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  1. At the risk of piling on, I'll add that my conception of Trip Mine is not that it delays the game, but that it moves damage into the future for me.

    I can set up some mines, taking the time in advance, and then win the fight almost instantly. Or I can chain a bunch of attacks frantically, taking the time during the fight, and probably win. Or I can lose and take the time running back from the hospital. Any one of those ways does take time.

    But only by setting up Trip Mines in advance can I use animation time and endurance NOW, get them back, but delay the damage (and the possible AGGRO) into the FUTURE. I can't think of other powers (except Time Bomb) that let me burn through animation time and endurance in safety and unleash the effect later on, when I'm ready.

    What is the advantage of that? Burst damage. Burst damage is valuable in the game because it both minimizes the amount of return fire the enemies can direct back at you AND it minimizes the amount of life they regenerate as you try to wear them down.

    You can stack mines -- which is like stacking damage -- which can be, with some patience, like stacking multiple-nuke-level damage up without getting any aggro and getting all your endurance back before the fight starts.

    Properly set up minefields will destroy most or all of a non-AV spawn before they get any chance to regenerate from the damage. It's very efficient.

    In fast-paced, large-headcount team play, it's less useful, as long as the team isn't taking a knee afterward to heal up or something (in which case you might as well have taken the time beforehand to set up mines). But there are lots of cases where one adapts one's solo playstyle or power choices for teamplay (and vice versa). Just as I don't say "gather for buffs" when soloing, I don't use trip Mine as much when teaming. but it's still useful to secure a fallback position, to prep for ambushes, and as a last line of personal defense. And small teams are often willing to work with a Trip Miner, either for safety or because of the comedic value.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    First, search is your friend. This is not the first such thread on this very topic.
    Inspired by your comment, I promptly searched on "savage" and got...this thread and some unrelated stuff.

    I'm not going to search on "claws" to look for new powersets, heh. Or "new powerset" either.

    So can you kindly point me to these other threads on this very topic?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LAST_RONIN View Post
    The why question?

    I mean I have toons locked at 30 so they can get lvl 30 drops (that i put on most toons). But if it's for exemp'n down then why not lvl to 50 and make a build that's at 35. Purple set bonuses will still work and your insp tray will be bigger. I have an Ice Tank that is 50 and has a build that uses lvl 20 sets and purples and is tough as nails.

    So... my point is... why handcuff yourself to lvl 35?

    EDIT: Also... you can add the slots from above lvl 35 to all your sub 36 powers...opens up better builds.
    I think I might not have expressed it clearly. This toon will be level-locked at 35 to get drops (like your level 30 toons). Other toons will use those level 35 drops so that they are somewhat exemplar-friendly -- I won't be exemplaring this one. I do level those other toons to 50.

    I could use 50 IOs on them, and make a second build on each one using the 35s, but that would 1) double the number of IOs I'd have to buy for each toon, for a marginal advantage in enhancement percentage, and 2) still result in my needing a source of level 35 IOs (for those second builds), which would lead me back here.
  4. Well, I compiled some numbers from City of Data.

    Disclaimer: These are for Brutes only. I arbitrarily chose the sets I thought offered best sustained/chainable AoE. This resulted in Broadsword and Katana being left off the list despite their decent AoE. Fiery Melee maybe should have been left out too, now that I look at it. This does NOT represent the "best sets," only those likely to be suitable for my relatively-narrow intended purpose.

    				Dmg	   #		Rechg	
    	Spin			1.89	10 foes	14	
    	Eviscerate		2.18	5 foes	12	
    	Shockwave	1.13	10 foes	14.4	
    Fiery Melee				
    	Fire Swd Circle	1.75	10 foes	20	
    Dual Blades				
    	Typhoon’s Edge	1.14	10 foes	12	Combo dmg
    	Sweeping Strike	1.7	5 foes	11	Combo dmg
    	One Thou. Cuts	2.13	10 foes	15	
    Titan Weapons				
    	Def Sweep		0.73	5 foes	4	Parry-like
    	Titan Sweep	1.43	5 foes	10	
    	Whirling Smash	1.37	10 foes	14	
    	Arc Destruction	2.6	5 foes	20	
    War Mace				
    	Whirling Mace	1.12	10 foes	14	
    	Shatter	        2.28	5 foes	12	
    	Crowd Control	1.61	10 foes	12
    	Guarded Spin	1.39	5 foes	8	Parry-like
    	Eye of Storm	1.23	10 foes	17	Can do -resist
    	Innocuous Str	1.66	5 foes	10
    If I'm stingy with my slotting for the secondary, I predict being able to six-slot 3.5 to 4 attacks, so I could just barely make Titan Weapons work.

