Can't seem to bind Resurrect




I tried to /bind r "powexecname resurrect" on my empathy defender and it just doesn't work.
I've also tried /bind r "powexecname empathy.resurrect" as well as /bind r "powexecname defender.resurrect" and /bind r "powexecname resurrect.omgWORK!!" and it still wont work!

Also, I've checked all the aforementioned power names by just putting them inside squared brackets, such as [empathy.resurrect] and it's a valid command, so I don't see why moving that to a bind didn't work.



Are you currently targetting a dead teammate before you press the "r" button?

Resurrect won't work, or fire off, unless you are either 1) already targetting a dead teammate or 2) have nothing targetted and have a dead teammate in visible range AND attempt to activate the power twice.

EDIT: and I'm not really 100% sure about #2 in regards to resurrect, but other powers "auto-target" that way, so I assume resurrect does too.

I've never bothered to bind Resurrect itself to a key shortcut (it just doesn't get used enough to warrant it), but the same thing happens with the various other teammate-only powers like speed boost, clear mind, etc.

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Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
Are you currently targetting a dead teammate before you press the "r" button?

Resurrect won't work, or fire off, unless you are either 1) already targetting a dead teammate or 2) have nothing targetted and have a dead teammate in visible range AND attempt to activate the power twice.

I've never bothered to bind Resurrect itself to a key shortcut (it just doesn't get used enough to warrant it), but the same thing happens with the various other teammate-only powers like speed boost, clear mind, etc.
Yes, I did try it on a dead teammate. The only reason I want to bind the power is because I put it on the far end of my power tray, because I rarely use it, and leave room for powers that I regularly use in the front. Sometimes, when someone dies, it would just be easier to hit a bind than reach all the way over and click the darn power.



Yup, untargeted dead ally was my first guess, too.

Try: /bind r "powexecname resurrect$$target_custom_next defeated" and mash it a few times near a dead ally.

(does targetcustomnext allow multiple parameters? if so, change it to 'friend defeated')

Also, what error message comes up when you hit the bind? What does the combat log say, if anything?

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/bind R PowExecName Resurrect should work, that's what I have as my bind (except for the choice of key). It will also auto target any dead character (teammate or otherwise), though it will take a second press of the key to activate the power.

Try using /ShowBind R to verify exactly what is ending up in the bind. My most common mistake is to type PowerExecName instead of PowExecName.

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Along these lines can I bind two powers to go off consecutively? I'd like to be able to hit Fallout on a fallen teammate, and then Rez.
Sort of

You can use a rotating bind to accomplish this, by creating bind files and using /bindloadfilesilent in your binds

For example:

numpad0 powexecname fallout$$bindloadfilesilent rez.txt
numpad0 powexecname mutation$$bindloadfilesilent explode.txt

You might also try this variation with vengeance:

numpad0 powexecname fallout$$bindloadfilesilent venge.txt
numpad0 powexecname vengeance$$bindloadfilesilent rez.txt
numpad0 powexecname mutation$$bindloadfilesilent explode.txt

Note that bindloadfilesilent can cause a crash (or did they fix that) if you don't target the files correctly, and it helps to have a reset key for such rotating binds (such as /bind decimal "bindloadfilesilent explode.txt")



And to add to the above, if you use the rotating bind files method, you have to press the bound key again for each power.

press - vengence / load fallout bind
press - fallout / load resurrect bind
press - resurrect / load vengence bind

You can't (without 3rd party intervention) make multiple click powers work off of one button press.

You also can't turn on multiple toggles with one button press, although you can turn off as many as you want with a single press.

This is the Devs method of trying to prevent Bot characters.

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Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
/bind R PowExecName Resurrect should work, that's what I have as my bind (except for the choice of key). It will also auto target any dead character (teammate or otherwise), though it will take a second press of the key to activate the power.

Try using /ShowBind R to verify exactly what is ending up in the bind. My most common mistake is to type PowerExecName instead of PowExecName.
hrrmm I've always enclosed the powexecname in quotes eg /bind R "PowExecName Resurrect".

