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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    I seem to be running into a problem when I que up the Paragon Market - the market browser(?) is greyed out when I attempt to use the market tab, however when say I go to my account tab it loads just fine?
    I remember a similar Post from a bit ago, it turned out the Player with that problem had turned Google Scripting off by some "Anti-Adds/Security-Software". The Market uses some Google-Script for Analysis and cant be started without that Script running.

    It should be searcharble with the Term Google in the Tech-Issue Forum.

    Good Luck, hoping it solves it for u as well.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vestulance View Post
    Hi guys, Have Sent a Few tickets on issues that i have found.
    3,Ive encountered rarely not often at normal settings on posi #1 and #2 that the Foe in the tf go way up in difficulty ..i mean purples to fight in a posi huh? that aint the AV, they are normally EB...ok so i use posi tf for merrits or that ill have star for whole tf and the contact dont let me start last mish or end tf(normal settings 0 x1)
    I run alot Posi's for badge reasons too (have many Charakters,.....) and what i noticed, if the contact dont talk to u anymore then someone of ur team has quit while the TF.

    Thats not happening to Posi TF's alone, its seems a general bug, and it started when alignment switching was introduced. It Happens when Chars from other alignment (in Posi TF that would be Rogues) are on team.

    Same reason for the purple foes,... that will happen if the above mentioned take place and secretly someone else on ur team is the real leader and then his diff setting will count (prolly he was set to +2 or higher).

    So only way to make sure it wouldnt happen is to let all on team lower their settings to +0 or make sure that no one will quit while TF (how u do that, well thats a different matter),....

    But keep petioning it so maybe once the devs will fix it, at least theres still a chance after oh maybe 5 soon 6 issues ,..

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TigerKnight View Post
    well, this is the netgraph

    Looks like you were right. No way to fix this at all? Or at least reduce it? Never had it this bad before and not sure why it got this bad now.

    Quick point out, this isn't lasting minutes but hours and on consistant days. Been happening for 4 days now.
    There is a few things u can try but there is no guarantee that any of these steps will solve it because we cant identify the reason of the Packet Loss between u and the CoX Servers as Father XMas already said.

    Now things that can be not working properly:

    If u using W-Lan:

    W-Lan Adapter, W-Lan Optimizing Service of Windows 7, W-Lan Access Point of your Router. Also there can be intereference from other W-Lan User that use the same Channel nearby, u could change the channel,...

    If using Cable-Connection:
    Network-Card or -Port of Computer could have gone bad (check it with a diff Comp?)
    Network Cable between Router and Comp can have gone bad (replace it?)
    Router can have gone bad (replace it/reset it?).

    Those are only the things u can do on your own although some does cost money and as said before no guarantee of solving.....

    Then the Problem could be the provider of ur Internet Access and his routing tables.... u could call their support but better dont have high hopes.

    Same goes for Support calling of CoX, they will have u go through all possible loops.

    And what i noticed sometimes when they prepare an update, i get the red/yellow spikes all of a sudden too, mostly one/a few days before a new patch to CoX/AION etc is coming out,.... and since they do big maintenance of NCSoft Account System these days (see post in Announcement Section), maybe u got the bad spot in line.

    Hope it does the magic fix for u, as it mostly did for me without changing anything a few days later all was back for normal.

  4. [QUOTE=American_Angel;4301157]
    I DID petition...first time since returning to PIP status. Got zero response at all. Stayed on for hours today waiting for a response.

    In such Cases they wont appear ingame, waiting there is just a waste of time, u need to check the e-mail adress which is stored in the support account, or log directly into the support system to see their response. Following is the Link for the NA Account supports page:

    As to the others comments...this is most definitely a bug. Just because it hasn't risen before doesn't mean it isn't one. There always is a first report of a bug.

    Well u are right if no one deleted them manually (aka via your Account) its an error, i wouldnt call it a Bug, cause then Create/Delete System would have Bugs and many more People would encounter it. I suppose there was an database error happening to your Account.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE that my password and user name were stolen. IMPOSSIBLE. The user name and password are not shared with any other service (for example, I do not have the same ones anywhere else), my computer is freshly reformatted as of two weeks ago, I have not had a virus in a very long time (so no key logger hack). I reformatted to switch from XP to Win 7.

