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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    You could give him a job on the vfx team, and then we all win.
    Oh man, if only. I'm happy at my art director job, but that would be too tempting to decline.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space?
    I believe the approach that will be better for the JLA movie would be to reverse the formula that Avengers used. Make the ensemble movie first, then make individual spin-offs. There's obviously no way they can combine what's been done before without really killing the immersion of the film.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Wait... maybe that wasn't dirty after all? I think it's official now, my mind is in the gutter.
    Sounds like the internet has ruined you. We have a support group that meets on Tuesdays for that.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    We need a cameo by the Hemp Knight and Chronic in there as well!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    Wow, I don't have an adequate amount of internets to award you for that Rylas.

    Make that image a reality, and we'll all be rewarded.

    But only if the T9 has flying ocelots that shoot bees out of their mouths.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    All nukes. Ranged Blast is a classification of power set like: Fire Blast, Ice Blast, Assault Rifle and Ocelot Blast.

    Oops, there I go again spilling the beans.
    Too late! My sleuthing skills found this little tid bit on the internet. If you ask me, ocelot of power for one blast set.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    OP: Slot Siphon Life as an attack, not as a heal, and you'll see a big difference in how much ST damage you can do.
    I thought I saw in the forums once, or maybe I made a build, that frankenslotted SL to get a lot of damage and some added healing. When I get home this evening, I'll dig around for it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    Travel powers will have a minimal VFX option. Also, I am glad you brought it up. All powers will also have an onion ring option, because onion rings are delicious.

    NOTE: Only one of the two things mentioned above is true. Can you guess which one it is? :P

    FINALLY! I can create my fast-food themed character! It will have to be something with Sonic buffs, because Sonic has the best O-rings ever. This is indisputable.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angel_Heart View Post
    For Chilling Embrace I do agree that they don't like to group up as fast as I'd like so I could steel the slots from there. The main Reason for slotting permafrost was only for the defense to Fire/cold and Aoe set bonus, unless you don't think I really need it?
    You should only ever slot for Typed defense or Positional. Never chase both. The reason for this being is that attacks will only check to your highest defense. So let's say an enemy attacks you with something that is tagged for Smash, Fire and AoE. Your S/L defense would be your highest defense that relates to that attack, so your extremely small F/C and AoE defense wouldn't matter.

    As for slotting Chilling Embrace, if you have room for a second slot on it, make it the Impeded Swiftness damage proc. Now you have two damage auras! Or, just one slot it with that. Do you really need an end reduction in it? You have EA and plenty of recharge bonuses to make that a non-issue.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smoque View Post
    Hey guys, I'm looking for a secondary to pair with TW. I know some people have paired it with Elec, Fire, and WP. I have a Staff/Elec, a SS/Fire, and a SS/WP so I'm not looking to re-roll those secondaries. I'm looking for something that can handle a lot of aggro since TW has many AoE powers. I'm going to be doing a lot of herding. I'm not looking to farm with this toon but I will run countless iTrials. I've that TW is end heavy so I'm going to need a secondary that's light on endurance. I'm not a big spender so 500 mil is about the highest i will spend to IO this toon with.

    Thanks for your answers and suggestions
    Be patient and wait for Bio. Build for recharge (use some A-merits for LotG's) and some +HP. I think if you're trying to keep it cheap, chasing defense numbers will be out, but with 60% global recharge and some added HP, you'll be doing pretty good. Again, A-Merits will keep that cost down and if you wait for Bio to come out, you'll have some time to save up 10 of them. Get five +5 recharge sets, that won't cost too much either.
  11. The first rule about Fight Club...

    That rug really tied the room together, Dude...

    Einhorn is Finkle...

    But father, I don't want to marry her...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    hitting 50 in a day hardly constitutes "burning through all the content".

    And with an endgame in place, what do they care how fast you hit 50?
    Within reason, anyway- I'm sure they'd prefer people to level like me and cruise along through the content instead of blasting to the cap, but it isn't the disaster it would have been in years gone by.

    Leveling is just one part of the experience, these days.
    Agreed. If you're leveling at 4x the speed, you can't possibly play "all the content." And with as much as the boosters in question cost, I doubt they mind if people paying that money hit 50 really fast.

    Also, there are still Double XP boosters out there that haven't been used, and it's been confirmed that they will indeed give "Quad XP". I doubt they'd tell us about that if they had a problem with people doing it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Do you mean these?
    Nope. Those are just the normal xp boosters. The 25% ones. They have 100% and 50% XP boosters they could bring out. Giving players the potential for 300-400% XP.

    I'd imagine people with money to spend would jump all over that.
  14. What!? You didn't dust off the Double XP Boosters or at least the Shared XP Boosters!? You guys are missing out on a gold mine opportunity here! I would have bought those up like crazy for double xp weekend!

    I don't expect grandness every week, but your marketing team could maximize money making opportunities a little more.
  15. I know the thread is a bit stale, but I've also recently resurrected my Elec/Earth/Ice dom and given him perma-hasten/dom.

    I was wondering, would it be more beneficial to have Hoarfrost perma and run around with 1500 HP, or have Frozen Armor and half the time be at 33% S/L defense? I'm thinking Hoarfrost, but I thought I'd get some input before finalizing the build.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Is it really that scary?
    Scary? No. Pee in your pants exciting? Yes.
  17. Rylas

    I24 Preview!

    Er Mah Gerd!

    Curstermized Perl Perwers!!

    [edit] In my defense, I did post it in a more appropriate section.


  19. ...and I now have to find a change of pants.
  20. Rylas

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    "J mistook someone talking about taunt the power for taunt the effect", then go right ahead.
    I don't think that's the case. See my highlight above, he's clearly pointed to two different taunt powers, claiming that both are AoE for tankers only.

  21. Rylas

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    Really? Hm... I'd like to see that math. Can you show me an example. Now you've got me curious.
    The only thing I can think of is he has to be talking about ATOs. 10% S/L defense from 4 slots (2 already come with the powers you slotted in) is a pretty nice step up. But in a straight up SO situation (which he claims is his perspective), this is just plain silly to say.
  22. Rylas

    Tanks vs Brutes

    I have to side with Siolfir on this.

    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    No, it doesn't see above...Brute taunt is not an AoE and tanker taunt is...brutes, like tanks, can taunt per attack...but it is also not an AoE.
    It looks to me like two different Taunts are being referred to (see highlight). And both are being stated as not AoE abilities. He is also responding directly to someone saying "Taunt the power".

    So Siolfir has the right interpretation from what's literally being said and implied. Though I will agree; Siolfir, you could be a little less condescending.
  23. Or at least make it a costume bundle on the Paragon Market that only T9's can access.

    Also, I'd be totally down for power sets being T9 rewards. Even if they cost 2-3 tokens a piece. It would be nice if some of these new sets could be "free" for T9 vets who have the tokens saved up.
  24. So yeeeeaah.... any chance on some Double XP boosters going on sale next week?

    I mean, NC Soft is in the business of making mad money, right?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cloud99 View Post
    That would be quite enjoyable, Alpha. I thought someone tried this though before, and XP Boosters during Double XP weekend now work as if you were in an AE mission. Namely, they are ignored.

    Or am I just crazy and should just focus on working right now?
    Well, I'm not sure when they tried this, but the last Double XP weekend allowed boosters to stack (devs even stated as much in the forums). So unless word has come out from the devs that it will be changed, we don't have a lot of reason to assume it won't.