32 -
I am disappointed that no one took up the crown of video posting you know.
Wouldn't want to ruin a Southern Belle's reputation by being seen with a Yankee
budo should be a golden calf
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[Homer]Mmmmmm Veal [/Homer] -
I think Lighty was just asserting his dominance.
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More like he noticed Liberty existed -
Give Dual Blades to Blasters. Archery/Dual Blade Legolas clones running all over the place, we'll give Lord of the Rings online a run for it's money
Only expo's I'll go to are ones withint driving distance, IE not many.
See, you can say stuff about them, but no matter what it is, once the names roll off your tongue you just feel dirty for even speaking of them
They are the best dates.
They don't complain at all.
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But you said it was bad.
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At not putting out. They make you have to work for it.
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Queues "Last Dance with Mary Jane" video......
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What video is that?
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This video -
Yeah those Necco wafers, great until you get the the purple/black ones...
oh... NecRo... nevermind -
Holy Necropost batman
Now saying Cast Away was a good movie because it had Tom Hanks is about the same as saying Last Action Hero was great jsut because it had Arnold Swarztneggar(sp?) in it. And LArry is only funny because he has the other three in Blue Collar after his act so you have to usually go through the drudgery of listening to Git R Dun every 2 seconds.
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Heh. I liked Last Action Hero, actually, and while Larry is my least favourite of the four, I still find him damn funny. (Ron White is actually my favourite, just in case you were curious...)
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"It's like a cheese wheel, I don't touch bottom but I stretch out the sides" - Ron White
I can't buy his CD's anymore, I listen to them in the car and nearly drove into a ditch when I heard the last one I bought
The whole thing with the guy in the speedo with the squirrell... and then the nude beach. Had me in tears. -
Pwny is a world reknowned and NAACP troll feeder, he gives back to the community -
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Yeah, sorry I don't enable them at work lol -
Anything to shift the blame from the actual person who comitted the act hm? I mean c'mon
Now that I've watched it from a rational standpoint I question why people are going after these videogames and the like. People say todays day and age is more violent, more exposed, however I have some quandires with relation to videogames being the bane of all that's evil in America. Take into account the 1920's. Arguably the 1920's and Prohibition was something that lined the pockets and greased the wheels for the orginization that was noted as Organized Crime. I have a feeling those gentlemen may have had a few more deaths on there heads then the video game industry. Crusades, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Roman Conquest, Columbian Drug Wars. Violence in history and on a daily basis isn't something that is exclusive to this day and age and is not something that has suddenly sprung up with the gaming industry.
That said and most likely my examples not holding much due to the extremes on one side, vs. the extremes on the other side, how can this be resolved? I'm reminded of a case where a Grandmother bought her Grandson Grand Theft Auto and then sued the makers/publishers/store for not explaining the game to her. I also look at some of the people who have killed themselves after the time and devotion spent in a game, and then the others who say they killed a pet or an actual person due to a video game. That, in my opinion is just someone with a warped mind. I hate to sound cruel and un-caring but to me, with the way I've been raised and the outlook on life I have, what you do to someone else, what you do to yourself is responsible of only one person, the one who looks you in the mirror in the morning when you wake up.
All of a sudden it's TV and cartoons that cause all these problems. Have you watched old re-runs of Tom and Jerry, Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Hong Kong Fooey... I'm sorry but these cartoons were violent. They do things in those cartoons that... Well are quite painful to see lol. But that's the thing, the kids of the time didn't run out and drop an anvil on a classmate, they didn't plug the barrel of a shotgun with a finger and pull the trigger... Or if they did I don't hear much about it in these reports that the news and the like do.
The major problem I see is a lack of a defining line between fantasy and reality. From then to now somehow that line has degraded to the point where some children have issues telling one from the other. Why this has happened, well that's all theory on my part and it's stuff better left to a proffessional and someone not on this board simply because of the differing views and possible arguments it could raise. You can blame overmedication, new child rearing practices, lack of familial envolvement... Regardless something, somewhere, changed in the structure and we're seeing the fall out now.
Ratings for games with restrictions from age? Good start IMO, My 8 year old cousin can walk into a place and buy Grand Theft Auto if she wanted. However there should still be someone, somewhere, saying "well my son is 13 but isn't mature enough for that yet"
I just dunno, there needs to be a middle ground somewhere, but all I hear is "don't restrict us" or "ban them all" and both sides seem to be feeding off of false information -
Pentium 4 3.0ghz
1.5GB of system RAM
ATI x700 pro, 256mb
Windows XP Home edition
Drivers are all current
When I upped my RAM from 512 to what I have now, I also upped my graphics settings pretty much to the max, minus the thing that made everything hazy in the distance, that always gave me a headache. I ran COH fine with no problems, and CoV was no longer a chore to play (actually wouldn't play it because of the chopiness even if I tuned my settings down) Been having a blast and enjoying the game.
I'd noticed it when I8 hit, chopiness, frame rate drops, freeze frames, but I just attriubted it to the fact that on the day I8 hit is the day I began my missions in Grandville. I'd heard the zone was a lag fest as it is. But just standing around waiting, turning the camera has become a chore, frame rate drops into the single digits long load times into zones/base.
Looks like I'll just have to up the RAM once again after my x-mas shopping is done -
Dang Conspiracy I tell you, first they don't let me solo my nemesis Paladin, now this
Did I miss it somewhere? The Family focused screenshots winners and the backgrounder? Went on vacation and am trying to catch up but still don't see it... I actually thought I had a chance to win one of those for once
Yeah, my wallet just ran away and said it won't be coming back lol
Darnit, figures I'm on vacation... would like to get a few concept toons on virtue up there a bit
Dang, looked and still don't see it.. or am I blind?
Dang if that's quick... Lol thanks, it's really great