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Quote:Open windows explorer (or right-click on Computer and choose Explore). Locate your City of Heroes installation folder. Locate and right-click on "cityofheroes.exe", and choose "Properties". Switch to the "Compatability" tab. Check the box next to "Run this program in compatability mode for", then select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" from the drop-down list. Then click "OK".So how would I go about setting the executable to run in XP-SP3 mode with Windows 7? I would like to experience the game in 3D surround and see if it's worth the performance hit and sheer annoyance in other areas.
If you decide the 3D sound isn't worth it, just repeat and uncheck the box mentioned above. -
Quote:My... brain!If I'm reading this right, the old lag was fixed with a fix that created new lag worse than the old lag.
They just pulled back the fix that fixed the old lag and created new lag worse than old lag, which removes the new lag that's worse than old lag and gives us back the old lag, which, while still being lag, is not as bad as new lag.
Did I get that right? -
I've noticed that often, when an update to CoH is available, and I click the "Update" button to apply it, the update will not complete successfully in a single try.
It will process some of the files (piggs, etc.)... then, I'll either get a message from Windows saying that the Launcher has experienced a problem and will be shut down, OR sometimes, the Launcher simply quits silently.
If I run the Launcher and try again, the same thing happens. If I keep trying, it will eventually finish the update and say "ready to play", but this takes several attempts. (I'll usually do a "Repair (consistency check)" from the menu in the Launcher to be sure it's fully patched, but the Launcher doesn't find any problems.)
Oddly, I think I only see this problem when the Launcher says an update is available and I manually click the "Update" button. If I leave it alone long enough for the Launcher to start auto-updating in the background, I believe it will finish without incident.
So, I'm thinking there may be something different about the way patches are applied manually versus in-the-background. Maybe something's wrong with the progress-bar display shown during a manual update?
I'm running CoH on Windows 7 64-bit (fully patched with Windows Update), on an AMD Phenom II X4 system with 4GB RAM. The system is pretty much rock-solid, I never have any problems running the game itself... only the Launcher.
(P.S. - Forgot to mention, I have my games, including CoH, installed on a separate partition, not the default location within "C:\Program Files (x86)".) -
Have the devs EVER said why the kiosks were disabled in the first place? Or why they aren't working on restoring them?
I personally wish the kiosks would be fixed, if only to "complete" the game. But if the devs are never going to do it, they should be removed (the kiosks, not the devs).
Alternatively, perhaps the kiosks could be assigned to another purpose. There are probably any number of potential uses for a public information terminal... -
I've noticed slow downloads too, at times. Don't have any hard numbers at the moment. I thought one of the benefits of the new Launcher was that it was supposed to download updates from a network of regional distribution servers, supposedly increasing download speeds?
You meant the P67A-GD65 motherboard by MSI, right?
Personally, I would put the SSD on SATA port 1, and put the two DVD/Bluray drives on ports 3-4. (You could even put them on ports 5-6 if you wanted to, it shouldn't matter.) Leave port 2 open for now. Why waste a 6Gb/s port on an optical drive that can't possibly take advantage of 6Gb/s speed?
Since you don't give a brand name or model number for the SSD, I have no way of knowing whether even that can take advantage of 6Gb/s, but it's more likely to than your optical drives.
If you ever upgrade to a larger SSD, you'll want it on a 6Gb/s port (port 1 again, assuming you replace your 64GB drive) just in case it supports 6Gb/s transfers. And if you add mechanical hard drives, they can pretty much go on any port. -
If you buy from a reputable store (e.g. Newegg), they should have already replaced all the defective motherboards with updated ones from their suppliers.
I would avoid any "open box" deals on motherboards, for what it's worth. -
With enough cooling, you'll probably be able to overclock the not-overclocked card to be as fast as the overclocked one. (Does that make sense?)
Quote:My new PC sports a Phenom II X4 955BE (overclocked to 3.6GHz), Gigabyte motherboard, GeForce GTX 460 1GB video (also overclocked), onboard audio (Realtek), three SATA hard drives (total of 2TB), ASUS DVD-RW, Corsair 750W modular power supply, and assorted odds-and-ends in a Cooler Master Elite mid-tower case. Added a Microsoft Comfort Curve keyboard and Razer Deathadder gaming mouse just recently. Still using my old 19-inch Viewsonic CRT for a monitor, hopefully upgrading to a 24-inch LED panel this year.Congratulations on have a long-lived computer, TargetOne.
