Snow Globe

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    And to be fair, E&B wasn't exactly setting any subscriber records when it got shut down... it may very well have been losing money.
    Earth and Beyond apparently never even hit 40,000 subscribers, and a few months before it closed it had just over half that. Auto Assault apparently had less than 12,500 subscribers.

    Numbers from here.

    NCsoft stopped reporting CoH numbers a few years ago.
  2. But you didn't DC during the message... How do we know it is you?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    But it's like boycotting Fox because they canceled Firefly or NBC because they canceled Journeyman or Warner Brother's Batman movies because of the Schumacher films. You can, it'll just be a time when you run out of places you aren't boycotting to get your gaming on.
    Actually, thinking back on it, I haven't watched Fox since Firefly. Not because I was actively boycotting it, but because they put out crap programming.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I don't mean this to be as snarky as it's undoubtedly going to sound, I promise. But how about we not boycott anyone based on rumors? Some of us are diligently trying to save the game, and I really think that calls to boycott companies are not going to make any positive difference, and can only alienate us with companies whose cooperation we might need to keep City of Heroes up and running.
    Actually, I'm going to make rational choice to not buy any on-line game from NCsoft. They have an annoying habit of shutting down games with little to no notice. I can't trust NCsoft to provide entertainment value for my money.
  5. Snow Globe

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by TheNet View Post
    Loving the your favorite bugs you are all posting. Let me hear more.
    This is the one I thought might get me the Bug Hunter badge. I initially sent it to Ex_Libris (in addition to the bug system), then about 6 months later Positron asked me for details after I mentioned a bug that wasn't fixed. As far as I know this bug wasn't fixed until just before Issue 18. What this bug did was allow anyone to buy an infinite amount of Vanguard Salvage Sacks (+10 Salvage capacity) from issues 10 to 17 or 18:
    The following is a copy of several PMs I had with Ex Libris. I know that you want to limit salvage storage that characters can hold. This is capable of virtually eliminating the personal salvage limit on characters. I wouldn't know what the upper end this is capable of, but I'd have to assume it is at least three times what a level 50 with all the +salvage badges can hold.
    Subject: Who is responsible for the market system now?( 12/12/08 09:04 AM )
    I ask because I've found a very serious 100% repeatable way of infinitely increasing invention salvage storage on a character.

    The vanguard merit tables when you click on them the first time in a session now show every single option. Even options that you have bought before. So if you have 500 extra merits, you can buy an extra salvage sack for an additional +10 invention salvage storage.

    If you then log out of the character and log into the game again, you can repeat as often as you have enough merits.

    If you have several thousand banked (vanguard merits have a 9,999 capacity), you can get 190 extra salvage storage, with 1 more vanguard merit that becomes 200.

    Thankfully there have been enough distractions that there hasn't been more Rikti mother ship raiding.

    ---More Info---
    I sent the above to Ex Libris. When she responded with a tester's question, I sent her the following response. (12/12/08 05:25 PM)

    The quotes were questions from the testing staff.
    ---More Info---

    I tested this a bit more this morning on the test server. I now have a character on the test server with 120 salvage slots on character. The character name was "White Succubus2".

    In the interest of disclosure, the first time it happened I did it on the live server. They can check the character "White Succubus" on the Triumph Server (and there is a support ticket [Incident:081210-000363] (escalated to bug status)). What scared me was that it is possible on the live servers. After that I went to the test server.

    [QUOTE]Followed the repro steps.I created a new character, gave influence/merits, joined the Vanguard (to have the ability to gain merits) and went to access level 0. I then went and attempted to get more salvage slots again. The first attempt provided me the 10 slots, logged out and back in, the salvage option was not available.
    I then exited to desktop and reloaded the game. Tried to see if the option was available again, and it was not. Maybe the player can provide more info.[/ QUOTE ]
    Sure, no problem.

    Something they don't need from their test procedure:
    They do not have to exit to the desktop. Just going back to the login screen is fine for this. I did notice the character got moved from where they logged out of the game during this. The character logged out at the transition between the Vanguard Recruit Day Job location and the Monitor Duty Day Job location.

