2 Questions... About Widows
for someone who used to playing brutes, i suggest night widow since its more melee oriented
for the 2nd question, rech and defense

Probably night widow. They're a mix of ranged and melee with a focus on buffing and personal defense, but they lean significantly more heavily to melee. Also their version of Mind Link recharges a minute faster and they get mental training for 20% global recharge.
1. Which is better for someone who mainly plays brutes to be... Fortunata, or Night Widow? |
2. In the end, what is the most effective thing to focus on when it comes to using IO set bonus'? |
In the end though both widow variants are really good so whichever you pick you'll do pretty well.

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Thank you both for your replies! I am already enjoying my lowbie widow very much, and can't wait to see how she turns out in the end! Planning Night Widow....
I have 2 questions that I would love to have answered before I delve into my Widow, head first....
1. Which is better for someone who mainly plays brutes to be... Fortunata, or Night Widow?
2. In the end, what is the most effective thing to focus on when it comes to using IO set bonus'?