Lets be Optimistic!




Here is some good news..

[Admin] Alpha Wolf: Sorry guys but I don't have any new update. I know Paragon management is having discussion with ncsoft and investors. Continue get people to sign online petitions, post on game forums, and just continue to make noises so ncsoft cannot ignore players.
Its listed on this post
Also here is a CNN report of this game

From what I understand @Fanny also has a twitter page that they are maintaining called @SaveCoX

Some people say online petitions don't work.. well let me give you a time just this year were it did work..
EQmac was saved earlier in the year.
There looked no hope for its survival, then 2 weeks later Smedley changed his mind, even after posting a letter to the community after receiving tonnes of feedback to save it, to explain why it had to close.

27th Jan 2012: The closure announcement

31st Jan 2012: John Smedleys letter to the community,
with him saying a bunch of reasons for its closure and that he is a MAC fan, it showed no hope of the closure being aborted

But then, 2 weeks later he changed his mind:
Some games can not be saved though, but always worth a try for a while.
There is no definate plan for closure on this yet. and details are pending, so they could be testing the water - see how much of a reaction to the close it will get, if it is huge enough and more than they thought, they may change their mind. Say nothing as you think nothing will save it, then the game is dead for sure.

This petition for coh already has over 14,000+ signatures..

Don't give up just yet, lets stop the goodbye threads for now,.. because there is still hope.. and we seem to have been getting some attention based on the quote above.

I urge everyone to read what the good folks at Titan Network are doing and read on how this wonderfull community is coming together to save their city.

Contribute, spread the word, help if you can.

When united we can over come anything. Lets be vocal, lets be heard! Justice is ours! United we stand!

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For the CNN ireport Please please scroll to the bottom and sign up and vote this should be on CNN there are thousands of views but only 384 recommendations we need something like 2000 before a CNN producer will look at it.

Please go back and recommend it if you haven't.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Twelve THOUSAND, not just 1200+.
Thank you typo corrected!! States 14000 now according to this article

Thanks for that update ...I'll make sure to do that

Here is a site that has all the articles that have reported this game shutting down and what the player community is doing about it.. (50+ so far)

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