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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    how so?

    my gold account has, ah...eight? character slots?

    Less than one server's worth in CoH.
    I think I have 16 slots each on Virtue & Triumph.

    Yes, yes we can buy them- but I'm not going to invest in a game I don't really enjoy, and baseline access is insufficient.
    From what I hear, you get a new slot for each character you take to 40.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    A terrible movie whose trailers alone are enough to demonstrate why it shouldn't even exist. Ferrell demonstrated he really can act in Stranger Than Fiction, but pretty much the rest of his career is a giant case of Money, Dear Boy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Yeah, that's kind of Champions' attitude, and it's more than a little off-putting. For as goofy as City of Heroes could be, one of its strongest aspects was the ability to take normally preposterous ideas entirely seriously, because the fictional universe took itself seriously. When you exist in a grounded reality, even your goofier ideas become more grounded just by virtue of environment. Not if you actively aim for a joke character, obviously, but if you want to take a purple bunny girl seriously, City of Heroes will provide.

    I've always found that how a character comes off depends less on how the character is written and more on the reactions of those around him. If the fictional world takes me seriously, I feel confident to try more unusual story. If the fictional world treats everything as a joke, it makes me not even want to try.
    The problem is, this is how the rest of the world, especially the Real World, sees people who are unnecessarily angsty:

    Unless you surround yourself with people who are also angsty, miserable, emo gits, chances are you'll just be called a whiner, a crybaby and told to get "over it."

    Believe me. I know. Being bipolar, I know. It's one of the reasons I don't socialize anymore because no one gives a **** about my problems. So likewise, I don't really see how anyone would ever give a **** about the problems of your characters. In Real Life, if superheroes were real (humor me, I know it's a stretch), they'd be seen as the whiners of the superheroing community, regardless of how many good deeds they've done.

    It'd be like: "Did you see that emo punkass Sam Tow whine about his tragic past on that CNN interview last night? What a crybaby."

    Gathered, CO, being one thinly veiled joke after another might be worse, but unless everyone else in the world was a whiny ******* that wallowed in agony, I doubt anyone in any other universe would take your characters seriously.

    Consider this example: It's like trying to explain your City of Heroes character backstories to someone who thinks video games are for kids. Yeah, he might be polite enough to listen to you without interrupting, but at the end of the day, are you really going to want to come back and tell this person stories time and time again?
    Similar stigma, and another reason I don't socialize much.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Part of being emo is taking yourself and your pain too seriously, and this doesn't work in an environment where others refuse to take you as seriously.
    Actually it does work, because no one takes emo people seriously. Except maybe other emo people.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    Maybe the truth is the other way around.
    From what I've heard about the financials that would have to be involved, that would actually be far more likely.
  6. Scythus


    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    So... did I miss something, or do we still not know for sure what the Coming Storm is?

    There are hints - and I've always assumed - that it was a Shivan invasion, but catching up on some of the lore advancements since I stopped playing the game (circa 2009) I'm now wondering if it's a Battalion invasion instead and the Shivans are just harbingers.
    The Coming Storm was always the Battalion.
  7. I couldn't really tell you. I mean, I sincerely hope that it gets saved, but being a realist and looking at the track record of NCSoft, it doesn't look good.

    Keep fighting, though, but be prepared for the worst.
  8. Scythus

    Why bother?

    One thing that has always amazed be about Durakken is how exceptionally wrong he is... all the time! It's like... how can someone be so wrong? Always? Is there some kind of effort to be wrong all the time required, or is it one of those cosmic laws that dictates that there has to be someone who is always wrong, turned up to 11?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Of course I'm not going to refute them. I'm not her, I'm not her internet bodyguard, and I'm already wasting a ridiculous amount of time on this stupid thread. I did make a post pointing out that Positron and Zwillinger have both made similar mistakes in predicting NCSoft's plans or intentions, but I'm not holding it against them, either. Guess you didn't read it, oh well, forums.

