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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    This petition for coh already has over 1200+ signatures..
    Twelve THOUSAND, not just 1200+.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    relating this community based around this pastime can be paralleled with the fanbase around a professional sports franchise. Ask Cleveland Browns fans and Baltimore Colts fans how insignificant that was, just on an emotional level.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Closing a server would just mean you gutted part of your community for no reason.
    [Bitterness showing through for a moment]

    ...and why gut just a part of your community? Think big!

    [/end bitterness]

    Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
    I'd just rather anything than have my toons disappear.
    I hear that.

    Do follow the efforts of the Titan Network to make an emergency tool to download and save your character files in case there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if they can't save the game in current form, having saved the files would give you something, and might enable the characters to be "awakened from cryosleep" at some point in the future.
  4. Sailboat

    Where are you?

    What's with all the pins out in the middle of the oceans? Zooming doesn't even show an island for some of them.
  5. Heh. I've been using American football (NFL) as a metaphor, because a lot of people understand that sort of fandom, even from their fathers, and it's not regarded as a loser geek interest.

    Having your favorite team go out of business would break many fans' hearts -- people have resented for decades teams that merely moved to other cities. But that would be analogous to COH closing down one's favorite server.

    Losing the entire game is like having all of professional football end. Forever. As in, "you never get to see it again."

    "But there are other games out there!" = "There are other sports out there!" = "Try watching curling. Or shuffleboard."

    "What about those other superhero games?" = "What about Arena football?" = Not even remotely the same thing.
  6. Whatever this means, I was able to buy a piece of rare salvage that normally goes for 1.5-2 million for 120,000 last night (I think it was a Deific Weapon?). And I bought a Mastermind ATO (the +defense global) for 100,000.

    But certainly not all prices had crashed. I wanted a Reactive Gas (and my team was waiting on me) so I paid full price, 2 million, after some unsuccessful bid creeping.
  7. Happened to be standing around Atlas on Justice when you showed up asking for a fly-away shot, Samuraiko. I might even have made it into the shot; I was on The Rainy Knight.

    Thanks again for what you've done for the community.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kokuryu_EU View Post
    Are Brutes welcome on the Tanker Tuesdays?
    Well, there's Brutal Mondays. :P

    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    I've been sick at heart throughout the last weekend over the announcement.
    "Sick at heart" captures the feeling aptly.

    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    The world may die. We will be the ones left standing to see it end.
    I foresee there will be others standing with us.

    But we will be standing in front.
  9. Sailboat

    False Hope

    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    getting another company to try and buy the game, there is no sensible business person that would do so. It simply does not make financial sense.
    Talk about false. This game was making money, not losing money. Making money makes financial sense.
  10. Can't quite see what I'm typing. Must be all this damned pixie dust.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
    No better time to bump this thread than now I suppose. Those with FB access should check out my gallery I've been setting up for my characters and the game in general. I plan on also archiving more key points of the game from multiple task forces and arcs and such when I get the time.

    Heh. Let me guess, everyone agreed to hold up a torch? And there's that one British guy....
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Dude, if this game's going down, I'm going out mid-Hamidon raid.
    For me, the perfect ending instant would be as my beloved MA/SR Scrapper rises into the air for one last titanic Eagle's Claw kick -- she'd rise up, foot poised to deliver the hurt, and everything would go dark, leaving her in that interminable instant just before glory.
  13. Sailboat

    Some Ideas.....

    Here's another thing you can do.

    In case no one has heard -- and I wouldn't be surprised, the forums are understandably insane right now, and I find myself a bit numb -- the Titan Network people (the folks who have done SO MUCH for all of us, for years, for free, with planners and badge-trackers and everything) are gearing up for a longshot stab at saving the game.

    See Meanwhile, in the Halls of Titan. Also, if you haven't already got a forum ID on the Titan Network Forums, go there and set one up. Give TonyV and his crew all the support you feel able to provide. I'm sure they'll need volunteers and money, but I think first and foremost they'll need some kind of show of support.

    We've needed them for years, and Mot knows we need somebody now. But the Titans need us too -- they need to know we care, that lots of us are motivated to help them dare this feat, or it's not worth even starting.

    I'm sure at some point there will be a way set up to send actual financial support, although I don't know of one yet. But it's just as important, even if you can't send money, to lend psychological support for this project.

    So please, make a Titan forum ID, make a post here and on the Titan forums, send a PM, something.
  14. I read it. It sucks to lose a game, but it sucks a lot more to lose a dog.

    But we never really lose the people and animals we love...maybe the games too. They change us a little bit, and we go forward into the rest of our lives as the synthesis of what we were, and what we loved. In that sense they will be with us, because we are different for having known them.
  15. Sailboat

    I am crying.

    Hey! Three day weekend! Early release from work! Home, chores, play with the dogs, and then to PARAGON!

    Wait...what's this?

    No, I am not crying. I'm a middle-aged man with a security clearance. I'll get over this trifle.

    I'm not crying, not at all.

    But I hope my wife doesn't open the door for a while. know.

    Not that I'm crying, or anything.
  16. Normally this wouldn't be a cool screenshot. Tonight, of all nights, I think it counts.

  17. Sailboat

    To all of you...

    So there you go. Fine. Be that way. In this crazy, sometimes neurotic family, you were the unflappably nice one. But now you're gone, like all the rest. With that stupid, unbelievably awesome hat.
  18. Sailboat

    The torch

    Tonight I dug out my first hero. Not played in a long time. His build is terrible. His costume is old-school.

    And while Broadcast filled with a thousand voices, everyone reacting in their way, and Atlas filled with a hundred protest signs, I took to the sky.

    Because flight was the first power that was unquestionably SUPER, after so many years on the ground in so many games.

    And I flew to the place you know I had to go -- the Atlas globe.

    And there he stands, even now. Holding up -- not a protest sign -- but a torch.

  19. We go down fighting. We always have.
  20. Sailboat

    Sign it

    [what I said:]

    Baffled. I just bought another YEAR'S subscription at the end of June. I Just bought a chunk of points. A lot of my friends have come BACK to the game, and most of them have RE-subscribed. Have we not thrown money at NCSoft for years? Has there not been buzz and new excitement since Freedom's launch?

    I know nothing lasts forever, but forever is a long way away. Evil is afoot, there are a thousand thousand more adventures before us. What can we do to persuade you, NCSoft? ONLY YOU can save us now! For nearly a decade you have let us pretend to be heroes, and it was great. Can you find it in your corporate heart to be, at last, yourself a hero?
  21. Personally I really like Agility for /Shield. Recharge, defense and some more endurance generation? Sign me up.
  22. Sorry, I didn't mean "linked alts," which I'm not especially interested in; I meant whatever a "savage" powerset might be that would presumably be appropriate for the sort of characters who are now Claws.

    I've long hoped for a "Bite" powerset of some kind. I know the game engine won't allow us to hold a target in our teeth or anything, but lunging and biting motions that do not quite connect are no weirder than claws and swords that do not quite connect. So I was sort of excited by the possibility that this unknown "savage" set might be a "bite" set.