Returning Player needs Earth/Fire Advice




I am returning to the game after about 1.5 years of inactivity. My main back when I was playing was a Mind/Rad Controller. Over on the Controller forum, I mentioned that I wanted a new powerset to play so I could experience the new areas that Going Rogue brought. I like the total lock-down I could get with Mind, but wanted more damage output. I also mentioned that being a Dominator wasn't out of the question. Someone mentioned that Earth/Fire Dom was what I was looking for, and the concept sounded fun!

What I'm looking for, is if someone would be generous enough to post for me a leveling build up to say 20? This would allow me to play some this weekend and get my feet wet in the set, without gimping myself in the process, and allowing more time to read and learn while away from the game. Since I would be starting fresh, I won't have alot of inf, so if you could suggest slotting without using the IO's, that would be awesome! I'd just be slotting with whatever dropped or I could buy at one of the vendors.

I greatly appreciate any suggested leveling build, and can't wait to get back in game and start wreaking havoc, especially for the "other" side!



You can try this. I'm not an expert with either set, mind you. Didn't add slots or enhancements, though.
EDIT: Welcome back!

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 48 Magic Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Speed

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Fossilize -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Flares -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Incinerate -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Stone Cages -- Empty(A)
Level 6: Quicksand -- Empty(A)
Level 8: Hasten -- Empty(A)
Level 10: Fire Blast -- Empty(A)
Level 12: Stalagmites -- Empty(A)
Level 14: Super Speed -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Embrace of Fire -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Earthquake -- Empty(A)
Level 20: Combustion -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Domination
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

SG: Guadians of Paragon - VG: Paragon's Darkness
The Usual Suspects: Fimboolvetr (Icer Tank), Tsukiyomi (Mind/Psi/Ice Dom), Smiting Dragon (Dm/Sr Scrap), Widow Mortis (NW)
Up and Comers: Ameterasu (Km/Reg Scrap), Arrhymian (Elec/Nin Stalk), TDMKII (Bot/Traps MM)



Thanks Infini....... Though, I thought from reading, that Stone Cages was a lackluster choice? Any thoughts on that?



I think while it works well with stalagmites, it counteracts the effects of quicksand and earthquake. So I suppose you could skip it or respec out of it later. Good question as that hadn't even occured to me.

SG: Guadians of Paragon - VG: Paragon's Darkness
The Usual Suspects: Fimboolvetr (Icer Tank), Tsukiyomi (Mind/Psi/Ice Dom), Smiting Dragon (Dm/Sr Scrap), Widow Mortis (NW)
Up and Comers: Ameterasu (Km/Reg Scrap), Arrhymian (Elec/Nin Stalk), TDMKII (Bot/Traps MM)



Here's mine:

1 : Fossilize, Flares
2 : Incinerate
4 : Fire Breath
6 : Hasten
8 : Combat Jumping
10 : Fire Blast
12 : Stalagmites
14 : Superjump or Quicksand
16 : Embrace of Fire
18 : Earthquake
20 : Aid Other
22 : Aid Self
24 : Superjump or Quicksand
26 : Volcanic Gases
28 : Combustion
30 : Consume
32 : Animate Stone
35 : Stone Cages
38 : Blaze

Stone Cages is useful for keeping the enemy from wandering off, but isn't a vital thing to take like with Controllers.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Stone Cages does negate the -speed and knockdown from from quicksands and doesn't negate the -def, -rech and -tohit though.

Stone Cages keeps stunned foes in my quicksands (All four of them) and volcanic gasses. Just Proc the hell out of cages for extra usefulness. I am experimenting with the Immob proc for Chance to Stun because right now I have a Trap of the Hunter proc and Posi proc in it.

When using Stone Cages just remember to use your pet to take the alpha, and to gather all the foes close to him... or whatever gender the lil golem is!

I say keep cages, I read a thread several years ago that ripped cages in half but the user was silly. With the amount of control you have as an Earth Control shouldnt worry.



Thanks for all the build advice! The verdict is still out for me on whether to keep Cages or not. I'm trying to take on some groups just using the Quicksands and to be honest, I don't really see any difference. Cages does come in handy though for the melee type of mobs, keeps them off of me when they make it out of the sands before I can drop 1 or 2 others.

My problem now though, is that I don't really have a friggin' clue what I'm doing with slotting. Is there a good guide out there on how to slot correctly in general? Or is slotting so powerset specific that I need to know how to slot for Earth/Fire specifically? It seems like any build I see is slotted out with end-game IO's, and I can't really discern if during leveling it was originally slotted with Accuracy, Damage, End Reduction, etc in mind......



