Virtue, why should I pick you?
Because I play on it.
And if you want to be on a successful Keyes run, I'm the person to run it with.
well, We can provide everything EXCEPT the PVP. Most of the PVP zones here are pretty dead.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Encharger is here. He's awesome.

I moved to Virtue from another server quite a while ago.
Here's what I like about it:
1) A wonderful sense of community.
2) A bunch of amazingly creative and intelligent players.
3) Easy to get a team if you want to.
4) Easy to RP if you want to.
5) A generally higher level of maturity in broadcast than what I've seen elsewhere.
6) Weekly recurring costume contests by groups like American Legion, Hero Dawn and others.
7) Lots of really fun one-shot and annual events by various groups.
8) The Cape Radio
9) A serious attempt to revitalize the red-side, by a great group of players that has me paying attention.
10) Home of the MFing Warshade.
11) Home of the successful Keyes run.
And tons more.
Come on over.
Let me know when you're going to start that all Defender thing
As everyone else said, come on over!
If the times work out for you, I'm hosting a party this Friday (see my sig) on redside for RPers to get together. Hope you can make it and meet some new friends!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Virtue's great! There's the very active RP community, some fantastic events like the weekly costume contest and Cape Radio-run stuff, and a strong PvE atmosphere. Like someone already mentioned you're probably not going to see much PvP action, but it sounds like that's not part of your required experience anyway.
Also, keep in mind that if you're planning on becoming a VIP come Freedom time, you'll get that tasty free transfer a month. So if for some reason you don't like Virtue you can always head elsewhere. Though I'm betting that you will!
Welcome to Virtue.. you don't need to be crazy to play here but it helps! LOL
Okay lets get started convincing you...
If you enjoy ITrials they run constantly.. I am from the east coast (USA) but have some strange play hours.. at 3AM My time.. (if my math is right that's 9 AM where you are) I have found teams in the RWZ still forming lambdas and BAFs. At Noon my time (around 6 PM at your local) I can find a league. They run day and night so no problem there.
You enjoy events.. MOTHERSHIP raids occur here on a schedule .. every Friday evening and every Monday evening. And those are just the normal ones .. not the impromptu.. "hey let's attack the mother ship" raids. We have Hami raids that occur every weekend.. usually Blue side on Saturday and Red side on Sundays. While there is no set schedule we do have a number of Super Groups that host Cathedral of Pain trials.. watch the globals for the announcement and just show up to join.
Role play occurs almost everywhere here.. primary spot is Pocket D but you can find people rping just about any place any time and, of course, we are known as the "unofficial RP" server so its easy to find SGs that have ongoing rp.
Task Forces seem to be something you enjoy.. On weekends especially you can watch the globals and find a diverse list of them spawning even while the ITrials, Mothership raids, etc are happening. There always seems to be someone looking for a particular badge and as soon as the announce they are starting a TF seven more players alt to the character they want that on and .. poof it's off and running.
The people here are friendly and helpful.. Okay I won't lie to you and say you'll never encounter a jerk here. They are everywhere on every server I am sure but the majority of the server is friendly and helpful. We don't have ONE global channel to check for thing we have TONS...
Virtue LFG Beta .. primarily a channel for any type of teaming, including PUGS, but also a place to advertise ITrials and events.
Virtue TFs 2010 and Virtue TFs .. sister channels, the 2nd formed when #1 filled, that both advertise all things Task Force from Posi one to the Keyes Island Trial and everything in between.
Virtuebadges09 .. Umm the badge channel but we all tend to advertise Trials and TFs here as well since.. WELL they all award badges
Virtue Forever United .. a general chat channel that people use to do everything from advertise tfs, trials, and events to just chat about anything and everything.
Radio Virtue .. not affiliate with Cape radio this is a serious, LOL, chat channel and you will find the conversation ranges from what powers do to what was on TELEVISION last night. oh and from time to time they actually decide to form teams and play as well.
Now let's add in the Cape .. mainly because the last thing anyone needs is DJ Shecky getting out of his straight jacket and coming after you because you didn't mention it. Cape radio hosts parties constantly and while many originate in Pocket D they have no problem taking the show on the road to the Arena (to host a Golden Era costume contest) or Port Oakes ( for a Fashion show and costume contest put on by Rogue magazine). They even sponsor events.. DJ Postehaste has done a show while running a series of Rikti Mothership raids! The music varies from DJ to DJ but its always a lot of fun and the commercials (fake) between sets are very funny.
Let's see did I miss anything... Oh yeah we are one of the most populated servers and despite rumors we do actually PLAY the game and play it very well.
Sorry to say that PvP isn't very popular around here these days but if you hit the right time of day you can find players there.. its just not a big priority here.
Anyway That's me adding my part to sway you. Hope we see you on server soon
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
It's working, folks. I'm almost sold Moar, moar, moar!!!
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
It's working, folks. I'm almost sold
![]() |
That said, there are a lot of fun people there, and as there are also quite a few around when you will be, you won't have to worry too much about getting things done.
Everyone has made some good points, but really, it's the people. The vast majority are down to earth, good people and Rp'ers, as well as just regular players. Yeah, you can find those on other servers, Virt just has the best

