It is quite viable but I'd offer these bits of advice:
Arctic Air costs 1.04 end/sec. Even with very heavy end red slotting you won't be able to run it for more than a few seconds prior to stamina.
That said. I'd swap Arctic Air and Shiver around in your build.
Glacier can be stacked on top of EMP to lock down large swarms of bosses. This will happen on Taskforces (especially Manticore) and in many MA missions.
Against non-massive multi-boss spawns you can open with one or the other and follow up with a single BoI or Ice Arrow to lock down the whole spawn and 2 bosses.
You have 2 PBAoE powers in your build. Artic Air and Glacier. All the rest are ranged. If you aren't going to be spending much time in melee and if you are considering dropping one of your PBAoE's (Glacier) then you may want to consider dropping both of them and staying at range (you have the tools to do so.)
Artic Air is quite a slot and endurance intensive power to use as a simple passive defense for those few times when a minion or lieutenant closes to melee range.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I love AA as a power, and so plan on keeping it in the build most likely. However, I understand what you're saying about being in melee range. The reason for AA and Shiver is because I love slow powers in general. I thought it overkill to take AA, Shiver and Glue, and left Glue out of the build. AA+Shiver should provide excellent lockdown of everything on the field in most situations. I will most likely be in melee half of the time and at range shooting off BoI and Ice Arrows where needed. If I am in melee, I plan on using both AA and Shiver, though that may not be as effective as being at range. I may also move to the edge of the spawn so as to get more out of Shiver and then move back into the fray.
Heh, That's the way I'd play it also. Since you are planning on staying in melee I wouldn't drop Glacier. It can come in very handy when Hibernate is down as a panic button if you haven't used it actively as an attack.
As far as mostly ranged attacks go, if you like melee range and can handle melee range, well then, you can still use ranged powers in melee.
You probably won't have to move out to the edge of the spawn to use shiver since it has an arc of 135 degrees. With that kind of arc if it's on your computer screen you'll probably be hitting it. If you can get enough +rech shiver will stack with itself. You should be at the -run speed cap with Arctic Air and Shiver and you are definately at the -rech cap but this will give you the same effects for mobs that reduce them due to purple patch or rank.
Of the 3 available slow powers the one that is least effective is glue arrow I'd skip it too.
As far as the Super Speed thing goes have you considered trading Super Jump for it? You will have combat jumping for low objects and you can take Hurdle instead of Swift from Fitness. That will give you decent jumping height and you can always fill in with a Raptor Pack or Zero G Pack when it isn't enough. The Raptor Pack should last you all the way up level 40 when you can get into Firebase Zulu and buy another.
I like the stealth that Super Speed gives and I like PvE invisibility from adding a stealth IO into the mix.
Oh, before I forget to mention it. If you haven't all ready rolled this character you'll want to make sure that you go with magic or tech origin. The ranged starter attack that you get from either of those origins will allow you to light your own Oil Slick.
If you've all ready rolled and went with different origin don't despair. The Rune of Warding temp power that you get from Croatoa will also light it and it can be endlessly renewed by flashing back on the story arc that awards it.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
It looks like you have a very solid build.
Advice I'd offer:
- Combat Jumping when slotted will add about 3.5% to all of your defenses. You have to weigh this against whether you'd benefit more from taking Flurry, Jump Kick or Air Superiority, because Ice's damage is terrible, especially prior to getting epic attacks.
- Ice Storm is a decent power but on a brutal 120 second recharge. I'd recommend Ice Blast instead unless you are picking up Ice Storm more for concept reasons.
- I'm going to disagree with the person who said take Shiver before Arctic Air. It's a matter of preference, but IMO you want to take and slot AA at level 6 and slot it up fully at the expense of all other powers. At low levels put mostly -Endurance drain in there, with 1 or 2 Confusion enhancers. As you level up and get access to better enhancers, start shifting the ratio. You will have to turn the power off and on until you get Stamina but it is worth it. Enemies are reduced to mindless drones by this power; it is truly the best thing Ice brings to the table, and unfortunately Shiver can't duplicate its effects.
