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I agree that only a small percentage of the player population actually has the time and money to soft cap defense on a resistance-based toon or a Blaster. However, it's still possible to do this. I'm mainly still playing my level 50 Elec Armor Tank because I'm still working on soft-capping his defense.
If we're looking at just survivability here, resistance-based toon still has a much higher potential than defense-based toon mainly because of the possibilty to soft-cap defense. -
Quote:I agree with Shields being good, but that's because Shields pretty much have a little bit of everything, it's not purely defense.Shields and SR are still two of the best secondary in the game for Scrappers. Yes other can build good +def but I don't think they can soft capped all 3 defense like Shields and SR can and still have room to put lots of Recharge and +regen in your build.
However, let's talk about a pure defense-based armor set, Super Reflex. It requires you to take pretty much all 9 powers, it has no self heal, no +regen, no utility powers, just a +20% recharge power. It's pretty much just soft-cap defense...that pretty much anyone can reach with IO's.
My MAIN point is that it just doesn't make sense for armor sets that are specifically built for defense to simply be matched by other power sets that aren't even meant for defense, along with other archetypes that were not meant to have that much survivability.
I'm sure when the Devs created Blasters, they did not meant for it to have as much defense as a defense-based Tank...and yes, many Blasters do build for defense soft-cap now. -
Ok, well not useless but just simply doesn't benefit much from IO bonuses. When people go for IO bonuses, it's usually either for more global +recharge or more positional defense and maybe +regen.
This topic is more related toward toons with Armor either for primary or secondary, such as Tankers and Scrappers.
Resistance-based armors can utilize bonuses from IO's to reach the defense soft-cap. This pretty much gives them 2 layers of protection. However, defense-based armors can't get a soft-cap for resistance.
I don't know about you, but that seems blatantly unfair. An entire power set, dedicated to to defense can be matched by another power set that's not even intended for defense in the first place? Something's wrong with that. As far as I know, any resistance-based armor can reach the defense soft-cap with IO's. What about defense-based armor? They can't reach the resistance soft-cap with IO's.
Oh, but it doesn't end there. Even Blasters and other archetypes without an armor set can reach the defense soft cap as well.
Pretty much in my eyes, defensive-based toons are great...they just aren't that great anymore ever since IO's and set bonuses came out. -
Quote:Thank you! This is what I was looking for.About this, it's a non-issue. Yes, AVs have a final chance to hit of 75%, which use to be a problem without overkill defense levels. However since the defense changes a while back they have 50% chance to hit, and a 1.5 Acc modifier instead of a 75% to-hit with 1.0 acc modifier. If your at the soft cap (45% defense) the AV only has a 7.5% chance to hit you.
Quote:So AV's don't have as high of a base accuracy/tohit as I think they would then? I'm just afraid that their tohit maybe so high that my defense would become useless. Even if I have +regen and Hoarfrost, it's not going to be enough if an AV hits me 3 times in a row.I've never had problems tanking AVs with my Ice/SS/Pyre, and I'm running without Fighting pool. Hibernate, Hoarfrost and +regen set bonuses supply me with enough damage recovery to get through anything that doesn't have a lot of +ToHit. -Def isn't a problem because in bigger spawns I usually have around 55% Defense thanks to Energy Absorption.
For example, if I engage an AV at 100% of my HP and it hits me twice, I click Hoarfrost and it hits me 4 more times, I click Hibernate. Once I get out of Hibernate, it'll hit me 4 more times and I'll be in the red with no other powers up in time for me to use again...
Again, do AV's really not have that great of a base tohit/accuracy compared to other normal mobs?
Is GR going to add Darkness Mastery for Tanks or something? Darkest Night would be extremely awesome with its -dmg and -tohit on top of an Ice Tank's defense... -
I've been wanting to roll an Ice Tank for the longest time. They seem to be amazing tankers in the upper levels, survivability as well as holding aggro.
