693 -
I don't plan on playing another MMO. This was my first and last love.
I suspect I will go to playing more board, card, and roleplaying games at this is where my interests lie these days. -
Looking forward to Johns writing Stargirl and Hawkman again.
I know we have Mind Control. I play Mind Control. What is not included in Mind Control or anywhere else is Telepathy. The closest thing we have is Confuse-type, which is not the same thing.
It is a comic book staple that is missing from the game. -
Telepathy (Professor X, Martian Manhunter). Take over an NPC and control him like a puppet.
We have a mission inside the mind of Praetorian Penelope Yin.
Reeve's Superman is pitch-perfect, brilliant, sublime, and beautiful.
I like the similar but opposite idea. I wouldn't make the the off-setting debuffs nearly as strong as the ally buffs (on teams, the buff should be the clear way to use the power), but it would be great if 1/3 of some Defenders' primaries weren't useless solo.
I don't think a mez for Clarity/Clear Mind/Enforced Morale is the way to go, but perhaps a -Perception debuff? -
If you are interested in other takes on Superman, check out Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonan, and All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly. IMO, the two best Superman stories of the last 10 years.
Y: The Last Man is great, but I think Ex Machina is even better if you enjoy Brian K. Vaughn's work. -
Good luck to you. I got a Stone/Dark Brute to 50, but it was the most miserable leveling experience I've had in this game. The end issues were infuriating.
Granted this was done mostly pre-inventions, but even spending a goodly amount of influence on a build didn't make it that much fun. She's pretty much my only 50 that I never play. -
Quote:Sure, they can just whip up some code on that.So here's a suggestion: an opt-in program allowing its participants to fill out occasional polls from within the game itself, using the same pop-ups ya'll use to give us news about current issues. Give players the ability to opt in at its launch or any time in the future through their Options menu. If you framed it in the right way, I'm sure many of the players would really love to participate and proof of their wishes would be in the pudding with all the charts and graphs you'd get out of it.
Better yet, tell your friends that if they want to be heard, they should give feedback on the forums. -
I have Taunt on all of my Tankers over level 20 (3 so far, Stone/Mace, Ice/SS, Inv/SS).
I have Confront on only 1 (out of 4) of my Scrappers.
I do not have Taunt on any (3) of my Brutes. -
Quote:It is set up in the beginning before you start Heather Townsend your goal when you ply the CoT Mage for info.Let me guess; you run through all six arcs and at the end you get "Muahahaha you did all that for your own gain!"
By the way, if you're referring to the option on how to handle Tielekku in the final mission, I don't consider that a 'villainous content' inclusion since heroes get the same choice.
But yes, I was referring to the Tielekku option -- I've only run it all the way through with one hero so far, and I don't recall getting that option. So my bad if heroes can do that as well. -
Quote:You should continue reading. It's set up pretty clearly that you're working an angle all the way through the Dark Astoria arcs.While this is mostly, true, Heather Townshend's arc for villains has a very frustrating start:
Initial contact: $Villain? What are you doing here?
-I'll be playing the role of hero today.
-Relax, I'm here to help and be good.
I immediately stopped reading after that. -
Quote:Completely agree. I'd say the Faultline arcs are along these same lines as well, especially if you consider the updated Positron Part 2 TF the "fun, fast task force" for Faultline (and I do)....I've always maintained that any future zones should follow the Rikti War Zone format. In that zone alone, you have:
1) Decent non-facepalming story arcs (great for soloists and teams alike),
2) A fun, fast Task Force (great for teams) and
3) The Mother Ship Raid (for leagues).
Quote:As for villains, agreed, we need more stories about being the bad guy and not some hired goon. D-Mac and Leonard again set the standard here. I want to see precisely no more co-op content introduced with some kind of 'heroes and villains must team up to defeat... blah blah blah' kind of baloney. Sick of it to my back teeth by now.
The end of the Dark Astoria arcs come close to this. -
Signed if Kheldians can use it in Dwarf form.
Quote:So what's the difference between a mob getting "chain-taunted" by PA as opposed to any other control?The reason stated in the chat was precisely "inmortal tanks", not damage.
The problem is not the immortality itself, but that they are damage-dealing immortal taunt machines, and the potential overpower it could bring to an already high-damage AT.
As someone else pointed out, enemies can't defeat Ice Slicks, Earthquakes, etc. Why aren't these powers a problem for Dominators? It's because of the little-to-no direct damage they cause. -
Just wanted to say that I appreciate the irony of a City of Heroes M&G at a resteraunt called Champions.
If Phantom Army has value as a "taunt control" but the damage output is problematic, could they just reduce their damage? Alternatively, have Dominators put out two phantoms instead of three, and call the power Phantom Duo?
Emmy nominations just came out:
Outstanding Drama Series
Supporting Actor (Drama): Peter Dinklage
Art Direction (Single camera): Garden of Bones, The Ghost of Harrenhal, A Man Without Honor
Casting: Nina Gold and Robert Stearne
Costumes (Series): The Prince of Winterfell
Hairstyling (Single camera): The Old Gods and the New
Non-Prosthetic Makeup (Single camera): The Old Gods and the New
Prosthetic Makeup (Series): Valar Morghulis
Sound Editing (Series): Blackwater
Sound Mixing (Series): Blackwater
Special Visual Effects: Valar Morghulis
Creative Achievement in Interactive Media: Game of Thrones Season Two – Enhanced Digital Experience
No nomination for Neil Marshall's direction for "Blackwater" or Maise Williams for Best Supporting Actress are snubs, IMO. -
The 4th book, A Feast For Crows, is a fine book, and over time has become one of my favorites.
Structurally, it is much more thematic than the previous three books, considerably more atmospheric. The third book in particular is packed to the gills with major plot-turning events; the fourth book by contrast is more about picking up the pieces and expanding the world.
The fourth book dives in-depth into several more peripheral characters and introduces several completely new locations. From a world-building standpoint, it's pretty fantastic. For readers hungry for "What Comes Next!?", it can feel slow and detatched. It's somewhat frustrating in that four key point-of-view characters from the first three books are completely absent in the fourth. Put in that context, you can probably understand why readers were upset with the time passing between book three and four, then from four to five.
As to your original question, I highly recommend starting the books from the beginning. While the HBO adaptation has been mostly awesome, the increased depth you get from the source material is staggering. Mostly you get the benefit of internal dialogue, so you get a better understanding of motivations behind decisions that the characters make.