    All the following screen shots are from the test server (time code as part of the file name).

    How many merits he started with,
    2114 Vanguard Merits

    influence he had starting with,
    Around 1-2 million inf on the live server. 6.5 million on the test server.

    which Vanguard table he used,
    The one beside the Super Group Portal.

    See this picture (look at the invention tab 64/110):

    I logged out beside that table on other side of the column and was moved to the lower floor in/near the portal. Anywhere around that table seems to apply. I have another version that was set to transfer to the test server, but I haven't seen the new version on the test server yet.

    This was from one time I did not need to log out to get all the options to display. It reverted to normal with the next click.

    was it a hero or villain,

    what AT is he,
    Controller, Illusion / Empathy / Primal Forces, level 50.

    does he already have the salvage slots from the invention badges,
    Yes, all of them. And all the Costume pieces, despite this picture (note this one was taken AFTER the previous picture):

    was this character created pre-i13,
    Yes, Issue 3.

    was he on a team at the time,

    was he in a sg,
    On Triumph, yes. On the test server, no.

    does he have a certain rank in the sg?
    Leader (highest rank) on Triumph. On the test server, no.

    Final tally at the end of the 4 purchase test:
    120 Salvage spots. The character had 80 this morning.

    ---More Info---
    After even more testing on my part. (12/12/08 10:38 PM)
    ---More Info---

    I've successfully replicated (both on Test and Triumph, multiple heroes and a villain stalker, all level 50) this bug a few dozen times. I've done this without buying, but making the options appear nearly every single time.

    The only times I did not get the options again was when I had a new character that hasn't bought something from the tables or zoned a distance from a table. The farthest away was near Lady Grey. The closer the better.

    More detailed steps:
    * Have a character with the ability to collect merits.

    * Make sure that the invention window is not set to hide either recipes missing ingredients or unowned recipes.

    * Purchase any one-shot item (vanguard costume part, weapon customization, or salvage sack). You don't need more merits to see see the purchased item, but you will need enough merits to buy it again.

    * Log out near any of the 4 vanguard merit tables (3 near SG portal, 1 near Infirmary). You do not need to quit to desktop. It doesn't matter if you do, it is just not required.

    * First mouse click has to access the table. Try to do this within a minute of logging on.

    * Look at either the "special" or "uniform" section for the item previously purchased, you should be able to find it.

    I took a demo record, but it doesn't track the merit table but as QA should be able to see, I shouldn't be seeing the costume options:
    ((Demo link removed.))

    Triumph server, character "Shi Otome", level 50 Stalker. Wearing full Vanguard outfit and sword, yet still having the options if I had the merits:

    I really hope this helps. If they need more details, just let me know.

    Seeing that I can guess the next few questions: My PC is running Vista, is a stock HP a6200n Desktop PC, 2 GB RAM.

    ---More Info---
    As an end note, other than the initial hero (white succubus) none of the other characters have the +salvage slot badges.
    The second major bug had just as many consequences:

    The was a problem with Super Group permissions (this bug still exists). I was told by TheOcho during the Going Rogue Beta that "we're aware of this, but it isn't on the schedule to be fixed." This despite the bug being on all servers, including the live servers:

    A player could give lower ranks permissions that they did not themselves have.

    So if a middle rank could edit rank permissions, but not change say Storage Permissions, they could give a lower ranked player Storage Permissions edit and then use "locked" storage containers. Or if the middle rank couldn't edit the base, they could let someone lower rank to them edit bases.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    and Snow Globe for your meticulous attention to detail!
    Argh... Typo!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    It's Tuesday, and my heart is broken.
    I think everyone's is.

