Overanalying Fights in Comics/Animations




I had this idea after reading the FrankenCastle thread, and watching Crisis on Two Earths.

Most people don't like it when Badass Normals are put into fights against beings that grossly outclass them. For some reason, the only genre that fans let get away with this is fantasy, though it isn't always the case. Yes, it is true that Batman would never be able to beat Superman, due to him being only peak human, and Superman being invulnerable and all that. One punch from Superman would cripple if not outright kill Batman.

But why is it that powered heroes are allowed to survive punches from vastly strong villains, with almost no ill effects? Especially when most of them aren't invulnerable, able to regenerate at will, and everything in between?

For example, when Batman summons several heroes to the watchtower in Crisis on Two Earths, Black Lightning is attacked by Superwoman. It wasn'ta glancing blow either.....that punch that she gave him made the entire room vibrate. And he gets up from it.

As far as I know, Black Lightning's ability to resist damage isn't any greater than Batman's. Black Lightning can be shot and killed, or beaten to a pulp just like any non-invulnerable hero. But as I said, he shrugged off the blow as if he had resistance on par with Superman's. But I have seen many people cry foul when Batman was able to get up after Superwoman broke one of his ribs, and then knocked her out with Anestheic Gas Pellets.

Does having any sort of superpower, even if they don't involve an ability to withstand fantastic degrees of damage instantly render someone immune to being killed from a blow by someone with vast strength? We've seen it a lot, and I've never understood it.

To reference the other thread of Punisher being killed by Daken for biting of more than he could chew......wouldn't the same thing have happened to someone else, even if they had powers? The only things that I could see useful in a fight against someone like Daken would be to possess an equal or greater level or regeneration, be superstrong and/or invulnerable. You can possess all the firepower you want, and I know the best defense is a strong offense and all.....but what do you do to someone that can instantly regenerate from anything you throw at them?

No, Punisher didn't have much of a chance due to Daken's powers......but how many heroes who aren't heavy hitters would have anyway? (IIRC, Daken is as resistant to telepathic attacks as his father Wolverine)

To kind of flip flop it a bit as well, when people say that Batman shouldn't beat anyone with powers, I agree.....to a point. No, Batman can't outfight someone who is invulnerable, but there are many powered villains who are not. Yes, Dr. Light could manipulate light in various ways, but it didn't do him any good once Batman got close. If you aren't invulnerable, you WILL be knocked out by someone who broke a punching bag once just because he couldn't concentrate one night. Not to mention the fact that he knows exactly where to hit you, and how hard. Shang Chi, Iron Fist, and other martial artists are examples as well.

I believe Storm did something similar as well to a villain who had a wide array of powers, but no resistance to damage.

I'm looking forward to discussing this.

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I don't know why some people get bent out of shape over it. Pretty much every hero adventure story has the good guy overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
For example, when Batman summons several heroes to the watchtower in Crisis on Two Earths, Black Lightning is attacked by Superwoman. It wasn'ta glancing blow either.....that punch that she gave him made the entire room vibrate. And he gets up from it.
Can't he turn into a lightning form? Maybe he's learned to "flicker" when he takes a hit, turning at least partially to energy to avoid the worst of the blow?

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Don't know about nowadays, but Marvel's always been pretty consistent in the past about people without actual invuln/resistance getting hurt by things that should hurt them.

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Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Don't know about nowadays, but Marvel's always been pretty consistent in the past about people without actual invuln/resistance getting hurt by things that should hurt them.
Spider-Man can take a fair beating with only mild injuries.

Though my universe is one where skill trumps power. As one character says "there's ways around every armor, you just have to know what they are".

Of course, then you have the people with skill AND power

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Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
Spider-Man can take a fair beating with only mild injuries.
His injuries being less severe can be attributed to his powers and not a writer just making more resilient to damage than he should be.

As per Spider-Man Wikipedia Entry:
Generally enhanced physiology
Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind. However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only after mere hours of being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man's eyes are healed to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although they are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face, but afterwards, his eyes are totally healed.



I don't know why some people get bent out of shape over it. Pretty much every hero adventure story has the good guy overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.
Not every hero revels in being written like a loony tune character to point it's far too jarring.

Most people don't like it when Badass Normals are put into fights against beings that grossly outclass them.
Actually people don't mind normals winning when it makes sense, the problem is top tier heroes have generally power creeped so stupidly these defeats often rely too much far too heavy of plot convenience as all super powered chaarcters tend get written as doing everything at half speed and generally act like morons.

