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  1. I didn't even know they sent boxes anymore. Send a ticket in if you haven't already. Be polite, but do make sure they're well aware you paid for it.
  2. If you don't mind all the running back and forth between Wentsworth and your base's workbench, then go for it. I'd highly reccomend it, actually. Science Origins can be fine too but in the end are really expensive, so you may as well just get the Set bonus IOs.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Personally, I feel they should do new sales at least bi-weekly. Maybe then there will be less need for filler.
    Kind of agreed. I'd rather not have anything for two weeks and a certain power set than a few nifty auras. But hey, been looking forward to SSA3 too.

    Feel better by the way, Zwillinger.
  4. Uh well...I put in my Account name and password, and I get this error :|. Any clue on what it's asking of me? I checked my account status to make sure it didn't expire or if I got banned or something. I'm still VIP and my account status is completley playable.

    Edit: Restarted the client and it worked :|
  5. WP as of late has sort of trumped Regen in a lot of ways, but regen is no doubt an amazing set. I remember the days where it could tank Hami
  6. I've never felt so good to be 20.
  7. It all depends. There's such things as "Tankfenders", I believe which are Dark/Sonic or Sonic/dark, one of those two. So if you add that with solo damage bonus and assault numbs., it might be better overall.
  8. You could get power levels if you're that eager to get to 50, then roll another toon to experience the "Normal Game Content". Normal arcs will be a lot more fun once freedom launches.

    However 8 man teams on normal missions are a blast, and great exp! Try running the WTF/WSF too. About 1-2 mil. exp per run for the last mission alone.
  9. Oh god it's the Help Chat all over again.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ouul View Post
    Patience is a Virtue.

  11. Running in the 90s. Hands down.
  12. ShadowMoka

    VEAT Costume BUG

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    If they fix this bug, they really should allow folks the ability to change their cape's color as well. Just tossin' that out there.
    Lol always wanted a white cape for my "Arbiter" character. The black sort of throws it all off. Hnnggg.

    Also is this bug only on SoA, or does it affect Widows too? (With the widow helmet, that is)
  13. How does one get account access for beta? I have beta installed, just can't play it.
  14. Ah lmao. Even then, getting errors with step 5 in the process.

    " 5. In the Target window, add the following flag to the end of the line:
    [space]/LaunchGame=CohBeta "

    Edit: Hur nope nvm got it
  15. Uhh so I've been following the guide to run Beta with the NCsoft launcher, but...I've had some problems with that. When I'm told to go to a target tab, I seem to lack one.

    Uploaded with

    Any clue what to do? Any alternatives?
  16. When I first read all this, I thought they were using an entirely NEW launcher than the one we downloaded about half a year ago. I was gonna be pretty ticked if they were going to keep switching on us like that XD.
  17. Another one of these threads? Oh goodie! Well I brainstormed this months and months ago, but never got around to actually posting it because I'm pretty lazy. Well here goes.

    For characters you may have alts of, this could come in handy. Or if you just want to look cool ; )
    • Sheathed Swords/Katanas/Dual Blades(Just for show, not your actual weapons)
    • Holstered Rifle/Cannon (Same as above, not where your actual weapon will be)
    Or I was thinking...
    • Military backpacks
    • Crab Backpack Vet Reward(I hear this exists but I've never seen it)
    • Tentacles (Keep your mind out of the gutter)
    • Perhaps multiple arms, like that one Hindu God, Vishnu
    • Tribal Tattoo Wing Auras Example: (I know its cliche but really its pretty cool)
    They're not really the best ideas, but feel free to comment on what you think. Throw in your own suggestions too if you wish.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Killerkitty View Post

    You sick, twisted, geniiiiiiussss. I love it.

    Want more The Thing/ Species/ Dead Space/ Aliens (xenomorphesque or generally gigeresque)/ Splinter/ Invasion: Earth/ Resident Evil/ Starcraft's Zerg-esque horror stuff!

    Not just for characters, but think of the missions we could have Especially if they ever bring in something like the AE editor for the maps themselves rather than just enemy placement/outfits/story snippets, let us build our own maps using the base editor program

    Oh, and a new powerset:

    Oh, and let us edit our mastermind pets (this should have been done with power customisation, was promised it would happen, then didn't, years on now, it seems it's completely fallen by the wayside in favour of 'raid' missions. Ugh...) and have character bios (since we can already pick pet names, only makes sense!)
    Agree 100%! I've always wanted a "horror" type of costume set. Especially for, like you said, AE. Something to really give off a silent hill type feel, you know?
    Also I've been thinking, we have the animal/beast pack out now. Why not add in something for it? Like..
    The behemoth heads, or some other demonic looking face? Would also be nice if we had more mecha looking pieces.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I got into a discussion, and I came to one's a no win situation, no matter which way you go with it.

    On the path to incarnate VS those who arent. On the path would be more powerful than those not on it, but in RP land, one has to give and take and play it fair so both sides are equal.

    Then you run into the level 5 "But I'm a god! I just haven't gotten to that story arc" or "But I'm just that good, but I've only just gotten onto the scene"

    As for how I'm playing it...I always saw my main, not as an incarnate per se, but rather someone who can play on that field and give them a run for the money. where they raise an eyebrow and go, "She shouldn't beable to do this!" then possibly still lose, or pull out the win.
    Pretty much my exact thoughts. Though my character comes from another galaxy and lost all his powers in the process. So I just thought of it as him getting some of that back during his whole time in CoH. But since most level 50s are incarnates, it's barely anything acknowledgable.
  20. I'm a bit confused. The server page says every server is up, but when I log in and try to access any of the servers I get the whole "Servers down yo" message. I can tell a lot of people are still able to log in, judging how some are at yellow status.