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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Manny View Post
    I would love an update on this Sulfur as I like to multi box as well, I run a 4 or 5 man squad regularly and am starting on trying the TFs too. I've only done Posi and Synapse so far but want to give them all a try eventually.
    Heres your update Manny:

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes, its late and im of to bed.

    Just finished the taskforce with no major problems. The last fight I need to use shivans on Lanaruu, but that was more because the client my tanker was running on, kept freezing, and eventually loggin out, create two full team wipes, but there where no problems up till that.

    The missons that was the most cumbersome, was the Nemesis missions. Double aggroing groups with 3 bosses in each (Wark hulks and fake nemesis), gave alot of aoe damage as alpha burst.

    A couple of pointers for the tagalong team:
    1. Make sure you have end mod buf enough.
    2. Let each character have a single target attack fully slottet to use on AV's
    3. Let each character have a cone or Aoe (no placement AOE) fully slotted to use on regular spawns.
    4. Have atleast two characters have Pbaoe heals
    5. HAve on charcter have a single target heal to use on tanker when taking down an AV
    6. regen, defense and to hit debuffs are very helpful
    7. And last but not least; travel powers. Doing the shard tfs involvs a lot of traveling, so having several character have recall friend is a really good idea. Having at least one character having the team tp power makes it a lot easier. I also recommend buying jet packs for the whole entourage. Let them follow with the jet packs on when doing kill X mission makes it A LOT faster. And its kinda cool seing the team fly in formation. SB boost short fly time considerabley as well, though two kinetics is preferrable to get boost on the whole team.

    Hope this helpful
    Any other questions let me now

    Team Tios
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Manny View Post
    I would love an update on this Sulfur as I like to multi box as well, I run a 4 or 5 man squad regularly and am starting on trying the TFs too. I've only done Posi and Synapse so far but want to give them all a try eventually.
    Well the Numina one, was a successful blast, took a while until I used Lingering radiation on Jurasik and he went down as a ton of bricks. If only it was done 1 second faster though

    Wont be starting the Faathim the Kind Task Force quiet yet though, missing a couple of levels on some of the tag alongs

    But will post here when i do

    Team Tios
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    as reason i say he hits hard is that he has a lot of autohit stuff as well as some pretty hefty debuffs

    as for only having 1 VIP account that should be more than enough though, clearing spawns around him is not hard and one they are dead dont have to worry about them again

    as long as you have some debuffers in your entourage of toons, then you should be fine
    Awesome, thanks for that.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i didnt solo a faathim tf but i know i did do a faathim tf with only 5 poeple before

    lanaruu is really a pushover now with incarnate abilities (he still hits pretty hard though)
    Well, unfortunately only one of my accounts are VIP, the rest is premium, amd I'm only one player trying to maximize my multitasking. I dont worry to much abou him hitting me, its more my own damage output. And his spawns go awall from my tankers aggro.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    A friend on Virtue was doing this in December. He solo'd Doc Q, and at least got all the way to the AV in Faathim, using 4 accounts. I don't know if he finished, he stopped logging in around that time.

    I'm not sure I see the fascination in soloing something like the shard TFs, but at least you don't have to worry about cajoling other players into joining you. ^_^
    Well if someone else have thought they could do it with 4 toons it must be remotely possible with 8 and I will therefore give it a try.

    As to shard tfs being facinating or not, i would say not, its the shiny badge at the end without 'cajoling' others.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    Correct - he is an AV on the TFas opposed to a GM in Creys
    Thanks for that, got one question answered ;D
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erhnam View Post
    Quick question, how did you manage to do that? Im thinking in doing the same (soloing the SS TFs) but the click 4 at the same time pushes me back
    I resized the windows for each instance showing a zoomed in view of the glowie, then double clicking each in quick succession. First click to activate the window, second to click the glowie.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyron HR View Post
    You have to simultaneously click 4 glowies to complete many of the missions in the Fathiim the Kind TF. If you can't switch between characters quickly enough to do that then no, you can't solo the TF.
    Well that is not a problem (same thing in the Quaterfield TF, which I have done).
  9. Just as the title states. Let me elaborate the ‘something’.
    I’m not a solo AV gamer; I never quite seem to get the hang of awesome builds to actually do that. So on a low populated server with only so much time to play each session how do I get those TF badges when my time is limited? Well, since freedom came along, I’ve realized that I can run 8 man/woman teams on my own, on two different rigs, four instances of the game on each computer. I’ve done the Quarterfield task force this way, and that was not too hard since it holds no AV’s (Will not mention how long it took though). I’ve also done the Synapse task force with five instances (though I needed to log on with the three last ones to take down Babbage for the Clockstopper badge). The Clockwork King AV was not an issue. Now doing a bit of preparation and reading up on paragonwiki, I’m just wondering if the same would be possible for the Faathim the Kind TF. Reading about it in the wiki, it states that Lanaru The mad AV is one of the hardest one in the game (though I guess this I before iTrials came into play), and I don’t want to start the TF before I know if it is remotely possible to finish.

    The Team
    1. My VIp account main badger Sulfur Tios, grav/kin controller.
    2. Tanker, Invuln/SS aka Tank Tios
    3. Defender, Sonic/Archery aka Sonic Tios
    4. Defender, Rad/ Assult Rifle aka Rad Tios
    5. Defender, Empathy/Dark aka Emp Dark Tios
    6. Defender, Kin/Archery aka Kin Bow Tios
    7. Dominator, Plant/Earth aka Fauna Tios
    8. Blaster, Dark/Fire aka Dark Fire Tios

    Play style
    Toons 2-8 follow my main character with toggles up and one power ctrl-clicked. All characters (except tanker) have stealth, SS, Maneuvers, Assault and Tactics. The tank has Taunt ctrl-clicked to take agro. It all works fine trudging into the mobs, but is it enough to take down Lanaru the Mad? Should there be some Shivans thrown in?

