Client Crashing Opening Super Group Window

Bright Shadow



This is an issue confirmed by many of my friends. It's simple. You click to open the SG Window, and the client crashes. This doesn't ALWAYS happen, but it happens almost 9/10 times. The interesting thing is that this is just suddenly started happening today eventhough no patch was released as as I know.

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue?



Happening here too... and "9 of 10 times" is being too generous. It's happening EVERY time I click the "Super" button.

Edit: On a possibly-related note, right-clicking on characters or NPCs isn't calling up the usual menu. I have to left-click, make sure my Target window is visible, then click the Actions button on that.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



I'm getting it as well, and once I log back in and I target someone with the SG tab still open I'll crash too. Only closing the SG tab keeps me from crashing when I target them.



Just reporting that I've tried the things above, and am not crashing or experiencing any oddities... and this is coming from someody who has crashed on several occasions just by opening the Contacts window.

We'll probably need to gather more information about who is having the issue to come up with a reason why it's happening.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Just reporting that I've tried the things above, and am not crashing or experiencing any oddities... and this is coming from someody who has crashed on several occasions just by opening the Contacts window.

We'll probably need to gather more information about who is having the issue to come up with a reason why it's happening.
Oddly, it's magically fixed right now. It could be that the issue was just related to my particular supergroup, but some people claimed the had the issue on other characters in other groups.



I had the contact window crash (every time I opened it), and, for me, rolling my video drivers back to 10.9 (ATI 5850) fixed it.