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  1. I feel a bit guilty for admitting that I envy Champions Online in that aspect; their layers, in comparison to ours, are superior in many ways. I understand that two VERY different engines are in-play, here, but that doesn't stop me from hoping it were so.
  2. Sigium

    AE Suggestion


    So much 'no' that I need to reiterate it:


    Honestly, they're supposed to be super-rare for a reason.
  3. I believe it is. I could be wrong.
  4. I'd love to.

    I'd love to play a game that mirrors the interface and interaction of City of Heroes, but allows you to play as Positron or Statesman, or some other signature characters.

    Basically, playing CoH AS them.
  5. I'd like to suggest that there be three-four stickies in this forum:

    1. The rules. Give Mod08 his position as the Banhammerer.
    2. The major suggestion compilation for Heroes/Villains
    2(cont). The major suggestion compilation for Heroes/Villains (If you'd like to break apart the Heroes/Villains thread)
    3. How to search/Frequent Suggestions
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
    actually, I once placed second a couple of years ago in a CC to a great costume for a character called "The Carbonated Man" The whole outfit made him look like he was made of carbonated water. It was impressive.
    Was his Tier 9 called 'Mentos'?
  7. You're asking for something that we'll never get. Two words:

    Environment. Interaction.

    Parkour is lovely until you realize that they're interacting with the walls, railings and other bits and pieces to move them around. You can't have our characters using this because there are far too many surfaces around Paragon/Rogue Isles to make it work. You'd be trying to backflip off of the air and it would probably be successful!

    While I wish our engine would allow us to work with the environment, I can't say that it will for a long, long time. Probably never. Anything below this is just Ninja Run, and I object to giving it to players when those who paid for such a nice power have something like that.
  8. Sigium

    Ultimate Foe

    This idea renders the astonishing /no verdict.
  9. Honestly, I laughed my *** off.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Have you heard about Going Rogue coming this July?
  11. It's a plot by Champions Online to take our players.
  12. Gunderstank. Don't know why, just hit a sour note with me.

    "im hidden ur not" the stalker, "me smash good" the brute... Mostly I see the worst names belonging to Stalkers, however.
  13. Sigium


    How about the devs begin letting us choose a Primary and Secondary origin?

    It means you get to equip both kinds of SOs and get bonuses if your DOs are usable by both of your chosen origins.

    "But it overpowers you through the levels you use DOs!"

    Well, get passed those levels, buckaroo.
  14. The whole idea of 'Incarnate Levels' still strike me as raising the level cap. Granted, I'd change this up a bit if I had heard that it can affect alts, but we've been told that this is end-game content. Plus, I don't honestly envision being able to go into Level 1 Atlas Park and being able to unleash Zeus' Lightning.

    If it's only available at level 50, what different does it make what you call them? You can call them Praetorian Advancement Stages for all I care, but if it's making you stronger- more capable of dealing and avoiding damage, better Def/Res, then it is an additional level. Just because your contacts still like you doesn't mean their arcs won't have fell significantly along the difficulty curve.

    On the flip side, the entire system of getting further in 'levels' strikes me as the opportunity to pull a WoW-style 'Heroics' content for missions/arcs.
    "Would you like to set this at Incarnate level?"
  15. Sigium


    Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
    Ahh well. I was just putting that out there. Seems like every time I suggest something I get that rep thing thrown at me.
    It's a decent suggestion, it REALLY is... So +Rep for you, buddy.

    But people are adamant about everyone getting everything equally. The community can look at other MMOs (here's looking at the big one) and look at the heterogeneous blend of different classes out there that have not only a completely different spectrum of abilities, but a different NUMBER of abilities, as well. We at CoH have a set number of abilities: 9 per power set, and a set number in power pools: 4 per pool. We're all too used to things being distributed equally and evenly to the point of a VERY vocal minority drowning out any suggestions tied to origins to the point we can't all have the same thing.
    In short? If we did get something, it would be this:

    [Origin Punch]
    Melee Ranged
    Minor Damage
    Dev Note: Happy, now?

    We, as the community, often cannot handle the idea of people getting different rewards. With origins, I can understand because we were given it as a choice in the original costume creator as an arbitrary choice with NO opportunity to change any time along the way. If the devs came out and said "Remember that choice that you thought didn't mean anything? Turns out it does!" we would be annoyed because it's an annoying thing to happen.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
    You know, I could see changes like this creating a heavier split between Brutes and Tankers.

    Assuming DPA is comparable, Brutes usually prefer faster activating attacks (to build fury), wheras Tankers are more willing to accept a slow power with a high payoff.

    I think the answer here is to start working on a full mockup of a branched set... and that being said, I think fire is the absolute WORST place to start this.

    Why is Fire the worst? Fire's powers are DoTs, DoTs, and more DoTs. There's no variety in what fire does.

    The best place to start would be Electric Melee. Elec Melee has a wide variety of weird attacks, and secondary effects range the gambit including sleep, stun, disorient, end reduction, and knockback.

    Elec Melee's attacks seem to be split between brawler-style electric punches and point-blank electrical discharge. I'd suggest bringing Electricity Manipulation's "Shocking Grasp" into the set as well.
    I chose fire because I picked it out of random from the different powers and said "This'll do."

    In fact, this could consolidate Broadsword and Katana together into a single powerset that shares Confront/Build-Up with two different... Err... Not gonna go there.
  17. Sigium


    There's another problem:

    "Your origin isn't my origin!"