    What's surprising to me is how strong Dual Blades looks in this comparison -- I'd forgotten that One Thousand Cuts hits up to 10, and we can't discount the bonus damage from the two combos.

    I did not track cone size, but it's important too. (I have a rough feel for it, so didn't feel the need to cram it into the table).

    Just from casual eyeballing, it looks to me like the top contenders are Titan Weapons and Dual Blades, with War Mace and Claws chasing close behind.
  5. Late as I am to this party, I brute-forced my way through, uh, maybe 20 or so before landing 35C5-HSF9-ES5V-KH93-CFXS.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mereman View Post
    Defiant, I was surprised to find Rainy Night now used on my Dark/Water Fender
    I have The Rainy Knight on Justice, but he's not recently-made.
  7. Eh, even for Titan Weapons, Willpower should have a ton of endurance. I wouldn't let endurance affect my decision.

    Last time I Alphaed a Willpower, I went with Spiritual. Yes, Willpower itself gets virtually nothing from recharge (but of course Agility is also +recharge, so no better in that one aspect), but the +heal raises your base hit points noticeably, which works really well with your high Regen. And as noted, TW would love the +recharge.

    That said, it's hard to get truly high defense on a Willpower Brute or Scrapper, so Agility won't be a mistake.
  8. Sailboat

    Wait, what?

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Then super sidekicking came in, so everyone on the team was sidekicked to the mission holder and bridging became moot.)
    Remember the whining about THAT? For God's sake, people had Incarnate Nature Affinity characters within hours of the powerset being released, and yet some people back in the day were "quite put out" about losing bridging (because they'd lose the falsely-inflated exp reward).
  9. Forgot to mention: Shield by itself is pretty solid on a mature Tanker. With Combat Jumping, Weave, and the Steadfast +3% global alone, I am brushing the soft-cap at 44-point-something percent defense before level 30. Couple with Shield's other defensive aspects (the small -dmg debuff, the mid-range smashing and lethal resistance, the hit point boost, the DDR) it makes a fairly sturdy tank. You won't really need to depend on your secondary for mitigation.
  10. I don't actually have a Shield/Mace Tanker at 50 -- Mine's in his high 20s. But I do have a Shield/Axe Tanker at 50, which is fairly analogous, so I'll take a hack at these questions if you promise not to bash me.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
    1) I'm assuming that the enormous rise in enemy s/l resistance as you progress will eventually knock a significant chunk out of this build's overall damage in the later levels. How is the damage for a Shield/Mace tank boosted with Against All Odds if you plan on softcapping and reliably being boosted by having 16 enemies in proximity?
    Remember that enemies have separate smashing and lethal resistances, not one value for s/l. And common wisdom is that lethal resistance is somewhat worse. I have not really felt too hampered by it with Axe, however (accepting that Tanker damage is what it is, of course). So I assume smashing will be fine -- my other smashing damage tankers (notably Super Strength) have not felt unacceptably weak. I think AAO helps A LOT with the damage; it would probably not feel as strong if I had used another set.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
    2) How difficult will it be to slot this character for sustainable recovery? A lot of Mace attacks have a big Endurance cost...
    I took Body Mastery for Physical Perfection. Sustained fights do tend to wear down the blue bar. But you should be fine if you employ the usual tricks to maximize endurance. Notably, my characters do not have an Alpha Incarnate power slotted -- there are two (Agility and most particularly Cardiac) that will help if you are still having problems at that point.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
    3) How reliable is the mitigation for Mace in the later game? Its stuns are all fairly low magnitudes, I'm aware.
    This is where I have no direct experience. Axe has the same type of mitigation from each attack (knockdown) and it works pretty darned well, except on AVs. But you'll get knb in the fantastic Crowd Control power; with good recharge, you should get a ton of mitigation from spamming that every chance you get.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
    4) Exactly how is Jawbreaker not one of everyone's favorite powers in the game?
    Because you get Crowd Control. Also Clobber.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
    Please tell me your Spanish Inquisition character is a stalker. ASSASSIN STRIKE!!!! "(F10)Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!"
    Or an Empathy Defender. "Fetch...the comfy chair!"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    I went with a Fire/Fire brute for level locking at 35. That level is preferable to 33 (at least for me) because you get another three slots plus Fiery Embrace.
    I'm used to Fiery melee on a Tanker. On a Brute, although you still do get the lovely pairing of Greater Fire Sword and Incinerate, I'm only seeing one AoE, Fire Sword Circle, without ancillaries or patron pools. I know FSC is very nice, but still, that's just one power. Does its fiery goodness outweigh the other AoE-rich sets?