    This is just a misbelief, your security measures sounds good which make it highly "Unlikely" that your Password was stolen, but as long your Computer has Internet Access there is never the Option of "Impossible".

    Probably the result of the most recent update.

    Its quite possible, for each Update the database needs to be checked, and the check maybe caused an error to your Account resulting in the described deletion of the Chars.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Thx alot for giving that Info.

    Its proving another time a forum feature dont get used as it should (Dev Digest), cause his Posts didnt show up there and i saw that thread but didnt look into it cause it was the base discussion Thread and had nothing with the keywords Bug or charching or somewhat like that in it

    And According to Zwillinger its fixed now btw.

  6. Im curious,

    i couldnt find an Info Thread on this matter in forum (announcement Section or Dev Digest) or CoH Mainpage.

    Could anyone point me (or add a link) to this Info Thread cause i seemingly cant find it even after knowing that there should be one. Could be easy that others have similar problems then,....

    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    Info threads are tasty, the last official one mentioned to hold off on said purchase so they can figure out what the issue is.
  7. Hello,

    while the Game changes and evolves alright i would still Petition this as a bug.

    From the Issue 23 release patch notes:


    • Monsters are now allowed to taunt players. Taunts from monsters will affect players in the same ways that taunts from players do.

    Neither the Ghouls or PPD classifies to me as "Monster" (ok the ghouls are debateable), but either the patch notes are wrong or this is a bug.

    Monsters to me are NPC that have the description/Class Monster or Giant Monster, not just any NPC foe group.

  8. Hello,

    that and for many more Defeat/Gladiator Badges (Blue Ink Man/Ancestor Spirits etc.) is a known Issue and according to Beta Notes it will get fixed with I 23 release.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
    "On July 15th, 2003, I started working at Paragon Studios."

    Also: "(For those interested, this server was Triumph, the last server added until Exalted)"

    What of the four EU servers added in 2005? Did Triumph not come until after those?
    Yeah its pitiful if a so called Lead Dev cant even get basics like this straight and dont let someone of his Coworkers read over such a statement before he post it.

    When i joined this Game in July 2004 Triumph existed,... a few years later the European servers started. But even if u could argue they was not on the NA server list, the list merge happened May 2011 so even if u count that date as adding of those servers they existed before Exalted (which came live with I 21, so in september 2011).

  10. Hi,

    u seemingly missed parts of Hyperstrikes Post.

    CoH is known to run bad on integrated intel Graphic Chips cause of OpenGL.

    And if other Games run fine then it does not matter!

    As Hyperstrike stated most Games use DirectX for Graphic.

    So if any u can compare it only to Games which run on OpenGL too, and those will have similar Problems then.

    Its just OpenGL isnt well supported from those Chips and theres nothing we can do about it beside buying PC/Laptops that dont use Intel Chips or bugging those Intel Chips Providers for better Support.

  11. "4 GB RAM "

    There is ur Problem.

    each Coh Instance can use up to 1.7 Gig of RAM when they run for longer time. They start with 890 MB etc. but turn up higher the longer the instance runs.

    Now u will say but 2 x 1.7 is maximum 3.4 which is truly correct but dont forget that your operating system and other tasks like antivirus software will use RAM too....

    Another problem can be the settings of the Windows swap file on the Harddisk. If u let Windows manage it, it will slow everything down, its better to give the swap file a fixed size.

  12. SuggestorK

    Pocket D Pack

    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    I bought the strapped heels but it doesnt let me got out of tailor with them.
    I tried to bought them again but I cant.

    This is already a known Issue....

    Pocket D Pack New!
    • Currently, purchasing the Pocket D - Strapped Heels does not unlock this costume piece properly. This will be corrected as soon as possible
    • Purchasing the Pocket D – Metallic Top will currently unlock the Pocket D – Strapped Heels as well.
      • The Strapped Heels will be removed from the Metallic Top product with the next publish. Players who have the Strapped Heels without the product unlock will lose them the next time they use the tailor after this bug has been fixed.
    • Anyone who has purchased the Pocket D Valentine Pack should not be affected by this bug either now or after the bug is fixed.
  13. Hi,

    like in a similar Thread your Registry has serious issues (examples below)....

