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Oh they must!
Stalkers are the only place I see them being able to incoporate the longish animation time an amusing "Heft oversized weapon overhead... stagger back a couple steps... then rush forward and swing down or shove through..." Assasin's Strike alternate animation.
It would be a groundbreakingly hilarious option to the expected and frankly dull, I'm able to swing this rediculously oversized thing with ease, I am the master of this weapon (for whatver focused chi/psuedo science/mystic reason you wish to incert here) attack animation that we know we will see.
I will be very sad if the Heavy weapons in general do not have comedy versions of the set's attacks in general but... I mean here is the perfect spot to have something like this. Shock us all dev's and give us some Funnies!
Cheers all! -
Good heavens! I only have 5...
Match the mezes issuing forth from the Peace Bringers two powers that can mez. Stun and stun or prefereably Hold and Hold. Not the useless mixed bag of a mag 2stun and the mag 3 hold they are now.
Mac pac, Magic pack, Ninja pack for costume parts. As nice as ninja run is I do not find myself using it once I have a travel power... So for usefulness in all levels its gotta be Magic pack as its random buff don't even have a real negative once your high enough that anyone you cast on isn't going to notice the Fool's minor to hit debuff and rather enjoy it's recharge. Random "mutation" (from mutant pack) Quick Reflexes is the best random buff though.
I think...
Oh and the Vanguard freepac. They realy need to let the new folks or folks that missed this buy it with points. Nothing sells merchandise like Glowing swords. -
I'm sorry you had such a terrible time. I've been leary about even going into this one. I made barrier destiny's on all my characters to counter th insanity of the other two and over accurate mobs... Now I find out we need the Rebirth one for the silly scale of damage in this one... Well... theyre gonna take time to make.
Can the Dev's please just let us know in advance what the "This power will make this tf/trial 50%-99% more bearable" is gonna be for the next one? ;P
Trying some humor to make you feel better... Is it working? -
Happy Canada Day gang! Yhanks for making my day with the fun links.
We ran some tonight! turned in my flames of prometheous for notice of well, and that for 40 threads and squeeked out a T3 Alpha with the other goodies I got (one was a rare on 2nd trial!)
5th level 50... +1 in a single night!I had to bust my buns on the controller for 4 nights to get his first +1 and had to get it with emp merits. That was a lucky brute tonight...
Tried to make one last night but admittedly very late. Hey I only just got that ancient brute to 50... I only care about getting my T3's on everything but I'd have to say it's not gonna be easy with 50 number 5. I might have to temporaily move him.
Can I give back the greek letters for the Latest reward. I'm only 3 months behind due to my break.
"Excuse me Mr. Death Sir, I hate to bother you..."
Rest in peace oh Grand, Rumpled Detective.
PS: Also perfect as the story telling Grandad in Princess Bride. -
Concur with what Blast_Chamber said. Me I barely use a normal pencil anymore. Non-photo blue straight to black ink with white for fixes if I even bother. Sometimes just fix boo-boos in the clean up of the line art in computer.
Scan to GIMP (free art program)... make sure to personaly adjust brush 'spacing'. Be shure to reduce this spacing to suit you and act, more like a proper brush/pen/pencil stroke. I took that damn slider last month and shot it all the way to zippo. It's default setting is redonculously spaced out and looks like your tapping a brush accross a page. ;p I have no clue why that's the default setting as it just make the program look crappy... As I was told by friends and knew it wasn't crappy... I thought it was me and my system sucking. On first use... and sadly about two years going I thought my graphics card/monitor/mouse/ was simlpy unable to process it right and adapted to it but was never happy with it... and so didn't use it for much other then the clean up of black and white works and the odd very difficult color job. Brush spacing you see was too wide. Had to use the smudge tool way too often to effect fixes. Never would have needed to do that if the brush spacing set to lowest automaticaly rather then Farthest appart automaticaly but live and learn eh. Probably have art programs you prefere but if you don't have one then GIMP is good once you've fiddled with it. It was my own damn fault for not noticing for 2 years rhe slider that says "brush spacing" and thinking that would mak a big difference. "Hello Mcfly!" I say as I bang my own fist against my stoopid head. Yes... yes it does.
