XP booster power




Hi folks!

At which level range do you get the most out of the XP booster power or Experienced temp power?

In other words; which levels are the slowest to level?

Thanks in advance!

Defiant to the last!



The later levels are slower. Each level requires more XP than the last, even after you adjust for the increased XP per enemy. Since Experienced just gives you half a level of patrol XP, I prefer to use it at 30+, usually, although I sometimes use it sooner when I really want whatever it is I'll get at [current level + 1]. Optimally, you'd want to save all 20 charges until near 40 and then be Rested the whole way, but the 2 hour recharge can make that difficult to actually do.

XP boosters are really worth about the same whenever you use them, though. Of course, it's better to use it when you're doing something that gives a lot of XP than not - so non-speed TFs are good, crafting stuff in the university not so much.



So 40+ is the slow levels?

The reason I ask, is because i remember something about the late teens, used to be slow to level, so they increased the XP output for critters defeated in that level range, making a larger (XP output)/(XP to next level) ratio. I therefore wondered if that had created a different "slow leveling range". But I expect that is just level 40+ then.


Edit: I understand this is not the issue with the Patrol XP booster, which should be applied as late as possible, is the same true for the +25% to XP power?

Defiant to the last!



Originally Posted by Sulfur_Tios_EU View Post
Edit: I understand this is not the issue with the Patrol XP booster, which should be applied as late as possible, is the same true for the +25% to XP power?
Technically speaking the +25% temp is going to be equally useful at any level (though the very earliest levels fly by so fast already that you'll lose some benefit from it just running to see a trainer.) But, as Hopeling said, you'll want to use it when you're running things that would already give good experience since it's a timed power. Any hanging around the auction house while it's up means it's just going to waste.




30-40 always seems like the longest stretch to me, though that may just be because of lack of content.

I generally prefer to start using Experienced in the 30s, though I bounce around between alts enough that I get a decent amount of Patrol XP anyway, so I end up not always needing it on cooldown.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
30-40 always seems like the longest stretch to me, though that may just be because of lack of content.

I generally prefer to start using Experienced in the 30s, though I bounce around between alts enough that I get a decent amount of Patrol XP anyway, so I end up not always needing it on cooldown.
It depends on how and who you're playing with, but I'd agree that the 30s are slower than the 40s, in large part because in your 40s you're more often on fully powered teams that can steamroll content like the ITF. The team's DPS (and XP) will be much higher, especially if you're playing with 50s who have incarnate powers. A character in the low 40s can get a couple of levels in a single ITF, which a level 31 character will have a hard time matching unless they're PLing.

Since each charge gives you half a level of patrol XP, make sure all the charges are gone by the time you're level 50. Also, use it at the beginning of a long play session; if you use it at the end and then don't come back to the character for a week, you've "wasted" it.

If you're soloing or running your own missions with small teams at normal difficulty, it probably doesn't matter. Use it when you feel impatient for the next level.



Originally Posted by Sulfur_Tios_EU View Post
So 40+ is the slow levels?
I personally find that level 41 to 42 and level 46 to 47 are the two slowest levels. For obvious reasons (45 SO's and level 50 IO's...I want them now now!).



Also important to consider:

For Experienced (the five bars), if you're schedule is such that you don't have enough time to ever play the character long enough to use up all the Patrol XP you're getting from being logged out, using Experienced isn't really a help. I *do* sometimes run into that with 40+ characters. If the characters were in the 20s or 30s, I've got enough time in one session to play through my 'normal' Patrol XP, and then 5 bars of experienced. If I'm 45, I might get through two bars of Patrol XP, then have to wait 2 days before I can log on and play that character again. In that case, Experienced isn't helping you at all.

The XP Booster doesn't suffer from that problem.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



When I had 1 Experienced temp power, I used them between 40-45, two from 35-45 and three from 30-45. I often activate it before I log out and activate it again the next day to get a full 10 bars of patrol xp for that session. I try to finish all of them by level 45 because that opens 3 TFs that are pretty much guaranteed to bump anyone to 50 regardless of bonus xp (Statesman, Kahn and Lady Grey).

I have not tried an XP Booster, I keep saving them for some reason. They last for 1 hour? I would use it at level 35-40 and form a kill all ITF.



Originally Posted by Sulfur_Tios_EU View Post
Hi folks!

At which level range do you get the most out of the XP booster power or Experienced temp power?

In other words; which levels are the slowest to level?

Thanks in advance!
Level 40-50 are the slowest, getting slower the closer you get to 50.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



45+ is the hardest for me. I have 10-15 toons sitting at 45, and like 3 at 49... I ... just ... don't ... care about leveling them that last level or two -_-

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



I'll reiterate what others have said about the patrol XP one. I tend to use those in the 30+ game. Generally speaking, as one would expect, the levels in that range get increasingly slower because you need more XP to level and the enemies don't follow the same XP curve. Those really help to even that out.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)