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  1. Riley_Delacroix


    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Does this mean my suggestion for realistic boob physics actually stands a chance?!
    Yeah, but it'll take six years and a paid expansion to come to pass.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by moonbound View Post

    Thats great about the color changing I noticed when I created a char little dissapointed you cannot change your bullets to lasers though...
    After a bit of editing for brevity... you can sort of change your bullet trail colors. By picking up swap ammo, your bullet trails from attacks change from that blah as hell gray tone to blue for cryo ammo (the crappy one), green for toxic ammo (pretty good), or orange for incendiary ammo (the good one). Blue/cryo ammo is visually the best swap for "laser" rounds, even if the debuff is pretty useless in most play situations.

    All that's in my opinion, of course.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    Unless there's a warrant out for their arrest due to past crimes.
    If they left witnesses they're clearly not very good at the villainy thing.
  4. I wish I'd known before I rolled my ill/rad that Accelerate Metabolism 1) makes you sterile, and 2) does NOT help you shed unwanted pounds.

    On second thought, I'd also wished I'd known that EM Pulse would stop my watch. Yes, even the hardened version that cost ten grand.
  5. Animation issues aside (as they're a perfectly fine reason to laugh at this) how exactly would you tell the difference between a male and a female cat in a T rated game?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LygerZero View Post
    I drink a LOT, yet no voices? Bastards don't speak to me? Ugh....
    Clearly they object to you drinking cheap rotgut.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
    It's worth noting that Praetorians can't be any of the above. Or anything at all. Their title field is blank, even though the trainer is like "Grats, you can have titles now!"
    Once they pick a side (blue or red) they get access to the standard lists for that faction and their chosen origin. Just means they can't get titles at all until they go to primal at 20ish.
  8. Oh, my characters would almost certainly want me brutally murdered. Many of their origin stories are tragic or sad, and more than a few of them have had some bad **** happen to them over the years.
  9. Riley_Delacroix

    "Are you a god?"

    I declare myself the god of tight abs and pillowy bosoms.
  10. I find running around smashing the hell out of rikti on my ss/electric brute very relaxing. I put on some music, grab a borea, and just zone out.
  11. Has anyone tested how starting side affects Halloween tipping? The reason I ask is this:

    I focused on ToTing with my 32 claw/sr brute who started in Praetoria and went to redside at 20. She's opened more than 100 doors in St. Martial. So far her badge trackers are 42 classic costumes, 4 trick defeats (ghosts, witches, wolves, vamps) and 57 pieces of assorted halloween salvage. Admittedly 20 or so doors were not in costume, but still 80 in costume and no tip?

    As a comparison test, I logged on my 50 kat/dark scrapper who originated and stayed blueside. 13 doors (2 to get costume, 11 in costume) earned 6 pieces of salvage, four costumes, no defeat badges, and at the 11th door in costume a tip dropped.

    Now I know random and all that crap, but still 80 vs. 11? That seems off to me. My theory is that praetorian origin characters are flagged somehow and it's throwing off tip accessibility. Either that or maybe it's level range flagged wrong. Anyone else had similar results?
  12. Had an email in my inbox last night or this morning that said "Halloween goes live October 21." Well, it said it with pretty pictures and stuff and called it "Halloween Comes to Praetoria" and had a bunch of IP stuff and assorted marketingspeak and legalese too. The important bit was "Halloween Event October 21."
  13. I'm more concerned with the behind the scenes guys (like Lucas) who made 4 suck so bad than I am with the actors who'd have the unenviable task of selling the turds the writers saddled them with.

    To answer the question asked: nope! But maybe if Lucas chops his hands off and chews off his own tongue so there's no possible way he could write a 5th movie.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post

    And Tylerst, it was not just a thread of "Oh, I don't like this, let's rant." What it was intended to be (before I got accused of asking for a nerf) was a clarification on why a balance of ATs seemed to not do it's job, and I was asking to be told what it was I was missing, and if there was nothing wrong with what I had thought, then I offered an idea on ways to fix it without causing any major changes (or any changes, really) in how people play their brutes/scrappers. And the first few posts were very helpful and pointed out what I asked for, and it now makes sense to me, unlike the several other posts that followed.
    Well when you say
    From what I can tell, that means one or more of the following three things needs to happen so scrappers out damage brutes and brutes out live scrappers.

    1.)Scrappers need a higher damage cap
    2.)Brutes need a lower damage cap
    3.)Scrappers need a higher base damage scale
    The bolded statement is an unmitigated and blatant nerf. So having said that, all the "nerf my brutes and I'll ******* kill you" posts make a lot more sense.
  15. There's the issue that according to BaBs a while back, the cutscene scripting is the single most annoying thing the devs have to work with, and that he wouldn't wish it inflicted on anyone. I'll see if I can't find the quote to that effect tomorrow.
  16. Sibyl dresses from the Cimeroan groups.
  17. QR

    My friend Turtle (not his real name) had a copy and said "Hey, want to try this game I picked up?" I said yes, rolled me an ar/ice blaster, murderized about a hundred mobs while cackling wildly, bought myself a copy 2 days later. He didn't last out the free month, I've been playing off and on for six years.
  18. Elvira's back on the air?! Oh **** yes. Missed the show so far, but will definitely tune in next week. I loved her show when I was a kid.
  19. QR

    Several times. Occasionally I even play them a few times before I delete them.
  20. This forum needs more choose your own adventure posts. So I decree.
  21. Riley_Delacroix

    Demon Trio?

    The ember demons (first tier-2 pet) get a single target and an aoe heal with the first and second upgrades respectively. Since you'll have three of them and a dark miasmist, pain dom is fairly redundant. I'd suggest a dark, a storm, and the force fielder.

    That combo brings a lot of debuff, control, and healing, and there's powers in both dark and storm that buff defense and reduce foe tohit to synergize smoothly with the force fielder. Anyway, that's what I'd suggest.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by captzoom View Post
    I find myself doing it all the time, but only in my head.
    This is how I do it as well. Complete with little ranty speeches about how "they'll never get away with it."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robot_Apple View Post

    1. Which is better for someone who mainly plays brutes to be... Fortunata, or Night Widow?
    Probably night widow. They're a mix of ranged and melee with a focus on buffing and personal defense, but they lean significantly more heavily to melee. Also their version of Mind Link recharges a minute faster and they get mental training for 20% global recharge.

    2. In the end, what is the most effective thing to focus on when it comes to using IO set bonus'?
    Defense and recharge. Softcapped widows kick butt (I know this from personal experience) and the sooner you get your hard hitting powers and click buffs back the better.

    In the end though both widow variants are really good so whichever you pick you'll do pretty well.
  24. Riley_Delacroix

    Dom vs GM

    I would expect so, given enough money spent on a build and a -regen and/or +dam assault set. Since Silverado's soloed giant monsters with a /mental blaster and its Drain Psyche, I'd bet that a psi assault dom that also has Drain Psyche could work out about the same.

    Me, I'm not gonna test it because GM soloing is friggin' boring, but if it floats your boat...