661 -
Not to pick on Azure, but he(?) hit two points that work for me:
Quote:Agree 100%, and lets hope that they all don't start packing more Sapper rifles!And I continue to pray when they get upgraded by Valkyrie they won't become CYBER MALTA X WITH NANITE SWORDS, NANO-CHAIN MAIL, AND TABARDS!
And I think that's exactly the direction that Malta should go! Not just borrowing technology and costumes from DUST, TEST and IDF, but actively recruiting former members of those organizations after the war to expand the Malta Mission to both worlds, coming up with a combined look in the process. -
I am completely unmoved, neither for nor against.
I really don't see a problem with villains in Atlas, though I guess that I can understand why folks would want a few Blue or Red only alignment restricted zones. Fort Trident and The Crucible would, of course, have to remain alignment restricted. With I23 and the conclusion of the Praetorian war, perhaps the lower level Gold side toons should finally be able to travel Primal earth as well, rather than having to wait till level 20 to get booted there.
I want that Marauder move where he jumps up then comes down hard with a ground punch. Perfect Judgement animation/power for tanks and brutes. way too cool, it deserves to be a Judgement Power!
I cannot think of a single reason why this shouldn't be a shared world. This evolution of CoX is definitely overdue.
Quote:Villains are already "being ganged up on incessantly by Longbow and". . . everyone on Redside. Blueside might even be a bit of a vacation for them, and I kind of like the idea of a Longbow ambush now and then in Paragon City, it would be just like back home in the Rogue Isles!How could we justify an Arachnos "Destined One" just waltzing into Paragon City with being ganged up on incessantly by Longbow and PPD and thrown - for some toons back - into the Zig?
And so maybe if you are defeated, instead of waking up in the hospital everytime, perhaps now and then you wake up in the Zig. . . More fun! -
I could completely groove on this!
Great suggestion!
It has bugged me for a while that you have to be Rogue or Vigilante to travel to the other zones, and even then it is still difficult to get around. Different Ouros for example. It is only logical that villains would have underground contacts in Paragon City and vice versa for Heroes in the Rogue Isles.
Some of the PvP zones could even be turned into FFA (Free For All) PvP combat zones.
And (Pet rant) when are we finally going to be able to set Teleporter beacons for both blue and red side locations from the same base? Long overdue! The SGs/VGs earn the badges, I had thought that when the hacked telepads came along that it was supposed to happen. -
I would rather see it as a full fledged travel power pool that didn't mess with your toggles!
When I first saw them debut, I kind of assumed they were gonna be a sort of generic SG for Loners and Freebies. A place with a Vault, Crafting Table, a few telepads and maybe one or two personal storage rack(s).
Still think it would be a good idea, add a PPD or FP mission contact for repeatables, kinda like Paper or Tips missions. Let members use any of the cities Base Portals to access with a physical exit door in Atlas and teleportal beacons in a handful of major destinations.
And I do agree they should have a mission arc path all the way to 50. -
When I tried to download it this morning, AVG screamed Trojan warnings at me and quarantined the file.
At least the new one is much better than the last one! But I agree, more control would be nice. Personally I would just like to see a screen changer that gave us a random different screen every time we logged on. We could rotate through a selection of all the past screens.
GG is repeating herself!
Not only would I like to hear different tunes, I would really like to see different splash screens. In an ideal CoX world we would have a series of randomized intro tunes and splash screens that changed with every restart!
Is that really too much to ask for? -
I just want the toggles back on when you get off the board, but being able to color it would be cool too.
This was brought up a few weeks ago and discussed here --> http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=289058
A good idea is a good idea, no matter how old it is.
I hear constant complaints from forum dwellers that a poster failed to search and is just repeating ideas that have already been brought up.
BUT when someone does search and finds an appropriate thread to post to, then folks complain about thread necro.
The thread remains valid, no matter how old, lets just accept that and move on. -
Long wanted to see Cim expanded with a second zone. For that matter I would love to see the Midnighters expanded to include other era's. Feudal Japan and Wild West have been mentioned in other threads as possible era's/locations.
This thread must see light again!
And we need to begin thinking about Goldside PPPs, we may finally be seeing level 50 stuff there in the next few issues.
Oh yeah! I also think it is very important that PPPs be tied to mission arcs just as they are now on the redside! -
I think the existing Patron Power Pools are just fine the way they are, and should remain redside only as a villain incentive.
BUT, I also think that we need heroic Patron Power Pools for the blueside and Praetorian Patron Power Pools goldside.
The thread linked in Kirtsen's post is a great one! -
Quote:I'm all for more slots in our builds, but not for having more slots in our powers. And that's only a max of 3 or 6 more slots overall. There's something to be said for having to make decisions. Having it all seems a little unbalanced, no?
And if you're looking for growth after 50, I think the Incarnate system is doing just fine with that.
And I am very happy for the incarnate stuff, but non-VIP players do not get access to the Incarnate system. Both of my accounts are VIP, but I really don't see why endgame has to happen at 50 for non-VIPs, and for me 50 used to be the end game. There was nothing left to reach for. Obviously I was not the only one who felt that way, it is why the incarnate system was created after all, to provide toons with a reward incentive for continuing to play after level 50 because so many people wanted exactly the same thing. -
Quote:I cannot put into words the inchoate rage that grips me at the notion that people seriously think that Even More Slots as a grind reward would ever, possibly be a good thing.
Then try to find the words, just what is it that enrages you about this? Why would this not be a good thing?
I think it is a completely appropriate reward for those who are willing to grind it out and earn it.
Why in the world would it ever bother you that they might get something for the "Grind"? It has no direct effect on you personally.
Seriously, I cannot begin to understand WHY someone would ever object to continued XP rewards. It would allow the non-VIP players to gain (If very slowly) something past 50 and would still benefit the incarnate VIP players as well. If the XP requirement were to double at every extended non-level. it would be a very very long time before anyone capped. And if you don't want the rewards, then don't accept them! I am fine with that too.