Crisis on two Earth is a perfect example of the plot being railroaded to make Batman seem important. Big opening super brawl, Batman would gotten horribly crushed...he stays behind due to his some excuse about working on the base. Act two the villains arrive at the Watch Tower, Batman just happens be in a mech working so he can actually throw down briefly with the super powered villains. He then summons back up which he follows Superwoman back thru her portal and continues fighting.

Superwoman is litterally toying with Batman. She could have ended the fight at any moment. She actually helps lift a heavy object off of him during the fight because he's outclassed so badly then opts to only break a rib when he continues to fight when she offers do some other physical activities. He eventually wins because he tosses down a green gas bomb, and she then gets I'm in a scene with batman induced stupidity in full effect and says you can't hide from me in this smoke and inhales it instead of blow it away with her super breath which he replies..it's not smoke. (No duh captain obvious, it's green gas.) She jobbed for her completely.

I get he had to win thru skill and intelligence but Batman is only as smart as the person writing him; In this case their plan wasn't very good and simply relied on the foe being dumb as a rock not him being this uber planner.

If you were to take the flip side of the coin there Owl man is the character batman should be. (or closer to.) He actually has better tech and enhanced himself with it why he could actually throw down with Wonder woman (mind you she isn't a murderous psycho) far more evenly and it's not remotely as jarring. Batman has the I'm riding around in a wheelchair for the fun of it mentality because super powers actually slow me down B.S. going.

At the end Batman opts to run ahead of the gang despite being the least effective member there in combat. I mean he just had to a wait a sec and all of the team could have jumped Owlman together. Oh no Batman needs to fight this guy alone to show how bad @ss he is since the gap between them of all the foes is the least. During the fight Owlman says what the whole audience is thinking, Why didn't you just send your flying man. (and possibly save both the life Owlman and Johnny Quick.) No because Batman doesn't trust anyone else to do it for him, he needs do it for himself. So his entire characters assinine stance is entirely composed of pride...all more reason he needs get taken down a peg in my mind. Batman ultimately could win this fight without much help from plot armor since it was a bit more even. It was just completely pointless for it to have gone down that way.

Comics often get the same treatment as this film. It's not just the BANs can win, it's that most top tier characters in both DC and Marvel have power creeped up to stupidly high levels to point, nothing on human levels should be a remote threat regardless how much planning is involved.

In DC in particular just about every uber power leveled character has super speed of mach or higher variety. (which always comes up for vs threads with marvel characters.) They generally seem to treat their advanced movement as travel powers like they suffer from CoX mobility supression. Between most of them becoming too super for their own good to point and the extreme speed (Martian Manhunter.) writers have trouble making crebile threats for them, and to have BANS beating them gets all more silly. As the Flash said to Batman "You touched me because I let you." It's damn near impossible for you beat someone who you can't even react to. Especially when they can defeat you in 1 hit or effortless. (which in most fantasy stories the uber bad guys tend be big slow moving monsters that get nerfed by whatever magical plot device that tends be a sword the hero gets that easily kills them; such as dragon warrior , shining force etc. It's not that hard to buy someone land a lethal hit on something like that.)

Granted there was a time when the top tier characters were written to being knocked around by stuff of human calibur or just above. The gap then wasn't as jarring. If you were to go back to the 80s in marvel's case especially (the Xmen all seem to become omega mutants since then.) their characters weren't that much more uber than any other action hero. Obviously characters have plot armor by default as named characters character in a story often does. (everyone who isn't a named character tends be written with ninja physics.) So gap between the top and the bottom was as high as it was more of any given sunday then. (if you were look at a marvel power listing of strengths only like 4-5 guys had 100 ton range , which that seems be the baseline for all bricks nowdays.)

Between power creeping, extreme levels of speed and durability, less than inspired writing it gets hard to buy BANs can regularly defeat someone who basically only loses because they want to at that point.

As far as I know, Black Lightning's ability to resist damage isn't any greater than Batman's.
He definitely has some better resists to damage than a normal human or his electrical powers would kill him heh. How his smashing/lethal resists fair is another question.

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If you were to take the flip side of the coin there Owl man is the character batman should be. (or closer to.) He actually has better tech and enhanced himself with it why he could actually throw down with Wonder woman (mind you she isn't a murderous psycho) far more evenly and it's not remotely as jarring. Batman has the I'm riding around in a wheelchair for the fun of it mentality because super powers actually slow me down B.S. going.
To be honest, there isn't anything (other than being lost in time) stopping Batman from creating the Batman Beyond suit or some equivalent to help him even the playing field between far superior foes. I know it is capable of taking blows from Superman.