    Claws gets two (counting Shockwave as usable with the Overwhelming Force proc), including the best PBAoE in the game over time, War Mace gets three, and Titan Weapons gets four if I am counting correctly.

    Edit: Staff gets 3 also, but the two cones affect a max of 5 each, unlike the cone in Claws and both cones in War Mace, although Staff does have a nice reach. The three cones in Titan Weapons only affect 5 each too; but there's three of them and they're huge.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    Why 35 and not 33 out of curiosity?
    I like it.

    Really, that's all I've got.
    • Technically, slotting four typical defense or resist set IOs (two duals, the def or res piece, and the triple) hits the 56%+ ED cap if I use 35s, and falls just short with 33s.
    • Also, there are no 33 generic IOs, so slotting 33s results in 33s and 35s while leveling (unless/until I replace the generics with 50s), which just "looks messy" to me.
    • Lastly, 35s exemplar doiwn to 32, the lowest exemplared level at which my Tier 9 Primary power is available. Anything lower and I'll be missing one (or more) primary powers, so I'm more willing to accept not having the set bonuses then.

    But really, slotting 33s would result in a negligible difference in final stats, so it's more a personal quirk than a rationally defensible choice.

    Although it does mean I can slot the level 32 final Primary power all they way up on my level-locked character, which wouldn't be possible at 33.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    (except for the Gladiator's Armor IO which is a PvPIO and as such ignores the normal exemplaring restrictions).
    Holy crap, you're right! I'd completely forgotten that PvPIOs exemplar down like that. I'd been struggling recently to get a level 10 Gladiator's Armor global defense specifically because I want it to work when I exemplared. Although the levl 50s are sort-of affordable, level 10 versions remain over a billion apiece.

    So I started running tips like a madman with the intention of accumulating 35 Alignment Merits and making my OWN level 10 global. But I wearied of that, and finally broke down and obtained a level 50 -- with the specific intent of finishing my build NOW, but always intending to go back later, use an unslotter to pry loose the level 50, and stick the level 10 in its place, whenever I eventually got one.

    But after reading this, I tried exemplaring down (using one of the level 1-15 Oro arcs) and definitely confirmed that the level 50 PvPIO global does give its +3% defense bonus when exemplared, even when it's many more than 3 levels below. Happy me!

    This raises the question of why people are willing to pay so much for the level 10 versions. The only thing I can think of is that they can be slotted before leveling your character up to 50, i.e., when you're actually 10 (well, 7). But can that really be it? I have some trouble imagining there are people willing to pay 1 to 1.5 billion to buy one of the top-end enhancements in the game, but unwilling to power-level their character.

    Put another way, I can easily grasp there might be purists who enjoy the low-level game for its own sake, but it seems weird to me that they might feel it's not warping that very same low-level game to slap in a billion-plus enhancement.

    Anyway, thanks for saving me a cool billion.
  15. Sailboat

    REVAMP EM set

    Another idea to further differentiate Energy Transfer from Total Focus -- maybe be give Energy Transfer an additional secondary effect of transferring some energy to the user -- stealing some endurance while it bashes?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    It wasn't a bomb, it was new technology that allowed a cellphone to be used like a sonar device. He used it to get around the building at night to kidnap the banker.
    And then it blew up.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I usually say that if you haven't used Whirling Smash, you haven't actually tried Titan Weapons. So, level 26 at least.
    Came in to say exactly this. My TW/Invulnerability Brute thought she was hanging on like grim death to get to 28 and Invincibility...but when I turned 26 and grabbed Whirling Smash, things changed.

    I didn't see it coming, because some of the "Whirling" attacks (see: Whirling Hands in Energy Melee) aren't very good, but also because Whirling Smash requires Momentum, which seems like a limitation. But what it means in practice is "This attack never sucks. Your other attacks occasionally are grindingly slow, but this one never is." The first time I hit it, the weapon rocketed around me and everything on the screen fell down hard.

    "I may never have endurance again," I said out loud, "But I am going to be spamming this attack as much as possible."

