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  1. The bacon-related products failed to include:

  2. *Grabs an apple fritter, chows it down, goes home, goes to bed*
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    Personally, I don't think we need new costume pieces. I think costume bits needs to get some new polish.
    I agree. Personally, I think EVERY one of the old "tops with skin" and "bottoms with skin" options needs some kind of makeover. Add real textures and bump-mapping to them all. Just look at what they did with, say, the "Hearts" pattern, making a "Hearts Plus". Why not a "Plus" option for everything???

    Only thing is, I'd like to see this done as part of the BASE game, not requiring any kind of for-pay booster/add-on like what was done with "Hearts", etc.

    And please, keep the old "pattern only" pieces (e.g. the original "Hearts") for those who want them!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    Never remove options. Just add new options!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    Maybe I watch the wrong forums, but I haven't seen Soul Train around in months. Might not be reading these forums anymore.
    Oh, Soul Train's still around and posting. Do a search if you don't believe me.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

    Nothing needs to be said. <>
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
    Oh come ON!!!!
    The first thing I noticed where the boots and I was like "Boy, these would look GREAT under Flared Pants as an alternative to the crappy Sneakers we have in-game right now!"

    Then I go to actually check that hypothesis, and guess what!

    We're not allowed to have 'em under pants!!!

    COME ON!!!!!

    Please, guys! Please please please please please, can we PLEASE have them enabled under pants as well?!
    I approve this message.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    And then getting pushed off the darn thing 30 seconds later by some random person!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    I actually really do agree with that. We need -some- form of vertical movement with walk on. There are just way too many obstacles.
    I agree completely! We've finally gotten the walk, now let's make sure it's not a crippled one!
  10. Red_Addiction,

    All great ideas, yes... but somehow, I just don't see the devs having the time to work on something like this. They've got more than enough work to do on things that people can play with year-round, versus an event that only runs for a week or so. It would also require gobs of new art assets (3D models, textures, bump maps, etc.) and necessitate a download to player clients in the tens-of-megabytes range. (The only reason they went through the trouble for Christmas was because, hey, it's Christmas after all...)

    Still, if enough people take the time to post in the forums that they'd like something like this, perhaps the devs will take heed and set aside some time and resources to do at least parts of it.
  11. <rant>

    This may have been mentioned by others, but what I'd really like to see is a Double XP WEEK. Preferably something starting on a Wednesday and ending the following Wednesday.

    There are those of us who have to work on weekends, and we never really get to participate in Double XP the way everyone else does! By extending Double XP to a full week, we would be able to join in on the fun. By starting and ending on a Wednesday (or any other weekday, for that matter), the Double XP period would still bracket a weekend, but the additional days would guarantee that "we-who-have-our-days-off-midweek" would be able to spend at least one or two full days playing, the way "those-who-have-weekends-off" can right now.

    While I appreciate that the current Double XP Weekend starts on a Thursday and ends on a Sunday (for about three-and-a-half days total), my schedule is such that I'm really only going to be able to grind out XP for half a day at most.

  12. TargetOne

    Round 3 P.P.

    I really, really want to see Pain Domination for Dominators, not just Masterminds and Corruptors. I mean, come on... Domination, Pain Domination? It's a natural fit! Why this wasn't done from the get-go is beyond me.
  13. If you absolutely, positively MUST play CoH at work, do so entirely on your own equipment, including the Internet connectivity. Plugging your stuff (even a simple dial-up modem, much less a full Ethernet connection) into their communications facilities is a big no-no at almost all companies. Get a laptop computer and a 3G wireless data service (which works through the cellphone network using a special plug-in card).

    But like others have said, choosing a different, low-profile hobby to pass the time would be preferred.
  14. TargetOne

    Respec Failed

    I had this same problem... using a free respec, I could go through the whole process, but in the end, "Respec failed". I petitioned tech support in-game, and here's some things they told me:

    A (free) /respec can fail if you happen to have any unslotted enhancements in your enhancements tray. Try clearing out your tray, then /respec again.

    It can also fail if you have levelled up, but not yet visited a trainer. So, train first, then try again.

    Finally, moving to a different zone can often clear up whatever's interfering with the /respec. This solved the problem for me.

    Hope this helps.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post

    1. Upgrading my 1GB RAM to 2GB
    Definitely. My CoX client runs much more smoothly ever since I upgraded my system from 1GB to 2GB. Not faster, mind you, just more smoothly (less usage of the swapfile).


    2. Upgrading my b/g wireless conection to n/n+ (Is this reliant on the adapter itself or the router which it may be passing through)
    It might... better yet would be a wired Ethernet connection, though. (Network latency is the big issue, not throughput.) Anyway, both the adapter and the router would need to support Wireless-N.

    3. Overclocking the CPU (if possible on an intel laptop)

    4. Overclocking the GPU (if possible on an integrated graphics card)
    Well, overclocking anything always helps a bit, but it all really depends on the hardware in question, and how far it CAN be overclocked. Some CPUs/GPUs can't be oc'd enough to make a real difference. And, there is always a risk of pushing it too far and damaging your system, or at the very least, reducing its lifespan. You'll have to judge for yourself whether that's a risk you're willing to take.