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    If I recall correctly--and no offense if I get any of this wrong, guys--Snow Globe did most of the work on the original spreadsheet, including all the data manipulation and adding a real-time Paragon-Points-to-Euro/GBP calculator (which was changed to the static numbers Paragon chose to use for the live version of the spreadsheet in this thread), and Zombie Man and I filled in the majority of the data, and I did most of the formatting (arranging columns, setting up borders, etc).
    Zombie Man did the original data entry, I added in the Euro/GBP conversions and a few other things like organizing items that were previously available in booster packs or retail releases.

    In other words I came in like a breeze (ill-wind), settled things, then left except fixing the occasional typo.

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I still made sure that Snow Globe and Zombie Man had full access to the spreadsheet. I never really discussed it with them, but I hope there were no negative feelings... I just figured they were both already busy with other community projects, and that any monkey on a typewriter could copy an item listing from the game into a spreadsheet, so why should they need to bother with it?
    No negative feelings at all. Kind of relieved that there was someone keeping an eye on the project.

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    But thank you, Snow Globe and Zombie Man, for all the work you put into the original version of the spreadsheet, and for everything else you do and have done for the community. *round of applause*
    Thank you for the kind words!
  8. (Yes, this is mostly a cross-post from the general discussions section, but I don't think the admins will mind. Besides, this is a clear violation of the "No 'I quit.' " forum rule. )

    I'm kind of torn as I'm posting this. As much as I'm hating losing the community of the game, I have to confess I'm not been "here" as much for the game. Many would remember that I would change my forum avatar somewhat frequently, then in April, my forum Avatar stopped changing. I would think that most people know what the pink ribbon represents by now: Breast Cancer.

    My mother was diagnosed at the end of March with stage 2 breast cancer (almost stage 3). She had a lumpectomy and they caught the cancer in one lymph node. This prompted the doctors to check other spots (false positive on it spreading to her liver), and start an extremely aggressive chemotherapy treatment. She is now 50% done her chemotherapy treatments, and during November she is due for a month-long schedule of radiation therapy. I would recommend everyone get screened on a regular basis for cancer. I wouldn't wish this process on anyone.

    Needless to say that this has been playing havoc with my emotions. One of my emotional foundations has been the group of close friends that I've played with, the people from the Triumph Server, and the people in this game's community as a whole. While I might be losing the interaction in the game, I'm still going to be in touch with many of you through various means.

    I'm going to take away many cherished memories of my time here, like talking with Mercedes Lackey during the Going Rogue Beta or FINALLY getting the Master of Statesman TF after a month-long series of attempts. Then there was the City Scoop. I still find it hard to believe I managed as much I did for the Scoop while going to College. The people that were a part of that project were truly dedicated to making the game more enjoyable for everyone.

    I know I was extremely vocal at aspects of the game I disliked. In my defense, I would say I let my passion get carried away. I hope this helps explain some of my posts, though I'll admit a large part of my posting style is a persona more than an accurate picture of who I am.

    For the people on Triumph. I know I was constantly pestered because I enforced Triumph Watch a bit more than other mods. I was doing my level best to be fair to everyone (despite a few people saying otherwise). I will miss the variety of players I've met since I started this game in 2005. I was (and still am) a bit uncomfortable with my celebrity (and notoriety) on Triumph. I'm still amazed that people would wait till I started an Incarnate Trial before joining. Personally, I always felt I could do better.

    I made some really close friends in my time on CoH: Sayaki, Taryn, and the rest of my inherited super group the Incandescent Cell (which will always be mispelled). I've said goodbye to more fun players than I'd care to count. I've also managed to somehow become friends with some of the top players on Triumph and other servers: Arcanaville, Emerald Fusion, Kay Parfait, Ultrabatz, and many from other servers. At this point I think I've also managed to team with at least 80% of Triumph at one point or another.