- I agree with your decision to take both Shiver and Arctic Air. A lot of guides I've read said not to do this, but after playing the set for a while and reading about how -Recharge works on higher level enemies, I think having both makes you much more useful on teams. Plus it lets you hang back a little in situations when it's just way to risky to run to melee for AA.
- I agree with your decision to skip Glue Arrow. On a different Controller it would be nice to have, on an Ice Controller your AoE cages provide better -Recharge by themselves, to say nothing of the huge -Recharge and Slow you get from Shiver + Arctic Air, which should cap a default +4 enemies recharge rate.
- I would probably skip Flash Arrow in favor of Chillblain. It's unusual for me to recommend taking both the AoE cage and the single-target cage, but with Trick Arrow you start with Entangling Arrow which you can stack for ridiculous Immobilize magnitude, and Flash Arrow is just not, IMO, a very useful power (although some people like it). Again, as Ice you will be hurting for the extra damage Chillblain will bring.
- As useful as Hibernate is, the only real enhancer I've ever found worth slotting into it is recharge speed. I'd make it the last epic power pick so that you can use your slots on the epic powers that need them more, like your attacks and Frozen Armor. Disregard this if you are using Hibernate as a repository for set bonuses.
- I'm torn about Acid Arrow vs Poison Gas Arrow. The sleep on Poison Gas is usually pretty useless (especially because it is only mag 2), but the -20% damage buff across a 25 foot radius definitely is not. Acid Arrow is nice but very very clicky. The power description makes it sound like an AoE but in truth it's got a radius of just 8 ft.
Here's how I might build the character:
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
Level 48 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Ice Control
Secondary Power Set: Trick Arrow
Power Pool: Fitness
Ancillary Pool: Ice Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Block of Ice (A)
Level 1: Entangling Arrow (A)
Level 2: Frostbite (A)
Level 4: Chilblain (A)
Level 6: Arctic Air (A)
Level 8: [Empty] - Travel power prereq
Level 10: Ice Arrow (A)
Level 12: Ice Slick (A)
Level 14: [Empty] - Travel power
Level 16: Swift OR Hurdle (A)
Level 18: Health (A)
Level 20: Stamina (A)
Level 22: Shiver (A)
Level 24: Poison Gas Arrow OR Acid Arrow (A)
Level 26: Glacier (A)
Level 28: Disruption Arrow (A)
Level 30: Hasten (A)
Level 32: Jack Frost (A)
Level 35: Oil Slick Arrow (A)
Level 38: EMP Arrow (A)
Level 41: Ice Blast (A)
Level 44: Frozen Armor (A)
Level 47: Frost Breath (A)
Level 49: Hibernate (A)
One thing to keep in mind is that you have no ST damage dealing powers other than BoI. Not much of a problem if you team exclusively, but could be if you want to solo at all or want to deal with foes that aggro on you. I took Chilblain, Air Superiority and Ice Blast.
I know that PGA doesn't get a lot of love, but an autohit 20% -dmg with a 25 foot AoE is nothing to sneeze at. Think of it as providing 20% resistance to all.
I don't currently have Glacier in my build, mainly because I don't have room. I wouldn't skip EMP Arrow - its one of the best AoE holds in the game.
With the ability to replenish and replace jet packs, I find that SS has fewer tradeoffs. Take whichever travel power you prefer.
Heh, That's the way I'd play it also. Since you are planning on staying in melee I wouldn't drop Glacier. It can come in very handy when Hibernate is down as a panic button if you haven't used it actively as an attack.
As far as mostly ranged attacks go, if you like melee range and can handle melee range, well then, you can still use ranged powers in melee.
You probably won't have to move out to the edge of the spawn to use shiver since it has an arc of 135 degrees. With that kind of arc if it's on your computer screen you'll probably be hitting it. If you can get enough +rech shiver will stack with itself. You should be at the -run speed cap with Arctic Air and Shiver and you are definately at the -rech cap but this will give you the same effects for mobs that reduce them due to purple patch or rank.