    NCSoft's unpredictability has been the problem here, since August 31, not ML or anyone else who has lifted a finger to help us. You seem to think my motivations for posting here ought to revolve around winning an internet argument with you, and maybe this is the part where I'm supposed to go digging out six month-old quarterly earnings and have a nerd off with you about them. But, hold up, there. My only point during that part of this quickly devolving playground argument was to get people to understand that ML has had a good word from the devs. That's all. Closing your ears based on a couple times she was wrong about a couple of details early on, it just seems petty at this point, now that we know she's closer to the devs ears and mouths than most of us are. If you want to take the discussion there, great, here's your Internet winner trophy, I'm not having it.
    And remember what they say about winning Internet arguments.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    If you're able to say, authoritatively, who has and has not sent in a mask and cape, then you have access to personal information that you shouldn't.

    That's so blindingly obvious you should be able to see it through the ignore box.
    Except obvious joke was even more blindingly obvious.
  11. Did I... did I log into the WoW boards by accident?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.
    As an aspiring author who has actually been trying to get stuff published, I take severe umbrage with the insinuation that writers are liars.

    Do us all and the world a favor and go stick your head into a wood chipper.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Thousand builds? Thought COH only had about 12 builds total. And 8 was available to free to play off the bat. Blaster, tanker, stalker, scrapper, corruptor, defender, dominator, and brute.

    CO have ten off the bat. Behemoth, the blade, the glacier, grimoire, the inferno, marksman, the mind, radiant, soldier, and the unleashed.
    I believe Mad Grim was referring to power selections, which the CO archetypes are extremely limited in.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    For 50 dollars per slot, that is not an option for anyone with any sanity.
    Indeed, it's cheaper to just pay a monthly subscription. That way you get 8 free form slots right up, plus a new one per character to 40.

    I have no idea what they were thinking with that $50 price tag.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    I had an account during the game's first month. Looking at the character screen, looks like I made two really cool looking dudes and got them to level 6.

    But... I can't log on with them. Something about them being "Gold," and I guess I'm "Silver," but I don't know what that means. I'm guessing it's me being a Free player now Vs. paying at the time I made those, but I don't know if there is anything to do about that.
    That's precisely what it means. "Gold" is their version of VIP over there while "Silver" is Premium/Freemium.
  16. Scythus

    Cryptic role.

    Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
    Cryptic's logo is there because NCsoft is licensing the engine the game runs on from Cryptic. That's it.

    And the license was for "perpetuity" according to Jack Emmert.
  17. Scythus


    Yeah, I got a token myself today too. I was able to complete the Fire and Ice set. *Sigh.*
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Errand_Runner View Post
    When you guys try it out, try looking at it as a completely different game instead of comparing it to COH.
    Well of course, anyone expecting it to be like CoH is only fooling themselves. Nothing will ever be like CoH.
  19. I'm not on CO yet. I'm staying here until the servers go dark in hopes that the game can be saved.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    So, with apologies for squatting the name on Virtue since August 24th, 2004, my first character Jolly Rodger, a Broad Sword/Super Reflexes scrapper.

    Actually, people might really be thankful, as "Jolly Roger" isn't spelled with a D.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Except that Foxbat dates back to about 1984 or so. He first showed up in one of the early Champions books as a lunatic who was mostly harmless, but could be dangerous. In a way Deadpool is Marvel's version of Foxbat, albeit about a decade later and created by someone who was probably totally ignorant of Foxbat's existence.
    I'm aware of that, I was just making the best comparison that was available. It was by no means supposed to imply that anyone came before another.
  22. The idea is humorous, but the execution needs work.
  23. From what I've read, Foxbat is pretty much Champions' own version of Deadpool, including 4th Wall breaking humor.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    I don't know that all melee sets need to have direct punching and kicking considering Weapons count as melee.
    I think of it more as using the "element" as a weapon.
    Psychic melee was going to feature little stabby blades of psychic energy.
  25. Creating a new character in celebration.

    And... don't you technically mean "if?"