with glasslike distortion and a deep red tint. It should swirl and contort its way to the wand and around the sphere, then swirl down the character to burst out in numerous straight sharp simultaneous blasts.*
Secondary Set: This will include defensive powers, heals, holds, and dubuffs.
Petraverto (stone hold): Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Smashing), Foe: Hold
*Animation Notes: Character points wand at target shooting a clear distortion energy. Target stands in the held emote, but he is covered in bitmap texture or something making him look like he is carved out of marble or stone.*
Arcessohostilis (Summon enemy): Ranged, Foe Hold, Attract
*Animation note: Character points wand, and enemy becomes held in a pose with his arms held against his sides, his feet together, dragging toward you. This would be like the opposite of Repel.*
Vigoratusectii (heal): Click: PBAoE, Team +Heal
*Animation note: Character waves his wand above his head in a circular motion. A sparkling green energy spirals out to the area of effect. Sparkles should look kind of like fireworks or like there are little glowing orbs in the energy.
Defeminis Emoveil (defense curse): Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)Defense, -Resistance, Team +Defense
*Animation note: Character swiftly raises wand in the air then slashes it downward. A purple (defense) aura is stripped away from the enemy and spreads out to the surrounding teammates.*
Vineacarpo (Plant Immobilize): Ranged (Area of Effect) Immobilize, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Fly
*Animation note: Character shoots a green energy at the ground near target, and vines grow up from the ground similar to Roots.*
Riigenatus Emoveil (-regen curse): Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Foe -Regeneration, Team + Regeneration
*Same animation as Defeminis Emoveil, but the aura is green.*
Atterosultus (weaken attack) Damage, -To Hit
*Animation note: Character points wand at target waving it slightly up and down while a yellow and red aura come out of the target. Then character pulls wand backwards and the red and yellow aura shoot out into the wand as the two colors twist around each other.*
Tempestas (rainstorm): Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect) Foe: Knockdown
Creates a puddle of water that causes enemies to slip and fall. Also creates a target similar to Oil Slick. But instead of being able to light on fire once, it may be hit with electricity numerous times. Applying the damage of that electrical attach to everyone in the area of effect.
*Animation note: Character raises both hands and wand at an angle toward the sky. Rain falls from the sky and creates a puddle of water.*
Spiritusorcius (conjur pet): Summon 1-3 Small Dragons (depending on your level)
Dragon: [Breath Fire: Ranged(Cone), Moderate Damage over Time(Fire)] [Claw: Melee, Minor Damage (Lethal)] [Heal: Click: PBAoE, Team +Heal]
These dragons would look like your traditional fantasy/magic dragons (opposed to dragon humanoids that can be made in the costume creator). They can breathe fire, claw enemies, fly, and use the pain domination heal Nullify Pain.
These ideas are open to some variation. Please let me know what you think of them. I would be very happy if the Devs put a powerset like this in the game. I know it has some unique abilities, but so does Dual Blades for melee toons. So please take that into consideration. I also think a Magic Power Pool would be good. The travel power being Broom Flight or a smoky Teleport (like the smoke in the CC Emote). But the other powers in the pool could be magic team buffs like leadership or a second pet power like summon Fairy. Maybe some kinf of rune power. I would like to know what other powers you think should go in the pool!
Also for the weapon customization, there should be an option whether to have a long staff, or a short wand. And they should have the ability to change different pieces of the wand or staff. Like the handle, the shape of the end, and the jewel that goes on the end. Wand/staff types could include a crooked stick looking wand, an ornate carved wooden wand, a sleek metal rod with some minor embellishings, a wrought iron wand with some pointy ends or finger guard, a bone wand, this could be a single bone like a femur, or a set of bones like an arm with a hand, or a spine with an animal skull on top. Different jewels will be interchangeable on the wands also, a polished stone, a rough jagged stone, a cut stone, or even stones that are carved into shapes like a talon, a moving eye like the rularuu weapons, or for a necromancy type wand a beating heart.
So what do you guys think of this powerset?
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