Shadow Wail

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He doesn't - that's why any magic people you played in the 1-20 content are fine

    I think I can be read but not as a mage. The Seers still come after me like a diabetic goes to the Snackwells.

    Only a few mages can block the securities like Vanessa DeVore
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    More importantly, if the Seers can't read you...why doesn't Cole just boot you "overseas"? Seems like he wouldn't be interested in keeping such a risky individual around.
    I just think the devs meant that only he can be the strongest magic user. You can definitely make a magic origin user, they can be read since the seers do aggro to you and attack your "Naughty Thoughts" but once you gain more power than him... its time to neuter the dog!
  3. I have another dumb question...if magic can block the security and Seers... how does Cole know I use magic?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    You know, without wanting to sound too negative, but did it ever occur to the Devs to actually tell us this when Going Rogue was released?

    We had loads of conversations about where all the magic was in Praetoria and for almost a year we've been rolling magic characters in Praetoria with no indication of how it was treated there. This kind of information is useful when writing character bios and thinking up RP plots. Revealing it this late is a bit... frustrating to be honest.
    It is pretty evident that Cole does not want strong magics in Praetoria aside from his own. We the users are just petty magicians/occultists. I think Cole is rather patient with Praetorians using magic as long as it doesn't surpass the magic of The Well of the Furies or whatever strong magic is in Praetoria.

    If all of the magic users in Praetoria started chanting in front of the Magesterium with glowing orbs of mystical energy... I am sure that Cole would do something. Cole does not want any magics user to be stronger than him, he is still a magic based Praetorian since he drank from the well. Same with Dominatrix, she is allowed to be involved with the magic artifacts as long as she is not stronger than Cole.

    This kind of explains why Serene Sorceress would be pissed at Cole...
  5. What I really wanted to ask was if First Ward was the "birthplace" of Mother Mayhem? Her backstory states that she was in a hospital with Aurora when an unstable psychic let out a burst of psychic energy that killed several people.

    If that is the case, then First Ward could the birthplace of the Mother Mayhem. According to both Mother's backstory and Malaise's both state that he is an unstable psychic and that he was in Mother's "care". Mother Mayhem's backstory says that she was already in a hospital working on the seers with Aurora when an unstable psychic lashed out and killed several people. Also, First Ward is Cole's firs try at making Praetoria.

    Could Mother Mayhem's true body be buried in the cemetery?

    Since Magic can block the Seers and magic can bypass Tyrant's security measures...does that mean that the same ritual that Azuria performed on Sister Psyche/Aurora work on Mother Mayhem but because Mother Mayhem's body is gone only will result in her psychic spirit being unleashed?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, there's a new giant monster, but it's not really like Godzilla
    looks like a flying sea turtle!
  7. I will be making a Fire/Poison and a Dark/Poison.

    I am kinda meh about the splashback, why not just make the powers full strength but work like patches?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chill_Arrow_EU View Post
    Are we going to get P.E.A.T. (Preatorian Elite Architype)

    These questions and more
    I would love Praetorian Epic ArchTypes! (PEATs)

    I don't know what their design will be since you should get two choices. It would be nice to get some Praetorian Patron Arcs!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Access to First Ward is from the Underground in Imperial City and from Talos Island.
    Where is the article or Redname quote on this?

    This looks amazing but in the last First Ward feature, there was a picture of Serene Sorceress fighting the Praetorian Snakes.

    Oh, when will we get details on WW's Praetorian double!
  10. Shadow Wail

    Poison for Corrs

    So we are FINALLY getting the poison secondary and with this new addition, the power has been reworked to have some AoE/Splashback feature.

    The only questions is...what will I roll first:

    --Dark Blast/Poison
    --Fire Blast/Poison
    --Psychic Blast/Poison

    Any projected suggestions?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    Interestingly only 3 of the powers are affected by the Controllers random chance for an increased magnitude.

    And only 2 of the powers are affected by containment...

    So, why does it need changing, when the set is underaffected by inherants on the AT it was designed for, but generally, overperforms in most situations.
    For a Controller it is fine by all means. Yes, it can over perform because the AT has a Buff Secondary...right?

    Dominators have an Assault Secondary, I don't feel that the Illusion Control set for Controllers will work for a Dominator seeing as it has only 3 control powers that can be affected by either Domination or powerboost and the rest are summons.

    Just because the set works on one AT doesnt mean that it has to be ported as is, if that were the case Controllers would get Dark Miasma right out of the box with no changes.

    I want to believe that the devs are working on the complimentary Dark Control for Controllers and Dominators and working a Dark Assault set for Doms

    Everyone is owed their own opinion
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post

    Okay the 'Party Pack' was a stupid move, and I was never going to buy it....then I got drunk and bought it.
    I am making this my signature!
  13. So I asked this question before and it said it would never happen...BUT...we now have Dark/Dark Blasters in the game, so I will ask again!

    Question: Can we please get Toxic Blast for Defenders and Corruptors?

    Also, Please don't assume from my first post that I was excited about Dominators ever getting Illusion Control?