    C:\Windows\System32\snmptrap.exe (file missing)
    O23 - Service: @%systemroot%\system32\spoolsv.exe,-1 (Spooler) - Unknown owner - C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe (file missing)
    O23 - Service: @%SystemRoot%\system32\sppsvc.exe,-101 (sppsvc) - Unknown owner - C:\Windows\system32\sppsvc.exe (file missing)
    O23 - Service: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service (Stereo Service) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe
    O23 - Service: @%SystemRoot%\system32\vaultsvc.dll,-1003 (VaultSvc) - Unknown owner - C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe (file missing)

    There has been done serious damage, try a reg cleaner or if that wont help a clean fresh install can help (i know thats a Pita but sometimes necessary).

  14. SuggestorK

    Carnival Belt

    Is the link to the thread,...

    They dont name the Belt directly, but Gunslinger is named and it wasnt the 1st time a single bought Costume piece didnt unlock correctly.

  15. SuggestorK

    Carnival Belt


    did u buy the parts as package or buyed only a few of em...

    Theres a known issue about carnival in the last update on announcement page.

  16. Hello,

    theres more then one Post about similar behaviour. A example is following:

    Its the market server cache that is stored on each server seperatedly (for when real market server is down) that have synchronizing issues sometimes it seems.

    But well this is nothing we here in forum can help you with on this problem, the only chance of help here would be if a "red name" accidently stumble upon this post.

    Best chance of help would be filing a bug report and link them to these post's.

  17. SuggestorK

    Computer Crashes


    the 1st look i would say the "repairs" you mentioned did either not work or break some behind the scenes parts of Windows.....

    The Registry part looks very badly even core files like

    C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe (file missing)

    are considered missing....

    My Suggestion would be at this point, try a clean fresh install of Windows and see if it solves the problem.
  18. Hi,

    while you are correct that there was nothing about bind changes in patch notes there was at least a slight change in the last patch to Rocket Board/Walk/Market Carpet for the no Power areas like the one mish in the Sondra Cartel Arc where u get disguised as that female reporter.

    So my guess would be that change affects the bind so u have to add a detoggle command for Rocket Board before u can activate Combat Jump

  19. Hello,

    theres one thing to try, stop evrything u have running which isnt from OS or Virus Protect/Firewall related to see if its affecting it, also check the Antivirus-Settings if it runs HD-Scans in the background while gaming.

    Especially stop the things like MemTurbo (as Hyperstrike already said),

    C:\Program Files\Registry Mechanic\RegMech.exe
    C:\Program Files\IObit\Game Booster 3\gbtray.exe

    O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\1050\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
    O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet Monitoring Service - Intel Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\system32\IProsetMonitor.exe
    O23 - Service: iPod Service - Apple Inc. - C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe

  20. It could also be a Windows Problem with the Wireless Lan....

    Vista and Win 7 having a thing called something like "Wireless Optimation Service" that constantly keeps optimizing Wireless Connection... which could cause problems with Online Gaming, I've read that in a Computer Magazine a while back so i dont remember all details.

    The magazines suggestion was just to disable that service to solve it after the initial Connection is established.

    Also try at least temporary to use a cable connection to see if it fixes it.

  21. Had the same happen to me too, but only on Exalted i notice his misbehaviour (i play regulary on 9 different servers).

    Usually going back to server select and hitting Exalted again fix it.....

    U can see it directly if the correct Reward tokens /Transfers are showing up (having currently 36 unused reward tokens and 6 Transfers)......

  22. They are actually in store now!

    As the Holiday Pack that was featured on 12/20, the said emotes are part of the deal...

    well 400 points...

  23. Yeah same happend to me.

    The Devs should award 1200 Points for evry time that such **** happens, for what they testing builds at all, when major bugs like that get through.

  24. Hi,

    yes it is and they (think Zwillinger) actually told us that even before the patch came out that the base bug is spreading on the heroside now too.

    Also had a GMotd popup yesterday after patch ( login) that told that too.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I'll admit this is very strange. If you are getting half tickets it's almost like you are level pacted only for tickets instead of exp.
    I think u got there something, as we know they pulled the Lvl pact feature with i 21 cause they had problems with it. Just as far i recalled they didnt tell us which those problems was, so maybe a problem with ticket reward was part of it......

    Also which Alignments are they when half tickets happening, is there maybe a reckognizeable pattern?
