40 -
I also just thought of how wicked this guy would be against AVs, especially those who resist repel. Buff Singularity, if no team-mates want it, put Disruption Field on Singularity, and then just layer holds
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I build a Grav/Sonic phasetroller awhile back, and actually really enjoyed the toon. You can put DF on your Sing, which actually extends slightly beyond his repel field radius, and wormhole groups into corners where they will remain (usually) debuffed. It's not very "fast", compared to some of the AoE-intensive primaries, but it's safe, fun, and very, very team friendly!
- Feint
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I actually thought of putting on Sonic Repulsion on Singularity, sticking the Force Feedback KB proc in Sonic Repulsion so i could get the chance to get bonus to recharge everytime someone bounced off of singularity...>_>
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Singy has a build-in repulsion field already. If you want to put something on him, put Disruption Field. -
In my opinion, don't roll a Grav/Sonic. Though you will be able to focus mostly on controls, Sonic is an endurance heavy set, and rather inactive, which both are major minuses in my playbook. I am considering re rolling my Grav/Sonic to be a Grav/TA or something similar.
It's funny how some ATs really just 'fit' how a person likes to play. I have a friend that has a half dozen level 50 controllers, and at least half of my 50s are either Brutes or Scrappers.
I think in my heart of hearts, I just really love the SMASH!
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And we controllers just really love to.... uh... snap our fingers and make a bunch of people completely freeze in their tracks??? I dunno, I guess we just love the control we have over the battlefield. We are power-hungry mofos. -
I believe that as long as a baddie has any amount of endurance, they can use their attacks. So say you drain them down to 10 and they want to use a 20 end power, they can still use it. You have to have them completely drained with -recovery for the effect to be effective.
Yes, the toggle is still on, so you are still spending endurance. The best option: once you shoot off your last power, toggle your travel power on so it isn't affected by suppression.
Oh no, CoH forums are being infiltrated with WoW trolls...
Psi really isn't horrible, but Energy is. Reroll, and if you want to go /Psi, go for it. I know I love the Psi secondary.
cold has to get in line behind dark and traps.
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I'd much rather have /cold b/c then I'd actually have something to thematically pair with Ice. Dark and Traps don't interest me at all personally, even if they are good sets. -
I love Redside only because of Dominators. It is the only arch i really enjoy play other than controllers (who don't have a combo I really like). If Trollers had Ice/Cold Domination, I would play them nonstop. However, since that hasn't happened yet, I love playing my Ice/Psy Dom over on redside. I too get lots of lagg over there, and would rather play on the less laggy blue side most of the time. However, redside also has an appeal to it that I like over blue (like mission design and better archetype design. I.E: everyone can solo).
I was just wondering which server has the largest villain pop. I tried playing on Justice, but there really aren't any people red side. Please help!
I agree completely. I hate AoE hold powers and Telekinesis with a passion. I will never take them except on Ice where you sort of need it as an "oh snap!" button. TK might also be more useful if it wasn't indefinite, but once the duration ran out (say 10 seconds), the targets would become disoriented or something of the sort. Just a thought, but great ideas overall!
Not to criticize you or anything, or anyone else that likes damage, but I never understood why people who want to solo go for Controllers... They are Crowd Control Archetype, not a damage archetype. If you want to solo and do damage, go with a Blaster. Leave the controlling to the trollers and the blasting to the blasters.
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No offense, but many upper level Controllers can handle solo missions better than most upper level blasters or most other ATs. Controllers are slow to level solo in low levels, but get more and more powerful in upper levels.
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That makes sense, but I guess I'm just partial to controlling over blasting. -
Not to criticize you or anything, or anyone else that likes damage, but I never understood why people who want to solo go for Controllers... They are Crowd Control Archetype, not a damage archetype. If you want to solo and do damage, go with a Blaster. Leave the controlling to the trollers and the blasting to the blasters.
Or an Ice/Elec blaster, or an Elec/Ice blaster, or an Ice/Ice blaster. There's lots of control there.
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Perfect combo for lightning/ice lovers.
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The /Ice and Ice/ sets both lack the powers of a controller that I love: Ice Slick (ice patch doesnt count), AA, and Glacier. Not to mention Frostbite. Yeah, that's why I put a :/ at the end of the LoL statement. It's just that bad... -
I guess I'll just have to wait until Cold or some sort of Electricity secondary are ported to trollers. From now until then, I guess I'll just play WoW :/
I would roll a Ice/Elec Dom, but the two powers I like most in the Elec sets (Ball Lightning and Static Discharge) are not in the Dom secondary.
I just can't seem to play anything other than the Ice primary. Whenever I go to make a controller, none of the other primaries are interesting and/or appealing to my mind's eye. Animations play a big factor, but it's also that Ice is "my element." Fire is the opposite of Ice and I hate most fire characters (except /Thermal), Earth obstructs my view and slows my graphics card, Gravity is too situational (though it is the closest thing to being a fun set I can find besides Ice), Mind is ok, but not really fun to me in any way, Illusion I hate because of all the pets it relies on, and Plant I hate because of it's ugly animations. I apply the same ideas to the secondaries, only wanting to play Thermal, Rad, or TA at any given time. Sometimes I get the urge to play Kin, but I just can never get into it. Is there something wrong with me or does anyone else feel the same way? Should I just be less picky and suck it up? Help please and thank you.
