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  1. Hi guys,

    Looking to build a new scrapper, specifically kinetic melee/sr, and I was working up a build in Mids and saw the description of kinetic melee attacks having a negative damage buff to foes. I was just curious how well this actually works, especially against EBs and AVs. Or is it one of those subtle effects that you hardly notice?
  2. oh ok, thanks!
    I'll have to give that a shot. At the moment I don't have jacob's ladder and was going with CB, havoc punch, CB, chain induction while throwing in thunder strike and lightning rod. Are you talking about the Fury of the Gladiator Res debuff? I can definitely move some stuff around and get hecatomb and armageddon in those attacks.

    My energy and negative defense wont be soft capped any more (probably be around 35%) but I'll still have smashing, lethal, cold, and fire hovering around 45.5%. Plus, the extra recharge from those purple sets will definitely help my attacks, at well as build up, etc. come up a bit faster too.
  3. Well, I finally got my elec/invuln scrapper up to 50 and IO'd (the joy of having 2 accounts and being able to PL myself). I figured I'd go for my first test against an AV and, going in, my main concern was damage output. I chose to go against Marauder. I'm not sure if he is the best AV to test a build against but I always like fighting him b/c he just looks powerful and killing him is always satisfying...

    Well, needless to say, having soft capped defense and very good S/L resistance, I was able to stand toe-to-toe with him no problem... but my concern of damage output or lack of became a reality. My electric attacks barely made a dent in him... I only have my elec attacks (I didn't take any epic pool attacks). I'm not sure what, if any, attack chains would work. I tried different combos but with lightning rod at a 30 second recharge and thunder strike feeling so slow animation wise I just don't see being able to take him out. Maybe damage alpha would help but it doesn't seem likely... I'll try another AV or two to see what kind of results I get.
  4. Great stuff guys! It sounds like stalker elec melée is very doable but... Stalkers don't have invuln which was the secondary of choice for me. Super reflexes, ninjutsu, oh and maybe energy aura are really the only other options as far as soft capping defense which I see as a must have for AV fighting and, personally, I dont want to go with any of those. Like someone else mentioned, what about elec melee/invuln brute? Defense/resistance should be slightly higher than a scrapper version, plus fighting an AV over time will build up the fury bar so wouldn't that create enough damage almost comparable to scrapper?
  5. Good points!! I made a couple of quick elec/invuln builds and I think I might be sacrificing a little damage output to soft cap defense. I'm hoping the damage alpha would close the gap on that. I think elec/invuln would be a great fit for me and being able to smack down a handful of AVs would definitely be enjoyable and I'd still have some good aoe for the occasional farming and badge hunting (lightning rod to kill countless numbers of specific enemies makes defeat badges more tolerable to achieve - lol), as well as team play.
  6. Hmm... stalker for killing AVs? Is it possible??? I'll have to hop over to the stalker boards and see what I can find. Stalkers would have higher damage than scrappers even when they are outside of hide or did you mean higher overall damage using the placate, attack, repeat method? : )
  7. Hi,

    I love the challenge of fighting AVs and wanted to know if anyone has had any success killing AVs with elec melee? I know there are other powersets that are better for the job but I personally enjoy elec melee more than any other set.

    I was thinking of pairing it up with Invuln (soft capping S/L/C/F), using dull pain as my heal and conserve power as my end management (if needed).
  8. Not really the response I was hoping for but thanks!
  9. Hi,

    I have a 50 claws/SR scrap that just finished the Alpha missions and I'm not really sure what would be the best choice to slot him with. My defense is soft capped, I have aid self, my recharge is pretty good, and I don't have endurance problems.

    Any other claws/SR scraps have any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
  10. Hi guys,

    Anyone have a kinetic/invuln scrapper and do any AV killing? I want to roll one and was curious how good/bad they are in general, as well as against AVs. Thanks!
  11. Hi,

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question or i there has been some discussion about this before but has anyone heard or know of any plans in the works to be able to customize colors on the patron/epic powers? I know it's probably the last thing on their list and, for the most part, not a big deal to many... but I'm sure there have to be a bunch of players out there, including myself, that have many themed characters that have taken either an epic or patron power set and don't like having clashing colors say, for example, red Mu lighting mastery on a green colored lightning scrapper. Now, before I get those responses.. well then dont take the Mu mastery... LOL... yeah, that's fine but not really a fair solution.. : )
  12. Hi guys,

    Anyone now having a problem with their character slots at the character selection screen? I deleted a toon to open up a slot to make a new one and after I deleted the toon the slot become unavailable. I tried it again to another slot and that also became unavailable. Any thoughts?
  13. Yeah, I'm thinking of forgetting about shadow meld now and picking up Physical Perfection to help boost regen instead. It's fairly easy to get Energize close to being perma and once Fitness becomes inherent, I'll be able to run weave, and manuevers together to boost defense a bit. With stamina, superior conditioning, and almost perma energize there will be no end issues to worry about.
  14. Hi guys,

