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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baler View Post
    Pretty sure the 99 zombie counter doesn't start until you talk to Doc Kane for the final time.
    Absolutely true. If you start killing them in the graveyard and then talk to the Doctor then when the counter appears for a very brief second it will look as if the zombies you've done count, but it drops almost immediately. This is because the 'Kill 99 & the Abomination' badge is on a 12 minute timer. Nothing you kill before the timer counts.

    To the OP, I don't believe you rage quit. Rage quitting would have involved shouting at him first and calling him names. He sort of 'rage stayed', you just quit in order to get more quickly to a team that was going to succeed.
  2. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

    If the name you are choosing to use is one you have from a character that already exists, then you risk having it banned. It's really that simple.

    Did you get the name from a comedy sketch show? It is the intellectual property of someone else. Did you get the name from a webcomic? It is the intellectual property of someone else.

    Will it get generic'd? Who knows? Honestly, I watched Chapelle and I didn't think 'Buck Nasty' was that big a deal. The iconic names like Superman, Hulk and The Tick are all easily identified, the more obscure names are really not at issue. I've had a character named Zot since the first year. There is a comic character with the name Zot, but it in no way resembles mine and I've never worried for an instant that it might get generic'd. But then I did not give the character that name because of the comic character.

    So if you're picking the name just because you saw it in a comic or on tv or in some other medium, and you give it a similar look or similar powers to the source material, then you're probably going to be generic'd.

    Don't wanna get your name generic'd? Don't pick a name just because you saw it in a comic book.

    As for this....
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Thread was a week dead. Don't necro-post, please. Especially when you're not really adding anything new to the discussion. It was best off dead.
    Seriously? Get over yourself.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    ROFLMAO Pine, at my wife's suggestion I changed my global to Snarky. Just saying, don't try to out-snark me. Also, this little statement of yours shows you obviously did not read the thread, or if you did your comprehension level is near nil.
    Dude. Why the hate? He wasn't being snarky, and frankly you're not either. You're just being a 'rhymes with smoosh'

    Look at your first post in this thread. You take a long and complicated route to avoid even naming your character in the forums just in case a GM is wasting time reading every thread while looking for names to ban in the game. Your posts continue to point out how worried you are that you might get the character to level 50 and still lose the name. You continue to worry until you finally petition the GMs yourself and settle the issue.

    All of this could have been avoided if you had (a) petitioned the GMs as soon as you thought it might be a problem or (b) changed the name as soon as you thought it was a problem.

    His advice is valid, to you and to anyone else with a similar problem. If you yourself look at your own character and think "someone might report it as a violation" than maybe you'd be better off just not taking it in the first place.

    And if you do take it, go ahead an petition yourself and get it out early. Or have a fall back name ready if you reach 50 and get nerfed.
  4. I have not finished the entire arc yet, just started working for Master Midnight. (Whack Job!)

    At first I was disappointed. Another zone where villains and heroes are treated exactly the same. I would like just once to have them at least acknowledge that heroes and villains (and rogues and vigilantes) have different motivations. The Midnighters seem the perfect group to appeal to this sort of theme, but that's a rant for a different thread.

    So, at first I was some what vexed, here we were and both heroes and villains (or any flavor of alignment) are all being given the exact same mission arcs. But as it worked through, I have become much more happy with the way the story is going. It makes sense in the 'logic' of first ward, and the story line is fun enough that I really don't care that both my demonic MM and my heroic tank have the same missions.

    A few scattered thoughts...

    I want an Officer Orb as a vanity pet, but only if it will argue with an invisible Katie Douglas.

    It was very annoying that Officer Orb lost track of me any time I activated Shadowfall. None of the other NPCs in tow seemed to have the same issue.

    Maybe I missed the arc in Imperial City but I thought I had done it on my Corruptor. Anyways, does anyone know if Katie treats you differently in First Ward if you did her story arc in Imperial City? Her initial greeting seemed pretty cold for someone who was responsible for saving her from the Seer Network in the first place.