Are the quotes as necessary as the doing the _ (eg pow_exec_nam_e)?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
hrrmm I've always enclosed the powexecname in quotes eg /bind R "PowExecName Resurrect".

Are the quotes as necessary as the doing the _ (eg pow_exec_nam_e)?
Quotes are not necessary for a single command. When you add the double dollar signs ($$) to separate two commands, then you need to enclose the whole thing in quotes. For example, /bind R "PowExecName Resurrect$$L Get up you lazy bum!" would require quotes. Underscores and capitalization make no difference either way. They can make it easier to read, which is why I usually try and use caps (to avoid my previously mentioned common mistake of using PowerExecName instead of PowExecName). Underscores will extend the size of the bind and some of mine are too close to the maximum length as it is, so I usually don't use them.

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post

Now to figure out the binds for a WS, and toggling binds along with the different forms.
If you're talking about pressing a single key to switch form as well as switching your power trays accordingly to the forms then I think I can help you with that. Let me know if this is in fact what you're asking because it seems to me like you're asking for something else.



Originally Posted by SPiNE View Post
If you're talking about pressing a single key to switch form as well as switching your power trays accordingly to the forms then I think I can help you with that. Let me know if this is in fact what you're asking because it seems to me like you're asking for something else.
Nope, you got it. Switching forms and re-binding the numpad to the proper forms powers.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Nope, you got it. Switching forms and re-binding the numpad to the proper forms powers.
Technically, you don't really have to re-bind the keys. You can bind each key to 3 powers, and it'll automatically use the power for the form you are in.

For Example:
/bind Numpad1 "powexecname Gleaming Bolt$$powexecname Bright Nova Blast$$powexecname White Dwarf Smite"

That automatically sets up Numpad1 to use each power depending on which form you are in. If you are in Nova form, the other two powers are invalid, so the other two commands are basically ignored/bypassed. (This type of thing will only work reliably if there is only one valid power in the chain when the key is pressed. You wouldn't be able to string 3 human powers in a row and expect each of them to go off. You'd have to use rotating binds as descried above. However, you can string together several powexectoggleon commands to one key and press the key repeatedly to activate each one.)

Anyway, it wouldn't be really hard to set up the type of thing you are looking for as well. You'd just need a few bind files.

Without going into too much detail or focusing on which power is ideal for each key, an example of one of the files would be..
Numpad0 "powexecname White Dwarf Step"
Numpad1 "powexecname White Dwarf Antagonize"
Numpad2 "powexecname White Dwarf Flare"
Numpad3 "powexecname White Dwarf Smite"
Numpad4 "powexecname White Dwarf Strike"
Numpad5 "powexecname White Dwarf Sublimation"

An example of your standard 3 shapeshifting binds could be:

/bind Numpad7 "bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\numpadhuman.txt$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 1"

/bind Numpad8 "bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\numpaddwarf.txt$$powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 8"

/bind Numpad9 "bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\numpadnova.txt$$powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 9"

That's assuming that you place your Dwarf powers on tray 8, and your Nova powers on tray 9 as well. Pressing Numpad7 would turn off either of the other forms you might be in and reset the numpad back to Human Form. Numpad8 activates Dwarf form and it's binds. Numpad9 activates Nova form and it's binds. Make sure to create all 3 files with the inds you want for each form.

Again, this is just a basic layout of what the binds and one of the files would look like. You'd have to decide which powers you want on each key and make the proper files and adjustments accordingly.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Hmm, thanks for the pointers Korith. Perhaps it would just be easier to have a different key bound for each power. I am far from understanding bind files. <.<

So if I wanted to bind the numpad 0 for Fallout and numpad 1 for Rez?

/bind numpad0 powexecname fallout

/bind numpad1 powexecname mutation

Correct, but you could also do:

/bind numpad0 powexecname fallout

/bind shift+numpad0 powexecname mutation

This way you can instantly choose which you use by pressing/not pressing the shift key.

Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
hrrmm I've always enclosed the powexecname in quotes eg /bind R "PowExecName Resurrect".

Are the quotes as necessary as the doing the _ (eg pow_exec_nam_e)?
The quotes are sometimes needed (all the time with multiple commands), but most of the time they aren't.

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