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  1. Talia_Rayvyn

    Venom #1 preview

    I like the concept.

    They took an established Spiderman character who wants to do good for the world an gave him something that enables him to do it. The story-arc seems to have a short-term run as its goal so it won't get bogged down with silly storyline just to keep it existing and I happen to like the fact that someone other than Captain America took up being a hero to serve his country.
  2. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow I havn't heard Phoenix Prime in manymanymanymanymanymanymanymanymanymany years. Like back when a single tanker could round up all of Brickstown into a garbage bin, people would group up to street sweep Perez Park, Bone Daddies had shadowmaul and Babbage could actually con gray!

    But one of the greatest SGs?
    ....Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we all know that the Power Pack was the greatest Supergroup


    Welcome back to CoX though
  3. Cyclops is still a jerk and Matt Fraction's favorite Mary Sue.

    Hope is someone else that is not Jean. She has her own team, Generation Hope.

    Rogue is Hope's babysitter.

    Nightcrawler is still dead.

    Angel/Archangel shifts between forms depending on which comic he's in.

    Wolverine shifts costumes depending on which comic he's in.

    X-23 left the team and has her own comic.

    Charles has been given Magneto's role and Magneto has been given Charles' role.

    Pixie is this decade's version of Shadowcat/Jubilee.

    And as mentioned before: Jubilee is a vampire.
  4. Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait
    Wait, Wait, Wait

    So now we have Lucas and TheLucas?
    I'm so confused.

    PS: Welcome back!
  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    DBZ ABridged #21


    Episode 21: Stop! Celebrate and Witness, Goku's Back From 100X Fitness!

    ...Ok not really, but that still should be the intro to this show.



    They've done Iron Man, Wolverine and now the X-men. I think the only one left is the Madhouse Blade anime.
  7. *Looks at picture*
    Elf in Dragon Age... no tattoos. So likely she's a City Elf.

    Something tells me that they're going to ignore the lore and behavior of people in that game series that makes it not for kids.
  8. Talia_Rayvyn

    Trial Account?

    9:45 CST, Justice server for me.
  9. <3 DC's Animated Movies.

    Been counting down the days till All-Star Superman comes out. Is Emerald Knights the one being released after or Batman: Year One?
  10. I'm kinda put-off by this series so far and I'm trying hard to like it.

    My problem mostly lies in the fact they're just creating drama to make Superboy angry and cause more internal drama for the team.

    Superman is being a jerk to Superboy.. he gets angry
    The Justice League makes Superboy attend combat training when he has super strength... he gets angry.
    Black Canary proves that super strength doesn't help Superboy against a better skilled opponent... he gets angry.
    Miss Martian tries to be nice to Superboy... he gets angry.
    Superboy spots a ton of robo-monkies on a truck... he gets angry.
    The villain-of-the-week makes an off-hand comment that Superman is Superboy's "dad"... he gets angry.
    Amazo is about to win the fight.... wait for it.... Superboy gets angry.

    The only justifiable anger-issue for Superboy is him & Superman, but even that seems silly because Superman is not the type to suddenly act butt-hurt that there is a clone-him running around.

    I think with the direction they have taken Superboy, if he wasn't on the team I would like the show more because without him the show still has its serious tone but they actually seem more like a superteam. With this "I need to justify everything I do by being [censored] off" Superboy all it does it make the team seem highly disfunctional on a weekly basis.

    I'm also calling it that Artemis is gonna fill the 'bad girl' role and her and Superboy are gonna instantly bond and make Miss Martian all jealous and she ends up 'running away' from the team.

    BUT to end it on a positive note: I do enjoy the running joke with 'Whelmed'. Way to go Robin Grayson!
  11. I guess all that's left is for Nolan to enact a plan to drive Bale crazy(er) enough that they can legally break contract with him so Leonard deCaprio can be casted in the lead?
  12. Soooooo many levels x.x

    But mostly I had fun playing with peoples. I havn't played CoH for that many hours in a long long long lont time.

    Thanks for the fun all!
  13. Happy Birthday for the big 30!

    30 is the new 20 so you're not that old except to people that are 20. But 20 is the new 10, so who cares what they think?
  14. http://io9.com/5742034/
    Here's your exclusive first look at a new star-map of Battlestar Galactica's Twelve Colonies, designed by writer Jane Espenson and science advisor Kevin Grazier. And Espenson and Grazier explained to us how twelve colonies can fit in one star system.

    Not only is this map a thing of great beauty, but it's totally official — Grazier was science advisor for Battlestar Galactica from the very beginning, and helped to define a lot of the show's concepts. And Espenson, as the original showrunner for the prequel series Caprica, had to do a lot of thinking about exactly how the Twelve Colonies were laid out. This info comes straight from the creators — and from the showrunner's bible for BSG and Caprica. And Grazier, who works at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, verifies that the info in this map is "scientifically plausible."