Only problem is, what am I suppose to do when I'm tanking AV's? Don't AV's have pretty high base tohit and/or accuracy?
If so, AV's are bound to land several hits on me...and I wont have any resistance at all to withstand it. Sure, Chilling Embrace offers that -14% damage debuff, but that's all I have for mitigation besides my defense and the occasional Hoarfrost. I'm thinking it's going to take a good 50%-75% of my HP per hit from an AV.
I was thinking of going with an Ice/Dark tank, since Dark Melee seems to be the only secondary that has some form of mitigation against AV's, mainly the -tohit debuffs. I was just hoping that stacking -tohit debuffs along with my own defense would help me survive and that Siphon Life would be a nice 20% heal whenever Hoarfrost is down. Is there a better secondary for me to go with besides this?
Edit: Just another question. If Chilling Embrace debuffs a critter's damage by 14%, how does this stack or not stack with your own resistance? For example, if a critter does 100 damage, then Chilling Embrace would cause it to deal 86 damage instead. However, if I have resistance against the critter's damage-type, would my resistance kick in base on the critter's base damage of 100 or would it kick in after Chilling Embrace's damage debuff, which would mean that it'll work off the 86 damage instead of 100 damage. -
If you're talking about pressing a single key to switch form as well as switching your power trays accordingly to the forms then I think I can help you with that. Let me know if this is in fact what you're asking because it seems to me like you're asking for something else.
Quote:Yes, I did try it on a dead teammate. The only reason I want to bind the power is because I put it on the far end of my power tray, because I rarely use it, and leave room for powers that I regularly use in the front. Sometimes, when someone dies, it would just be easier to hit a bind than reach all the way over and click the darn power.Are you currently targetting a dead teammate before you press the "r" button?
Resurrect won't work, or fire off, unless you are either 1) already targetting a dead teammate or 2) have nothing targetted and have a dead teammate in visible range AND attempt to activate the power twice.
I've never bothered to bind Resurrect itself to a key shortcut (it just doesn't get used enough to warrant it), but the same thing happens with the various other teammate-only powers like speed boost, clear mind, etc. -
I tried to /bind r "powexecname resurrect" on my empathy defender and it just doesn't work.
I've also tried /bind r "powexecname empathy.resurrect" as well as /bind r "powexecname defender.resurrect" and /bind r "powexecname resurrect.omgWORK!!" and it still wont work!
Also, I've checked all the aforementioned power names by just putting them inside squared brackets, such as [empathy.resurrect] and it's a valid command, so I don't see why moving that to a bind didn't work. -
Quote:Big deal. If the name's not locked, just use it. It's NCSoft's job to block trademark names, if they miss one, that's their fault. It's not the players' job to worry about these things. If NCSoft doesn't want to violate some copyrights law, they should make an effort to block all copyrighted names.A friend of mine, who has written books, was thinking about playing a character from one of those books in CoH.
The ToS appear to prohibit the use of characters-which-are-owned. Does that apply even if you're the owner, or have the owner's written permission?
I doubt it's a well-known character anyhow so there's no way in hell NCSoft would know. -
Quote:Oh yea! Gotta catch'em ALL!!So what type of damage would water do? All smashing? To be realistic another damage type would have to be put into the game. Water vs Fire one would think would do much better than Cold vs Fire. And elec vs water would be better than elec vs cold. And then psychic would do double damage to poison and fighting but be weak vs bug........
I'll suggest Fire/Shield but you will have an endurance problem unless you go Body Mastery. You'll need 2 reliable AoE powers if you want to effectively farm with a Scrapper. That being said, you're pretty much forced to go for Fireball and wont be able to go Body Mastery...unless you can somehow get your FSC's recharge down a lot with global recharge bonuses.
