Suppression of travel powers




I've been playing a long while now but the suppression of travel powers and their effect on endurance is something I never really considered.

When the travel power is suppressed and I lose the benefits of it, am I still spending the endurance to keep the buff active?

Let's say I'm speeding to the next spawn in an instance using super speed. I get there and, without turning off SS, I simply start my attack chain. Now, I know SS is then suppressed, and the icon still shows. When I leave combat, it kicks right back in and I'm super speeding again to the next spawn.

So again, am I spending endurance for the convenience of not having to deactivate/reactivate the buff? If so, does anyone have any tips or tricks for this?



Yes, the toggle is still on, so you are still spending endurance. The best option: once you shoot off your last power, toggle your travel power on so it isn't affected by suppression.