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  1. This is gonna be Cloverfield 2, right?

    I like that they are at least considering putting the battlefield on Earth instead of wherever the TV show was set at.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    Actually, wouldn't it have taken only 2 1/2 years to reach it, then 2 1/2 years back, for a grand total of 5 years?

    Actually it the whole trip was only supposed to take 2 years roundtrip. But he ran into a drunk Lobo at a spacebar and got challenged to a race around 2 nearby solar systems. After winning that race and finally visiting Krypton he all set to return home when he realized that Agent Orange stole his spaceship (he still swears the ship is his) so he had to go track him down and get it back. Then he had to give the Female Furies a lift back to Apokolips and Darkseid tried to kill him... like usual.

    So would've been home sooner but stuff happens when you're a Superhero.

    I'm pretty sure all of that will be in the Director's Uncut Extended Edition.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    Spider-Man can take a fair beating with only mild injuries.
    His injuries being less severe can be attributed to his powers and not a writer just making more resilient to damage than he should be.

    As per Spider-Man Wikipedia Entry:
    Generally enhanced physiology
    Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind. However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only after mere hours of being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man's eyes are healed to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although they are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face, but afterwards, his eyes are totally healed.
  4. Good episode.

    The fate of the #7 clones was funny and Sgt Hatred injecting himself with adrenaline and tranquilizers was awesome.
  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    found an old pic

    I was about say... I thought LaserJesus was in the Core...

    Then I saw him hiding behind in the back on his OTHER scrapper.

    Even though most of you guys have moved on to other SGs and whatnot, I think almost everyone in that picture (to my recollection) still plays in some form, which is kinda neat.

    Originally Posted by Imbalmer View Post
    WTF happened to Stamp?
    We got married so he stays in the kitchen unless I need him to incubate another baby for us.
  6. Talia_Rayvyn


    I think the biggest change since you left is..... Positron took off his helmet.

    So when you see the guy that looks like Michael Chiklis in power armor in the middle of Steel Canyon, it's just Positron.

    And welcome back!
    *Takes your soul, puts it in a jar, puts the jar up on the shelf labeled "Purple, Blue, Red and Sancho Too"*

    Now have some cake
  7. Talia_Rayvyn

    Saw 3D Trailer

    LOL! I didn't know Chester Bennington was going to be a victim in it.

    I hope they have him say, "I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter." Then get splatted.

    I also didn't know this was the confirmed last Saw movie. Sad times.
  8. Talia_Rayvyn

    Leaving the game

    Awwww sorry to hear that you have to leave under such circumstances LSK & Guill!

    I sincerely hope that you get everything straightened out so you will be able to return to the game you love and the Server & Empress that you farm phat loots for in the near future.

    I also leave you with an inspirational speech:

    "Why we're on this particular mission, we'll never know. But I do know, here today, that the Black Knights will emerge victorious once again."
    - Captain Jimmy Wilder, R.I.P. 1996

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Docam is the Illusive Man? I always knew there was something screwy about Martin Sheen...

    (Your Avatar made me lol again Mac)

    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    I don't think it really needs stat tweaks, but if, say as part of the upcoming alternate animations, they wanted to give some different options for PA and phantasm, I'd be all for it...

    Now explain this "upcoming alternate animations" thing. Is that a confirmed thing or a guess that they'll do it eventually?
  10. Happy Birthday Reetta! I hope the day was super special awesome just like you.

    For a present I had a hurricane named in your honor! Can you believe they were wanting to name it Scrambles the Death Dealer?

  11. If I'm on I'll go.

    I have a couple low-40s so I can help with the Founder's Falls Mayhem. Again.. if I'm on.
  12. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

    I love the Runaways and was always rooting for them to make the transition to Marvel film.
  13. Always Sunny in Philadelphia starts on the 16th and 30 Rock starts on the 23rd.

    My other two shows: Burn Notice, is off till November and Psych has a small handful of episodes left before it takes its Fall Break.
  14. Fried Motherboard, Ratz? This is bad comedy.

    So says Galvatron!

    I had that happen to a computer too, it stinks lots. Hope you get it all worked out and return post haste!

    THIS... I COMMAND!!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Righter View Post

    I was drawn to this thread by Righter's blatant will. I dig his directionless fury.

  16. Talia_Rayvyn

    Another AE Event

    oOOoOoOoo you made a Saw Trailer I need to link this to Marcian so he can nerdgasm over it too!

  17. I'm rooting for Heather to win the World Tour.

    I hope if they do another season it's an entirely new cast though.
  18. Batman Relaunch
    Wonder what's gonna happen to the Dick/Damien duo now that Bruce is back.

    Uncanny X-Force
    Wolverine promised Cyclops that X-Force would disband -- he lied. A secret society has resurrected En Sabah Nur, putting into motion events that will turn this age of heroes into an Age of Apocalypse! To hold them back, Wolverine and Archangel bring together Fantomex, Deadpool, and Psylocke to form The Uncanny X-Force! Stained by their history, they are the only ones capable of making the hard resolutions necessary. A band of likeminded friends and mercenaries set to one purpose, one big ugly task -- kill Apocalypse by any means.

    Cable's gonna sad he missed out on that.
  19. Talia_Rayvyn

    Lost Epilogue

    The New Man in Charge

    A 12-minute Ben & Hurley-centric piece was added into the new Season 6 DVD that gives a small peek into how the story progressed after the end of Lost.

    Anyone else watch it?

    What did you think?
  20. Movie Titles:
    Mongolian Death Worm

    Music Titles:
    Shinobi vs Dragon Ninja
    Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums
    Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

    RPG Character Titles:
    Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers
    The Queen of Blades
  21. Talia_Rayvyn

    One Piece Anime

    I have to say I agree with the people who say that One Piece was not a visually appealing anime/manga series to me. Because of that I refused to watch it when it was being shown on cartoon network or read any of the manga chapters. I also was a bit intimidated by the idea of watching or reading a series that I was so far behind on because that's a large time investment.

    I decided to give it a chance in April and I have to say the series was engrossing enough to me that I see past the art and appreciate it for what it is: A vast, engrossing world with many endearing characters, antagonists and storylines. I honestly can say at this point that without the art being the way it is, it just wouldn't be One Piece.
  22. Talia_Rayvyn

    I See a Tali!!!!

    Yay Tali vas Normandy!

    That's actually pretty accurate, good find Macod!
  23. Welcome back again, again, again, again....... again the still reigning Justice Tag Champion .

    Hope college is going well for you!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    I am thinking that Fred may grow up to be Jigsaw, though.
    Well considering his voice actor he's more likely to grow up and be

    Or if he's really lucky