Of the 3 available slow powers the one that is least effective is glue arrow I'd skip it too.
As far as the Super Speed thing goes have you considered trading Super Jump for it? You will have combat jumping for low objects and you can take Hurdle instead of Swift from Fitness. That will give you decent jumping height and you can always fill in with a Raptor Pack or Zero G Pack when it isn't enough. The Raptor Pack should last you all the way up level 40 when you can get into Firebase Zulu and buy another.
I like the stealth that Super Speed gives and I like PvE invisibility from adding a stealth IO into the mix.
Oh, before I forget to mention it. If you haven't all ready rolled this character you'll want to make sure that you go with magic or tech origin. The ranged starter attack that you get from either of those origins will allow you to light your own Oil Slick.
If you've all ready rolled and went with different origin don't despair. The Rune of Warding temp power that you get from Croatoa will also light it and it can be endlessly renewed by flashing back on the story arc that awards it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah SS is my favorite TP also. It was the first one I ever took and I loved it much more than SJ or Fly. I did start as a Tech origin, so I'm good to go I think
. Thanks for all the input everyone else, I am probably teaming exclusively, as I usually do, so ST damage isn't a big + or - for me in any respects.
Yeah SS is my favorite TP also. It was the first one I ever took and I loved it much more than SJ or Fly. I did start as a Tech origin, so I'm good to go I think . Thanks for all the input everyone else, I am probably teaming exclusively, as I usually do, so ST damage isn't a big + or - for me in any respects.
[/ QUOTE ]
In this case you might skip the melee attack I suggested and take Hasye at level 8. This will give you room for both Acid and Posion Gas arrow.
If I might also give some alternative ideas to work with. I recently deleted an Ice/Trick arrow. Not out of hate but I wanted Earth/Trick Arrow more and made an Ice/Storm to duo with a buddies Earth/Storm.
1> Block of Ice, Entangling Arrow
2> Chilblain (slotfor damge) Really good place for Decimation
4> Flash Arrow (Great for the -per with SS)
Also note for sets takes accurate to hit debuff !!!!
6> Swift
8> Arctic Air (start puttin slots in early)
10> Combat Jumping
12> Ice Slick
14> SJ
16> Shiver
18> Health
20> Stamina
22> Acid Arrow (Must have IMO)
24> PG Arrow (Not a must but really good, specially on teams)
26> Glacier (Good for point blank, better use then Ice Arrow)
28> Hasten
30> SuperSpeed
32> Jack Frost
35> Oil Slick
38> Disruption
The epics I really leave to flavor. But I didn't take the AOE immob for 2 reason.
Ice Slick & Oil Slick it ruins their KD, I know for only a few seconds but that immob charges really fast and I have seen too many ice/eart doms & trollers ruin their KD powers with them.
The Disruption Arrow will help out Jacks damage and yours.
With hasten on and your 2 slicks, you'll keep mobs dancing for a good time.
The PG arrow really helps with tough bosses/spawns.
Flash arrow and SS allow you great stealth.
I think you will get more mielage outta Glacier then EMP arrow. Several reasons. One it recharges faster, costs less END and doesn't prevent you from gaining END for a bit. With Arctic Air and your other end heavy powers I think EMP just isnt worth it.
Just a different approach for you to consider.
I think you will get more mileage outta Glacier then EMP arrow.
Several reasons. One it recharges faster, costs less END and
doesn't prevent you from gaining END for a bit. With Arctic Air
and your other end heavy powers I think EMP just isnt worth it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I also have a lv 50 ice/ta controller and totally agree with this.
Emp arrow is ok but, you will have end issues firing off all
those aoe controlls, debuffs, and running AA in the heat of
battle. Plus I always liked the way glacier looks in comparison
to emp arrow.
