27 -
Which is better x-ray beam or Neutrino Bolt?
I thought it would be better to reply to this thread then make a whole new thread asking the same thing. I have a 23Dp/traps corruptor, and 20dark/cold corruptor. I wanna make another one that dose more damage. I don't want fire/ or Sonic/ as primary. I do want either /kin or /dark as a secondary. The primary is were i need help. I really like dark/ but i hear the damage is lacking an same with DP. So what combos would be best to try out? If i stick with my Dark/cold come to its own, or am i better off making something else?
I just made a DP (level 20atm) an can deff tell it doesn't hit hard at all. The secondary i chose was Traps. So everyone is tell me I'm pretty much wasting my time if i like doing damage, and this guy wont bloom?
guess i should make a fire/dark like everyone else -
Thats what i figured but how many slots do you have on Stam? I usally do three. will it help to have more or is there a cap?
Iv been leveling my Wm/SD (lvl15), and have ran into some major end problems. I can't really solo and on teams I can't attack like i need to while running toggles (yea i only have one). I know it will get better with stamina, but it seems like that wont even be enough b/c at that time i'll be running a lot more toggles.
i'm on my mac so i can't use a planner. But for my attacks i have 1acc and 2 endurance discount. An on my one toggle i have 2 buff defense and 1 endurance discount.
I guess the main questions is will it get better with stamina (an i will buy SO's) or will I have this problem till 50.
BTW if anyone is bored an can post a level build till level 38ish for me that would be great I can respect at anytime and will probably around 22. -
I made a bug looking guy a long time ago. He was really small an a dark green color. He was a fire/SS tank. Like u said, fire ant and they are super strong so it seemed to mix. A brute would probably be better now.
Would DA/ice be able to solo decently while leveling?
So i guess its comes down to DM,Elec, and Ice. They all sound really cool and i tend to like all three of them. I was wondering dose Ice have frost breath? If it dose do i need it? I hate frost and fire breath for any toon. I like DM I have a DM/reg scrapper, but the lack of aoe sucks. An, idk anything about Elec how is it end game? Do you need that cone in elec kind of don't like the animation.KM sounds good to, but it being new, I'v never played it long term.
Was bored last night an thought about making a tank. After looking at the sets DA looked the funnest to me and kind of got a little concept. But after looking at the secondaries I kind of got lost. I was wondering what was a good secondary for DA. I have never tanked before in COH, if that makes any difference. Iv been looking over the forums and it seems like DA is kind of a end hog is I probably rather a end easy set, but up for any suggestions.
After making alt after alt after alt. As a joke I made a Tach user hero. So not knowing anything about BS/Shield (first time with either) i made one. AND WOW he's is only lvl 10 but it seems like he's everything i wanted in a character. He has a concept, really good ST damage, good defenses, and he's melee that can solo really well and team. I can only wait till higher levels when I get my AOE's and heavy hitters. I know, he's only 10 but I really haven't been this excited to play a character in a very long time.
I was wondering if someone could post a leveling build. I don't want to screw him up i plan on respecting at like 25ish if needed. I also like suggestions on what powers are needed and what can be skipped. -
I have been make new alts and leveling them to about 20ish and then deleting them. I have been searching the forums for weeks now trying to find something i can stick with. I have tried corruptors (didn't like buffing and i like some melee). Then I tried brutes and couldn't get into At and kept dieing. Then i went back to my roots an made a scrapper, well same old thing I felt like in most teams useless an soon got bored. So I'm trying Dom's (again lol) I was wondering how was Fire/thorns. I think i can get use to the animation's, but i was wondering whats the ups and downs of this combo. An will i be able to farm some end game?
Hi everyone. I was wondering how is SR compared to the other sets? I have a problem with makeing alts an deleting them. I just made a KM/SR brute can was wondering what I'm getting my self into. I like my concept but I just wanted to know if this set meshes together or am I i'n for a long hual, with no results. I h e no problem with a set struggling to 35ish then bluming. But after that I tend to get bored.I know this was for SS/SR but I figured it would be better then makeing a new thread.
Ahh nvm. I do wish someone would post a build just so we can look at it. I don't have any idea on how to build one.