Whatever you do, I hope you continue to enjoy and have fun. That's what it's about, right?
Now get to Virt, before I have to stalk you, and kill you. *smiles sweetly*
Virtue has an unending supply of nachos and Klondike Bars.
'Nuff said.
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"
Everything everyone said before....hell there is even a paladin running around with a +5 Holy Avenger....
Now let's add in the Cape .. mainly because the last thing anyone needs is DJ Shecky getting out of his straight jacket and coming after you because you didn't mention it.
![]() ![]() |
Oh, I got out of my straight Jacket a while ago. And Yes Posty does a monthly Mothership Raid on the first Sunday of the month (usually). for more info on The Cape.
Now then... *Chases Wendy*
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
Not interested in justifying servers to anyone.
But hey, thanks for post count +1
"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.
Yeah, now you're one step closer to that free yacht.
Oh, I got out of my straight Jacket a while ago. And Yes Posty does a monthly Mothership Raid on the first Sunday of the month (usually). for more info on The Cape.
Now then... *Chases Wendy* |
I did mention the fact that we are are crazy. I know I did

Reason Number B ... Virtue is the only server where you can do missions and get the special Monty Python and the Holy Grail Holy Hand Grenade Power. I have three.. now if I can just find Brother Antioch with the instructions from the Book of Armaments. LONG LONG PAUSE .. okay the servers have been down far too long I am getting goofy. ZWILLIGER FIX STUFF.. I need to get my warshade's last incarnate power to tier 3 .
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I'm in a similar boat to False really. Came from Defiant and I now have a few 50s on Freedom. It's nice and I've found some good players/friends, but there isn't really a sense of a community, and also all the very active channels there seem to be full!
Is there a main sort of community channel on Virtue?
Thanks in advance.
@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
I'm in a similar boat to False really. Came from Defiant and I now have a few 50s on Freedom. It's nice and I've found some good players/friends, but there isn't really a sense of a community, and also all the very active channels there seem to be full!
Is there a main sort of community channel on Virtue? Thanks in advance. |
VirtueUnited and Radio Virtue seem to be the 'community' channels. If you want teaming, it varies.

If you gotta ask, you're not good enough for Virtue. Go to one of the others.
I'm in a similar boat to False really. Came from Defiant and I now have a few 50s on Freedom. It's nice and I've found some good players/friends, but there isn't really a sense of a community, and also all the very active channels there seem to be full!
Is there a main sort of community channel on Virtue? Thanks in advance. |
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
'community' channel?
VirtueUnited and Radio Virtue seem to be the 'community' channels. If you want teaming, it varies. |
Always do, False

@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
I'm a returning player from Defiant. The server list merge allows me to create/tranfer some toons to more active servers and... well, obviously US servers are the way to go.
Now the only question is which server should I join. Virtue, Guardian and Freedom are the ones I'm considering. Freedom however, doesn't appeal me as much - the only reason I'm considering it is because a few buds are now playing there.
So, why should I pick Virtue server over the other two? It might help if I tell you a little bit about me.
- I do enjoy RP. I wouldn't however play solely as a RPer.
- I play mostly at weekends and evenings (note that I'm from Portugal, so my time is GMT+1).
- I like TFs. Lots of them.
- I tend to organize/join events such as all defender teams, all illusion teams, 1-of-each-AT teams and so on. This might be my fave times in CoX these days.
- Altough I never spend inf on a PvP toon/build, it would be nice to enter a PvP zone and actually see some enemies around.
- I like to get replies from my tells :P
And well, I tend to play 99% on blue side. It shouldn't matter much with GR though.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]