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  1. Thanks for the info AVatea, hope they find the problem shortly, would love to get back in game again.

  2. Was teaming away quite the thing then mapservered on Defiant, got dropped to the login screen, but was unable to connect.

    Then decided to come right out, but now the EU patcher seems to be stuck in a connecting loop, and from what im gathering folks are not being able to log in again.

  3. Snow

    Server down

    Aye was in a mighty fine group, then I mapserver , and Defiant dies on me

    Came right out of game and now the patcher is now working either so something gone wonkey EU side

    As was thinking it might be jsut Defiant that dropped but lloks like Union and the French/German ones are also unaccessable
  4. Snow

    Hello all!

    Welcome back Cat, good to see you in game again.

    I to am not to long back from a break been away off playing Dragons age and Age of Conan. And it feel good to be back in CoH yapping away to everyone again

  5. Just been droppped to login screen, unable to get back in

    And was in a mighty fine grp as well, laying the smack down.
  6. Yip am loving Dragon Age as well, dam addictive game, have completed it once tho with Mage, but the game jsut wants you to go through it a few times, with diffrent chars and settigs as all this can change the endings and way things all interact on the journey to your ultimate quest.

    And with DLC content etc it keeps you busy. So sorta not on COH as much either.

    See you about Bunny
  7. I am happy the way Defiant and Union are currently, id not want to merge them, or leta lone be merged with US servers.

    If what your looking for is access to the US servers alongside access to the EU ones that be fair enough. But dont want Defiant/Union to jsut dissapear and become merged
  8. Havent really played with it much, the super sidekicking threw me intially as every one was auto side kicked and i had not sent sk requests , and then i selected a lower mission and i was auto exemped and was surprised to be getting xp.

    Icon was busy when stuck my head in the door

    But from waht i seen of it so far looks good

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    So there’s the possibility that Issue 16 will go live today… hmmmm…

    Things to do if Issue 16 DOES go live:
    • Stand in Atlas Park and tell the 1,000 50th level characters who have never left the AE building how to get to Icon.

    Fab little post , and this line made me chuckle the most
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearCowboy View Post
    And women with stilettos

    same here stilettos, as well as thigh high boots. All my chars get at least one costume with thigh high boots and the others are all in stilettos
  11. Always found Vanguard hard hitting from first time i encountered them in the RWZ revamps

    And good that they do as the game needs enemies that can challenge us

  12. This is one oftjhe many reasons i stopped playing WoW, forever raising the level cap, moving the goal posts.

    I hope CO* never raises its level cap, it's fine the way it is, well for me.
  13. Snow

    Blue Rabbit

    Wondered why had not seen you for a bit, thought you was maybe away on your holidays

    See you when you get back online

  14. Seen you posting over on the CO forums mother , im on there to as Vapur at the moment

    Maybe see you in game, when get the dam thing patched and running

  15. RWZ at L1 wont be a good idea, unless some one in team teleports you to the AE building as if them missile launcher silos get you in RWZ it may make it darn hard getting to the AE building. Also you wont have travel power so wont be easy getting to that building.

    So yes if wanted coop at low level then move the AE building or make a kiosk or something in Pocket D that would be a better option for lowbies looking for coop missioning at low level.

    As in valentines event you can do that coop low level in Pocket D

    And yes remove the AE building from the warzone it seems out of place with the ongoing battle in there to have an entertainment facility in the middle of a warzone !

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
    hate to say it.... but this makes PLing easier.....
    I thought that to, but then if thikn about powerlevelin do they not normally try and keep like +5 mobs in miss and soak up the xp, now with super sk'n from waht i read it will auto sk you to -1 level of the max level in team so will only be +1 as opposed to +5 so the xp wont be so high and they wont be powerleveld as fast , casuse of this.

    Well is what i read into it , so far.
  17. mmm not sure about how this will work, sounds like will encourage folks to power level and even leech. As if on a sk leash at least you know they aint gonna get no xp on an active team if they dont stay on thier leash then can be kicked. If found to ber a leecher

    Also allowing lowbies into the L35+ areas aint a great idea either, will they get the arcs and the like from Levietia on entry or wait till L35 ?

    Ive not read all the thread as of yet as was only pointed out to me, so maybe these issues already been rasied (wish get the dev digest and community thingy working so can see rednames posting )

    And what of the ski'ng badges will all team get credit for them, or will they be removed from game as there is no sk'ing ?

    Dont know what to think of this change to game seems quite a mjor thing to change after all these years, and with a few other mmos hero based on the horizon is it a good time to be tinkering with one of this games orginal ideas that now seems to have appeared in many other MMOs . I always felt that COH was the inovator of sking and worked well in the game, super sk'n at mo seems a complete change to waht am so used to in this game.

    I not sure how the level selecting of missions will work now , but till it comes on live or open test then can only hope the devs know what they are doing and that it dont all go pear shaped.

    so at mo im a bit skeptical.

    Will when get time try read more of this thread as maybe my concerns are already voiced and suitable replies posted
  18. Any word when we will get the dev digest and community digest working again ??

    As used to be so straightforward and clear to see what they were saying, i seem to be struggling to find any updates and what is happining in game at present. Granted i've tried these temp links but is still not as user friendly as the old forums for finding info.
  19. Take care Mother, been pleasure teaming with you on Union when i played over there with some of my alts. Also wont be same without seeing you on these forums, enjoy reading your posts.

    Wish you all the best on your plans for the future, and well as most know i dont normally post in goodbye threads. As most times folks will return.

    So hope to see you on your return, till then take care

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    We still need animated hair, animated faces,
    i was thinking the same thing

    Also some more cool emotes, animations for dances and maybe air guitar emote. All jut purley cosmetic but be nice to have.

    As for further zones maybe the space zone, or make the shards open to both heros + villians and give them a revamp ?

    Im sure an underwater zone would not go a miss to
  21. Hiya from northeast of Scotland

  22. When MA was on the test server, I recieved an email from some one who rated my arc. This would be a good use of the ingame email i think. As often when you log in you dont see any MA reviews of your arc if any have reviewed it. If the review came in via the ingame email then you would be more likely to notice the MA review of any arcs of yours folks may have played, thus being able to read your MA reviews any time

  23. Snow

    Head Bang Emote

    /cheer has a view varients and one has like a headbang sorta feel to it, and has both fists pumping at same time.

    But as for a proper headbang emote like the GW necros have then sorry to say no is nothing similar in COx as of yet.

  24. Some good info there, thanks for posting this guide
  25. Usually just ask on global for a team or if need be send tells to folks and hope to get offered a team. I generally have very little prob getting teams still do it the old fashioned way of also flagging myself lft.

    I work my arcs and if folks my level range send me a tell or on b/cast i generally invite them. I never bother with MA so is always arc missions i be doing.