    I wish the sharks would attack. I also wish we could swim below the water surface. A sunken city that was really sunken could be cool, but water has always been neck deep in CoH so I don't see it changing any time soon.

    I didn't think there were too many ambushes. I run 0/0 because I like to solo and work the 'rp' of my character into the story arc, and most groups don't like going that slow. I never really had too much trouble defeating bosses. Some of them are kind'a chatty.
  5. Roughtrade

    Monster Hunts

    One Monster Event does not establish a trend.

    And the Pally Construction one is (in my experience) one of the harder ones to get interest in. I think it's got one of the best names but if folks are not paying attention they think you're asking to destroy an already built one, which does not get a badge.

    Anyways, the Construction event is a longer one. You don't just group up and spank a Giant Monster, you have to endure the build timer. So I have always found it more difficult to get a group together for.

    If I'm on and see it happening, I try to stop by and see if anyone wants the badge. But I'm in the minority.
  6. EDIT

    My Bad.

    Got confused with the Name Watch Thread I was reading.

  7. With all the new and returning players, maybe we could use one of these threads like everyone else has.

    Returned to name pool :

    Sister Salvation

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Actually, I posted them so people interested could contact me instead of not being able to get the name they wanted. >snip<. So mind your own business if you don't know what you're talking about.
    I know exactly what I'm talking about. It looks like you're being a Richard-Head by camping a bunch of names you have no intention of ever using.

    Why not just leave them available and then people who want them can get them.
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    >snip< instead of posting on forums they may not read >snip<
    You highlight my point quite effectively.

    IF they read the forums
    IF they check this thread
    IF they don't think you're going to make it unreasonable to get the name

    Or they could just log in and make their character and get the name they wanted without having to go through all that.

    Intentionally or not, it appears as if you and your wife used up all the slots on multiple accounts for the sole purpose of camping names you have no desire to actually use.
  9. Even though they all seemed to spawn as Longbow, any of the NPC enemies that spoke in the mission were labeled as a Circle of Thorns NPCs in the chat dialogue box.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Updated list of what the wife and I snagged up for possible use/trade. If anyone sees something they like you know where to find me

    I stopped counting at about 50 but what is that, almost 100 names? Over 100?

    Seems kind'a sad to see people doing this sort of BS.
  11. If they are watching this thread...

    I would like to transfer my 'Zot' from Liberty but it is currently unavailable on this server. What could I do to convince you to let me have the name?
  12. Was doing a 'Zombie Invasion' fight in Sharkshead on Virtue tonight. We had enough going for the highest level (Pretty sure they were called Nightmares) zombie types to show up.

    They were freak'n huge. Like as big as the AE building. I had to put on super jump in order to leap up high enough to find a place I could hit them.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
    So, why should I pick Virtue server over the other two?
    If you gotta ask, you're not good enough for Virtue. Go to one of the others.
  14. Roughtrade


    Originally Posted by Eridani View Post
    ANyone know if there are to be any server merges? I've used the LB and the server still feels dead. Just was wondering if anything had been mentioned on it?
    Can't speak for everyone, but myself and several of my friends have been playing around in the Beta test trying to get the Bughunter Badge and generally looking at new stuff.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fixer View Post
    I once had a telepathic character I tried to RP with who'd try to read random peoples minds when he was bored. Nothing more then that, he just wanted to see what they were thinking.
    This sort of player is the number one reason so many people have mental immunity shtick in place. I'd almost bet real money the guy doing the random mind ****** was a hero.

    I could play along with someone who sent me a tell saying "My psychic senses picked up a warning of danger and so I'm scanning the room for people in trouble. Are your character's thoughts troubled? Would you like to respond as my character quickly scans your mind for the danger he sensed?" That's a good way to try and drum up from quick RP from a stranger.

