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  1. Sailboat

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    What I would like to see is that certain sets be seen as specialists in certain things, but that no set sucks at anything.
    Totally with you on that.

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Dark: -to-hit; cone KB; ST hold; heal; cone immobilize

    Psi: -recharge (-30%); ST KB (high chance); ST Sleep (high chance); AoE KU; And the Nuke is a 25 Radius Stun

    Ice: -recharge (-20%)/speed; 2 ST Holds; Nuke has a high chance of doing Knockdown
    Well, the game may have wandered away from "3 enemies to a spawn," but if you solo at x1, you'll see exactly that quite often. And if you're facing exactly 3 non-boss enemies, 2 ST holds leaves you facing one guy with your damage-dealing set. That's not too bad...probably works better than trying to stack up Dark's to-hit debuff.

    But it doesn't scale up well as group size increases, that's for sure.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    All I can say is that I'm amazed at the effect Beavis and Butthead have had on the language.
    Not too familiar with the finer points of B&B, could you point out what you're referring to?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I'd kill for a new crafted knockback IO set that included a proc that just turned KB to KD and wasn't unique. Just give me that so my energy blast characters can stop knocking things out of their own range please.
    The smartest part of Overwhelming Force was making the proc unique. The point wasn't to eliminate knockback from the game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    The last post in this thread before yours was nearly a year ago.

    Was there a reason to necro up the thread?
    Particularly in light of the fact that the reason for the necro was to tease someone for wasting effort.
  5. Sailboat

    Storm question

    Not sure I understand the need for Teleport or a teleport attack. Steamy Mist gives enough cover I can approach to within Hurricane's radius undetected; all my Stormies can barge right into the spawn and debuff the alpha (and often do, when the situation allows).
  6. Sailboat

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I asked the question of the math inclined folks and it looks like Psy Blast and Dark Blast will be doing well and have very good mitigation while Ice will just be doing bad. So this argument is debunked.
    Debunked? Actually it sounds like you agree with me that it's important to consider those factors, have considered them, and rendered your findings. That's what I was saying should be done.
  7. I thought the formula was intended to make it more or less the same number of procs over time whether it was slotted in a fast-recharging attack or a slow one. In that case, isn't it more properly thought of as "more predictable," perhaps, in Knockout Blow than "excellent" or "terrible"?

    It's worse than it now is, because the current rules favor rapid-recharging attacks, but in the new regime it should be roughly the same (over the long term) in either power.

    Therefore, isn't it kind of an illusion to say it (will be) worse in Jab? People have always calculated how much damage their attack chains do over a sustained period (DPS/DPA), and (under the coming rules) proc firing should even out over a sustained period. Maybe we should be thinking of procs-per-minute in the same way we think of DPS/DPA?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
    Give it another 4- 5 weeks that seems to be power set release schedule.
    In the meantime, you can take a -- wait for it! -- Bio break.
  9. Given the thread topic, it seems we have been remiss in posting a link to the original bible for IO sets for Inv/SS: Call Me Awesome's Guide.
  10. Sailboat

    Plant/NA Troller

    Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
    Slightly off-topic, but has anyone given any thought to incorporating AB from the sorcery pool
    I don't want to sound like I'm carping, but since Sorcery isn't out yet, I haven't memorized all the acronyms yet. AB=?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    Of course the other reason Explosive Blast feels like it causes a lot of scatter is the fact that it isn't a 100% chance of knockback, so even if you fire it from long range and knock everything in nearly the same direction you still break a clump into two groups: those that got knocked back and those that didn't. Energy Torrent is similar, but for some reason EB has always felt more "scattery" to me.
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Maybe because explosive blast can hit more targets?
    Also worthy of note, Energy Torrent has 60% chance to knock, Explosive B. has 50%. So ET tends to move a few more of them in one direction.
  12. Sailboat

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
    I will be extremely sad of the devs see Ice Blast performing badly, decide "Oh well, it has lots of mitigation and doesn't need to perform well,"
    Once again, "lots of mitigation" is performing well in some sense. If you mean "lots of mitigation" and "better damage than other sets which have less mitigation" then you're asking a bit much.

    If you're asking for "lots of mitigation" and "pretty good damage," you might already be there. I don't know what the Devs think about Ice, but I do know that the Devs consider mitigation desirable (as do many players).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    Then what about powers like Burn? It hits once when the power is fired originally but this power has no check to acc if i am remembering correct.
    Burn certainly does check to see if it hits.
  14. Sailboat

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    If non-snipe having sets are considered "balanced" against snipe having sets currently, when Snipes are viewed as lackluster bordering on useless, then how can they be anything but underperforming when Snipes are improved to be "fairly useable" to "Outstanding" (depending on build)?
    But are non-snipe having sets currently considered "balanced" against snipe having sets? What if the snipe buff is seen partly as a way to redress longstanding balance concerns?

    Speaking strictly for myself, if (before I knew anything about the sets) someone told me "Ice has a less-resisted damage type and has a lot of defensive mitigation (slows and holds)," I'd honestly expect it to be on the lower end of the damage-dealing range, as a tradeoff for those goodies.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    Just need to point out that this, while a common misconception, isn't true. Knockback, regardless of the shape of the delivering AoE, always knocks its targets directly away from the source of the effect - and in the case of a power like explosive blast, that source is the player. The only way you'd get EB knocking enemies away from the center of the blast is if you use it on an enemy in melee range so that the center is right next to you.
    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    I have actually had the same experience as Tenjoy. Energy Torrent sends my enemies flying away from me, but Explosive Blast sends them away from the target. (I have witnessed the same effects from my Peacebringer's Luminous Detonation attack.) This makes sense: with any other Targeted AoE, the effect starts at the target and radiates outward. Just as the damage component of Explosive Blast radiates outward from the target, so does the knockback effect.

