Shadow Wail

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  1. As far as I know, it is DoT but the DoT only lasts while you run the power.
    The power takes the total damage, divides it by the two types then applies it 4 or 5 times.
    The cone is sorta narrow and shouldn't wake everyone.

    You'll probably wake 2-3 people at most, nothing your hold can't handle.
  2. Well I am at work right now so I cant get into mids. Conceptually for me I use QS in several instances:

    1. Constant defense debuff/slow since the recharge is maxed at about 2 or three slow IO's This lets me set perimeters of slows for ranged toons to work outside of. It also lets me set up a defense debuff field for my melee players to work inside of.

    2. I use QS in conjuction with Stags and cages to simulate a hold on top of the VG that I drop mid-battle. I also use QS in conjuction with Ice Storm and Sleet and Cages.

    3. On teams where we need some help escaping I usually set up a trail of Quicksands leading away from the aggro before we start so people can escape. If that seems to fail I also apply cages and sleet so everything is slowed down long enough for my team to make a quick getaway.

    4. Using QS and EQ at the same time makes EQ a bit more useful on top of the -tohit so they are distracted and the ones that havent been knocked down get their defense and tohit debuffed.

    5. If you are teaming with someone who used Oil Slick Arrow, I usually apply the QS and VG for the ignition of Oil Slick Arrow with the minimal Fire damage from VG and the slow from QS.

    If you want, send me a tell @Shadow Wail and well go to the test server.
  3. Thanks for the help!

    So my total 108% global recharge is not applied to the detailed info window and there is no clear calculation of how global recharge affects a power...I guess the higher the number the Better?

    I do not know where I am really taking my Dom. A small part of me wants to set myself for S/L defense but seeing as I am a dom, I want to work my recharge to perma levels since that is my job.

    I also want to aim for more damage and higher recovery since I took the Cardiac Alpha, I might take the Spiritual and Nerve alpha for their revamps so I am not sure yet
  4. Ok, I have a few questions when it comes to the recharge values on powers when global recharge is applied?

    When I look at a powers detailed information, does the recharge displayed also include the global recharge?

    I am trying to get more global recharge into my Earth/Ice/Icy and I added the following sets:

    4 Slot Basalisk
    5 Slot Dampened Spirits
    5 Slot Obliteration
    2 LotG
    5 Slot Stupefy

    The total recharge before Hasten is applied is 38%, after Hasten its 108%....when I look at the power info does the recharge value display as applied by the 38% and how do I calculate the end recharge when I have Hasten+global recharge applied?

    The reason I ask is because to get the Basalisk into my Holds I sacraficed .20s recharge and I dont know if the global rech total compensated for that loss.

    I will try to get a MIDS up as soon as I figure how to use it
  5. No VG and QS is just not right. I have these two powers up every time I hit a spawn. The fast recharge on QS makes it possible to keep everything slowed down and debuffed even though it doesnt stack, the base -DEF lasts from patch to patch and is great to keep things occupied so you can shoot EQ, Ice Storm, Stags and other goodies.

    One reason I dont really IO slot for sets is because I am afraid of losing signature powers over utility powers for sets. While having 4 LoTG's on is great, not having VG or QS isnt that awesome.

    I was on a Tin Mage TF last night and my VG was up so up for every Goliath War Works and it allowed easy stacking of my hold and the other holds on the team...that's something I cant give up so easily.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Barring exploits, the best farm mission will always be one explicitly tailored to your strengths.
    Mind/Psi/Soul Dom.

    I am not slotted for S/L or anything yet. I do have money banked up but I am sure that 2 billion isnt enough to do anything serious. I also have other toons and my Earth/Ice/Ice is prolly going to be my best farming toon.
  7. What is the easiest way to get purples to drop ? My feeling about slotting to max something means that I have to sacrafice some powers in favor of powers that can be used for set bonuses and useless slots to get those bonuses.

    My earth/Ice/Ice can do some serious carnage just by IO slotting and setting up stuff but it isnt soft capped or anything. I just dont feel like giving up powers that can be fun for survivability

    (Excuse the spelling, I'm at work)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
    I run the blue side demon map on 0x8 with no bosses regularly for shards and purples and have very good results, but as others have said, the best farm map for you will vary depending on your build.
    When you mean good, how good do you mean? I have just started Set IO slotting and need some more recharge. Unbound Constraint has a nice +Rech global that I want for my Earth/Ice/Icy Villain Dom.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    You actually only need about 78ish percent recharge with hasten 3 slotted for perma dom if that helps ya. I shoot for 80 for lag or anything like that.
    You only need 80% total recharge from global buffs, hasten or any other powers copmbined to get permadom?