    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    You never stop having to deal with Momentum, but you do get more attacks, and more recharge to string them together, to actually use Momentum. At low levels, when you have 1-3 attacks, most of the attacks you use will be slow; at high levels, most of the attacks you use will be fast. If it seems to suck at the low levels - it does. But it really does get better.
    Again I find myself in agreement. Proper slotting -- and the slots to heavily slot up your attacks -- always helps all powersets. I remember how much Broadsword changed for the better once I slotted it up right.

    Speaking in broad generalizations, usually you have accuracy and damage in your powers fairly early on, so what gets added later with high-end slotting tends to be recharge. Lots of recharge will help you most with long-recharge attacks; recharge is also really helpful for gimmicky sets that benefit from using the powers in a specific order rather than "first available." For instance, recharge really helps Dual Blades. TW is both a bit gimmicky and has lots of long-recharge powers, so it benefits very much from getting good recharge slotting.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    Ignoring the fact that it's a niche power only useful in certain scenarios, the main reason that Trip Mine should be changed is because, thematically, it doesn't fit Devices.
    Well, the original (at least US Civil War, probably earlier) term for a land mine was "an infernal device." Sounds thematic.

    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    Maybe you're comfortable with it, but that's more because it's the only way you can make the powerset good, rather than it actually being fun to use in any shape or form.
    Are you listening to us, or just talking into a vacuum? Because a lot of players like trip Mine. It makes me laugh at least a few times every single play session in which I use it.

    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    ugly power that's only taken by min/maxers without any thought to the appearance or function of the power
    Uh, most of the complaints about Trip Mine seem to be that it doesn't fit the playstyle of min/maxing rewards per minute. So I'd characterize it as seldom taken by min/maxers.

    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    Again, think Batman.
    Didn't the Dark Knight movie feature an exploding cell phone bomb Morgan Freeman carried into a building for...who was it...Batman?
  19. This is more than a good idea, it's a fundamentally necessary idea if they want people to spend money in the market.

    I am repeatedly deterred from clicking "add to cart" on things because I just can't stand not being able to see if I already own them or not. It's a computer program, for crap's sake, it should be able to track stuff like this for human convenience.
  20. If I were to level-lock a character at 35 to generate lvl 35 recipes, what would be the best choice?

    The primary would be fully available and slottable by 35, but the 9th-tier power in the secondary won’t be available and the 8th-tier won’t be slottable.

    I’m pretty sure I still want a Brute for this work. It’s my understanding that the usual preference (assuming level 50) is the Super Strength/Fire Brute. But, because SS has only the one AoE, I think that anticipates heavy use of the ancillary or patron pools, which are not available at 35 (well, you can take one first-tier power, but not slot it). So I’m thinking SS isn’t as strong a choice in this case.

    In lieu of SS, what? Fire Melee and Titan Weapons seem to have excellent AoE potentials. Claws is always a contender (especially with an Overwhelming Force proc in Shockwave). Staff is also full of AoEs. Other primaries offer other benefit, but for this build’s limited purpose single-target damage is less needed and we probably won’t need much mitigation from the primary.

    As far as secondaries go, I assume the answer is still a Fire Brute. Fire matures early and has excellent mitigation if you pick your enemies, and although 35 won’t allow me to slot up Fiery Embrace, I would still get Blazing Aura and Burn. Other potential contenders might be Shield (for the AAO damage buff) and maybe Electric (great specific resist, damage aura, various goodies).

    Any thoughts or experiences are welcomed.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    but I would like a taunt aura which only some Brute versions of the various secondaries have, (e.g. Super Reflexes).
    Not quite following what you mean here. Did you mean to say only some Scrapper secondaries have a taunt aura?
  22. Reiterating my old request for a tombstone-themed shield (perhaps for a Halloween pack?)
  23. Last night I wandered over to Justice, where I tend to make punny names for the Iron Eagles hardcore group, and created a big yellow bird named SesameStreet Justice.

    (The name field is one space too short for "Sesame Street Justice.")
  24. Sailboat

    Wind Control

    I thought the wikia version is unreliable and suspect?
  25. One of the things the Devs designed into the game was that some resources would be consumed. There was very specific intent to use up stuff, since an unending supply of new stuff is always entering play.

    Ideas for ways to get around that and make salvage effectively "immortal" are going to face an uphill battle in persuading the Devs to drop this longstanding design philosophy.