Actually so fine now in testing if I wasn't hopelessly adicted to getting incarnate stuff on 5 50's you guys would see some actual color art from me. ;p hehe
Damn the Grindfest! It doesn't pay to be an alt-aholic now eh....
Anyway good luck with your art.
Also pitch the tracing paper. Terrible medium.... *edit Unless you need to do a quick soft rubbing of something you see out in the field and don't have a camera/phone cam aviable to make a fast reference impression of a surface texture or some olde timey brass or some such. Then that stuffs not bad at all.Even so theres better stuff fer rubbings.
City of Nero?
He would just set fire to it. ;p -
/signed (again this sort of thing has been asked for... probaly will be COH Freedom points purchasable though I wager)
I am SOOO tired of farming bank sides for the arms deals to cough up the freakin SHOTGUN that is skinned to be a shotgun and not the frankengun like the holy stupd shotgun from the 2nd or 3rd Striga arc. -
Get off my lawn you F2Punks!
Just kiddin'I like the idea of new pixelated faces.
Gratz EMPulse! Make sure your level 1 DM/Sonic Def (tar patch and wailing hehe) doesn't skip the tutorial. The large inspires from mum are worth the effort.
What a lovely story.
Im crazy too but lets make CoH some moolah by making it irresitable!
How about a "Costume Booster" pack that takes all the stuff from the Vet Rewards (I'm a vet and I wouldn't mind...) stick it all into the pack and include all the lost from the costume generator over the years peices that can be salvaged like the mossy/fur shoulders and thos thigh length boots folks are always complaining about and the old suit that clung closer to the bod... looking much like what the crey suits wear? All that stuff... Stick in it the ability to get more costume slots. Whatver is agreed upon as a sane number/workable in game.
That way folks can "wait" to get the vet bits the usual way or pay for em with the added benifit that if you already have em there are still more bits to get cause the lost and found stuff is re-applied too boot... not to mention the cosie slots. Thereby making it so even many vets will buy it. Add to that the ability to activate one and one only specialty costume like the ones given out in the events the devs hold or go to. Make this pack code repurchasable for the same account but naturaly the only thing truely renewed is this special costume pick for a 2nd or 3rd or 4th or however many your loopy... er I um I mean DEVOTED enough to wanna buy.
I think that all made sence. Then they can even go back to adding cosi bits as vet rewards cause anyone with this code active will also be able to use them.
I thinkthat made sence... If it didn't... forgive me. 10 hr day. ;p
On a sunday too... (/e shakefist at work) -
Thank you for that.
I thought we were all helping try to keep folks in the teams when we zone with it. Oh well. Now I know.
Cheering for the Canuckleheads.... so they are of course Dooomed! Heartbreak slobs the lot of em'. ;p Seems all my life they've been missing it by "this much" and more.... Are they 40 too?
Lighting storm would be even better if it followed. I wish they would. Dark servant used to just stand in place.... long ago. In beta a force fielder could shoot through pff with reduced accuracy... which likely made up for the situational/suckage of the final power.... too bad the set was never given something truely neat to make up for loosing that factor when they changed their minds about pff.
Truely it could use a debuff effect applied to it's various knockbacks... or at least a continous stacking of the KockBack that lingered so that a force fielder applying his/her full force vs the same target/targets could actualy knockdown/back some ususualy not knockdown/knockbackable critters. -
Well... If the Crook was a "normal" bad guy who wouldn't just blow away everyone in the bank, then I'd save the family first then chase them down later as theyre making their getaway.
If however he was a maniac or some such that you were certain would murder a bank full of folks then one would be duty bound to go stop that crime first and then attempt a rescue... Or even bargain for their safe release with a barely breathin' beat up Vilian.
Though in a world FILLED with heroes like Paragon you'd get help. Game form this would be a league with 2 teams Lam style and have one group storm the bank and the other the building with the hostages. -
boy... I'm not even Rogue Demonhunter on all servers... Or more then three really... But congratz! You have your work cut out for yah.