What components did you use in your new system built mid-2010? If you had held out to build your new computer until today what, if any, parts would be different?
And if I had to do it THIS year instead, I'd probably have gone for one of the new Sandy Bridge Intel CPUs, albiet not a high-end model, and a GTX 560Ti videocard.
Ahh, technology... the perfect moving target, huh? -
Quote:I agree, a PC can give many years of useable life, as long as you maintain it and apply upgrades as necessary (and possible). That, and have reasonable expectations of what you can use it for.3 years.....i have gotten my last 2 PC's to give me almost 10 years of life each, thou with major upgrades to ram, video cards and power supplies. I am now on year 2 of my first custom built PC and this one will also go thru upgrades in the future and get me at least 5 more years as the only thing I do not replace is the motherboard, to much of a pain in the butt. Not to be rude, but if a basic PC guy like me can get 10 years out of a PC then you must not be taking good care of your rig or you never got the right setup to begin with and that is why they did not last for you.
My old PC was built (by me) around 2003, and despite its lowly Athlon XP processor, it served my purposes until fairly recently. In the seven years it served as my primary system, I've upgraded the CPU (from 1900+ to 2600+), sound card (onboard to Audigy 2), DVD burner (several times), memory (several times), video card (several times), and hard drives (multiple times). By the time I was finished with it, it had 2GB of memory, 1TB of disk space (across three drives), and GeForce 7600GT video.
Granted, by today's standards it was hardly a powerhouse. But it was more than adequate for most of what I used it for, including video editing and moderate gaming. About the only thing I wished it did better was games; no way it was going to run the likes of Crysis, for example. But it was great for City of Heroes, pre-Ultra-Mode, anyway.
It wasn't until mid-2010 that I finally broke down and built a new system... and even then, I held on to the old one, running them side-by-side through a KVM switch. I really was in no hurry to transfer everything over to the new PC, since the old one was still useable for most daily tasks. In fact, I only sold the old PC just last week... and considering the shape it was in, it could well run another eight years.
So, yes, a decent PC can be made to last a good, long time. -
Quote:I just tried it, and yes, you can. Still have to make sure the command-line for the shortcut contains " -project coh" or " -project cov", as before, or you'll get an error.2 Quick questions-
1) I have a shortcut set up to launch the game without the updater for the times when the old updater would break. Does anyone know if this will still work with this new launcher?
Quote:2) Is the old CoH Launcher still usable? (I'd rather not install a new launcher and have it screw everything up potentially until AFTER the I20 sneak peek tonight!!!)
(Oddly, my installation folder still contains a "CoVUpdater.exe"... which starts "CoHUpdater.exe"... which starts the NCSoft Launcher. Around and around we go...) -
Well, a lot depends on the specs for the rest of your system (what CPU and how fast, how much RAM and how fast, etc).
I personally have a 1GB GTX 460 card by Gigabyte. 768MB might cripple it a little if you run at too high a resolution.
As for the GTX 460 and CoH, I run at 1280x1024 (still using a CRT here), with most of the Ultra Mode bells and whistles. I'm running Ambient Occlusion at a low-to-medium setting, have shadows at the second-highest setting, and only using 4x AA. But the game looks pretty good at 35-60fps outdoors (depending on where I am), spiking to 70s-80s on most indoor maps.
Hope this helps.
(P.S. - the GTX 460 can often be overclocked to even higher speeds than the videocard makers set them at. That MSI's 750MHz core/3600MHz memory could be pushed to 800MHz core/4000MHz memory, or maybe even higher. You wouldn't want to push it too far, obviously.) -
Quote:I have to do this as well. The only real drawback is that I have to answer a UAC prompt every time I start the game, but that's only a minor annoyance to me. I hear some people have game performance issues running in Compatibility Mode, but I've not noticed any real difference.Any updates to when/if 3D Sound may/perhaps/will be re-enabled?
Not too fond of setting the executable to run in XP-SP3 compatibility mode on a Win7 64 box just to enable 3D sound.