    This is about the only valid concern I can think about that's feasible to address. The A through E concerns pose someone to attempt to code the impossible, because there is NOTHING that fits that category aside from Brawl and your Starting Temp. Sorry. Nada.

    However, the 'your origin isn't my origin' is valid because it sums things up.

    For example, I've got a Mutant character. He looks normal in all respects but can command fire and bend it to his will. He's not mutated and deformed, nor has he suffered any kind of weird mutation in a lab (which might make him more Science than Mutation), but he just... is.
    If someone, anyone, had made content for me that embodied having to go through different research facilities and killing off mutants, or trying to fight the X-Men, I'd have to politely tell them where to stick their desires.
    I wouldn't have to 'play' anything, but I'd know for certain that the developers have lumped me into this category.
  18. Sigium


    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    I think it's mostly a mix of a holdover from before the Alpha change, and an opportunity for those that enjoy RP to explain their powers. Before the change, Origin DID have an effect on the game, to the point where only certain powers could be selected by certain origins. That was decided to be too restrictive, so it was altered to the current state, where one origin could do anything.

    This was also brought up back when the origin aligned temp powers were introduced. There was a concern that if there was too much power it would mean people would want to lean characters of a certain AT to a certain origin or be gimp. For ecample, Controllers should be Tech because of the hold in the Tazer.

    The problem with making the origin mean something mechanics-wise is that it has to be balanced enough not to slant peoples power selections. I'm sure folks would love to have something decent attached to the origin, we just have no idea what it could be yet.
    That's because anyone that suggests anything of substance tied to origins is shot down by a very vocal minority screaming about why their origin can't have [that] instead of [this]. Because [that] might perform equally well, but it's shinier than [this].
    [This] is why we can't have nice things. :P
  19. Sigium


    Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
    What really is the point of origins? This is a question as well as suggestion. Are they there for something more than just rp purposes and titles? What really is the point of picking an origin? Do you get something special for being a mutant or a magic wielder besides the inherent attack? Why isn't there anything special about picking an origin. Why are their no perks? I've been wondering this for a while. Can we get some origin inherents or perks for picking a certain origin...? I never really got the real point for between picking them besides maybe starting contacts and enhancements.

    Would it be bad if they added something that effects gameplay?
    They determine what DOs/SOs you can equip, oh and the starting contacts for Heroes.

    And science help you if you suggest against changing it! People love their useless, arbitrary indicators.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    IO's also let people make advancements beyond level 50, and made content below level 50 easier. As do some accolades to a certain degree. Not that I disagree with you, I just wanted to point that out before someone else jumped on it.
    Thank you and I assure you, I'm well aware of this. It's possible to become far superior thanks to Set Bonuses, especially from the Superior recipes. My main point, however, is that just because those enhancements will benefit you past 50 doesn't mean that those levels are '50+1'.
    I think if the developers were to simply announce Levels 51-60, there would be a panic, and it's pretty sad to think of. I would think the remedy would be to say that there would be additional zones for additional content, enhancements would retain their bonuses as 50+ and contacts would still have missions for them. Then again, I've been wrong before.

    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    I think the most indicative thing is that they do refer to these as levels, inferring that there will be some leveling system rather than a single objective that delivers an Incarnate level.
    Again, I'm tentative with my optimism on this one. On one hand, I'd LOVE for there to be a requirement of killing a Giant Monster or three before achieving Level 50+1, but then you've got the misanthropists who hate the idea of having to team up and kill things just to progress.
    Let's face it; this game is all about the freedom of letting people level how they want. People who level through AE might feel cheated for having to go outside! People who hate to team (in an MMO, no less) might hate being required to team to progress.
    Once again, I'm all for adverse requirements. I'd like to get people out of their comfort zones via slegehammer.
  21. Sigium

    Incarnate Levels

    Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
    I'm gonna start calling them iLevels. Who's with me?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    Maybe they will treat it somewhat like Patron Power Pools? But with a twist? *scratches beard* I can't wait actually...and here I was thinking that GR was going to be hard to meet up to/Top...
    I have some questions as to how Villains would handle Patron Power Pools on Heroes.

    Of course, there's the chance that the two will become more uniform:

    Levels 1 - 38:
    Regular Powers/Pools

    Level 41-49:
    Ancillary Power Pools

    Level 51(52?)* - 60*:
    Incarnate/Patron Power Pools

    Even then, it doesn't seem quite as majestic. If there's going to be some big opening in the sky for this future content, it would seem that there would need to be more importance than just a few new shinies to fill in the utility gaps.

    * Levels 51 - 60 are still speculative at this point, as you can imagine.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    By snare do you mean hold?
    Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of Slow/Immobilize. I'd like to leave the Holds to the other, more control-oriented ATs.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
    I wonder if the Incarnate lvls will be more tied into completion badges than XP itself. Watching the presentation the Devs mentioned more Zone events tied into the Incarnate system. So say complete X number of arcs, X number of TFs/SFs and X number of Zone events to get your first incarnate level.
    That may change my mind a bit, I'll confess. To think that other factors beyond XP would give the levels.

    However, from observing the community, I can't see that too horribly likely to happen. People clamor about Taskforces as it is, hating the fact that they can't activate it alone, listening to the people who solo AVs for sport, etc etc.
    I cannot imagine the community hearing that 10 'levels' of content will be restricted to things requiring a team/group to complete. It just doesn't sit well in consistency, especially on lower-population servers like Guardian, where I can imagine people demanding that the requirements be pushed back because of the lack of availability of a team.