On SOs I would do something like this (just using a 1-21 build).

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 48 Magic Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Speed

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Stone Prison -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(7)
Level 1: Flares -- Acc(A)
Level 2: Fossilize -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(15)
Level 4: Incinerate -- Acc(A), Dmg(5), Dmg(5), Dmg(17)
Level 6: Quicksand -- RechRdx(A)
Level 8: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(9), RechRdx(9)
Level 10: Fire Blast -- Acc(A), Dmg(11), Dmg(11), Dmg(17)
Level 12: Stalagmites -- Acc(A), RechRdx(13), RechRdx(13), RechRdx(15)
Level 14: Super Speed -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Embrace of Fire -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(19)
Level 18: Earthquake -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(19)
Level 20: Combustion -- Acc(A), Dmg(21), Dmg(21)

Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Domination
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

SG: Guadians of Paragon - VG: Paragon's Darkness
The Usual Suspects: Fimboolvetr (Icer Tank), Tsukiyomi (Mind/Psi/Ice Dom), Smiting Dragon (Dm/Sr Scrap), Widow Mortis (NW)
Up and Comers: Ameterasu (Km/Reg Scrap), Arrhymian (Elec/Nin Stalk), TDMKII (Bot/Traps MM)



Using low level IOs...

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 48 Magic Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Speed

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Stone Prison -- Volly-Acc/Dmg(A), Volly-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Volly-Dmg/Rchg(7)
Level 1: Flares -- Acc-I(A)
Level 2: Fossilize -- Volly-Acc/Dmg(A), Volly-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Volly-Dmg/Rchg(7), Salvo-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rng(15)
Level 4: Incinerate -- B'ngBlow-Acc/Dmg(A), B'ngBlow-Dmg/EndRdx(5), B'ngBlow-Dmg/Rchg(5), P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17)
Level 6: Quicksand -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 8: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(9), RechRdx-I(9)
Level 10: Fire Blast -- Volly-Acc/Dmg(A), Volly-Dmg/EndRdx(11), Volly-Dmg/Rchg(11), Salvo-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rng(17)
Level 12: Stalagmites -- RzDz-Acc/Rchg(A), RzDz-Acc/Stun/Rchg(13), Stgr-Acc/Rchg(13), Stgr-Acc/Stun/Rchg(15)
Level 14: Super Speed -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 16: Embrace of Fire -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(19)
Level 18: Earthquake -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(19)
Level 20: Combustion -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(21), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(21)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Domination
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

SG: Guadians of Paragon - VG: Paragon's Darkness
The Usual Suspects: Fimboolvetr (Icer Tank), Tsukiyomi (Mind/Psi/Ice Dom), Smiting Dragon (Dm/Sr Scrap), Widow Mortis (NW)
Up and Comers: Ameterasu (Km/Reg Scrap), Arrhymian (Elec/Nin Stalk), TDMKII (Bot/Traps MM)



Originally Posted by ScreamingMetal View Post
Thanks Infini....... Though, I thought from reading, that Stone Cages was a lackluster choice? Any thoughts on that?
The Earth/ Immobilizations (ST and AoE) have a -FLY component. Beyond this aspect I found them useless and a subpar choice on Dominators. Ultimately I skipped them both in trade for other power selections.

Originally Posted by Infini View Post
Using low level IOs...

<snipped for brevity>
Not trying to be mean or anything but I'm perplexed as to why you would advise someone to skip Fire Breath?

Unlike its incarnations in other ATs, Fire Breath is an outstanding power on Dominators and is a great source of early AoE damage. IMO its a mistake to not pick this power up as soon as its available. I about @#$% myself the first time I used it......its that good!

I can see folks skipping Combustion because its executed within Melee range and is a DoT in nature......but don't skip Fire Breath.



Thanks for chiming in over here Salty! I think it was you that steered me in this direction to begin with!

I started tearing in to trying to understand how to slot effectively. I got Mids and I'm going to post my build to 20 and let you guys take a look. I'm only 11 or 12 right now (I had to go out of town for 4 days), but I'm pretty sure I have a free respec I can use to rebuild how I think it should be done.

Build incoming as soon as I figure out how!



Originally Posted by ScreamingMetal View Post
Thanks for chiming in over here Salty! I think it was you that steered me in this direction to begin with!