    I don't want Illusion Control as is and I dont see the point of a mini MM-Quasi Dom since only three of the powers would work with domination. If we do get Illusion Control, it should look something like this:

    Tier 1: Specteral Wounds
    Tier 2: Blind
    Tier 3: Decieve
    Tier 4: AoE Fear/-Def
    Tier 5: Flash (Not PBAoE)
    Tier 6: Phantom Army
    Tier 7: Superior Deception--Mass Confuse
    Tier 8: Multiplicity
    (This power creates three copies of the caster and spreads them out into the mob. The aggro'd mob will not be able to tell the difference between the caster and the decoys and will force the targets to attack the multiples)
    Tier 9: Phantasm
    (This power creates a pet that has a combined Fear and Confuse aura)

    I do plan on making the following:
    --Dark/Poison Corr
    --Psi/Poison Corr
    --Poison/Rad Defender
    --Necro/Sonic Resonance (Screaming Death!)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    This week’s Intrepid Informer is once again a special edition! We do try and bring you the latest on City of Heroes as soon as we hear about it!

    What about Dominators?

    You’ve probably noticed that Dominators didn’t get new powers this time around. We have exciting future plans for the archetype that we can’t talk about right now that will most likely occur post Issue 21. So, stay tuned!


    Please dont let this hush hush secret be a port of Illusion Control...

    If this is a workup of dark control and dark assault, then ok I will wit till next year.
  15. Morning all!

    I am wondering what Lore Pets would match a Mind/Psi/Fire and an Earth/Ice/Ice?

    I was thinking of the Polar Lights for the Mind/Psi/Fire for the nice -Def but I am not sure about my Earth/Ice/Ice...any suggestions?

    ( I dont want robots or anything from Praetoria )
  16. Shadow Wail

    Polar Lights..

    I know that my Mind/Psi/Fire will take the polar lights as her pets (Not thematic but I can say that they are figments of her imagination/insanity)

    My Earth/Ice/Ice...I dont know what to take! The Polar Lights have -Def and so does my primary so I dont see why I should get the Lights since all that -Def to some degree gets wasted.

    What should I get?
  17. How bout for a Mind/Psi?

    Last night I finally got my Dom to 126.25% Rech and I went to battle and my Dom got wiped! I couldnt even keep perma up since I have to pay attention to Hasten and Domination...Should I go for a bit more Rech and look into some form of Defense?
  18. Fire/Time Manipilation! The fire burns you faster than can move!

    My bet for the set would be:

    Ally Buffs:

    Enemy Buffs:

    What I would like to see is a power that doubles the dmg to DOTs or a power that raises dmg because you move faster and build more momentum.

    Maybe a set that strongly increases your damage but completely increases your endurance consumption.

    There are so many ways this can work and I'll be damnned if I get another Kinetics clone!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
    REALLY? Oh good lord, I know what I'm doing as soon as I log in tomorrow...

    I only wish that the Call of the Sandman: Chance to Heal Proc worked every time Static Field tics a new wave of sleep onto enemies. A friend tested it, and it apparently only activates just as the patch is laid down. Heck, imagine how much aggro you could shed if the Fortunata Hypnosis: Chance to Placate proc had a chance to work every time that power threw on another wave of sleep onto enemies...
    How does that proc work? If they are slept, they cant attack you and when they are placated on top of the sleep they still cant attack? My only thinking would be to slot this into an AoE sleep and then follow up to break the sleep and keep the placate?

    Am I wrong in this thinking?
  20. If you want we can go to the test server and I can show you my Earth/ Dom and send you my Earth/ build.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    As far as neat freaks: I did have a friend who actually took all the salvage out of each rack and re-added it in alphabetical order. (You need a near-empty rack to do this, obviously.)
    I've done this sooo many times since I own my own storage base with three workshops and 10 million in prestige

    What we really need are sort features and recipie storage but that goes into the base-love graveyard forum...
  22. Yea, the beta server. I poked in to look at the Steampunk Pack and I made a Grav/Fire and some other things to 50 just to test them out.

    I dont know why we cant just get to 50 automatically on the test server... why do I want to test a level 1-10 Grav/Fire Dom...sheesh

    I loves Grav/Fire at 50 and I worked on a Grav/Stone before I got bored.

    My Grav/Fire is recolored to look like he uses ghost bolts and Will-o-Wisp...Pyrogeist.
  23. Does the Memorized tab open for all the enhancements under tht badge or for all Memorized IO? If it is one entire subtab then I am ok...but if it is going to open a memorized tab for each set on enhancements that pertain to one badge, then no.

    As it stands, I am really OCD/Neatfreak and can't stand that I cant sort the salvage in my racks by name, quantity or whatever...yes I am a weirdo...
  24. Stone Cages does negate the -speed and knockdown from from quicksands and doesn't negate the -def, -rech and -tohit though.

    Stone Cages keeps stunned foes in my quicksands (All four of them) and volcanic gasses. Just Proc the hell out of cages for extra usefulness. I am experimenting with the Immob proc for Chance to Stun because right now I have a Trap of the Hunter proc and Posi proc in it.

    When using Stone Cages just remember to use your pet to take the alpha, and to gather all the foes close to him... or whatever gender the lil golem is!

    I say keep cages, I read a thread several years ago that ripped cages in half but the user was silly. With the amount of control you have as an Earth Control shouldnt worry.