On Shield/Mace Tankers
I don't actually have a Shield/Mace Tanker at 50 -- Mine's in his high 20s. But I do have a Shield/Axe Tanker at 50, which is fairly analogous, so I'll take a hack at these questions if you promise not to bash me.
Remember that enemies have separate smashing and lethal resistances, not one value for s/l. And common wisdom is that lethal resistance is somewhat worse. I have not really felt too hampered by it with Axe, however (accepting that Tanker damage is what it is, of course). So I assume smashing will be fine -- my other smashing damage tankers (notably Super Strength) have not felt unacceptably weak. I think AAO helps A LOT with the damage; it would probably not feel as strong if I had used another set.
1) I'm assuming that the enormous rise in enemy s/l resistance as you progress will eventually knock a significant chunk out of this build's overall damage in the later levels. How is the damage for a Shield/Mace tank boosted with Against All Odds if you plan on softcapping and reliably being boosted by having 16 enemies in proximity?
2) How difficult will it be to slot this character for sustainable recovery? A lot of Mace attacks have a big Endurance cost...
3) How reliable is the mitigation for Mace in the later game? Its stuns are all fairly low magnitudes, I'm aware.
4) Exactly how is Jawbreaker not one of everyone's favorite powers in the game?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Forgot to mention: Shield by itself is pretty solid on a mature Tanker. With Combat Jumping, Weave, and the Steadfast +3% global alone, I am brushing the soft-cap at 44-point-something percent defense before level 30. Couple with Shield's other defensive aspects (the small -dmg debuff, the mid-range smashing and lethal resistance, the hit point boost, the DDR) it makes a fairly sturdy tank. You won't really need to depend on your secondary for mitigation.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I don't personally have experience with this particular combo on a Tanker, but it's worth mentioning that Smashing damage gets something of a bad rap by players mentally grouping it with Lethal damage. NPCs, unlike players, frequently have different amounts of resistance to smashing and lethal damage, and lethal is usually the more heavily resisted. Robots, for example, frequently have high lethal resist, but no smashing resist, or even negative smashing resist. So Smashing damage suffers much less at the high levels. It's more commonly resisted than Fire or Energy, but fares better than Lethal.
1) I'm assuming that the enormous rise in enemy s/l resistance as you progress will eventually knock a significant chunk out of this build's overall damage in the later levels. How is the damage for a Shield/Mace tank boosted with Against All Odds if you plan on softcapping and reliably being boosted by having 16 enemies in proximity?
Also, although resistance is annoying when you face it, the average* resistance to even the most-resisted types is still (IIRC) under 10%.
*talking about the "average" enemy's resistance is fuzzy business, since some enemies appear more frequently than others, and different player choices will also affect that. So don't read too much meaning into the specific number. But the point is, although some types are resisted more frequently than others, most enemies still have little or no resistance to most damage types.
As others have mentioned, resistance to smashing damage isn't that much of a problem, IME.
So, after raising my new Shield/Mace tank to 14, I'm seeing a few things which raise questions for me about how the character will progress.
1) I'm assuming that the enormous rise in enemy s/l resistance as you progress will eventually knock a significant chunk out of this build's overall damage in the later levels. How is the damage for a Shield/Mace tank boosted with Against All Odds if you plan on softcapping and reliably being boosted by having 16 enemies in proximity? |
2) How difficult will it be to slot this character for sustainable recovery? A lot of Mace attacks have a big Endurance cost... |
3) How reliable is the mitigation for Mace in the later game? Its stuns are all fairly low magnitudes, I'm aware. |
4) Exactly how is Jawbreaker not one of everyone's favorite powers in the game? You uppercut someone in the face WITH A HEAVY, BLUNT OBJECT so hard that they go FLYING INTO THE AIR! |
Enjoy your Mace tank--I love both of mine!
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

So, after raising my new Shield/Mace tank to 14, I'm seeing a few things which raise questions for me about how the character will progress.
1) I'm assuming that the enormous rise in enemy s/l resistance as you progress will eventually knock a significant chunk out of this build's overall damage in the later levels. How is the damage for a Shield/Mace tank boosted with Against All Odds if you plan on softcapping and reliably being boosted by having 16 enemies in proximity?
2) How difficult will it be to slot this character for sustainable recovery? A lot of Mace attacks have a big Endurance cost...
3) How reliable is the mitigation for Mace in the later game? Its stuns are all fairly low magnitudes, I'm aware.
4) Exactly how is Jawbreaker not one of everyone's favorite powers in the game? You uppercut someone in the face WITH A HEAVY, BLUNT OBJECT so hard that they go FLYING INTO THE AIR!
Too many alts to list.