Playernotes.txt bug?

Impish Kat



I am having an issue with my player notes misidentifying other players that have spaces in their names. I could not find any information with a quick search, so I would like to ask here if anyone else has experienced this problem and can offer a solution.

My playernotes.txt file seems to be automatically adding a comma instead of a space when a character's name is more than one word.

The file appears to store player information with the format
"<Global Name>" "<Number of Stars>" "<Character names>" "<User generated notes>"

For example, the entry for my global friend, @My Buddy, who I've seen on two characters, "Rachel Maribelle's Buddy" and "Some other Alt" should appear in the file as:
"My Buddy" "5" "Rachel Maribelle's Buddy, Some other Alt" "A fictional friend of mine, any semblance with another person, living, dead, or imaginary is totally coincidental"

What I actually see in my file is:
"My Buddy" "5" "Rachel, Maribelle's, Buddy, Some, other, Alt" "A fictional friend of mine, any semblance with another person, living, dead, or imaginary is totally coincidental"

The result in game is that any time I see any character named Rachel, or any of the other listed words, the global notes will insist it is @My Buddy and place 5 stars over their heads.

Is this a known issue that I can't find any information on, or is this something totally new to everyone?



That's a known issue. It's been like that since that feature was first created. I bugged it back in i12(?), but haven't seen anything done about it yet. Maybe it's time to put in some more reports about it.

That's part of why I don't even use the player note system.



I had been hoping it was something I screwed up somewhere causing the issue.

I guess I'll see if deleting all stored character names and setting the file to read only will let me at least know when I see someone I know.



Another playernotes.txt bug...

It seems to me that, whenever I try to call up the notes on a player who is currently "hiding" from global friends, the player notes window shows their character name as the global name, with nothing in the "local names" (character names) section. And any notes I had previously entered (when the player wasn't hiding) are not displayed.

But back to the original poster's comment: I frequently see the "local names" section improperly formatted. Instead of listing the character names like this:

Captain This, Miss That, Ultra Somethingorother

I see:

Captain, This, Miss, That, Ultra, Somethingorother

What's more, sometimes I see the individual words or groups of words repeated two, three, or more times:

Captain, This, Captain, This, Captain, This, Miss, That, Miss, That, (etc.)

The whole player notes concept is a great idea, but it really needs to be recoded...


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



I also reported this many many moons ago.... complete with screenshots and lengthy text files.

I was told that my efforts had been helpful, and that they would be working on a fix.

many MANY moons ago


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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