    I'm planning on starting an elec/elec stalker. I know elec armor isn't the best set out there but I love the overall look of it and the tools it comes with (lightning reflexes, power sink, energize). Even though elec is all resistance based, I managed to make a build that has almost perma energize (5 seconds downtime). My question is how much durability would that really add to elec armor (have about 500% regen when that is active). I'm sure it wouldn't really compare to a soft capped def set but it's gotta help a bunch. I was also thinking of either picking up shadow meld or maybe hibernate to help out. Any thoughts?
  15. Hi guys,

    Is anyone else having this problem? When I load COH and login in, on the character selection screen and while in game, my screen is flickering where for a split second I can see my desktop. I also notice that it says (not responding) for a brief second in the top left hand corner of the game screen too. I am running Windows 7 64-bit and this is the first time I've experienced this. Prior to this morning, this game has run fine with no issues. Any thoughts?
  16. Hey guys,

    For AV soloing, which would be the most effective - electric melee or claws? My secondary will be soft-capped SR with aid self.
  17. Hi, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents as well since I've been messing around with electric melee since it became available. Personally I dont like elec armor... it is too squishy for me. I IO'd out my 50 elec/elec and still died more often than I cared for (thats with taking weave and manuevers). So that led me to my 50 IO'd elec/shield. Concept wise, I'm not a big fan of shields but I know how shields handles from my other toons so I went with it and he is a pure farming machine!!! I will keep him for farming purposes. I think elec/sr is where I'll be happiest (currently at lvl 41). I want to be able to bust up AVs and I've made a build (on mids) that hits the soft cap, has great recharge, and has aid self for those times when hit(s) get through my defense. Theres nothing more satisfying than soloing a few AVs!
  18. SuperT

    PVP Recipes

    Only in pvp zones or do arena fights count too?
  19. SuperT

    PVP Recipes


    I'm not exactly sure where this question should be posted so I guess I will start here. I'm just curious as to how to exactly get PVP recipe drops. Do I need to do certain missions within PVP zones, etc.? Anyone have any specific info or know where I can find out.
    Thank you!
  20. Thanks guys!! What about an option of going with physical perfection to boost regen rate as well? Although in the few builds I worked on I had to skip power surge as well as lightning field in order to take it. I guess I could have kept lightning field and possibly dropped hasten although that has its negatives as well.
  21. Hi,

    I'm working on my elec/elec scrapper and wanted to know what you guys thought would be the top priorities when trying to get the most out of elec armor. Is recharge the most important - making sure energize and power sink are rdy as often as possible... Or should increasing defense be the main focus? I know it's good to have a little of both but I just wanted to get a sense of what would make the biggest difference. If defense is important, what is a good % to shoot for (whether positional or typed)? I messed around with a couple of builds on Mid's and got around 25% defense on positional defense without making too much sacrifice to regen, dmg, and recharge... I just didnt know if that was good enough. Also, although I love the look of power surge, I just dont think it should be something to hold on to... any thoughts?
  22. Although I do think its an interesting concept I'd say you are better off just making a dominator unless you dont have City of Villains. As a scrapper,you would probably kill them alot quicker just focusing on your attacks as opposed to trying to focus on keeping them stunned/immoblized.
  23. Sorry to not directly respond to your question but something in your post caught my eye... spines/shield scrappers?????? SAY WHAT??? When was this announced and where have I been to have missed this juicy bit of info?
  24. SuperT

    Warshade Newbie

    You guys have been great and I appreciate everyone's feedback! I apologize if some of my thoughts have either been vague or contradictory. I guess I really need to take my WS further up in lvl to really see what I like and/or need in order to determine the right build for me. I guess what I didnt realize is that eclipse benefits all forms, right? So hitting it in human form then switching to nova still leaves you the high resistance lvls? That definitely clears a few things up for me then. So I really should focus on recharge instead of adding defense when looking at incorporating set bonuses, huh?

    Yeah I agree that if I stay human only that I need to take more attacks but I guess I thought between dark extraction (which I dont have yet) and that dead body exploder attack that would be my "bread and butter." I gotta search for that dead body finder bind everyone mentioned.
  25. SuperT

    Warshade Newbie

    Great debate guys!! I appreciate everyone's thoughts and comments! I can see the point of tri-form and actually planned on going tri-form before changing my mind and deciding that human only was the way I thought I wanted to take it.

    That said, if I throw nova in to the mix, would you typically to try to soft cap ranged defense? And if I do go with nova then I'd say I would take dwarf too only b/c I'd be dropping toggles anyways and wouldnt make much sense to focus on many human form def/resist toggles since I'd be constantly shape shifting (at least I wouldnt think so but Im still learning), well maybe except for shadow cloak b/c it looks so cool!!

    Although I would love a human only build, I'd prefer more of a damage machine than anything. I will just need to learn how to shape shift efficiently. Also, how would you set up the human form if going tri-form build? I mean you need some type of defense and/or resistance if you are running in to a mob as human before switching. I'd just hate to run in and faceplant while trying to fire off eclipse and sunless mire before switching to dwarf.

    I'll have to search for those bindsd regarding