    If this is possible, would it be possible to do with a random 1. VIP toon (E.g a EM/Regen stalker ).

    On a further note, are there any TF/Trials (except iTrials) that would not be possible with this set up?

    I have currently started Numina, with 4 players, my EM/Regen Stalker and toon 2,3 and 4. Is it possible to take down Jurassik with only these four? (I assume Jurrasik in the TF don’t have the same magnitude as the one in Crey’s Folly, is this correct?)
    Thanks in advance
    Team Tios
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    As I understand things as strange as it may seem the devs tool can't do it either. Yeah kind of unreal that a mission editor does not have exact spawn point control since that would be like the first thing to do in a mission editor but WTH its Paragon.
    Not quite so in the Investigate warrior earth mission from Maria Jenkins you meet up with Statesman in the very start, always.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
    ...Evil will never triumph, because good is lucky.
    That was what Statesman said in SSA5, or something close to it, now see where it got him
  12. Sulfur_Tios_EU

    pvp drops

    Thanks for clearefying.
  13. Sulfur_Tios_EU

    pvp drops

    I have a couple of questions that I would love to have some answers on:

    1. Is it only other players that drop pvp recipies or do critters in pvp zones do to?

    2. Do a crittter/player need to be at full health before it can drop a pvp recipe or would a pvp player that just used an awaken and then got clubbered again be eligible to drop a pvp recipe?

    3. Is a player character only able to drop a pvp recipe when not on a defeat list ( not on the 5-min-since-i-was-last-time-defeated-by-the-same-character-timer)?

    In advance
  14. /signed. As an extra, I would love it if they removed or shortened the redraw time/animation on range and melee attack. It's the main reason i dont use temp powers.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
    They crashed out doing the TPN incarnate trial. After that, you get a weird bug that makes you appear in random people's missions if you try and rejoin the crashed trial. That's why "abandon" - they had to leave mission, go back to the trial LFG and abandon it to clear the bug.
    Absolutely correct. Have had the same experience myself. Got me really confused at the start, but at least they helped my finishing of the mission though :
  16. So does that go for MM pets aswell? I have nin pets named after the mutant turtles, individualy there wouldnt be a problem since they are normal names as well (to some degree), but what as a whole? (for some reason i could not use Leonardo and Leonarda had to suffice. Guess there must be some protected name, is that so?)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    I'm using it on a Katana Stalker to try and give him more AOE.. It doesn't break hide either, so I can swoop in, knock everyone down, and then use soaring dragon on .....
    Really? It doesn't break hide? Is that intentional or a bug?
  18. Sulfur_Tios_EU

    XP booster power

    So 40+ is the slow levels?

    The reason I ask, is because i remember something about the late teens, used to be slow to level, so they increased the XP output for critters defeated in that level range, making a larger (XP output)/(XP to next level) ratio. I therefore wondered if that had created a different "slow leveling range". But I expect that is just level 40+ then.


    Edit: I understand this is not the issue with the Patrol XP booster, which should be applied as late as possible, is the same true for the +25% to XP power?
  19. Sulfur_Tios_EU

    XP booster power

    Hi folks!

    At which level range do you get the most out of the XP booster power or Experienced temp power?

    In other words; which levels are the slowest to level?

    Thanks in advance!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CinderSpawn View Post
    It was suspected at one time that if teamed with someone that couldn't get shards and the game rolled thay they would get one as a drop it would go to the eligible toon but I don't know if it was ever proven and I've never noticed it myself.
    That would been an options, since I was teaming with my premium account that was level 26.
  21. So is a double incarnate shard drop normal?:
  22. Paragon gets attacked by Rikti and Preatorian forces. Statesman defeats them all with one giant foot stomp attack which triggers Marty and thereby bans him from the game for life.
  23. You åre probably right that it is Mercy. Another example is found in Port Oaks. If you go all the way west to where the sub for the Mayhem mission is, you can clearly see the top of mount diable in Cap au Diable. So there is definatly possible to see cross some zones.
  24. Well the most awesome solution to it all would be if characters could have dual membership. One on redside when they are rogue and villain and one on blueside when they are vigilante and hero.
  25. Hi there fellow COX players!

    I've been playing COX for some years now, and finally found it was time to give something back to the community.

    I have tried Crimson Tao's log cleaner, and enjoyed it, though I found a couple of thing missing with it.
    I felt I needed some kind of text search in the log, and some live update setting.
    Since I'm not much of a C# developer I decided to make my own from scratch in Java. (So this should be something the Mac users could enjoy as well? (Not tested though)).
    And as far as testing goes, its been tested in Xp, Vista and Linux!

    Thanks a lot to Crimson Tao for inspiration!

    Now you may ask your self why on earth, you would have any need for this tool. For me there are a couple of reasons that come to mind.
    As the text search comes with a counter of hits, I use it to keep track of how many defeats I have done of an enemy(Specially useful when badging for gladiator badges).
    It also gives me the chat screen on my dual monitor, so I can keep track of things with out scrolling in the in game chat window.

    Now I was pretty satisfied with the end result, and thought, hey, someone else might find this useful.
    So I'm posting here hoping you could find the tool helpful:

    Click here to download COX Logger!

    Requirements is of course that you have Java installed and that you have chat enabled in the in-game client.
    Just doble click the downloaded COX_logger.jar, navigate to the log folder under COH install folder and pick a log file to watch.
    The help in the application should be very much complete, if not well give me a yell through the forum or in game (@stroemstad).
