two monitors different sizes?




Hi Techie Folks,

I tried doing a search, but did not find anything specifically about this. Currently, my pc is hooked up to my 35" lcd tv. The game looks great on it. However, other things, like blogs, etc can be hard to read.

I was thinking of hooking up the 17" monitor that came with my computer with a vga y splitter so that I can have both as monitors. The big one for the game and the smaller one for more casual browsing, etc.

Is this the right way to go about it or is there a better alternative?

All help is appreciated. Thank you.




Originally Posted by WolfSoul View Post
I was thinking of hooking up the 17" monitor that came with my computer with a vga y splitter so that I can have both as monitors. The big one for the game and the smaller one for more casual browsing, etc.
A Y-splitter won't do the trick. You need a video card with 2 video ports, or 2 video cards to accomplish what you want to do. Once you get at least 2 video out ports, you'll have better luck setting both monitors to the same resolution, extending the desktop to both monitors, and running CoH in windowed mode (not full-screen) so you can drag it onto the bigger monitor.



What kind of video card do you have? If your PC only has a single VGA output, you might consider getting a discrete add-on graphics card with multiple outputs. Many cards nowadays come with several ports (VGA, DVI, and/or HDMI), which can be used simultaneously.

You could use a VGA splitter, but those sometimes degrade the video passing through them, leading to blurriness, ghosting, etc. You would also be limited to the lower of the maximum resolutions supported by the TV and the monitor, even if the monitor supports higher resolutions. You wouldn't want to accidentally drive the TV at a resolution it doesn't support.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Originally Posted by Spear0 View Post
A Y-splitter won't do the trick. You need a video card with 2 video ports, or 2 video cards to accomplish what you want to do. Once you get at least 2 video out ports, you'll have better luck setting both monitors to the same resolution, extending the desktop to both monitors, and running CoH in windowed mode (not full-screen) so you can drag it onto the bigger monitor.
Given the difference in size of the two monitors I wouldn't reccomend running CoH across both - would be better to set it full screen on the larger monitor - use the other for other tasks e.g. have a browser open, skype, teamspeak, vent, or anything else you want - even another copy of CoH if you have two accounts - they don't need to be the same resolution but it helps when changing screens - if they are flat screens you really want both at their native resolutions - the big one definitely.

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I recently reconfigured my rig to have two monitors of different sizes and resolutions, and it works great for CoH.

What you'll want to do is follow the instructions below about getting both monitors hooked up their own ports in your video card, and then go into your video card control panel and set them up as configured independently. (Otherwise you'll have resolution issues.)

I would recommend making the large monitor your primary monitor, but then moving all the icons and whatnot into the smaller monitor, since you use it for internet browsing, word processing, etc. When you open CoH, it will by default open full screen on your primary monitor, leaving your smaller monitor available for continued browsing, etc.

I love the new setup. I can play CoH on the 20 inch widescreen in 1600x1050 while I have my music player, my IM window and Firefox open in 1280x1024 on the 18 inch monitor next to it. It's also fantastic for respecs, where you can have Mids or a screenshot of your enhancement window open on the secondary monitor while you're in the respec window.

...I forgot what experience means.



Thanks all, very much. I have a better understanding of what to do now.