I started tearing in to trying to understand how to slot effectively. I got Mids and I'm going to post my build to 20 and let you guys take a look. I'm only 11 or 12 right now (I had to go out of town for 4 days), but I'm pretty sure I have a free respec I can use to rebuild how I think it should be done.

Build incoming as soon as I figure out how!
Oh no! You are in trouble now!

You can always post a build with just SOs or just Power choices if you are seeking advice for slotting. Even amongst us ( * )'s on the forums there is always a kind soul willing to help.

Check your inbox while you are at it.



Here's what I got so far....... let me know what you guys think. I'm trying to use Mids and what I know to build as opposed to just copying something at this point. I'm trying to learn how to do it. My main concern right now is getting the Accuracy slots right, and noticing that I didn't use any Endurance Reductions. I just don't know yet how to determine how much of a endurance drain I'll have and if a 3 slotted Stamina is enough.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Seisminx: Level 21 Mutation Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Fossilize

  • (A) Accuracy IO
Level 1: Flares
  • (A) Accuracy IO
  • (3) Accuracy IO
  • (3) Damage Increase IO
  • (9) Damage Increase IO
Level 2: Incinerate
  • (A) Accuracy IO
Level 4: Fire Breath
  • (A) Accuracy IO
  • (5) Damage Increase IO
  • (5) Damage Increase IO
  • (9) Damage Increase IO
Level 6: Quicksand
  • (A) Slow IO
  • (7) Slow IO
  • (7) Slow IO
Level 8: Air Superiority
  • (A) Accuracy IO
Level 10: Fire Blast
  • (A) Accuracy IO
  • (13) Accuracy IO
  • (15) Damage Increase IO
  • (17) Damage Increase IO
  • (17) Damage Increase IO
Level 12: Stalagmites
  • (A) Accuracy IO
  • (13) Accuracy IO
  • (15) Accuracy IO
Level 14: Fly
  • (A) Flight Speed IO
Level 16: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (19) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (19) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 18: Earthquake
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 20: Embrace of Fire
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 22: [Empty]
Level 24: [Empty]
Level 26: [Empty]
Level 28: [Empty]
Level 30: [Empty]
Level 32: [Empty]
Level 35: [Empty]
Level 38: [Empty]
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Accuracy IO
Level 1: Domination
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Run Speed IO
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Flight Speed IO
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Healing IO
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Endurance Modification IO
  • (11) Endurance Modification IO
  • (11) Endurance Modification IO
Level 4: Ninja Run



Originally Posted by Saltyhero13 View Post
The Earth/ Immobilizations (ST and AoE) have a -FLY component. Beyond this aspect I found them useless and a subpar choice on Dominators. Ultimately I skipped them both in trade for other power selections.

Not trying to be mean or anything but I'm perplexed as to why you would advise someone to skip Fire Breath?

Unlike its incarnations in other ATs, Fire Breath is an outstanding power on Dominators and is a great source of early AoE damage. IMO its a mistake to not pick this power up as soon as its available. I about @#$% myself the first time I used it......its that good!

I can see folks skipping Combustion because its executed within Melee range and is a DoT in nature......but don't skip Fire Breath.
In the first post I made in this thread I did state I was not an expert on either powerset (as in I have never played either). If FB is great on doms, then by all means take it. I was simply unaware of this tidbit.

SG: Guadians of Paragon - VG: Paragon's Darkness
The Usual Suspects: Fimboolvetr (Icer Tank), Tsukiyomi (Mind/Psi/Ice Dom), Smiting Dragon (Dm/Sr Scrap), Widow Mortis (NW)
Up and Comers: Ameterasu (Km/Reg Scrap), Arrhymian (Elec/Nin Stalk), TDMKII (Bot/Traps MM)



Originally Posted by Infini View Post
In the first post I made in this thread I did state I was not an expert on either powerset (as in I have never played either). If FB is great on doms, then by all means take it. I was simply unaware of this tidbit.
Interesting. Never played and not an expert, implying having played, are vastly different.A lack of clarity and misunderstanding on my part.



I've got a 50 earth/fire, so a few things.
ESPECIALLY at low levels, before you have any way to get domination up more often, you need to slot your mezzes for duration, not damage. You also really need to slot them. They are all that stands between you and the hospital.
Next, stone cages works pretty hard against you on an earth dom, and on pretty much every dom you'll want to at least wait until later levels before you take your AoE immob, if you ever even do. It's an aggro magnet, a bit of an end hog, and it makes earthquake useless, which is sad because earthquake is great. So if you are solo you'll do better saving the endurance and holding things with fossilize, and on teams you just don't have the defenses to take an alpha from a huge spawn, so I'd say don't take it.
Third, quicksand slows things really, really well as it is. Shove a -recharge (MAYBE two) in there and be happy. Slow enhancement doesn't do a ton for it.
Lastly, flares is HORRIBLE damage. On my dom I don't even have it in my tray anymore. All the level 1 dom blasts are terrible, it's really one of the last big issues with the AT. Take those slots and put them in incinerate which is a much better power.