Oh, and if Trollers had an Elec primary and secondary, I would play both in a heartbeat. -
So I want to try out an Ice/Therm all of the way to 50, as it seems like the most "jack of all trades" combo for a controller besides rad, which is my sort of playstyle. Anyway, here is the build I am planning on, which I would like to have criticized and/or changed in with suggestions:
1) BoI/Warmth
2) Frostbite
4) Fire Shield
6) Arctic Air
8) Cauterize
10) Hasten
12) Ice Slick
14) Super Speed
16) Hurdle
18) Health
20) Stamina
22) Plasma Shield
24) Thaw
26) Glacier
28) Shiver
30) Forge
32) Jack Frost
35) Heat Exhaustion
38) Melt Armor
41) Hibernate
44) Frost Breath
47) Ice Storm
50) Frozen Armor
Comments? Suggestions? -
Personally I like Ice/TA. It just rocks the controls/debuffs all around, and can hold bosses no problem at all. The animations are one of Ice are my favorite in the game, and the simplicity of TA's animations are slick.
Second would have to be my Mind/TA or Ice/Rad or Ice/Thermal (ice/therm may actually be my favorite...). I love the TA set and the Rad set provides awesome debuffs/support to my team. Thermal is just awesome all around. It offers team support and debuffs later on in the set. Once I get to level 38-40, I'll let you know if I love it enough for it to be better than Ice/TA.
Third is most likely my Grav/Sonic. Though the Sonic secondary has become less of a good thing in the later parts of the game, Gravity is as amazing to me as it was when I first started him. Wormhole is one of my favorite powers in the game, if not my favorite, and Singy is my favorite pet after Jack. -
Heh, That's the way I'd play it also. Since you are planning on staying in melee I wouldn't drop Glacier. It can come in very handy when Hibernate is down as a panic button if you haven't used it actively as an attack.
As far as mostly ranged attacks go, if you like melee range and can handle melee range, well then, you can still use ranged powers in melee.
You probably won't have to move out to the edge of the spawn to use shiver since it has an arc of 135 degrees. With that kind of arc if it's on your computer screen you'll probably be hitting it. If you can get enough +rech shiver will stack with itself. You should be at the -run speed cap with Arctic Air and Shiver and you are definately at the -rech cap but this will give you the same effects for mobs that reduce them due to purple patch or rank.
Of the 3 available slow powers the one that is least effective is glue arrow I'd skip it too.
As far as the Super Speed thing goes have you considered trading Super Jump for it? You will have combat jumping for low objects and you can take Hurdle instead of Swift from Fitness. That will give you decent jumping height and you can always fill in with a Raptor Pack or Zero G Pack when it isn't enough. The Raptor Pack should last you all the way up level 40 when you can get into Firebase Zulu and buy another.
I like the stealth that Super Speed gives and I like PvE invisibility from adding a stealth IO into the mix.
Oh, before I forget to mention it. If you haven't all ready rolled this character you'll want to make sure that you go with magic or tech origin. The ranged starter attack that you get from either of those origins will allow you to light your own Oil Slick.
If you've all ready rolled and went with different origin don't despair. The Rune of Warding temp power that you get from Croatoa will also light it and it can be endlessly renewed by flashing back on the story arc that awards it.
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YeahSS is my favorite TP also. It was the first one I ever took and I loved it much more than SJ or Fly. I did start as a Tech origin, so I'm good to go I think
. Thanks for all the input everyone else, I am probably teaming exclusively, as I usually do, so ST damage isn't a big + or - for me in any respects.
I will go and tell you this, Mind/TA is so awesome I did not take EM Pulse or the AOE Hold. Blasphemy to some I know. But I simple do not need em, tho I might pick one up around 49 just for fun. YMMV.
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I don't plan on taking the AoE hold either. It just is redundant and a waste of slots/a power when you have so much control at your disposal. However, EM Pulse is probably a good thing to have for those "Oh snap!" moments when everything is on cooldown and you need a panic button. -
I love AA as a power, and so plan on keeping it in the build most likely. However, I understand what you're saying about being in melee range. The reason for AA and Shiver is because I love slow powers in general. I thought it overkill to take AA, Shiver and Glue, and left Glue out of the build. AA+Shiver should provide excellent lockdown of everything on the field in most situations. I will most likely be in melee half of the time and at range shooting off BoI and Ice Arrows where needed. If I am in melee, I plan on using both AA and Shiver, though that may not be as effective as being at range. I may also move to the edge of the spawn so as to get more out of Shiver and then move back into the fray.
I plan on using this build, and i want to see if it is viable/good:
Entangling Arrow
Flash Arrow
Combat Jumping
Arctic Air
Ice Arrow
Ice Slick
Super Jump
Acid Arrow
Disruption Arrow
Jack Frost
Oil Slick Arrow
EMP Arrow
Frost Breath
Ice Storm
Ice Armor
Should I take Glacier if I take EMP Arrow? Could I drop that for Super Speed (my favorite TP)? What are your general suggestions? -
I would try Mind/TA. TA is my favorite secondary hands down, and combined with Mind's high control abilities, it is sure to be tons of fun. I am actually starting one of my own this very moment!