Pocket D Pick-Up Lines




Trying this under a different title.. you know.. one that actually tells what the thread is about..

So these heroes and villains walk into a bar…

So while the Forums were down… and I was enduring a slow torment of not being able to post lists… I got to thinking about Pocket D… more specifically what kinds of conversations you could expect to hear from the various visiting villains and heroes who frequent the establishment.. Hmmm… Heroes and Villains mingling in a singles’ bar environment…

Ms. Liberty: “Hey there… I’ve been watching you from across the bar.. Your pick up technique is amateurish.. I especially love the time you used the tired old ‘Your legs must be tired ‘cause you’ve been running through my mind all night’ line… I almost burst something laughing so hard.. but… young and inexperienced is kinda my thing… If you come back to my place tonight I could train you up a little…”

Citadel: “Well hello there gorgeous… You are by far the most attractive thing I’ve seen in here tonight… I would love to get your number… Hmm? Oh! I’m sorry! No, I wasn’t speaking to you.. I was talking to your cell phone.”

Atlas(when he was alive): “Hey baby… I am going to introduce you to the one word that will soon become your favorite one for life… and that word is ‘proportional’..”

Mender Lazarus: “Hey there sexay thang… I feel sorry for your father because I’m about to become your new daddy..” SLAP!! (rewind)… “Hello there beautiful… I was wondering if you could give me directions… to your place…? Stop laughing…” (rewind) “Excuse me miss… but do you like fine literature? No?” (rewind) “… sports?” (rewind) “…animals? You do?! Oh wonderful.. I have a couple tickets to the circus… Oh, circuses are cruel to animals?” (rewind) “… tickets to the zoo?” (rewind) “…a protest against animal cruelty in DC… interested? You are? Wonderful.. let’s talk about that..”

Ghost Widow: “I’m flattered by the attention but you see.. I’m dead… a relationship with someone living just wouldn’t have any future to it… I could date you but I’d have to kill you first… You would? Well… I have to say I’m impressed at finally finding a man who doesn’t have commitment issues.”

Statesman: “Well aren’t you a lovely young woman? I was wondering if maybe I could buy you a drink? What? Oh come now, an older man just means I’m more experienced…. What do you mean I once dated your grandmother?”

Clockwork King: “Please, give me a chance! I know I look like a big clanking piece of machinery on the outside.. but remember… it’s what’s on the inside that counts! No, I’m NOT talking about those little Gears things!”

Doctor Vahzilok: “Please, my dear, come back to my place… I want to get to know you… one piece at a time.”

Lord Recluse: “Yes… I am Lord Recluse… owner of my own army… ruler of an entire Island Chain… Recluse… my name and my nature… always alone… strong in my solidarity yet lonely.. oh so lonely… perhaps… perhaps I may have been good.. perhaps a woman… a very special woman.. could have drawn me out of my seclusion… could have made me feel like a man instead of a villain… I would share my wealth and power with such a woman… I would make her queen of my world… Hmm? Your phone number? Well.. certainly.. I suppose I could give you a call.”

Lusca: “Man… If one more drunk Peacebringer hits on me I’m going to scream!”

Wretch: “Am Wretch handsome enough yet? No? Okay… Wretch buy you another drink.”

Silver Mantis: “A kinetic defender hmmm? No… sorry I’m not intere… wait a second.. do you know a scrapper or blaster? Maybe even a tank friend of yours? You alone wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me.. but if you buffed a friend while HE did it to me .. now that could be interesting.. Maybe even two or three friends at once.. do you think you could speed boost an entire group as they were taking turns with me? What? I’m talking about fighting… what did you THINK I was talking about?”

Captain Mako: “Sharks mate for life you know… Of course, how long you live after mating with me is iffy…”

Swan: “Hello… I’ve been doing a psychic survey of the guys in this place.. all the guys in here want to have sex with me… But you… you’re different… You want to cover my body with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, butter scotch and whipped cream and liberally sprinkle nuts, jimmies and cherries… Then eat it all with no spoon while I sing ‘happy birthday’ to you… No, I’m not going to fulfill your fantasy… I just thought an intervention was necessary for your eating disorder.”

Ice Mistral: “You wish to do what with me? I see. You DO realize that living tissue that suffers extreme frost bite has to be cut off, right?”

Back Alley Brawler: “Yeah, see… I’d be flattered… except I just saw you flirting with Positron.. who turned you down… then you hit on Scirocco… who turned you down… Now you’re here talking to me… Sorry lady.. but when it comes to Disease-of-the-Month-Club Membership… I’ll just say ‘no’…”

Blue Steel: “You wish to invite me to your bedroom? Very well.. first you’ll have to provide proof of health insurance and sign these Waiver of Liability forms. Oh! And since we’ll be at your house I’ll also need to see a copy of your homeowner’s insurance.”