    I'll finish this post with this parting song:
    Of all the money e'er I had,
    I spent it in good company.
    And all the harm e'er I've done,
    Alas! it was to none but me.
    And all I've done for want of wit
    To mem'ry now I can't recall
    So fill to me the parting glass
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    Oh, all the comrades e'er I had,
    They're sorry for my going away,
    And all the sweethearts e'er I had,
    They'd wish me one more day to stay,
    But since it falls unto my lot,
    That I should rise and you should not,
    I gently rise and softly call,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    If I had money enough to spend,
    And leisure time to sit awhile,
    There is a fair maid in this town,
    That sorely has my heart beguiled.
    Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips,
    I own she has my heart in thrall,
    Then fill to me the parting glass,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    Eric "Snow Globe" Sutton.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Also, it seems less problematic now that 15% of the playerbase seems to be coming forward to admit having been on the payroll.
    That is causing me some problems. People keep asking if I ever was on the payroll. The closest I got to that was gladly PAYING for my subscription, so in a sense I was a part of the payroll source.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I guess I put it up on a lot of places already, I might as well post the other means as well.



    If you want this, send me a PM (either here, on the Titan Forums, or to the above accounts) and I'll decide on a per-case basis.
  11. I'll be there to help.

    Kay, from all appearances, if you are VIP now, I don't think you'll lose it.
  12. Here is the song that keeps going through my mind & heart:
    Of all the money e'er I had,
    I spent it in good company.
    And all the harm e'er I've done,
    Alas! it was to none but me.
    And all I've done for want of wit
    To mem'ry now I can't recall
    So fill to me the parting glass
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    Oh, all the comrades e'er I had,
    They're sorry for my going away,
    And all the sweethearts e'er I had,
    They'd wish me one more day to stay,
    But since it falls unto my lot,
    That I should rise and you should not,
    I gently rise and softly call,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    If I had money enough to spend,
    And leisure time to sit awhile,
    There is a fair maid in this town,
    That sorely has my heart beguiled.
    Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips,
    I own she has my heart in thrall,
    Then fill to me the parting glass,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
  13. I'm kind of torn as I'm posting this. As much as I'm hating losing the community of the game, I have to confess I'm not been "here" as much for the game. Many would remember that I would change my forum avatar somewhat frequently, then in April, my forum Avatar stopped changing. I would think that most people know what the pink ribbon represents by now: Breast Cancer.

    My mother was diagnosed at the end of March with stage 2 breast cancer (almost stage 3). She had a lumpectomy and they caught the cancer in one lymph node. This prompted the doctors to check other spots (false positive on it spreading to her liver), and start an extremely aggressive chemotherapy treatment. She is now 50% done her chemotherapy treatments, and during November she is due for a month-long schedule of radiation therapy. I would recommend everyone get screened on a regular basis for cancer. I wouldn't wish this process on anyone.

    Needless to say that this has been playing havoc with my emotions. One of my emotional foundations has been the group of close friends that I've played with, the people from the Triumph Server, and the people in this game's community as a whole. While I might be losing the interaction in the game, I'm still going to be in touch with many of you through various means.

    I'm going to take away many cherished memories of my time here, like talking with Mercedes Lackey during the Going Rogue Beta or FINALLY getting the Master of Statesman TF after a month-long series of attempts. Then there was the City Scoop. I still find it hard to believe I managed as much I did for the Scoop while going to College. The people that were a part of that project were truly dedicated to making the game more enjoyable for everyone.

    I know I was extremely vocal at aspects of the game I disliked. In my defense, I would say I let my passion get carried away. I hope this helps explain some of my posts, though I'll admit a large part of my posting style is a persona more than an accurate picture of who I am.

    I'll leave with this parting song:
    Of all the money e'er I had,
    I spent it in good company.
    And all the harm e'er I've done,
    Alas! it was to none but me.
    And all I've done for want of wit
    To mem'ry now I can't recall
    So fill to me the parting glass
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    Oh, all the comrades e'er I had,
    They're sorry for my going away,
    And all the sweethearts e'er I had,
    They'd wish me one more day to stay,
    But since it falls unto my lot,
    That I should rise and you should not,
    I gently rise and softly call,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    So fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate'er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    "Good night and joy be to you all"
    If I had money enough to spend,
    And leisure time to sit awhile,
    There is a fair maid in this town,
    That sorely has my heart beguiled.
    Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips,
    I own she has my heart in thrall,
    Then fill to me the parting glass,
    Good night and joy be with you all.
    Eric "Snow Globe" Sutton.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    [*]I had another recommendation to go here, but I figured that many of you might consider it something awful. Regardless, it's one of those places you'd be surprised to find such a passionate group of City of Heroes players. NSFW.
    Let me guess... A number followed by a cut version of "channel"?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    We have EVERY POSSIBLE TYPE OF PLAYER, and in the end I know they all LOVE City of Heroes because they ALL STICK AROUND, even the ones that apparently we could do no right in the eyes of!
    Sorry for being such a pain.

