Another new player question - mission selection




Here's another question I've been curious about. As I'm getting missions from various contacts, some of them are giving me 2 options. It seems most of these are choices between missions in the cities and in the buildings. Generally, I've been picking the one that follows the storyline I'm working on, and if there is none, I'm just picking based on my mood. Is there anything I should be aware of about the selection of these missions? I'm always interested in chasing engaging storylines, so whatever guides me along that path will be my preference.

I'm sitting at about 18 or 19 if the level matters.

Thanks for any feedback! Still enjoying the game.



I think you are doing it right. If it's part of a mission sequence, chances are it may be an arc, could lead to a temp power, or lead to a badge mission. I generally use Paragonwiki in determining which contacts I chose (depending on what temp powers or badges I could get). Try here for hero contacts and here for villians.

As always, I suggest exploring Paragonwiki. It has more info than you can imagine.

And welcome to the game!



I usually have the P-wiki up in the background when I'm playing.
One of the pages is for contacts by level. You can find the contact you're dealing with and look them up. Their P-wiki page will usually list their missions and if they are storyarcs or if they apply to badges, etc.,.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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The "defeat X of enemy type Y" (sometimes " in area Z") missions, commonly called "hunts", are usually avoided by players unless they're part of a storyarc (you can't progress the storyarc without doing those).

You take more time to get to the place you need to be, sometimes it takes time to find the correct kind of enemy, sometimes the right kind of enemy only spawns at night or in hard-to-reach places, sometimes you only find very weak ones that don't give a lot of XP, sometimes you get really strong ones that take a long time to defeat.

In "door missions" (instanced missions inside buildings) you always have enemies that are at an appropriate level for you, and if you're defeated you only get half the XP debt you would get outdoors.

Of course, if you have more fun with the more unpredictable hunts, by all means pick them: XP is XP, and you'll get to visit all sorts of interesting places in the city.

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Welcome to the game, Calrissian.

For the most part, contacts that offer you 2 missions offer you one from their arc, and one "single" mission. An arc is a set of missions that thematically flow together. For example, perhaps in the first you'll rescue a hostage and then you'll go to a warehouse that the hostage tells you about to destroy some weapons.

It sounds like arcs are the way for you, so *in general* I'd choose the "door mission" (in buildings). I don't think there is a definitive way to know which are the arc before choosing, but that will work 95% of the time. After choosing a mission, you can view the contact tab and look for a book in the contact window to see if you are on an arc for them.

Paragon Wiki ( is a great resource in general, but if you look up your contact, it'll tell you which missions are arc missions and which aren't.

Have fun!

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Pick whichever mission seems like the most fun to you. If you're doing a contact's story arc, and you pick a non-arc mission, they'll offer the arc mission up again after you finish your hunt (or whatever). You can't accidentally "miss" the end of an arc because you picked the "wrong" mission -- there is no wrong mission.

Personally, I'm not a fan of street hunts and generally avoid them, but that's me. It could be different for you. Whatever floats your boat and all that.

The one thing I'd look out for is picking those hunts (or "go see this other contact" or "bring this item to some other contact" missions, commonly referred to as FedEx missions) while you're leading a team, because generally, that's going to mean at least a few members (and possibly the entire team except the mission holder) is going to have very little, if anything, to do. This can be a good time for people to level or shop, but it can also mean standing around bored, and that will kill a team faster than any enemy group.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Thanks for the replies! This is a big help.



I liked doing the hunts when I was new. I got to explore the city, got into the nooks and crannies of each neighborhood, and I learned how to get around, over or onto things. Street sweeping builds character!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



There's little I can add to what's already been said, so I'll just welcome you to the game and forums instead. Hope you'll have tons of fun



And usually at some point, in CoH at least, you will be offered the other contact as well.

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And if not, you can do them on your next character.

You have 10 default characters slots on each server for a reason.