    I would've preferred a detailed map of Edward James Olmos' face.
  15. I always felt the ending of Revolutions didn't actually solve anything. All the robots did was half-destroy Zion that time but they still didn't release the other humans from the Matrix AND they got Neo to upload himself back into the Matrix. So really it's like the cycle started over and there will be a few decades of peace with the resistance freeing a handful of people till the code starts to break down and Zion again reaches a critical number. Then Neo appears, Robots prepare an attack on Zion, everything repeats again.

    So are they going to be prequels detailing Neo in one of the previous cycles of destruction or are they going the sequel route and put Neo in the future during the next cycle and maybe this time he'll get it right.
  16. They should also take some cues from the new Avenger's cartoon. They way they introduced Wakanda was great.

    Iron Man was flying a Quinjet over Wakanda and the Black Panther tells him this wasn't the flight plan he charted out and they need to turn around. IM reminds BP that he's in a Quinjet made by Stark Industries and it's so advanced he doubts he even needs to turn on the stealth-mode. The Quinjet gets shot down and the Black Panther says "Wakandan technology is more advanced."

    The Black Panther movie could be good but I'm still hoping for a Luke Cage/Jessica Jones movie as well. I guess they couldn't call it Alias for obvious reasons though lol.
  17. Quote:
    Asked if he’s concerned about the glut of superhero film competition this summer — with “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “Green Lantern” and ”Thor” – Vaughn said that, if anything, it’s the other guys who should be nervous. “With ‘Green Lantern,’ I don’t know about that one, I couldn’t get my head around the trailer, to be honest … look, I will say the following: X-Men as a brand is bigger than Captain America, Thor and the Green Lantern, all put together.”
    Vaughn must be referring to the X-Men during the 90s, right?

    “This isn’t a reboot, so I’m not replacing anyone, in which case you might want to try to be as different as possible and stay away from what had been done before,” McAvoy said on Monday during a break from a rescue scene that required water-tank work.
    So they're actually trying to tie X-men 1 -3, Wolverine and this thing all together?
    That makes me feel better just on the basis that when Marvel gets the rights back it'll be the first official reboot of the series. On the other hand, lol at them for trying to make sense out of the train-wreck they have made out of their series.
  18. Oh and looking through the Marvel films.

    20th Century Fox owns:
    Fantastic Four

    Columbia Pictures owns:
    Ghost Rider

    So they could throw Ghost Rider into a Spiderman movie if they wanted and the Fantastic Four, Daredevil and/or Elektra into a X-men movie.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
    And yes, part of me too wishes Marvel didn't have this inate reboot compulsion if films don't perform as hoped. There is really no need for it whatsover in my opinion, cinema audiences can make the leap of imagination with another actor in a role and there is no guarantee that this the new cast will last any longer than Raimi's cast.

    Silly Marvel, absolute folly. Andrew Garfield is 28 for heavens sakes, he may look younger than his years (as Maguire does / did) but for how long?, they going to reboot continuously to keep Spidey a youthful sub-thirty?.
    I think they should do a trilogy, possibly a cameo in the Avengers film or a following Marvel film, (Namor, Dr Strange, whatever) ... but retire the character from the silver screen after that. He's have a far more enthusisatic audience as a live-action 1-hour weekly Tv series with cliffhangers that would allow multiple storylines and explore the character's many Nemesis' without flogging the franchise to death on the silver screen.

    To clarify:
    * Marvel does not retain the film rights to Spiderman or the X-men movie franchises. Spiderman is owned by Columbia Pictures, the X-men is owned by 20th Century Fox.
    * It is not Marvel that is rebooting Spiderman it is Columbia Pictures.
    * It is not Marvel that is rebooting the X-men it is 20th Century Fox.
    * Spiderman will not be meeting the Avengers or any other film property that is owned by Marvel because they are different film companies. This includes and applies to the X-men since they are owned by Fox.
    * The reason Spiderman is being rebooted is because Columbia needs to bring out a Spiderman movie by <X> date or else the contract would automatically revert back to Marvel and they can no longer make any Spiderman movies. (The X-men fall under the same deal which is why they are making X-men First Class).
    * Neither Columbia nor Fox care that they reboot the movie or if the movies end up making the Marvel comic characters look bad, they just want money and also know that almost all of the movie public are going to relate the bad rebooted movies to Marvel and not them (as seen above).
    * When Spiderman and the X-men's film license are up and the properties revert back to Marvel, expect Marvel films to reboot the series again