Just one other thing, flash arrow. I had this power while
leveling up and it was fairly useful at lower levels. However,
after leveling up and getting more control I really didn't use it
much and after I could become invisible I really didn't use it at all.
My advice, take it in the early levels till you get more control
or can become invisible, from powers or a stealth IO and SS.
I couldn't disagree more. Although EMP Arrow has a 1 minute longer recharge (30 seconds after slotting for recharge), it has 20% higher accuracy, almost double the duration (28s v 15s unslotted), a higher chance to crit (50% v 20%), a larger radius (35 ft v 30 ft) and can be used from range. The -recovery is a total non-issue.
I couldn't disagree more. Although EMP Arrow has a 1 minute longer recharge (30 seconds after slotting for recharge), it has 20% higher accuracy, almost double the duration (28s v 15s unslotted), a higher chance to crit (50% v 20%), a larger radius (35 ft v 30 ft) and can be used from range. The -recovery is a total non-issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like everything YMMV. I have not had it in my build for a long time and I haven't missed it.
True that EMP Arrow does give better over all stats. However it also costs a significant amount more 23.4 END vrs 15.6. In the OP's original scenario Glacier also has another edge in its favor. It is centered around them. Since they are gonna be in the middle they do not have to worry about having a target locked on. Which makes glacier (in this scenario) the better OH S#%@ Power. When your swarmed just hit the button and blammo you have time.
Each has their own strengths. Just a different way of lookin at things.
Set wise EMP gives a wider arrange of choices tho. Which may also sway the decision. It also activates slightly faster.
Not arguing with you about which one is better just giving the OP a different POV to consider.
I would recommend more something like this. Note that my first 50 way back when was a TA/A so I am more experienced with this and I have an Ice/Storm but I don't have an Ice/TA.
(1) I think you should just get hasten (as I have you doing) and have block of ice, rather than trying to use both block of ice and ice arrow. Block of ice is a whole lot better of a hold, so just get its recharge up enough that you can apply it fairly quickly twice to get bosses. I also tried your approach of 2 holds for a while, and the crappier of the two just started to annoy me and I never used it.
(2) For min/max reasons, if you get disruption you should get acid as well.
(3) Flash arrow is iffy. If you want to substitute it for chilblain that's fine, but honestly I think you'll want the damage of chilblain. I know some people like flash arrow, but in my experience it never turns the tide of battle and never makes a difference between life and death and never speeds things up. Doubtless people will come up with stories about how it saved their pet poodle though.
(4) As was already said, make sure you get an origin with a temp power that does energy damage, so you can light the oil slick.
(5) EMP arrow is much better than glacier. I completely disagree with recommendations to get glacier instead. EMP recharges slightly slower (300 sec vs 240) but it has twice the duration and is ranged.
Level 1: Block of Ice
Level 1: Entangling Arrow
Level 2: Chilblain
Level 4: Frostbite
Level 6: Hurdle
Level 8: Combat Jumping
Level 10: Shiver
Level 12: Ice Slick
Level 14: Super Jump
Level 16: Poison Gas Arrow
Level 18: Health
Level 20: Stamina
Level 22: Acid Arrow
Level 24: Aid Other
Level 26: Aid Self
Level 28: Disruption Arrow
Level 30: Hasten
Level 32: Jack Frost
Level 35: Oil Slick Arrow
Level 38: EMP Arrow
Level 41: Ice Blast
Level 44: Frost Breath
Level 47: Frozen Armor
Level 49: Hibernate
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
I plan on using this build, and i want to see if it is viable/good:
Entangling Arrow
Flash Arrow
Combat Jumping
Arctic Air
Ice Arrow
Ice Slick
Super Jump
Acid Arrow
Disruption Arrow
Jack Frost
Oil Slick Arrow
EMP Arrow
Frost Breath
Ice Storm
Ice Armor
Should I take Glacier if I take EMP Arrow? Could I drop that for Super Speed (my favorite TP)? What are your general suggestions?