Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dragons_Bane View Post
    I've always understood it to be the closest bid which always was weird because you'd think highest would make more sense. All I know for sure is when sell something low (1 or 5 infl) to sell it quickly it is always lower than the previous sells, where if it was taking the highest bid it would stay the same more often.
    High sale prices are usually the result of people who want to "get it now". If there's 30 people offering an item at 19 500 inf, every person who puts in a bid of 20 000 inf will have it immediately filled. On the other hand, if someone puts in a bid at 17 500 inf, that bid will just sit there... until someone offers the same item for 500 inf, at which point the 17 500 inf buying bid will be the highest one.

    Just like patient sellers benefit from impatient buyers, the patient buyers benefit from impatient sellers.
  2. I got a Fortunata Sleep Acc/Sleep/Rech purple from a ITF run once. They don't sell for much, sadly. No problem, maybe someone in my Coalition can use it, right? I dropped a couple mil on some rares (this was before AE and tickets), crafted it up, started asking around.

    There are two level 50 characters with Sleep powers (both Mind/ Controllers). One is slotting hers for damage. The other already has a Fortunata Sleep Acc/Sleep/Recharge.

    There is one character who could use it, but he's redside.

    So I threw the crafted enhancement in the SG's bin, and it's still languishing there.
  3. Silver Gale

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    It wasn't a bug before and isn't considered one now. It was always working as intended. it just so happens that the new Queue system they're putting in stops that. Nothing more, nothing less.
    When you say "it was always working as intended", are you referring to a specific Dev quote or just your own guess?
  4. Silver Gale

    I16 Closed Beta

    The fact that people who were not in the closed beta could access the character creation screen was very clearly a bug of some sort. As I was patching Test earlier, I wondered if along with the new character creator that "unintended feature" would get fixed. Looks like I was half-right.

    Of course people will refer to it as "having a privilege taken away". Some people are still talking about the Issue 1 Some Grenade "nerf", after all.

    We've tried a "no closed beta" variant just last issue. It resulted in a whole lot of day 1 posts to the tune of "this is a horribly buggy issue, this game sucks and I'm leaving".

    Mind you, it would've been nice to get a heads up slightly earlier. At the very least, someone could've spread the word around the office so BABs didn't end up Twittering "Guys, come and check out the new character creator!" and "we're trying to get a fix to the issue where only closed beta testers should access the character creator working" in short succession.
  5. The "defeat X of enemy type Y" (sometimes " in area Z") missions, commonly called "hunts", are usually avoided by players unless they're part of a storyarc (you can't progress the storyarc without doing those).

    You take more time to get to the place you need to be, sometimes it takes time to find the correct kind of enemy, sometimes the right kind of enemy only spawns at night or in hard-to-reach places, sometimes you only find very weak ones that don't give a lot of XP, sometimes you get really strong ones that take a long time to defeat.

    In "door missions" (instanced missions inside buildings) you always have enemies that are at an appropriate level for you, and if you're defeated you only get half the XP debt you would get outdoors.

    Of course, if you have more fun with the more unpredictable hunts, by all means pick them: XP is XP, and you'll get to visit all sorts of interesting places in the city.
  6. I like the tagging system.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
    I just noticed that this thread is tagged "aebies raetarded" (sic). Why is this? can tag threads? With public tags visible to anyone?

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
    However, I've spent literally hours running through the Hollows and Faultline looking for Magmite Lords and Toxic Tarantulas, repectively, with nary a one in sight. And that's with a Level 41 character. Something seems woefully amiss.
    Faultline is too low for Toxic Tarantulas, anyway. I don't think they spawn below level 35 or so. Try the southern-east corner of the Rikti War Zone for those.
  9. Silver Gale

    NA Lounge

    Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
    Were is the North America lounge. I have never felt this left out of a forum ever hehe.
    It's kind of like asking "Why are there only ever scissors labelled 'left-handed'? Where are the right-handed scissors?". Or "Hey, so many buildings marked 'handicapped accessible', but where are the buildings that are accessible to *me*?".
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
    For example, finding Magmite Lords is virtually impossible. There's only one place I know of where you can find them (the Hollows). You'd be hard-pressed to get them to spawn at all in that zone. Arachnos Toxic Tarantulas are just as difficult to find.
    There's a separate problem with Magmite Lords. The Hollows got a facelift a few Issues ago, which included removing most of the "hazard zone" spawn-points (very likely to produce a boss even for a solo character) and replacing them with "city zone" spawn-points (producing a boss much less frequently if triggered by a solo character).

    This is a great thing for lowbie characters trying to solo their way through the storyarcs, but it makes the zone worthless to badgers looking for a decent supply of low-level bosses. Troll and Outcast bosses can be found elsewhere, it's just the Magma Lords that are a problem.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Atlas(when he was alive): “Hey baby… I am going to introduce you to the one word that will soon become your favorite one for life… and that word is ‘proportional’..”
  12. This is the sort of post that's best used for a drinking game.