I still think it would be nice if they would just fix CoH to work properly with Windows 7, but I imagine it would require ripping the guts out of the game's sound system and replacing it wholesale, and I doubt the devs care to spend that much effort on it. *sigh* -
What kind of video card do you have? If your PC only has a single VGA output, you might consider getting a discrete add-on graphics card with multiple outputs. Many cards nowadays come with several ports (VGA, DVI, and/or HDMI), which can be used simultaneously.
You could use a VGA splitter, but those sometimes degrade the video passing through them, leading to blurriness, ghosting, etc. You would also be limited to the lower of the maximum resolutions supported by the TV and the monitor, even if the monitor supports higher resolutions. You wouldn't want to accidentally drive the TV at a resolution it doesn't support. -
I also would love to see "Double XP Weeks", instead of weekends. SOME of us have to work on weekends, you know.
Quote:Also disagree. Magazine readership may be down, but it is never going to go away. There are plenty of occasions when you just can't go online, or don't WANT to go online, to get information and/or entertainment. For example, I am prevented from using the Internet at work (yes, it happens!), so no Websurfing for me. And when on vacation at my mother's, there is no Internet access (not even WiFi). I'm not about to pay through the nose for 3G/4G wireless access on my laptop.It's not too surprising. Magazines (especially ones that are for a specialized group) are really losing any purpouse. Actually they haven't had a purpouse in about 10 years. The Internet allows us to get alot of info we used to need magazines for. Comics haven't fallen because collectors want a physical copy, and some people just prefer the comic in their hands. Not really the same for magazines.
I've never really read an issue of wizard.
So what else am I going to do during slow moments? READ. As in, physical books and magazines. I subscribe to three magazines, purchase half a dozen others fairly often, and consume several lines of science-fiction novels as quickly as they are published. I have a Barnes and Noble membership card, and I'm not afraid to use it!!!
Sure, I could get an e-reader, but I have yet to see an e-reader that is full-color, offers enough contrast, is truly readable under most lighting conditions, is comfortable to hold for long periods of time, needs NO batteries, and can survive rain, dirt, dunking in the pool/lake, food/drink spills, twisting, bending, crushing, folding, spindling, and mutiliating... and still be readable.
(Side note: I am digressing here, but I wish computer game publishers would include full printed manuals with all their games. ESPECIALLY the more complex games, like flight/space simulators. PDF files just don't cut it! I hate having to Alt-Tab between a fullscreen game and Acrobat Reader [even when the game works gracefully with Alt-Tab], when it would be far easier to simply glance at a printed manual on my desktop. /vent) -
Another playernotes.txt bug...
It seems to me that, whenever I try to call up the notes on a player who is currently "hiding" from global friends, the player notes window shows their character name as the global name, with nothing in the "local names" (character names) section. And any notes I had previously entered (when the player wasn't hiding) are not displayed.
But back to the original poster's comment: I frequently see the "local names" section improperly formatted. Instead of listing the character names like this:
Captain This, Miss That, Ultra Somethingorother
I see:
Captain, This, Miss, That, Ultra, Somethingorother
What's more, sometimes I see the individual words or groups of words repeated two, three, or more times:
Captain, This, Captain, This, Captain, This, Miss, That, Miss, That, (etc.)
The whole player notes concept is a great idea, but it really needs to be recoded... -
Sorry to see you go, Ocho. You will be missed. I wish you well on your future endeavors.
So, who's left? -
Sorry, but if it happens on two different PCs with the same driver, it's likely a hardware problem. *shrugs*
Happening here too... and "9 of 10 times" is being too generous. It's happening EVERY time I click the "Super" button.
Edit: On a possibly-related note, right-clicking on characters or NPCs isn't calling up the usual menu. I have to left-click, make sure my Target window is visible, then click the Actions button on that. -
I've found a way to re-enable 3D sound on my Windows 7 system. If I locate cityofheroes.exe (the game executable, not the launcher/updater), right-click it, select Properties, and on the Compatibility tab, check "Run in compatibility mode", with the "Windows XP SP3" option, my surround sound returns in-game. I don't know if 3D sound positioning is accurate, but at least my 5.1 speakers don't go to waste.
From what I read, this can cause a performance hit on some systems. YMMV. -
What sound card do you use? What OS?