Fans would wail though, since they already feel that Batman is too much like Iron Man, in the way that he has a gadget for everything. But come on....when you find yourself against powered enemies more often than normal for a non-powered hero, you kinda do need a gadget for everything.

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Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
His injuries being less severe can be attributed to his powers and not a writer just making more resilient to damage than he should be.

As per Spider-Man Wikipedia Entry:
Generally enhanced physiology
Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind. However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only after mere hours of being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man's eyes are healed to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although they are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face, but afterwards, his eyes are totally healed.
Just to underscore the point, Spidey's accelerated healing ability existed before Wolverine was created. I kind of think (but have no ready proof) that Len Wein was inspired to give Logan his super-healing power after writing or editing Amazing Spider-Man in the early 70s. In order to have a character who can stand toe-to-toe with The Hulk (Wolverine's original one-off appearance as "opponent of the month"), he needs either gadgets or something. It was inspired to make him heal at an greatly increased rate. But Peter did have the ability first.

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Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
To be honest, there isn't anything (other than being lost in time) stopping Batman from creating the Batman Beyond suit or some equivalent to help him even the playing field between far superior foes. I know it is capable of taking blows from Superman.

Fans would wail though, since they already feel that Batman is too much like Iron Man, in the way that he has a gadget for everything. But come on....when you find yourself against powered enemies more often than normal for a non-powered hero, you kinda do need a gadget for everything.
In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Miller essentially did put Bruce in an Iron Man outfit, precisely because that's the only way he could stand up to Superman. Even when Batman utilized Clark's Achilles Heel by dousing and weakening him with kryptonite, Superman still peeled the suit off Batman like it was tinfoil. Of course, Bruce had planned for that. The interesting thing is, though, Superman definitely looked like he'd gotten his big blue bottom handed to him. Naturally he healed, but he looked like 40 miles of rough road there after Batman and Green Arrow gave him the once-over.

Even the Nolan films put Batman in actual armor, but it's more like a soldier's type of thing rather than a full-on battlesuit like Tony Stark's. It just makes sense.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Obviously, power armor is for old people and pussies.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



The first time the Punisher went up against Wolverine, he was basically fighting to survive in the jungle.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



The Punisher verses the Sentry involved Frank running for his life and finally giving Sentry a bigger threat to go after.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



In The Outsiders Black Lighting's daughter Thunder got her lungs badly messed up when a super villian turned the air in them to water chemically burning them or something like that. In anycase when she was in the hospital recovering the doctor suggested she survived and would heal due to her being a meta and suggested that all meta have a baseline ability to both take and heal damage well above that of normal humans. I got the issue from the library so I can't look up the exact quote but apparently in DC anyway they just flately consider anyone who is a metahuman to be well above human norm in terms of their ability to take and recover from damage.



If you consider some of the power supers wield, they have some sort of above-average basic human functions.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Going with the explanation that superhumans tend to be above average in addition their powers, there was an X-Men story years ago where either Sinister or the High Evolutionary did something to strip mutants of their powers. As a result I think Beast discovered that they all actually increased base physical stats in addition to their mutant powers. And when they lost their powers, they all felt a little weaker too.

Or y'know, Rule of Cool and all that. For -some-, it's more entertaining to see a name character get punched and fly back into a wall and shatter the wall, then it is to a character get punched and simply double over and collapse.

Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
To be honest, there isn't anything (other than being lost in time) stopping Batman from creating the Batman Beyond suit or some equivalent to help him even the playing field between far superior foes. I know it is capable of taking blows from Superman.

Fans would wail though, since they already feel that Batman is too much like Iron Man, in the way that he has a gadget for everything. But come on....when you find yourself against powered enemies more often than normal for a non-powered hero, you kinda do need a gadget for everything.
I read an explanation before, don't remember if it was legit or fanboy, that among other reasons, Bruce doesn't want to get dependent on powersuits and the problems they have. But another thing is that Batman's main schtick is being essentially being a ninja, and he's better at that on his own. Really, when he's forced into a fight out in the open, especially with JLA level opponents, he's out of his ideal "Stalker" element.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Speaking of....I believe I saw this on TV Tropes, but I forget the name of the trope, to be honest.

Even if a character's only power is the ability to shoot fire from their hands, they can still survive blows from superhumanly strong foes. Does anyone happen to remember what exactly that trope is called?

And a bit back on topic, I remember that anime characters are allowed to bend the rules, and sometimes outright break them. Through intense martial arts training, characters are allowed to leap vast distances, mimic being superhumanly strong, become bulletproof, project energy, et al. Having the blood of a different species or alien race tends to be a bonus, but even anime humans can become as strong as most heavy hitting comic characters through their training methods.

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