    I am not saying you are wrong, Muon, because in truth I have never researched the actual powers and thus have no tangible evidence to provide. I am only saying that my experience with Explosive Blast and powers like it, both from my characters and other players', has been for the knockback to radiate out from the targeted NPC, regardless of the player's location.
    I don't mean any disrespect, but this is easily tested. In fact, I just did so.

    Explosive Blast might appear to radiate out from the targeted foe, but clearly knocks back everything that it does knock back (it has a 50% chance) away from the user of the power, not from the central guy it's targeted on.

    Now, if you're beside or inside the spawn, it will radiate them because they are blown away from you, and you happen to be near the targeted guy/center of the blast. And when fired against already-moving targets, it's hard to accurately track them all. And of course that 50% chance leaves some standing (and moving toward you) and some not, which also might mask what's going on.

    But I tested against small and large groups, by targeting the backmost guy. If your understanding is accurate, the ones in front of him should be blown toward me every time they do get knocked, right? radiating away from the blast center?

    But they are not. They are uniformly blown away from my position in a straight line. In fact, the times I fail to knock the guy I target, I see all the other ones who did get knocked back sail past him, away from me.

    The ones I fail to knock, or miss entirely, however, run toward me, or run away, so the spawn does tend to open up -- but that would be the same with Energy Torrent, it's not a feature of Explosive Blast.

    I'll be the first to admit it seems logical that EB should knock back radially. I, too, used to wonder about it. But it doesn't. But in the hectic world of combat, especially on a squishy, it's easy to jump to what sound like logical conclusions, or to incorrectly remember small details. Thus the value of testing.
  16. Sailboat

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    So Psi Blast and Dark Blast get to have significant mitigation and snipes?
    Will the snipe change move them significantly above Ice? My understanding is Psi Blast and Dark Blast are considered poorer performers now, and a relative boost might be just what the Devs are looking to do.
  17. Sailboat

    Plant/NA Troller

    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    How does money get you to 50?
    Originally Posted by Foreverett View Post
    This question would be suited better for the Player Help section. This thread is about a Controller build.
    No, I mean, since "money" (influence I presume) doesn't level you up, what are you talking about? This question is perfectly suited for any thread in which you make such a statement.
  18. Sailboat

    Plant/NA Troller

    Originally Posted by Foreverett View Post
    it's easy to hop on my farmer, farm up some money so that my new plant/na troller can get 50 asap
    How does money get you to 50?
  19. As I sort of hinted at above, Hack is (for some reason) decidedly better than Slash. It's very hard-hitting for a Tier 1 (or Tier 2, for that matter) attack. The only advantage Slash has is the shorter recharge -- they have the same animation time.

    If you were skipping a lot of attacks, a short recharge might be attractive. But you don't want to skip Headsplitter and Disembowel, your other two (even-better) single-target attacks (I'm calling Headsplitter single-target because it's such a narrow cone it's hard to line up, and I don't hesitate to hit one guy with it). And since you'll chain the other two attacks with it, Hack has time to recharge anyway, so it literally doesn't matter that Slash is faster. So choosing Hack over Slash is all profit and no loss for you.
  20. Sailboat

    Name Change

    Originally Posted by Ghosthunter1288 View Post
    Ooh I see. Well if she ever see's this I wish her good luck
    Well that's downright civilized. Good luck with your quest to get your name changed!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    I was just wondering what points does this combination excelled at?

    DPS, Tank, what?
    BS/Shield has a good synergy in that Parry can really make your defenses solid while AAO boots your offense.

    A particularly nice aspect of Broadsword is that, in addition to decent AoE from Slice and Whirling Sword (backed up in this case by Shield Charge), it has three very strong single-target attacks, because Hack is unusally hard-hitting for a low-tier attack. This makes a very nice Hack/Disembowel/Headsplitter chain. It does have a stately pace, but it just destroys a single target.

    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    I was sort of thinking about skipping a transportation power, shield other, and one with shield; and going the Presence power tree.
    No problem with skipping movement power and One With The Shield, but you ought to hang on to Grant Cover, as it helps your Defense Debuff resistance.
  22. I feel relatively confident that if it DID stack (for +140% recharge) there would have been a LOT more conversation about it among the min-maxers.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    To answer an earlier question: yes, applying -Resistance first WILL increase the effectiveness of a subsequent -Damage.
    I do have a Dark/Sonic Defender....
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    BUT -Damage is resisted by Damage Resistance.

    So while an AV will not have a flat resistance to -Damage the way they might with -Defense or -Regeneration, the amount of Damage Resistance they have to a specific type will determine how much they're affected by that same type of -Damage (i.e. 50% Resistance to Lethal will turn a -30% Damage(All) to -15% Damage(L) and -30% Damage (S/F/C/E/N/T/P)).
    Hrm. Do resistance debuffs therefore make -damage more effective (by lowering any resistance that might be diluting the -dmg debuff)? Does Tar Patch help Darkest Night?