Nemesis: “It was my pleasure to help you Miss… After those ruffians attacked that woman outside.. which led to those heroes defending her with their AoE attacks.. which led to that flower pot being shaken loose from the window ledge.. which led to that alley cat being startled.. which led to the cat knocking over that trash can.. which rolled down that hill and knocked you off your feet.. which just HAPPENED to be right in front of me so I could catch you moments before you hit the sidewalk… well.. I just HAD to ask you here for a drink.. it was almost like Fate itself was Plotting to get us together.”

Synapse: “Have you ever spent the night with a super speedster before? 45 times in an hour… and that’s only because I insist on smoking a cigarette each time… err… cuddling and talking? Ummm.. sure.. but at superspeed I can get that done in 2.5 seconds… where are you going? Oh, come on! It was a JOKE!”

Manticore: “Listen… I’m flattered… really… but I’m a married man and I’m just not interested… ‘She’ll never know?’… lady, my wife is a psychic… you think she doesn’t check up on me when I get home? I’ve been scanned more times than a UPC label…”

Scirocco: “No, I’m sorry… It’s not that I’m not interested but I have this curse on me that makes any act of good or charity I attempt twist to become evil… and that doesn’t translate well to the bedroom or relationships... >sighs< Do you know how many times I’ve heard women say ‘I think Emo guys are hot’?”

Malaise: “I would love your company this evening… Do I think you’re pretty? Well… I suppose… but that really doesn’t matter… I’m going to use my illusion powers to make you look like someone else anyway… oh, now don’t be mad… the flesh is the ultimate deceiver… it is a misleading shroud that covers the true beauty within… Am I going to make you look like Angelina Jolie? No… I’m in more of a Johnny **** mood tonight… Where are you going?”

Jim Temblor: “Yeah, I’m not interested in a quick hook up either. What I really want is a life partner… Someone I can depend on… Someone stable and well-grounded… Who always looks before she leaps… I’ve had too much drama and tragedy in my life so far… I just want a girl who can take care of herself and not disrupt what little peace I’ve managed to scrape together… Oh, I’m sorry… My name’s Jim… Jim Temblor… Fusionette? Nice to meet you.”

Serge: “Johnny ****? Hmmm… Okay… but only if you’re Sean Connery… and the voice had better be DEAD ON.”

Generic 0003962278: “I’m a playboy millionaire… And I would LOVE to spend time and money on a lady as lovely as you… What do you mean ‘no’? Okay then… just to show you how serious I am about this… I’ll let you in on a little secret… in reality… I’m Batman… Please stop laughing at me.”

DJ Zero: “Okay, so we’re a few short months away from opening up our portal to Praetorian Earth… Soon we’ll have a bunch of doubles wandering around in here.. We’ll have to take precautions against open battle in the hallways… again… But first we have a more important order of business… The pool bets… okay… Who is betting that Malaise ends up hooking up with himself?”

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Steelclaw is credit to forums!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Atlas(when he was alive): “Hey baby… I am going to introduce you to the one word that will soon become your favorite one for life… and that word is ‘proportional’..”

Character index



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Manticore: “Listen… I’m flattered… really… but I’m a married man and I’m just not interested… ‘She’ll never know?’… lady, my wife is a psychic… you think she doesn’t check up on me when I get home? I’ve been scanned more times than a UPC label…”
Great stuff! Absolutely briliant!






There's people in Pocket D?



"Hey baby wanna go slot some IO's?"
"Super speed or Jump?"
"Super speed"
"sorry dont date guys with super speed..."

Clockwork King: I hear human females get a kick out of all sorts of mechanical devices.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
There's people in Pocket D?
Only when you're not there... nothing personal.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
There's people in Pocket D?
Head in there in the middle of the night on Virtue... be prepared though. Your mind will be ripped asunder.



Originally Posted by Lady_Athyna View Post
Head in there in the middle of the night on Virtue... be prepared though. Your mind will be ripped asunder.
not nice Lady A

now he will be unable to cash his sanity check.

ValeronSonic / Energy Blaster
Sugar and SpiceEmpathy / Psionic Defender
Naughty and NiceWillpower / Super Strength Tanker
Lady Swordsword/ Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Sugar_and_Spice View Post
not nice Lady A

now he will be unable to cash his sanity check.






Jim Temblor: “Yeah, I’m not interested in a quick hook up either. What I really want is a life partner… Someone I can depend on… Someone stable and well-grounded… Who always looks before she leaps… I’ve had too much drama and tragedy in my life so far… I just want a girl who can take care of herself and not disrupt what little peace I’ve managed to scrape together… Oh, I’m sorry… My name’s Jim… Jim Temblor… Fusionette? Nice to meet you.”

I love that one Steelclaw

I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.



Wretch was great.



Any AT that is Fire/Fire

"So... are ALL your body parts on fire ALL the time or is it a situational thing?"

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."