    - For every misspelling, take a drink.
    - For every misuse of punctuation, take a drink.
    - For every demonstrably incorrect assertion, take two drinks.
    - Every time the OP demonstrates a complete ignorance of how a game mechanic works, take two drinks.
    - If you're not even sure what a sentence is supposed to mean, finish the glass.

    For best results, play with friends and combine with a dramatic reading of the post.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Wait, wait... you're all seeing it in Webdings? I saw it in English...

    And it was still stupid...
    "...before publishing" is in English for me as well. I'm using Firefox, could that be a reason?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
    "Post is devoid of meaningful communication", perhaps? I see it as akin to reporting a glitched blank/empty post: the poster wanted to say something, but circumstances prevented them from communicating the message effectively. They are always free to try again; meanwhile, the mods can clear away the deadwood.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Advice taken and reported with those exact words.

    By the way, how do I quote someone such that I get a nested quote? Hitting "quote" simply gives me the lowest level of text in the post, skipping anything the post itself may have quoted.
    Alternately, you can select "Multiquote" on a few posts in a thread and then click "New Reply" to give people an idea of the preceding conversation.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Originally Posted by dkellis
    "Post is devoid of meaningful communication", perhaps?
    Advice taken and reported with those exact words.

    By the way, how do I quote someone such that I get a nested quote? Hitting "quote" simply gives me the lowest level of text in the post, skipping anything the post itself may have quoted.
    You can copy-paste from the thread and insert (quote)(/quote) tags manually.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    How the BLOODY HELL do I use the Quick Reply box?
    See the buttons in the lower right corner of people's posts? "Quote", "Multi-quote", and the last one is "Quick Reply".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
    Ye, and the people asked, and the mod spaketh to them and said "In the time still to come there will be new improved emoticons" and there was much rejoicing.
    Long ago he who shone forth light prophesied the coming of new forums, and behold the day of prophecy is upon us!
    TheOcho seems to be adopting a sort of Pythian style. I kinda like it.
  18. So you logged in and you found that you got the shameful _NA or _EU suffix after your display name? Sounds like *someone* on the other forums has stolen your awesome and original name!

    Use this thread to negotiate a peaceful resolution, challenge them to a fight to the death, or just yell "CUUUUURSE YOUUUUUU"!
  19. Turning off Reputation:

    1. Go to the top of the page, click "USER CP".

    2. Find "Edit Options" in the left sidebar, under "Settings & Options".

    3. Deselect the box "Show your reputation level"

    4. Scroll down to the bottom, click "Save Changes" button.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    I actually checked some CoH twitter pages, refreshing them every 15 minutes to see if the forums were back up.

    Yes, I'm sad...
    We can be sad together, then.

    I followed Twitter obsessively and I *still* missed all the CoH_OCR code giveaways.
  21. Silver Gale

    I'm scared....

    It does look weird, but that's just lack of familiarity. After a couple hours spent staring at it you'll feel like you've always been here.
  22. Silver Gale

    Comic Con Panel

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    There's still reds, oranges, yellows, etc...but they're desaturated tints.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whoa... hold up, BAB... will this be tied into the Desaturation FX setting in Advanced Graphics Settings within the game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. "Desaturation FX" refers only to the thing that makes Flashbacks look like an old photograph at the start and end of a mission. Desaturated tints is just a name for a particular kind of color. (If you look at the two far right columns in the color picker... those are desaturated tints.)
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    One reason MMO's aren't literature and shouldn't really be looked at in exactly the same terms is because there can literally never be character growth, resolution, or any great meaning applied.

    Given that an MMO adventure can (and likely does) have many more characters than the player,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, but if any character other than the player is getting development, then that player is a filthy Mary Sue and must be purged for the good of all entertainment everywhere.

    ...say, I think I have an idea for an arc.
  24. <QR>

    I think there should be more threads to talk about threads that talk about Architect arcs.

    Maybe we can start a thread to talk about them.
  25. Silver Gale

    Blight - 140423

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You could just play the damn arc so you know what you're talking about.

    [/ QUOTE ]Why? I don't think I'd like it. There are all these reviews discussing it and talking about the type of story it is. Playing it so I can form my own opinion about something I'd probably dislike seems like just asking me to kick sand in an author's face. It certainly, certainly wouldn't do anything to have the arc improved. I've learned a lot about arc authors in my time and I will say there is almost no point giving advice for changing arcs in any but the most incremental of ways. There are some authors who will listen to more sweeping changes, or more conceptual or stylistic ones, but for the most part, there really isn't a point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you played the arc you could actually take part in the discussion about its relative merits or lack thereof, instead of being relegated to the meta-discussion of the relative merits of the people discussing the arc. But since you just want to talk about what people in this thread sound like, I think *you* sound like a reviewer who is bitter that authors don't take your every word as gospel and re-write their arcs to suit you.