    I was, and I still am, passionate about this game. I wanted to experience everything this game had to offer (I missed a few arcs and missions, but not many). I still had dozens of powers combinations to try out. I was seldom bored in the time I've played since I really started in June 2005. A longtime friend gave me a buddy code in Feb 2005, I played it for a few weeks, then didn't come back to CoH on a free reactivation weekend (Memorial Day, May 2005). I've maintained a steady subscription since.

    I was seriously looking forward to playing this game well into 2014.

    I will always look back at time spent with this game as well worth it, despite some things that bugged the heck out of me.
  16. At best you might be able to apply them to an <shudder> Aion or Lineage account. Or hold them for a bit and use them on Wildstar.
  17. Snow Globe: Cat Herder... Kind of has a ring to it.

    I'll miss everyone from Triumph.
  18. Snow Globe

    Goodbye Triumph!

    I love this community, so much that when given server transfers I move characters off of Triumph only to make NEW characters to play here. There were only a couple people that annoyed me to the breaking point, who shall remain nameless. To most of those I silenced, I didn't have a grudge against you.

    I've made so many friends over the years and teamed with so many great people since 2005 that it is hard, if not impossible, to pick highlights from. The nightly Hami Raids were fun from issues 6 to 9, the near constant task forces and trials, to some of the crazier times like an all Illusion team I was with battling council in the mid-20s.

    No matter if we clashed or reached goals together, each player on Triumph has left their mark on my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Eric "Snow Globe" Sutton.
  19. I might check out CO again (@SnowGlobe) or SWOTOR until Elder Scrolls Online comes out. However I'm going to miss my Superhero MMO.

    Mainly I'll see what my very close friends will go to and possibly go there.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Just curious, but what do people think they suggested that actually made it into the game?
    Quite a few things, but one suggestion in particular still resonates daily in this game:

    Alerts for Giant Monsters/Events.

    From "Unusual Clockwork activity" to all the Rikti/Zombie/Nemesis invasion to all the "Supernatural activity" alerts.

    I think those alerts made this city feel real to me.
  21. Snow Globe

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
    Transfer to Freedom and come get them with us the "easy" way Snow. Or don't given whats happened.
    If I don't get them this weekend, I'll transfer. Might as well use the transfers now.
  22. Snow Globe


    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Once we get a timeline, we ought to have a serverwide event.

    Don't care what or when, but a chance for us to all say our farewells.

    Paragon Studios' employees terminated, superhero MMORPG to cease operation by November 30.

    City of Heroes developer Paragon Studios is being closed by NCsoft, and its superhero massively multiplayer online role-playing game is set to go offline by November 30. The studio's about 80 employees have been laid off and the game, originally released in 2004 by Cryptic Studios with development assumed by Paragon (then NCsoft NorCal) in 2007, will begin to sunset immediately.

    Old heroes never die, they just fade away.
    "Both NCsoft and Paragon Studios are incredibly proud of the success of City of Heroes, but unfortunately, the continued support of the franchise no longer fits within our long term goals for the company," said Lincoln Davis, NCsoft West director of corporate communications. "All employees at Paragon Studios are affected by this decision, including the management team."

    Paragon Studios community manager Andy Belford announced in a blog post that City of Heroes' cash shop and subscription billing options will cease immediately. He praised both the developers and the community which enjoyed their efforts. "To any potential studios looking to grow your team; hire these people," Belford said. "You won't regret it."