    Not sure integrated graphics can be overclocked, depends on the chipset, I suppose.

    It would help us if you would provide some system specs...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
    In general, a great announcement. But I'd like to put in my voice that it should be (or at least have the option for) based on Global Friends.

    Character friends list seems to be a bit of an archaic throwback; I don't think I even *have* any on any of my characters. Either I, the human player, am a friend of the person on the other end of the global, or I'm not. If I am, it shouldn't matter in the slightest what character, server, faction, instance, superteam, or hairstyle they or I are currently playing as far as communications are concerned.
    I second this! Honestly, I don't know why the "character" friends list is even still in the game. I don't know anyone who uses it (I sure don't). A friend is a friend is a friend, regardless of what character I'm playing (or on which server, for that matter), and I'm not going to restrict my communication with them by putting them on the "character" friends list instead of Globals.

    The only real use I can see for the "character" friends list is to keep track of "What Heroes/Villains does this character know IC'ly?".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    (Which reminds me, we’ve added new features to the in-game Email system to either shut it off entirely, or only receive emails from people on your friends list and/or people in your Supergroup. Another step in the battle against annoying in-game spam.)

    I mean, the super-sidekicking sounds okay too, but I am SERIOUSLY sick and tired of in-game spam! It's about time something this simple was finally added.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inniscor View Post
    Am I the only one concerned about the removal of the "Show all posts" option? As it is now, it's a pain to click through 4 pages of posts when you could just line them up before.
    No "show all posts", but you can go into your preferences ("User CP" at the top of the forum, click "Edit Options" on the left, then scroll down) and set the "number of posts to show per page" item to a higher value. Even then, it tops out at 100 posts per page.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    Wow, these new forums are horrible.
    We'll get used to them...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ghost Falcon:

    I'm going to suggest you put all chat-related bugs into the *critical* category.


    Because chat-related bugs are the single most visble category of bugs in the game. EVERYONE sees them. EVERYONE deals with them.

    Seeing your most basic social interface bugged, in an established MMORPG, presents a very unpolished and unprofessional product.

    I strongly urge you to put all reported chat interface bugs on the "critical - do not release until fixed" list.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /signed and /signed again for emphasis!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll /sign this as well.

    28197402cdasfdjias0-u((it's really annoying ya know! ))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Another /sign for this one!

    The chat bugs really do affect everyone...
  21. Another vote here for Mountain Dew Voltage, when I need the caffeine.

    V-8 V-Fusion (usually Peach Mango) when I don't. (Drinkable vegetables that taste like fruit juice FTW!)

    And filtered water when I'm just plain thirsty!
  22. Noooooooooooooooooo...!!!

    Seriously though: let's not introduce MA lag and broadcast spam to the last non-MA bastion in the game.

    Personally, I think the AE building interior ought to be a separate zone in and of itself, just like Pocket D is. Like Pocket D, it would continue to have entrances in all the zones where it is now, but they would all lead to the same instance of AE. And when the AE "zone" starts to get crowded, new instances would be spawned, just like they do with any other zone.

    The only real trouble I see with this is that it wouldn't be possible to have a true (and zone-specific) "out-the-window" view in AE anymore.
  23. I have exactly the same problem as you, DragonKat. Athlon XP 2600+ (2.1GHz) and Radeon 9800 Pro video. Updating to the most recent Catalyst drivers available for these older cards didn't help. And I have 2GB of RAM, with several hundred megabytes free with the game running, so I don't think system RAM is an issue, nor are background tasks.

    I'm beginning to think that the problem lies with the limited amount of video RAM on these 9xxx-series cards (mine's only 128MB, what's yours?). I've been told that each character animation in MA is rendered in a separate 3D environment. Add those to the main game 3D environment, which is always running in the background even when the MA window is maximized, and it may just be too much for the card to handle.

    Unfortunately, the only real solution for us may be upgrading to a more modern videocard with more RAM on it... which itself will mean upgrading the CPU, motherboard, etc. as well.

    BUT, none of this explains why the animations are rendered so small most of the time...

    My original thread
  24. I never said I wanted AE *in* Pocket D, just that I'd like it to be its own separate zone in the same manner *as* Pocket D is now.
  25. Devs,

    How hard would it be to move AE into its own separate zone, similar to Pocket D, as some on the forums have suggested?

    This would have the effect of eliminating the AE-induced lag now found in the most popular zones (Atlas Park, anyone?), as well as the AE-related spam flooding broadcast chat. Further, it would allow additional instances of AE to spawn whenever the building's population exceeded a preset limit, as now happens in any heavily-populated zone, so that AE itself never becomes overcrowded.

    (If the devs feel it necessary to have separate AE's for heroes and villains, I'm sure that could be arranged.)

    This would seem to solve two of the more common complaints about AE in one fell swoop. So what of it, devs? Is it possible without a major rewrite?