    On the gripping hand, if someone sent me a tell saying "My character is bored so he's reading your mind. What are you thinking?" My reply would be "My character is bored and so he walks over and strips you naked and dumps you head first into the toilet. Then he pees on you."

    Of the two actions, invading people's minds just because you're bored is far more vile and offensive.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Artificial Intel View Post
    "Hey, that's not fair!"
    "Sugar, I'm a walking, talking android who can command a small army of androids. What part of this was supposed to be fair?"
    I've always been partial to David Bowie (as The Goblin King) answer in "Labyrinth"

    "Not fair? You say that so often I wonder what your basis for comparison is."
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roughtrade View Post
    I'd have to check the old comic books but there is something nagging at me about a fight between some Pratorians and Miss Liberty. Someone who isn't coooking dinner needs to look it up.
    Internet went out for a day. Found what I was looking for.

    Shameless self promotion : Second half of a story I got published in the back up features is in this issue.

    Anyways; On page 11 some of the CoH big names get in a confrontation with some of the CoV big names. On page 16 one of them has to go to DJ Zero to get him to set them up with a fight zone. References along the way mention the Power Nullifiers that make all powers useless. Suppose ***** slapping is still possible, but no powers.

    Still looking for the back alley reference.
  18. Quote:
    Fights in the D.
    A question about the actual lore. Isn't there a body outline that the bartenders keep attributing to Backalley Brawler getting annoyned at someone? I'd have to check the old comic books but there is something nagging at me about a fight between some Pratorians and Miss Liberty. Someone who isn't coooking dinner needs to look it up.

    Not gonna "take level" into account in a fight? Okay. Either in D or out of it, I'm not gonna bother too much with talking to you. I'll buy into a 1st level who wants to 'Act Level Ten" or so. Given a good hour or two, they're gonna be level ten soon enough. But level ten to level 50? Ummm.. Just sort of breaks the versimilitude.
    Non-Existant Powers
    Totally depends on what they are. I've done it myself to do things not covered by the game powers available, like a Demoness who has the power to lie. No lie she tells is detectable as such. She tells a lie, tells the truth, both 'read' the same to anyone who has mind reading or detecting or whatever biorythem registering power someone else claims to have.

    Or my Sheild / Mace Tank that was given her weapons by Freya. She 'detects' as a true Valkyrie to anyone who can't beat the Norse goddess of magic in power. Except any other true Nordic Magic based hero who instantly can recognize her origin and will assist her in keeping her in keeping her secret unless they want to piss Freya off.

    I've also seen several people have 'shapeshifting' as a power and basically have multiple characters with similar names all RP'd as the same person with different shapes and powers.

    Psi and Stealth
    Never run into this issue with Stealth. I don't hang in D much I guess. But about Psi.

    First of all, there is no power in the game listed as "Mind Reading" so when the Psychics out there stop making up their powers under the umbrella of "It's how I RP" then I will stop making up ways to block their "RP" of "I get to know all your secrets and all your weaknesses at a glance" power.

    Seriously tho. I have some Psychic characters and some that are not Psychic. One of my Psychics is weak and not in much control and broadcasts psychic static all the time. One of my non-psychics is paranoid and has a device (stolen idea from a Keith Laumer story) that constantly broadcasts the 'hunt-kill-feed' thoughts of a rabid ferret which provides a mental field to prevent mind readers.

    Everyone else is pretty much on their own. So, much like the 'made up' power question, it depends on who and what and how it is being done.
  19. Roughtrade

    VIP server

    I just want to know when it goes live. I may or may not make characters there but with only one free transfer a month, if I do want to move one of my big guns there, I want to be sure to reserve the name for it.
  20. 2nd Imperial Defense Force Regiment
    "Give your all, and then keep giving"
    "Death is just a pit stop"
    "We're Not Dead Yet"

    "Drink Up"
    "Crazy as Can Be"
    "When Life Gives You Irradiated Water, Make Lemonade!"