I have been thinking KM/ or FM/ when i saw this post i thought maybe i could get both with KM/FA. I know this is not relevant to your post but what level is your brute ( if you have started it) and how is it working out for you?
I'v been looking through the brute/scrapper/stalker pages, and can't really find anything. I wan't a Km/ and will probably go WP or Regain an secondary. I was just wondering which if any had an advantage with this set up. I was leaning more towards Scrapper or Brute. I just like the play style more then stalker.
What i want out of the character: I like to team and solo, but more for teaming. Also I'm not going to try and be a full time tank, mostly looking for damage and someone able to help a team. -
I thought this would be the best place to ask this. My guy is /ice and i need to keep buffs up on my team. I was wondering if there was a wayt hat I can only see my buffs. I know I can press the little arrow next to my team mates names but that puts up all thier buffs. But some teams buff go hafe way across my screen and I can't keep track of mine.
in short is there a easy way to keep track of buffs. -
i Just made a Dark/cold just to pve with. I love dark's -acc and i like that it has a heal (/cold dose not) i think they mesh really well together. Dark seems to have good single target damage with decent holds. I'm not very high level so idk how they work in pvp.
I hear Sonc and Psyc are they best for pvp. Sonc being the top.
Try the pvp section. -
So what ur saying i gota be a son/ healer/buffer. Dose anything other then Son work?
I use to pvp, (never hardcore just for fun)as a scrapper,stalker, and blaster. Now after about a year of being away I wanted make a new character. I want it to be a Dom or Corr. It dose not need to be anything spectacular. Just looking for something to play in Zones mostly teams when possible. It also needs to be PVE viable. What builds should i try?
thanks -
Hmm i didn't know anything about PPp's just took the ones that looked cool lol. But thanks for everyones help at least i got a good idea about what work and what dosnt. This will make leveling easier and funner.
Swinci -
Was wondering if this would work? i didn't slot anything ill figure that out later.Ill probly respect at 24 and redo it, but will this b good till then?
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner v5.0
+ http://planner.cohtitan.com/planner
Archetype: Dominator
Primary: Earth Control
Secondary: Electricity Manipulation
01: Charged Bolts => Empty(1)
01: Fossilize => Empty(1)
02: Charged Brawl => Empty(2)
04: Stone Prison => Empty(4)
06: Air Superiority => Empty(6)
08: Quicksand => Empty(8)
10: Havoc Punch => Empty(10)
12: Swift => Empty(12)
14: Fly => Empty(14)
16: Hasten => Empty(16)
18: Health => Empty(18)
20: Stamina => Empty(20)
22: Stalagmites => Empty(22)
24: Earthquake => Empty(24)
26: Volcanic Gasses => Empty(26)
28: Boxing => Empty(28)
30: Build Up => Empty(30)
32: Animate Stone => Empty(32)
35: Thunder Strike => Empty(35)
38: Voltaic Sentinel => Empty(38)
41: Tough => Empty(41)
44: Charged Armor => Empty(44)
47: Surge of Power => Empty(47)
49: Summon Guardian => Empty(49)
+ Inherent Powers
01: Brawl => Empty(1)
01: Sprint => Empty(1)
02: Rest => Empty(2) -
Im goin to hafe to pick up either Stone Cages or Lighting bolt, at level 4. Then have 7 powers from one set which throws if off.
Thanks to everyones help on these forums i started my earth/elec dominator. Im loving it so far just hit level 12 tonight. I have been trying to make a build to follow while leveling up, but I just can't do it. I don't know anything about either set or how they work together. An don't really know much about Dominator builds in general. I like to solo more, but i do team from time to time when I get bored. I was just wondering if a few of you could ether make me a leveling build or just list what powers should be taken and which ones should be avoided. Also i was wondering at what level should i get Hasten,and stam. So far i feel my play style is kind of like a scrapper or blapper. I like being in melee range holding bosses and lieutenants, then using my attacks till kill everything.
I couldn't find any earth/elec example builds. i tryed using the earth/ and /elec ones but they only confused me more
Swinci -
Thanks for everyones help. Lilaceae i read your guide which helped a tone! Im goin to try Earth/Elec and fire/earth. They look to be very different. Ima keep trying different ones till