Personally, I would recommend trying Spines, since you don't have a Spines Scrapper yet. If anything, Spines is pretty well-rounded, decent single-target dps as well as AoE. Spines also offer 2 AoE's so you don't necessarily have to get Fireball, which means you can go with Body Mastery to help with the endurance problem. -
Honestly, I don't see what's so bad about MA's damage at all...the only thing is that its AoE sucks. As for single-target damage, it's pretty much just below Fiery Melee. It's definitely better than Katana and Broadsword since it's Smash and not Lethal damage. MA also crits a lot more often for me as well.
Got it, thanks!
Edit: Also, once Going Rogue comes out, do you need to already have CoH/CoV or does GR comes with everything? -
I have a friend that wants to try CoH/CoV out and she's wondering if the 14 days trial include both access to CoH AND CoV or just one of the two. Does anyone know?
I wish you could tell how many people are on a server as well as how many are currently online on a server. I'm thinking it's a fairly simple process to add to the home page of coh.com
This way, everyone can just look at it and find out how many people are currently on out of the total population for that server. -
Quote:Seems like water physics is what's holding them back. Not only does it have to look realistic, it's gotta move and behave like water as well. Most powers, if not all powers, in CoH/CoV "disappears" after they come into contact with the intended target. For example, rad blast just gets absorbed when it hits an intended target. Depending on what water hits, it will behave differently. Then again, a lot of powers have horrible physics in CoH/CoV...There's also reflection to worry about on top of water physics.Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added...
I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example).
I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play.
It's just not a superhero world w/o water control!
I'm guessing the devs just don't want to implement this power on the current engine, since it would look pretty lame and they're bound to get complaints from players for putting out something as unpolished as this. -
I've always been curious about these "Clues" that you can find while doing missions from contacts but never remember to ask about it. Certain missions require you to actually find these clues in order to complete the mission.
However, there are several missions where you can complete the mission and exit it via the blue "Exit" button. I've stayed back on one of these missions after the mission completed, just to kill off a couple more mobs since I was very close to leveling. To my surprise I found a "blinky" and decided to click on it and received the "Clues Found!" message.
What I'm asking here is...do these clues actually affect your mission arcs somehow? Does it give you access to different missions from the same contact that would otherwise not show up if you didn't find the clue? I sure as heck have clicked the exit button many times right when the mission finishes without bother searching any further for clues...have I been missing out on these missions? -
Quote:It's NCSoft. They'll come knocking on your door if they need these kind of information. Also, wasn't there a thread posted by a Moderator saying that they'll NEVER ask you these kind of info?I understand security but I was logged in on my account when I filed petition,I thought they werent supposed to be asking some of these questions.
Just curious I suppose and it does say from:NCsoft Support <support@ncsoft.com> ,so is this legit? Haven't tried the phone # probably won't either as I can login the game just fine now.
If you're able to log into the game now, I wouldn't bother with any of these things. If you're still curious, you can always copy this e-mail and send it to support yourself and ask them if it's legit..or go to the knowledge base on ncsoft.com. -
Quote:Health and Stamina will help out A LOT on any melee archetypes. That being said, you don't necessarily need Health and Stamina on a Willpower toon simply because Willpower's got its own "Health" and "Stamina" powers that are superior to those in the Fitness Pool. Willpower does not need a self heal either, although it's still nice to have. Personally, I took Health and Stamina and did not bother to take a self heal; I just use a Respite or the likes when I need to heal, which is rarely.I have played mostly invul scrappers and blasters of many types. But I am looking at making a Dual Blade/ Willpower scrapper. I have searched through about 25 pages of the forums and can't find what I am looking for. Does willpower need health and stamina with fast healing and quick recovering?
I agree, my Warshade was pretty fun to level with all the helpful binds and double Mire's :]. I would definitely make a WS if I didn't have one already.
I'm leaning heavily on the Ill/Rad side right now. I don't have any Illusion toons and I don't have any Radiation toons. After reading the Ill/Rad guy by Local_Man, I really want to make one now :] -
I only did that because it would help me in deciding which toon to make. If I get 2-3 favorite toons from each person, then that would make it that much harder for me to decide. I know it's hard for some people to pick just one.