I dont know if this will help you very much because I dont have a level up build. I do have my final build which is how he exists on live right now.. Exceptional toon.. and I took cages.. In fact I DELETED a level 50 Earth/Thermal Controller to make him and he is much much better..

I also changed the fire breath animation for the one that shoots fire out the palm of the hand.. Looks great..

IMO you dont want combustion. Animation is just too slow.. and damage is lackluster.. If you go fire APP once you get Fireball and Rain of Fire you will never use it...

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Firewall Dom Build: Level 50 Magic Dominator
Primary Power Set: Earth Control
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Assault
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Fire Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Fossilize -- BasGaze-Acc/Hold(A), BasGaze-Acc/Rchg(7), BasGaze-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(7), BasGaze-Rchg/Hold(31)
Level 1: Flares -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(46), HO:Nucle(46)
Level 2: Stone Cages -- HO:Endo(A), GravAnch-Immob(3), GravAnch-Immob/Rchg(3), GravAnch-Acc/Immob/Rchg(9), GravAnch-Acc/Rchg(9), GravAnch-Immob/EndRdx(17)
Level 4: Incinerate -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(5), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(23), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43)
Level 6: Fire Breath -- Posi-Dmg/Rchg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(11), Posi-Acc/Dmg(13), Posi-Dmg/Rng(13), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(15)
Level 8: Quicksand -- RechRdx-I(A), P'ngTtl--Rchg%(15), Slow-I(17)
Level 10: Fire Blast -- Decim-Acc/Dmg(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx(11), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(21), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(25), Decim-Dmg/Rchg(36), HO:Nucle(50)
Level 12: Stalagmites -- HO:Endo(A), Amaze-Stun(36), Amaze-Stun/Rchg(36), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(37), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(37), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun(37)
Level 14: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(39), RechRdx-I(39)
Level 16: Embrace of Fire -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 18: Earthquake -- RechRdx-I(A), DarkWD-Slow%(19), Achilles-ResDeb%(19)
Level 20: Recall Friend -- Range-I(A)
Level 22: Combat Jumping -- Krma-ResKB(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+(25)
Level 24: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A)
Level 26: Volcanic Gasses -- BasGaze-Acc/Hold(A), BasGaze-Acc/Rchg(27), BasGaze-Rchg/Hold(27), BasGaze-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(29), HO:Endo(29), RechRdx-I(31)
Level 28: Consume -- Efficacy-EndMod(A), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(31), Efficacy-EndMod/Rchg(33), Efficacy-EndMod/EndRdx(34), Efficacy-EndMod/Acc(34), Efficacy-Acc/Rchg(34)
Level 30: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 32: Animate Stone -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(33), HO:Nucle(33)
Level 35: Tactics -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 38: Blaze -- Decim-Acc/Dmg(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Decim-Dmg/Rchg(40), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(40), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), HO:Nucle(43)
Level 41: Fire Ball -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(42), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(42), Posi-Dmg/Rng(42), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 44: Rain of Fire -- Posi-Dmg/Rchg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(45), Posi-Acc/Dmg(45), Posi-Dmg/Rng(45), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), EndRdx-I(50)
Level 47: Fire Shield -- EndRdx-I(A), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48)
Level 49: Rise of the Phoenix -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 50: Cardiac Partial Core Revamp
Level 50: Pyronic Partial Core Judgement
Level 50: Reactive Total Radial Conversion
Level 50: Rebirth Partial Radial Invocation
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Domination
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal-I(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(21), EndMod-I(23)
Set Bonus Totals:

  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 2.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 5% Defense(Energy)
  • 5% Defense(Negative)
  • 2.5% Defense(Ranged)
  • 4.5% Max End
  • 83.8% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 64% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 45.8 HP (4.5%) HitPoints
  • Knockback (Mag -4)
  • Knockup (Mag -4)
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 7.7%
  • 21% (0.35 End/sec) Recovery
  • 10% (0.42 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 9.77% Resistance(Fire)
  • 9.77% Resistance(Cold)

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-