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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post

    Introducing: CappedXP!
  2. It's a shame the most beautiful zone in CoX is also the most inactive.
  3. Invulnerability by far for tankers. If you were a scrapper I may lean towards SR.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Somebody brings it up every few months. No word from the Devs as to when it will or might happen.

    But imagine the combo of Grav/Traps . . . laying down a bunch of trip mines, Acid Morter and Poison Gas Trap, then wormhole a group into the middle . . .

    It wouldn't be fast, but it would be funny as hell.
    I know what I'M rolling if this ever becomes possible.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twilightdusk View Post
    (you could just buy 8000 PP and do nothing with them and you'd get the tokens)
    For the scary price of $100, of course.
  6. ShadowMoka


    I've tried both battle axe/SR and broadsword/SR on brute. I've deleted both.
  7. Lord Recluse kills Dumbledore.
  8. Ahh. I'm not sure if you're able to play the EATs or anything with Time/Kin if you're not VIP >.<. Even if you purchase it. I could be wrong though.
  9. Fire and Beam rifle seem to be the best primaries, while Energy and Dark are the best secondaries. Dark's really nice if you burn through end quickly too.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    If you mean that Broadsword should be made less end heavy, I'm not sure that's at all the way to go. Broadsword is supposed to be end heavy, but the reward used to be higher damage. We don't really see that anymore unless it's in the window of a single attack. Hence, the discussion throughout this thread.
    I enjoyed my broadsword scrapper until I saw him being outdone by katana scrappers in speed, damage, and end use. I certainly agree with the first post, though. I always liked the variety in weapons for BS.
  11. They actually have it like that in beta. Gets accessible at level 10
  12. Some servers have player-made global chat channels dedicated to forming TFs/Trials. Idea seems pretty nice, but the D/C thing seems too easy to grief. People can fill in slots then disconnect to annoy everyone into forming a new team.
  13. If you're a VIP you should get Time Manipulation for free. Street Justice is a REALLY fun set if you're into melee.
  14. Make it less end heavy for sure.
  15. I'm a roleplayer on Virtue, I enjoy what I enjoy, but I run a lot of "plots" with AE. Lately I've been running more canon-related plots, and have wanted to make some Praetoria stories for high level characters. It'd be AWESOME if we had access to the IDF and Warwork. I know the war walkers have some complex abilities like Orbital Lance, but Statesman's Zeus Lightning made it into AE so it shouldn't be too hard.

    Edit: Add Maelstrom and Desdemona too...>.> <.< >.>
  16. That time limit really should be removed. And while they're at it, converting Reward merits to Hero merits...Oh god cut the 20,000,000 down to at least 10,000,000. Or make it free.
  17. ShadowMoka

    Fire/Dark Help

    You are Fire/Dark. You will never need help, for you are a mighty being.

    In all seriousness, I personally prefer combat jumping over weave. Makes for a good LotG mule, better mobility, and immobilization resistance.
  18. I think you can get hero merits from every time you run them. Basically, it's about which of the Surviving Eight of the Freedom Phalanx will (apparently) die. Each arc only takes about 15 minutes maximum, and they're easily soloable on any archetype as long as you have enough inspirations to pop on an EB at the end.
  19. Ah. Thought perhaps NCsoft themselves were selling it on e-bay/amazon, since some game companies do that.
  20. Hard to say for me. I just plain don't like /stone >_>;, but my katana/WP brute on beta is really damn good. Katana will definitely give you more than enough offense.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Count_Scottula View Post
    Maybe one of those with sheild defense. You can even have an elemental Dark sheild that looks like dark armor (but on your arm).
    I did this on a street justice toon to give him a "corrupted arm" look. Was really damn cool.
  22. Celerity's stealth became a life companion on my blaster for many, many reasons.
  23. A truckload of Scirocco enhancements would be a good start.
  24. Well this time last month we got street justice, so while it's silly to constantly badger about it, titan weapons has been hyped since June/July and a WIP since then. Hell, knew about TW before I did Beam rifle, time, Street justice, etc.

    Now there IS someone on virtue who got a TW set while it was in stores, and that sort of pisses me off that the toon hasn't been locked or anything. It's like a gigantic "Nah nah boo boo" sort of thing.

    Well, later tonight I guess I'll be grabbing me some hero merits *Cracks knuckles*.
  25. If you're patient, Titan Weapons/Energy aura is fantastic. It'll fit your "Warlord" concept too. However, Broadsword and katana are also available for brute. I couldn't get into battle axe or war mace sadly. I've already been exposed to banes before trying war mace.