    I asked this question on a diff forum thread and I was told that its 125%
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
    That doesnt say much other than gaining tickets is easy. I farmed tickets ona db regen stalker in i14 faster than alot of people on farm focused builds.
    Then what is a decent farm mission...I don't farm often and I completely didn't know that I wasn't really farming farming...

    Thanks for the correction Terror!
  11. I know the Korean servers werent that big of a hit but how many EU players are there? I wouldnt mind playing with my oversea friends but I dont think the time difference will be reasonable unless it's the weekend.
  12. Purging the names of EVERY inactive account for more than a year is the best way to provide the least stressfull situation. Also, name purging those account will ensure that the company gets some added revenue if the account holder wants to keep their name.
  13. What if we got a name purge?

    Maybe making some long inactive accounts become "Genericxxxxx" make the transition easier?!
  14. Just want to say that my Diamond Radeon HD amazing! I had an HD 4200 and upgraded to a 5830 and the game is running like I want it to.

    The only issue I have right now is that the tower gets a lil hot and I might need to find alternative cooling methods since the 600watt PSU is a monster. I havent had any issues with the machine running.

    The HD 5830 can run Ultra Mode at the max and still run easily and smoothly. The only issue I am having is a slow start but its passible.

    I dont have lag, I dont have the slow motion Baywatch sprint scenes...I'm in love!
  15. A few nights go I took my Earth/Ice/Ice to AE with a team of 8 and my setting to 8x/+0 and we steam rolled the map.

    The beauty that Earth/Ice/Ice is great at AoE control and using Sleet and Ice Storm I can pretty much clear a map and get 1650 tickets in one roll... for someone who never farms and does think it brings about negative changes, it's pretty sweet
  16. I have no problem with the launcher. I just installed it, took me less than 30 seconds to find my server, load up, log-on and get on test. It is a time saving move since I have all three COH types installed.

    in the settings there is a selection for the NA region and Eu region...can we now region hop?

    Once I have the launcher installed and we are forced to use this to log in, can I remove the installations on my comp or do I have to keep all three installed and the launcher?
  17. So I need more set bonuses...I have the money but my build is tight on the powers that would grant a +Rech bonus through IO sets
  18. 016.25 (Global Rech from IO sets)
    020.00 (Increased Attack Speed from Empowerment station)
    070.00 (Rech from Hasten)
    030.00 (Rech from Frenzy)
    136.25 (Total Recharge)

    Is this enough for Permahasten?
  19. Shadow Wail


    I have an Earth/Ice/Ice.

    The ability to send your pet as the alpha strike is amazing. Sending the pet in and while they all aggro on him, hit the AoE stun followed by the AoE Immob with a layer of Quicksand, Earthquake and finally hit them with Sleet and Ice Storm; you can go two routes for the actual attacking.

    1.Since they will all be mezzed, aggro'd and busy you can either start using your ST attacks and Frost Breath at medium range while reapplying EQ/QS/Stags/Cages.

    2. Because they will be busy on trying to run, hitting the pet or just tripping, you can come in with melee and go to town.

    If things get iffy throw down VG and reapply your AoE Immob and Sleet and Ice Storm.

    The best part is that Powerboost is up fast enough that you can apply it to most of your powers for some long term controls. If you have the megalomaniac accolade power you can seriously lengthen the effects of your Controls.
  20. Hello,

    So I think it is time for a GPU upgrade. I currently have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 and the husband wants to get me a new videocard. We were at Bestbuy and he picked up an ATI Radeon HD 5500/5600 and looked at me with this face that screams "Meh?"

    Well, I have a 300Watt PSU and I read the box to see the card requirements and it said 300+ unless I am playing dual mode, then its 400+.

    I am thinking of getting a new PSU to maybe get a better graphics card if my case can fit the new PSU and the videocard.

    Any suggestions on a compact PSU (350-500Watts)and a compatible graphic card that will boost my framerates per second.

    Feel free to ask for any additional info, I'll be around.
  21. While I love this pack like I would my first born child, I would love to see work on some more animals like rodents, ampibians and maybe some aquatic animals.

    I don't see myself fully using the animal features as much as I see myself mixing beast run on a clockwork model to simulate an robotic animal. Maybe down the line we can get a robot tail. (When I get home, I'll post some pics)

    I overall do love this pack and it is one of my favorite since Ninja Run and The Magic Pack.
  22. I've considered getting this but I have a question:

    Does this create a perpetual state of confusion? If I apply a ST Confuse to a minion and let that minion attack, will the effects carry over and get reapplied over and over again?

    Does this create a confused mob until all of the targets are dead or does CC just time itself out after a while?

    This might be really awesome on an ITF or a mothership raid!