    Krylov's Creations
    "When You Need an Unused Mad Scientist so Your Origin Story can be Different"

    Void Hunters
    "Saving You From Space Squids"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    It seems that when you cut-n-paste text into the game it wants to add a "random" number of hidden control characters which can potentially chop the end of your bio off.
    Are you using Notepad to write out your bio? I used to get the added 'invisible' characters too when I used other programs, but Notepad doesn't seem to have that issue for me. I might just be lucky.

    I also write smaller bios these days and usually provide a link to the Crey Threat Database or the Ouroboros Wiki for further reading. Or Virtueverse if it's on there.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    I can't tell you how many times I've seen Captain America step outside the boundaries of the law, but at the end of the day, he's still the hero.
    You can't because Cap doesn't.

    Honestly, you could have picked almost any other Marvel (or DC) Hero and had a possible point, but Cap is really one of the last ones to 'step outside the law' in the manner which you are hinting at.

    Even conceding a point that a Hero (Cap or anyone) steps outside the law... and being costumed vigilantes they all skirt it anyways... So the premise is a hero bending the law in a few places in order to catch a menace to society which is too powerful for normal human law enforcement (and this is what most super hero comic book characters are doing).

    That's our basic premise for your debate point. 'Stepping outside the boundaries of the law' in no way compares to involuntary manslaughter of over a dozen people.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
    I use Inspirations like they're candy. Crunch all you want! You'll find more!
    Ditto. With the combination / conversion thing my MM mostly spends time converting everything to blue candy to pass to pets. Everyone else uses them pretty constantly. I mean, they drop fast enough that I can usually burn three at the beginning of a fight and have a full tray again before it's over.

    On toons without much status protection, I save the Breakfrees. And I always try to have one Awaken and one Breakfree in reserve for a battlefield self-rez if things take a sudden turn south. Other than that, empty your tray if you wanna, it will fill up fast enough.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Is a mutation mutation if it's due to a science experiment?
    DC had a storyline.... Can't remember exactly when and where, it was during the time when there was like four different Legion of Super Hero books going. The Dominators invaded earth, woke up a bunch of old LSH clones.... lots of stuff happening. Anyways...

    One of the many threads in the mega plot at this time had to do with the Dominators trying to figure out why Earth had so many 'super hero' types. Through numerous experiments, the Dominators figured out that earth people had a natural genetic adaptation which caused for extreme mutation in the face of sudden extreme circumstances. In other words, put one hundred humans in the same situation where deadly chemicals are dumped on them at the same time as lightning strikes and most of them will die but some of them will spontaneously erupt with super powers. The super powers they gain will depend upon the circumstances and the personality of the individual.

    Humans all carry the genetic code which can cause the 'super change' under stress. We're natural. Sometimes the stress of puberty is enough to cause the 'super change' so we're mutants. The change most often occurs in the face of some disaster or sudden life or death situation, so we're science based accidents.... Or magic based accidents if it's a magic disaster instead of a science disaster.

    Anyways, my point remains the same. Origin in CoH is whatever you want it to be.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SirFrederick View Post
    If you're born that way but your powers aren't genetically inherited abilities, you're a Mutant. If your powers come entirely from your power suit, you're Technology. The dimension option is an interesting question... idea: if it requires input of magical energy to maintain you in this dimension, like a summoned demon or spirit, you're Magic. If you can hop from one to another and keep your abilities, you're Natural.

    If because of Darwin my evolutionary genetic code says I am supposed to sprout wings and shoot beams of fire from my eyes when I reach puberty, then it's all natural baby. If I'm smart enough to build a suit, or just lucky enough to find it and figure out how to wear it, then I'm naturally smart or naturally lucky.

    Why in the world would anyone limit themselves to a particular 'origin type' for any reason? Pick your origin because it's the one you want. Your reasons for choosing to be Mutant are just as valid as my reasons for choosing Natural, even if every other word in our 'origin story' is exactly the same.